Try Our SPECIAL SUNDAY NIGHT DINNER Soup Chicken with two Vegetables Dessert Tea or Coffee All For 50c KNOX HOTEL "Banquets a Specialty" Trappers and Buyers I have to fill my orders YOU CAN GET 20 More From Me I am strong on everything. Make your shipment. As soon as I receive it I will send your money. GOLDBLOOM A LENTEN SUGGESTION 0 Gold Seal Salmon Fancy Red Sockeye Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarelU Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot it Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box I9G Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE (!57 Hyde Transfer Phone 580 J)RY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE. Silver Wedding Is Celebrated Celebrating their silver wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Meadows entertained a number of their friends Saturday night at their home on McBride Street. The evening was spent In playing monopoly, the prize winners being F. S. Walton and J. II. Norden who received silver spoons. A happy feature of the evening's proceedings was the presentation to the bride and groom of a quarter of a century ago of a beautiful silver pie dish and silver stand. Delicious refreshments were served, the handsome wedding cake,, ornamented with a miniature bride and groom, being the gift of Mrs. F. S. Walton. Those present, besides Mr. and Mrs. Meadows, were Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Walton, Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Aspin-all, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Davies, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Norden, Mrs. W. H. Doodson, Miss Evle Rlvett and Richard Meadows. Mr. and Mrs. Meadows were married on February 20, 1912, in the Masonic Temole at Prince Albert, Sask.- They have two sons, Ernest ind Richard. CATCHING COLD? At the first warn' ing sneeze quick a few drops up each nostril. Its timely use helps prevent many colds. VlCKSVATRO NOL FOR SALE FOR SALE Furmsned house on waterfront Seal Cove. Apply Mochlda's Store, Seal Cove, (tf ) FOR SALE $100 cash 10-12 h.p 2 cyl. 4 cycle gas engine. At' water - Kent Ignition. Suitabl. for trolling or. gill netting. $150 cash 6 hp. Petters dlesel, perfect condition. Can be used stationary or marine. Box 10, Dally News. (48) FURNITURE Factory samples must go this week. Guaranteed 10-plece Chesterfield groups $69.50; 10-piece loose pillow arm groups $7250; 10-piece bedroom suites (round mirrors) $74.50. Furnish your home' complete three rooms, 59 pieces all for $165. Many other bargains. Terms If you wish. Order today. Julius Shore Mall Order House, 8th floor Bekins Building, Vancouver, (tf) WANTKH WANTED Girl for general housework. Phone Green 471. (46) WANTED Immediately, female cook, must be good at bread and pastry. Apply E. Forfar, Hotel Fort St. James. (46) WANTED TO BUY Derjosit of white China clay. Please state full details In first letter. Box 11, Dally News. (47) PERSONAL GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies highest grade 15 for $1. Paclfif Supply, 751 Granville, Vancouver MEN Get vigor at once. New Os- trex Tonic Tablets contain raw oyster lnvlgorators and other stimulants. One dose peps up organs, glands, If riot delighted akcr refunds few cents paid all or write. Ormes Limited, tf TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .31. Big Missouri, .66. Bralorne, 855, B. R, Cons., .06, B. R. X., .11. Cariboo Quartz, 1.55. Dentonla, .25. Gobonda, .20. Minto, .22. Meridian, .05. ; Morning Star, .03 'i. Noble Five, .14. . Pend Orlelle, 5.50.. Pioneer, 5.85. ".. ' Porter Idaho, .10. . Premier. 3.75. Reeves McDonald, 1.52. Reno, 1.18. Relief Arlington, 92. Reward, .17. Salmon Gold, .12 2. Taylor Bridge, .09. Wayside, .06. Premier Border, .04. Congress, .11. Silver Crest, .12. Home Gold, MY. Grandview, .23. Indian, .05'i.. Quatsino Copper, .111 Quesnelle Quartz, .16. , Oils A. P, Con.. .75. Calmont, 1.35. C. & E 5.00. Freehold. .32. Hargal. .30. M:Doue3l! Segur, .52 Mercury. .59. Merland, .28. Okalta, 3.00. Pacalta, .31. Ranchmen.s, .90. United. .65. Weymarn, .30. Toronto Central Patricia, .4.65. Gods Lake, .80. Lee Gold, .06. McKenz'e Red Lake, 1.74. Pickle Crow, 8.20. Red Lake Gold Shore, 1.30. Sah Antonio, 2.08. Sherrltt Gordon, 3.68. Smelters Gold, .07. ' McLeod Cockshutt, 2.11. Oklend, .40. Mosher, 20. Gilibec, .05. Madscn Red Lake, 1.21 Stadacona, 1.63. Frontier Red Lake, .16. Francoeur, 1.15. Manitoba & Eastern, .102. Moneta Porcupine, 1.67. Bouscadilllac, j .94. , Rubec, .11. i i( Thompson Cadillac, 1.63. Bailor, .06. Bankfield, 1.25. East. Malartlc, 1.95. Preston East Dome, 1.32. Hutchison Lake, .28. listen to this - - "Where shall the lover rest, "Whom the fates sever "From his true maiden's breast, "Parted for ever?" Even in the time of "Marmlon," in which lively tale Scott wrote this sentimental verse, they used coal. The monks had been digging outcrops for hundreds of years before that, too. It was coal, but not like the coal of today. Today also, there is coal and there Is Albert & McCaffery's coal, the best available for the last twenty years and the best today. It gives you the most heat for the least money and that's what you want! And besides giving you the most heat, it's the most economical because It lasts! Next time you need coal. Just phone 116 or 117 to Albert & Mc-Caffery and order Nanalmo-Wel-lington for furnace and heater. For the kitchen range, ask for Egg size Balkan Minehead Alberta sootless. It's trade name Is "Inferno" it's hot! And It lasts, too. You deserve the best! "TILLIE THE TOILER" SZl Head wont FAMILIAL FACE 0Z OBTECT -IMG HIM BACK vo NCJKrnAL. , Put xoura rVT AMQ Chat -m MUMy I'M. 1rs.lNCa To See. 'U. BIG MUFF RATH EE CHlLiy OUT mMm THE DAILY NEWS White People Are Half Baked According to Indian Story Told At Dinner by Rev. W. H. Pierce Natives of This Part of Country Came From Asia And Arc of Hebrew Descent Says Native Missionary-He Reads it From the Totems When Onrl created man he He took some clay and fashioned him and put him in an oven to bake. He made a mistake in taking him out of the oven too soon so the white soft, unable to stand the strain of a hard life. God then fashioned another man and this one he left in the oven too long and he came out black This was the Negro. The third time God fashioned a for many years He hopcd the man after his own iniage and thl3 milseum would continUe to grow time he -was more careful and took jwith the great clty he felt sure the" work of his hands from Uie J would day be built here on oven Just at the right time and it:Kajen isianc came out a beautiful brown. That! R n Rushbrook 0f is the Indian, according to tne,the value of museums gcnerally. story told by Rev. W. H. Pierce atThe modem museum was of com-the dinner of the Museum of Nor- ! paratlwl fecent date Thc Brl. thern British Columbia held last Ush Museum was establlshed in evening. iasa was uie swry as among themselves by we natives. Mr. Pierce, whose mother was a1 native Tslmpsean and father a Scotsman, ana wno is eu years 01 age, took a number of digs at the lack of ability of white people. He said he did not use notes like most white people when they spoke. God had given him a brain and he believed in using it rather than reading from a paper. In opening his address he . sangt. .u, j j,,(k v. ber of other museums and describ- i, t ji - tlie Indian Paddle jj, o Song. and ex-.. . . , , ,,., . , ,, ., ,. , led a few of the customs of the panned how effective it was when!,,,- , . , , ... 'people as Illustrated n,,,,... K by the tu mus- sung by four hundred people. HtC" c, J, of then went on to tell of questions asked by the tourists. One of these was: "Whore did the Inidans come from." His reply was that they came from Asia and they were de scended from the Hebrews. Thev came to Alaska and overflowed southward for something like six hundred miles. All had simllai totems and the same basic rules of life. No Indian would think of marrying woman of his own clan A wolf could not marrv a wolf or a bear a bear. The totems Indi cated that this was the highest law. When an Indian set tto work on a totem he prepared 'for thc event. Tf Ipft. Vile . uHf ar,,i sua i - - j nv U1U HVkl sleep at home for twenty nights I inejxotem carver had a vision and he had to carve that vision into the totem. So Jhe I people there that nisjht had & vision of a mus-eum ft'was anlinfafit arid 'needed nursing but It was a splendid idea to preserve for. future generations the traditions and customs of the early inhabitants. The young people of this city chould know all about the life of the natives as h was lived before the white people came. Speaking of the ability of the natives to live off the country Mr. Pierce said- thev had 2fin vnw. eties of food taken from the sea and land. It was because they ate those kinds of food that their teeth were so good. In conclusion Mr. Pierce told about seeing a war between natives arising out of a quarrel over the trading of oollchan grease foi other things natives needed. Forty boats had come from the Queen Charlotte Islands but only twenty returned. The water in the bay at Port Simpson was red with blood Happily Christianity had changed this and he was glad he had done a little toward making this change. Commissioner Alder Commissioner Alder 6poke of the great pleasure it gave him to see such a gathering on this occasion. He urged the value of the museum It was being mentioned in various places in the United States and undoubtedly was a splendid publicity factor for Prince RuDert. The totems in the park made the finest collection on the coast. There was not one of them loss than 75 years Is Mac Food Conscious? TWO STRONG FILMS HERE "Three Wise Guys," With UODeri Young and Betty Furness And "White Hunter," With Warner Baxter The comedy drama "Thc Three Wise Guys," starring Robert Young j and Betty Furness, and the sensational drama "The White Hunter," with Warner Baxter and June Lang, comes to the screen of the Capitol Theatre this mid-week in a double bill of exceptional strength. 'Three Wise Guys" Is the humam humorous story of a spendthrift boy and a girl who lives on the dangerous edge of society who redeem their lives In a great love In spite of "Three Wise Guys" who wanted it otherwise. Young is cast as a railroad executive's son who Is cut off when he decides to reform and marry the girl he loves. Betty Furness enacts the "front" for two crooks who run Into trouble when she steers the straight and narrow nath. Beautiful costumes are one of the features of the picture. In "The White Hunter" Warner Baxter is seen as a colorful hunter who accepts a commission to guide a big game expedition through a strangely wild country. Included in the party are Wilfrid Lawson, a powerful munitions magnate; Gall Patrick, his wayward wife; June Lang, his beautiful daughter by a former marriage. After departure. Baxter finds Lawson Is a bitter enemy. There is a tense hate-laden atmosphere In snlte of which ro mance devcloos, all culminating In a dramatic climax. standing. He had a vision or a1 fire-proof structure resembling an Indian community house surrounded- by beautiful gardens in the park off Fraser Street. He urged all to become murium conscious so that the work might be extended. The value of such a structure to the city and surrounding country would be great. ( Replenish and Enliven Your Bookshelf -This Easy Way For 50 cents each good books withdrawn from our rental library In order to confine our Library space and to accommodate thc latest books continually being added, books are withdrawn after a few months. Many of them arc like new with original wrapper, all arc comparatively recent publications and the most popular authors and titles. Naturally there arc no duplicates at this low price. 50 cents each Wednesday. February THIS i -cA I 1 o . . i MOTHER Jlrl I AUL PI6MT, BUT Jc.V, . flfflL I Stfc, MAC V BROUaHT ONUV FUi AFtwfmS tSg&H wOMBOF IHOSt: HOT DUMHLWv cam aie A&x& MiMorfi He has L C w Ju uf P01 mohf -. EE WMTk His Eyes opbm, J ujr o-S nfvvj V" auwajs ukcd nutiti lf My ITS W&f? 'f , -v first made the white man man was always half baked, 0d anci they would be good now mz to house two collections which had bmi donated to the One of the first museums was es itabllshfid at Aiexandrla and was filled with curious things from the ends of the earth. It was partly destroyed in the year 391 A D. and the work of destiuct'on was followed up by the Caliph Omar. Excavators were still finding relics in the ashes where the museum important specimens of recent years was the script of the Gos pel found on Mount Sinai which was 2,000 years old. Dr. Mandy Dr. Mandy spoke of the out standing specimens now in the museum at Prince Rupert, The museum at Juneau was the out standing thing to see -when visit ing that city and there was no reason why the one at Prince Rupert should not be Just as out- TONIGHT & THURsrm Last Complete Show at 8 l7 h i m. ...nHFir 'VJHEVVIIDIS( -THEONU x 1 r t JtV BAXTER 'i j$McAIL p'ATRICK ) WILFRE0 UWSONfTT- (At ii IV oncn onlyi-plus Damon Kunyan's Wittiest Story Since "I.UUe Mis, Marker ik THREE WISE GUVS ROBERT BETTY YOUNG FURNES (At 7:03 & 9:251 It Pays to liny From MUSSALLEM'S Our prices arc always right with the markets and we sell lor H Mall or phone your order and savt FREE GIFT COUPONS for a Din ner Set and Rogers Silvenrait Prince Rupert. B.C MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS KUSON ALBERTA COAL HULK LEY VALI LY CO.U VANCOUVfcK ISLAND C0.H I'KINCF, RUI'HKT FEED COMIMINY I'UONEl S8 and S5X TRAPPERS! Attention! Don't sell ybur furs until you sec Frank Lockwood Phone Iiluc 729 P.O. Bo 200 -By Westover