WEATHER hours ending 5 a.m., THE Twenty-! D at, TEM fe “Legislative Library THE DAILY NEWS Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist oR sO@pn Prince Baca F Princess may. av eet Sa ————— - ees . — — — — ame a VOL. II, NO. 200 PRINCE Rupert, B B.C., THURSDAY, Daceanyn 7, 1911. PRICE FIvE CENTS ———— ——$$__—___—_ a ANGLICAN LADIES’ BAZAAR WAS A DISTINCT SUCCESS OLEVER TASLEAUX AND A MAYPOLE DANCE BY A BEVY oF | PRETTY LITTLE GIRLS WERE FEATURES OF THE _RNTERTAINMENT. \ afternoon “end evening Intyre Hall pre- ‘. , ippearance, The bara rk and tableaux eat Ladies’ Aid of i Anat hurch of St. An- drew ¥ swing. A well- plat of stalls and decora hall, with a lage { leaux, with the brig f the maypole in th cent plendid, Pre- genta ursery rhyme, bis enic tableaux, f Mrs. Rober- Miss Du Vernet 4 he Ladies’ Aid, j such tableaux w The 8 Beauty,” “Blue- bea I Woman in the Shor I icess in the RAMONA A WRECK BIG NEW LAUNCH Fine Steamer Is All Broken Up | Keel Laid for Craft Larger Than by Heavy Gales. Canadian Press Despatch, le, Seatt on the pletely steamer Dec Ramon 6,—Reports reached here that the recent gales Alaskan coast have destroyed the hull of the a, which have com- recently “Rover” for Capt. Babington. Keel was laid yesterday at H. Johnston's boat building yard for a new powerful gasoline launch for Captain Babington, the launch to be longer and deeper draught than the Rover, which is at pres- ent one of the seaworthy gasoline boats in these waters, most plying We pack chineware so that it may be safely shipped anywhere, Wallace's Best meal in town at Savoy. BEST IN TEN YEARS Manitoba Farmers Had Bigger Average Crops than Ever Canadian Press Despatch.) Winnipeg, Dec. 7—The gov- ernment crep report issued today indicates that the farmers of the this year enjoyed the prosperous year’ for ten years One hundred and sixty million bushels of all grain total crop. province most one is the A Schooner Ashore Canadian Press Despatch.) _San Diego, Dec. 7—The four masted schooner Trene, laden with lumber is ashore off Ballast Point. “CONT RACTOR WATSON SAYS THAT HE WAS DELAYED BY THE CITY ENGINEER Tower, Where Are You Going, jran ashore there, My Pretty Maid, with clever Ps adaptations and musical accom-| paniment by Miss Ellett, were de- | Coal Salving Trip. cidedly good and earned every ap- | Captain Babington in the preciation. Attired in fancy cos-|!@unch Rover pulled out this tumes the ladies atte nded the | Morning with a double dredge to stalls and brisk business was|'"Y and salve the coal washed done in “Prince Rupert Home| Ut of the wrecked Carrondelet Produce” and fancy work of oy on Holland reefs. kinds. —— eee = At 4 p. m, and at the el the tableaux the maypole dance by a bevy of Bre little girls under the careful tuition of Mrs. Mustard was rende val most charmingly Before the end of the day's success Bishop Du Ver-|} net took opportunity to thank all} those who had contributed to help In any way, HETALKED OF THE OLD WORLD First Mayor of the Newest City inthe World Tells of His Visit to the Ruins of Pompeli. rian Hall last | | M | Stork, first Representatives of the various nha \upert, recount-| trades unions in Prince Rupert} @ his iences while! will meet before next Wednesday Europe to ayto decide whether or not to or-| p00 § blage, |}ganize a trades and labor coun-| D é the principal | cil in the city. A preliminary | p in the great} meeting was held in the Carpen- sles siich as the|ters’ Hall last night, at which it} Tow St. Paul's Ca-{was announced that Mr. J, GC. t r Abbey, the| Watters of Victoria, president of} ' Kiffel Tow-|the Trades and Labor Congress, , e, St. Paul’s|will be in Prince Rupert on “ the historic] Wednesday next with the pur Mr. Stork | pos mentioned in view if the i nt raconteur}unions are agreeable Last night's preliminary mee gave a recita re tt formgf a \ su a song. ssft moker, Pres dent Meé Kerr moved a]innes of the Carpenters’ Union Mr. Stork for presiding An excellent musica ly which was]program was rendered Stories ; | by the audi-| were given by Messrs. Denny and Up Skeena. vho returned thr day, says yond Mile fall and no rain there 1 liberal share. WELCOME wy EW OFFICERS Weath« 50 Ensign and Mins Hamill and Their Daughter Make Debut In 8. A. Citadel. ‘bn { silenee in the ; adel, lasting s since the de- th gen Johnstone, ) rum and tam- | again im Ru- i rhe occasion was Yrs f Ensign and ic. (heir daughter, a. Is an 8. A, ca- e vices condueted ' a staff were fol- Si) come” service ' at which many } vation Army in a ‘present. The te, ise Lo prove ex- THE “NEWEST CITIZEN.” MY Baugh ior Arrives at Home of H. H. Clark, A a ‘tov arrived at the Ci, and Mrs, H, H. ihe , affernoon, As oli; f a well-known Wa young lady is is d and Mr, Clark Moh ed all around, P hy are both well, Stella Assault Case. ee “ull case, Robert fgg ‘ner, has been Mapi.; d by the Police M fa ‘! Will come up on LABOR UNIONS IN COUNCIL Proposal to Establish Trades and Labor Council in Rupert Find- ing Favor—Presidont of Con-| gress Coming. | Mr. 8. D. Mac- ind danced the mery Montgo donald gave songs i Highland: Fling Mr. Cook gave a step dance Mr. Hunter contrib- uted a flute solo, Mr. Dennis a recitatiol and songs were givell by Messrs M Kelly, Gauld, Fletcher, Kerr and Morse FASTEST IN THE WORLD New Eritish Battleship Lion Will Break All Records. | (Canadian Press Despatch.) London, Dee. 7 That the new British Dreadnaught Lion” will break all speed records 1s prophesied by the builders at the Devonport dockyard, Her engines are designed to produce 70,000 horsepower, and a speed of Irom nfidently ex ‘ 341 to 32 knots pected, SMALLPOX IN QUEBEC CITY One Hundred Cases in St. mato | Ward Alone — Epidemic Is Visiting the Whole City. | | | | } (Canadian Press Despatch.) Dec. 7.—Smallpox eXx- Quebec, an epidemic state ists in nearly | in this city, especially in the | laborers’ district. There are} about 100 cases in St, Malo ward vaccination ago has nevi alone, A een passed a year or bee received at Wallace's, ordinance | * } day “T think ; drop al ground that there the months but, Says That the Engineer Told Him to Stop Work on Contract Until the City’s Retaining Wall Gangs Could Catch Up With Him---Damage Suit Still in Progress---Judge Will Visit the Contract mind you, that the in this, strike So son vs. Mr. ontinual considering that the city} was acc: chi attem clause that we pt in the at defense was no six had betterjever, the on} contract, Iam not surprised contractors should bring attempted delay against them.’ said | yesterday City Mr. afte: ca Watson because fast bore! ibout the building of the the 1used owing to 1 culvert for n he their He ¢ ine da city. Bob Ross { itw Se pted, callir n rue providing be al t culvy coveret operations, Mr. Peters was manded ruptiol tiff u by the and re In this ¢ nsel trouble was moving retaining across the cli lowed to Justice noon Ti se, said will alculate ys over Delay Secor house. licitor ig the ¢ 1use Ir that all f i by ce shar Judge marks there the br irge this| Clements the Wat- if was never was | 1 the city] rock 100 wall lost} in sd he delay retaining wall was also lilding of id avenue jourt’s at- 1 the the reedom 0 | {C., over mtractors con- city | ply for to ast repri- inter- plain- », how- | different Court considered his contention, During the attempts to start calculated that he lost day at least. ymplished strike—it was impossible. Iwice had written the Council demanding a copy of the final estimate on liis contract, but forthcoming. Cross-examined by Mr. Peters, witness denied very emphatically that he signed a contract with a six months’ time limit in it, though he admitted that a co tract signed existed. If there was a six months’ clause in it then it must have been put in made five WOrK $50 strike he and per all the othing al during witness ever by him later, Mr. Peters produced a docu- the contract to be s of the nent purporting orig- inal specificat signed by the tirm and containing the six months’ clause, Over this document there arose altercation be- The document was a surprise, Counsel! for plaintiff, Mr. Williams, insisted on seeing it, but the Judge that the cross-examination could not stop for that purpose, Witness admitted the discussion and tween counsel, SAILORS ACCOMPANY KING King and Guean Reach the Scene of the Indian Durbar Canadian Deosk Despatch, ) Deth ucen ite st arrived here yvace ination | Or iental ture of the document, but said it was his brother’s signature and he had not known of it. He did not know of a six months’ time} limit and was quite ready that the Court should understand that LIFE SAVING PATROL FOR THE DANGEROUS WEST COAST \G AND QUEEN MAKE STATE ENTRY INTO DELHI (Canadian Press Despatch.) Victoria, Dee. 7—The Domin- ion Government is preparing an efficient life saving patrol for the west coast of Vancouver Island, The steamer Newington is to be equipped with wireless and plac- ed in the patrol service as the parent ship for three life-boats in service at Banfield, Ucuelet, and Clayoquot. Life saving crews will be taken to any vessel in distress along the coast line by the. Newington which will be in constant com- munication with a chain of wire- less stations. Shelters are to be built at various danger points on the coast and a coast guard ser- vice will be eseablishd. POLICE PARTY ——“MUSHING IT” | Heavy Ice on n Wank River Pre- vented Rover From Forcing Passage to Ayansh — Indians Reported Peaceable Now. he believed he had considerable, | i thoug oO imited, t P . 7 7 ust a ve ten aeeemac em Mio oe Returning last njght from a Witness represented that he} ticklish trip up the Naas estuary | n- | ruled | signa-| | fost at least nine having to alter tracks to suit the} ment sent to look after the Indian city enginer’s orders for delivery] gisturbanee at Ayansh, Captain of rock for retaining walls. Hej ,.. , Norman Broadhurst mentions was engaged delivering rock for retaining walls for three months | and claimed wages at $3 a day per man for eighteen men aga- inst the city for nine days delay. He described in detail his plant in volved in the delay caused. The value ran into several thou- sand dollars. Mr; WE. that the Judge to the of the contract fore the end of the and this Judge Clements said he was quite agreeable. ““Provided coun- sel will allow me,” he added with so Williams desired should pay a visit be- to case, a smile. Mr. Peters examination Watson this Wil coneluded his eross- of William morning and Mr, proceeded to re-exam- Watson this afternoon. witness Hlams Mr. days through] with the Provincial police detach- that the ice jon the Naas at present. He was to force the Royer farther eaeahye GOVERNMENT WILL EQUIP STEAMER NEWINGTON WIRELESS AND ESTABLISH LIFEBOAT STATIONS AT BAMFIELD, CLAYOQUOT AND UCULET. is thick and heavy — —— — WITH TRIUMPH FOR LLOYD-GEORGE His Insurance Bill Passes Houses of Commons by 324 to 21 (Canadian Press Despatch.) London, Dec. 7—Mr. Lloyd- George's famous and much dis- cussed State Insurance Bil) pass- ed its third reading in the House of Commons last night by a vote of 324 to 24. The passing of the bill by such a majority in the face of bitter attacks upon it is looked on as a great triumph for the Chancellor. A gift that always pleases— beautiful chinaware. Many things from the celebrated potteries of Europe.—Wallace’s. EARL GREY IS COMPLIMENTARY Tells London Audience That Can- ada Is the “Belle of the Ball’’ and Ranks No. 1 Hard. Canadian Press Despatch.) London, Dec. 7.—Ear! Grev, who was last night the guest of the Canadian Club, in replying to the toast of Canada said the Do- minion was the ‘‘belle of the ball,” and as evidenee of this one had only to look at the number of bouquets she was receiving. He said he had spent seven happy years there and recognized than Black Point, some from Ayansh. Here of constables, headed and well pro- “mush it” lup river thirty the by miles party Chief visioned, to the | News of the party will not be available for a day or so, and they will have a tough trip, as the | snow is thick and the ground ice- | bound. Meanwhile, information has reached the city that the Indian disturbance, due princip- jally to “hooch,” has quieted down, but the police will have | work enough to trace the souree of the hoogs supply. Indian } Agent C. C. Perry was a member ~ lof the peri Owen, started but to scene, AND QUEEN) > =7=r7arc ae Dee, morning, REACH ROYAL DELHI 7—The amid a magnificence eee male | elain by the native princes and °c ithe people. The city is filled to Mail closes for the Old ¢ ‘ountry | the uttermost extent with aoe Rs Thursday, December 7th. Weltainers of the Serene. P noes have the most distinctive and | who have come pom All aoe unique line of Christmas gifts ob fo! the Indian en ‘ 3 a eee tainablp. Drop in at W arks, The} at the Durbat will be ¢ eo time is short 2t }imost magnificent in history, l wkwear novelties just] Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. satest neckwea c | Phone ' thi King and is, Thurs- of ac- scene and | Norddeistecher isan Lloyd Said to Have | Eyes on This Coast. Ea Canadian Press Despatch. Vancouver, Dee, 7.— Rumors are now current in this city that | the Norddeutscher Lloyd Steam. ship Company intends to operate |a fleet of vessels in the trans-Pa- ;cifie trade. The new line, ac- }cording to the rumors, will be between Victoria and Puget Sound ;}ports and Yokohama, Shanghai and Hongkong. WILL DISMISS ALL PARTISANS; | Premier Borden Announces That the Axe Will Fall on All Those Proved Guilty of Offensive Partisanship. (Canadian Press Despatch.) Ottawa, Dec, 7.—-An interesting debate on the question of the dis missal of partisan officials took up the time of the House last night, during twhich Premier Borden made the statement that [see Government intends to apply the rules regarding the dismissal of public officials who have been guilty of offensive partisanship, in a reasonable and moderate way, and not dismiss persons without first having the necessary evidence, that Canada, like her wheat, was “number one, hard,” VISITED WIRELESS STATION Supt. Edwards Paid Flying Visit in William Jolliffe Yesterday. On board the ocean-going tug William Jolliffe, chartered for Dominion Government service, which called_at Rupert wharf yes- terday afternoon, was-C. P, Ed- wards, superintendent and in- spector of wireless stations, now on his rounds. He had come from Triangle, on which cruise the steamer Tees was helped in heavy weather, Tableaux Artistes. Amongst those taking part in the Angelican bazaar tablaux last night were Miss Drummond, Mrs, Mustard, Miss Ellett, Mrs. Rober- son, Miss Dorothy and Miss Pete Tremayne and Messrs. Fisher, Mortimer, Jennings and Ward. "Extending Steel. General Superintendent Mehan reports considerable progress with laying of steel now. Opera- tions will begin between the end of steel at present and the Kit- selas tunnel, which will be com- pleted in a few days. Ma om, ‘alear rooms at Savoy. Jottings. The Mayor and Mrs. Manson were present at the Angelican Chureh bazaar last night, MaéTavish of Victoria met Mrs. a number of friends at the St, Andrew's Chureh bazaar last evening, ”~ Mrs. J. M. Early and her Alice of St. Albans, Ver- They ar- Prince Ru- daughter mont, are in the city. rived by the steamer pert. Mrs, R. L. MeIntosh was a stall holder at the Anglican church ba- zaar, Miss Milligan, Miss John- ston, Mrs. Tremayne, and other members of the Ladies’ Aid were arclive helpers, Every woman loves chinaware. Get her some for a Xmas gift. —select it now and we'll lay it as- ide until you want it delivered, Wallace's Ort arke, anley He se is nner * eight from _ op- Nal tf ates. in a and ey’s, tf )N ord ligh lon ited ~ hat tbt- us Sir up "ter dth the ily Ts, ng ate -at ne ‘or ue