i It r . - p.or TWO .THE DAXLT KTSTS ' is. Your Slippers are Here If You Have Not Seen Our Slipper Display You Are 3Iissing Something DAILY ZD rnoN A Few Of Our Specials Children's and Mines' Felt Ftoeb, mp Women's Leatherette Slippers From, p BjV leather Ctmme Sled Slippers From, op Men's Leather Chrome Soled Slippers FrOEJ, tfp r Worane's rrOrsay Slippers Vartow colors. Trqa op 31 en's Brown Kid Pullman's flexible Leather Soles Frora p 75c 75c 81.-25 S1.45 81.45 82.45 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PEtNCE BCPEBT - BRITISH COLUMBIA PnfcUshed Erery Afternoon, Except Sunday, By Prtact Rupert Difly News. Limited, Third Avenue H. P PULLEN - - - Managlng-EdllCT SCE5CRIJT10X KATLS City deliTery, by earner, yearly period, paid In adriLce Paid to adranee, per wetk ... raid in adranee. per month Bl !f ciEntiih Columbia, a' Bmiih Empire anJ Ucld Statei, yearly period, paid to adtenee By mall to all cthr eouctnea, per year Adrertisinc and CirctUaUcm Telephone ... .tcws uepanment Telepboes Member of Audit Bureau ct dreulatloni l U J2 3jD0 9D0 Tuesday, December 21, 1931. THE KISING TIDE The latest thing in religious propaganda is the iue of a picture magazine on similar lines to "Life" dealing wholly with the work of the Oxford Group Movem Jt In a million copies, it is appearing in ten countries and nine ?l was.put b' and women who Juurna,ism ant wno gave their time and fSST.? nC Sf a raIIying Pint for the constructive forces of the country, perhaps an instrument of a united Christian front, in which every party and point of view can have a place. The editors simply want these pages to stimulate, challenge, point the wav. encouracro 1 ,n,i fnZa?? 10 th6i practice of those elementao''' ZJ S ?nY lUppl; mfaning and character to the r life of the individual, but which form the security of buu-B .... ....... vrij.ai aim iaior, wnicn create the moral and spiritual climate for the Canadian home, and which j furnish the only sure basis of Canadian democracy." ; B One feature of the publication is that, with veryi minor exception, the people pictured are very happy. This Particularly evident in the pictures covering the central spread of two pages entitled "True Patriots" where hun-' dreds of youn? raen "The Vanguard of The New Enlist-E ment are evidently being addressed by a speaker who mil amusing them There are brief letters of commendadon from the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Christian RichJg d'A0Ir!a.n Cathohc' the Bishop of Rangoon, the presi- B dent i nf Pmnnn TV,1,...:1 ol: ?, ' . -1 ,CB I FAMOUS IN Bnnx 2innnnb nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnBE' nBnnnnB0Y?Sl GENERAL LtTJENDORFF under aiid chief au.rry aaaociatc of the late Field Marshal Paul Ton Hindenburg. succumbed yesterday to bladder ailment The 72-yeai osd warnor bad been operated on November 29 and seemed to be re cuperating until Snday night when his condition took a sudden turn for the worse. General Ludendorff was one of C t? I "r-" 'iwiui4;ai seminary, me president of .n the Federal CounciUf Churches and the Primate of the 8 - Lutheren Churches in Denmark. E y The publication is a remarkable one and inrliW p t ho d woridng Strength of the 0xford Grou.n movement in the g TtlE SHORTEST DAY ;f rhw is the shortest day of the year so from this tim V cln f fy? 7" ually get longer and we shall begin ? soon to look forward to spring. There may be a deal of $ w!iiVeryveather yeWf is g00(I t0 feei that the sun B will be shining more brightly and the nights will be short- $ er as time passes. m I if Sf If . u. oil T A v v n: iS II KLbAL rlt IK 81 Ladies Bdsed Handkerchiefs From 55C Toys 6f All Descriptions From 5C Cortlcelli Hose (Boxed for Christmas) mm From l IDC A Vast Selection of Gifts at Lowest Prices Christmas Decorations Cards ll ! Sf V: aoas in every reroteiccary rf rsesH that seeraed to proems 5w- WORin WAR lissth. 19 La&adagf f sat a fre- i i vivuiy 1 1 mv mxKt ruHor at it Btm fcea- General Lodendrff Achieved Ii- EMJOS charge of Mgh treaion. He as xc-quitted after a stisaaknal trial fas FasciU in UajT ti4, as a eandidate of the German Fascists Ladendorfl was elected a depaty of the Reieh- tag bt there iiaid jurrwrndincs quite aMen to rn be shorn ed to xx advantage, scarcely eTe .speakinc in pmbtte. TbereafUr. he took every opportaoixy of combat .:iz by TOrd and aenpt the rt-puDBcan rttoe. Pre Masonry am. ".he Jrs?s wbieh. be insisted were alike hannfsl to the reeeneraOo-. of Gersaany. A groop of Ba Tartan staff officers in September. 1924 published a manifesto dfeaHrvtng Ludendorf; a.- a brother officer on Use erouc . ;hat his post-xar activities vert act in eonfonsltjr, with the cod-, of mflHary ethics. Tha: rpdia:--. he countered with the public re oinder: "My powers beiong to tf. people. The upper It .060 a: worthless." Later his admirers made an unsuccessful attempt to put him u-as a candidate for president of the German republic. Life Lont Soldier General Erich Ludendorff wts bom April 9, IKS, near Schwer zens. in former German Posen. H recetred his early training at the military academies of Ploen and Gross Lkhterfelde and was giver a commission as lieutenant in W.1 Germany's last aaryivtag Great Attached to the general staff as a War military figures. After tht , captain In 1895, fie continued to war, however, his demagogical ac- ,rve with it untlf' 1913 when 1 thrities, intensified by his predflee- 'was gJven command of the 391 h tton for caustic remarks, soon ev.irKhnenj? gj '(uilifsiat ;-Duesse: tranged him from the army andidorf- ' the people. J in April 1914, Ludendorff ws-l During the revolution in 1918 'put to command of a brigade at' Ludendorff realized that his influ- jstrassburg and at the outbreak ofj ence in the country was gon? .the World War was appointed Sensing the danger of being lm- : quartermaster general of the Sec-peached by the revolutionary gov- ,ond Army. It was at the storming ernment on a charge of having jof LJege during the night of Aug prolonged the war and thereb5 ust 5-6 that he won recoenitton Z ey ey : Without without ' u comrnH'nn compensation. It Tf is i..fnlc: full nf n?r.t :"w7a,mi,,u"1recu'r " mon broB abw.t for his valorous conduct and twe - i .. i. o iuij ui - nji-iures """ irnm PriVPrltiie wh collan nf 4 Uu Uk armv h ue fnr'v. iws wees i- tn hnvor 7 iuvcr' raiy, later was made a general h u-UU n l It1? 3 ery ma11 amouts Of reading hiatter andireflIg ta Sweden. While there h? and attached to Field MarehaU tot is equal to tne very best in magazine publishing. !Wrote his war memoirs and return Hindenburg as his chief or staff me euiiors sav tnev hav-P hnf nnc .,el, 't, t--ltu .." in thi Drlnj nf 1919- ' H yn wish to swtj somethlng- From that time he was consplc Try a classined. MORE ' Aircraft Unable To Operate From Yukon Outward ' leraatieni! Note as llindeeiTs erameat. Wfcea thil xaovtsarsU ' i Chiet of Staff failed, be went to Ban-in where Flying conditions bare been im- in 192 and Il reuonar possible between Whiteborse and MTK1CH.D ?; CP Genet - arfrntiimratioo tela swaj Jf jstarway during the past few days al Erich Ladendarff. who sfiftml lrtert hisns:r,pa&d irss-ace soon 'aacL as a result, a Bsmber f pxs-i I international fame as a strateetst KVesAlktJ wttfe the royal sistm who were to hare eeoae em . lorganteer and retwjrerfol mas o' "- ifraa the interior to go s&Sth j .actios & the JJc ihftRtehoUt thr amifxaea of nann? own Epu- gteamer Princess Koran, whicrjl wh&ie theatre of the Worid VCa- e Hstkr coup in Manich here yesterday afternoon, were djr:.'.g which he wi chiei of staff fa 3- be was arraigned before rab u reach Stawy before - . the Munich UfbsuJ it. i4 oo a h- ncsej mailed. Asnong them was Great Soldier Jack Sutherland of this city who has been spending the past year Sr Dawson and who was ta hare spen; ; the Toetide season at his hecr.e here Sot he wifl be enable to get here ur.'.il after the New Year. THE GIFT THAT ALWAYS GETS THE FOR for GrNFRATinw: GENERATIONS DE WAR'S There Are Only Shopping Daze Till Christmas SO WHAT? IrSrc rca,y .haven't time to tell you of the wonderful array of Christmas Gift suggestions that we have on hand for your approval so drop in and see for ydurself. WILLIAM F. STONE The Store With The Christmas Spirjt $3.25 1 '"' ssassvSssssa' This K2vrUmK u not publUbfd or UpUr4 by e Liquor Centre I Bowd or by the 0-jTrnu oi of Br.vah CoJumbu 1 ft I1 li P IS s ft! ft! - " " 2 ? 2 If if if if Sf ' " ... -11 I 111. "TlxtrTI lovgS thy m vt coning (n o Jerglv-"TbifU cketf r bod ovt ti SH Cop. ' SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES Tkt pmirtt frrm 'm kkk ubtccu cm (r $witd." r I VfllJJ GROjTTO Cigar Store Retail and Whalesale Tsbrtwusa -C tfOOvOC-OOOOO-OOirC Xinas Stock larger and letter Than Ever SPECIAL BARGAINS Xmas Box Chocolates and Novelties Rig Reduction on Smokers' Sundries Special Set Pouch and Pipe Set GIFTS For Local nds A 51.00 j CARD TABLES New thJpnunt beet quality Clnudi hardwoods. Oreen felt or blaek Wtlxrstte ; L.; brace and tojtfd legs . , .. . A8.03, ?r 5J and i3 1'L.WIXG CAKUS Congress. Blcycl BrMgt. Enc! - other popular cards. Singles frew, ISrtojUJ Doubles oa siM, Sl.W. $1.00, $i?5 and St5 BRIDtlC XfJVCLXlES-Peneil tard boxes, iw- r score pad, elc. at lou- prieeA , . ROOK CXDS-Novelly Waek cat boat end. Pair 9C . iti TIC RACKS ..,., SERVING TRAYS Very beauUful. Frbm . ... LEATHER KEY. CASES I... . ..... . . ... KODAKS-Everyone needs a modem camera, tone to iuit your puns: From ALBUMS A lasting and worthwhile present,',-. 35c, "5f, . .,. LAST CALL tor XSlAS CARDS-dld cards. Id for !5t 25c. JJc tnd up Let us show r Uc- S1.00 and u -We still have a number U i'M' tit m HALIBUT The source of Sunshltie Vitamins A irid D Boiled Halibut digestible, With egg sauce is palatable ( satisfying. FISH & COLD STORAGE GO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. i;