This ac! er ,ej? ,e lished or d;-:: ; Liquor Control i n A pufo-'v the ir! or by the Government ot British Columbia. Heavies Rated By Commission Max Schmeling and Tommy Farr' Regarded as Outstanding Heavy weight Contenders WASHINGTON. D. p., Dec '21: The United States Boxing Cgm7 mission has rated Max Schmefing as No. 1 challenger to Joe Louis for the world's heavyweight boxing championship. Tommy Farr ii Great single eames were contri buted durnr the season by BiU Dietrich of Chicago who nitched Portland la no-hit, no-run game against St Seattle jr,ouis t fhlcaeo on June 1 and Spokane bv Bob Feller, nhennmenal Cleve- 'and rookie, who struck struck out out J6 rr 1 T T Aut 25. This layJor y Horse was one whiff below below Feller'i Feller'i tanje ianje record record of of 17 17 set set bv bv him him on on Buckaroos Win Hard Fought Parl-fie Coast Ilockry Game From Lea dint Lions i iit jj j V-t. ' against Philadelphia WnS IlcinCjlCciP Tw1c during the season , Fellei stmck out a doren hitters In a rame. the suTlnjr Yankees beifA jthe victims both times on Amnwt j" "nd 3-"rtUmwr 2. Clint Brown 'White Sox relief nitcher. had an 'rteretjnf year by fln'shlng 49 out of cames In which he ap- wared. He wps two ames ahead ' Tohnnv Wllon of Boston In to tal games in which he appeared. VhJIe 9n the jbiert of hi"h to? ' Vancouver Alan's Gelding Takes $10,000 Purse at Tanforan 6AN FRANCISCO, Dec. 21: CP) Whichiee. three year old geld ing owned by Major Austin Taylor ! of Vancouver, won the JIOJDOO added handicap at Tanforan. IRS. ROGERS WINS TURKEY" At the Canadian National Rc- t Ws Ferrell of Washineto.- creation Association rifle ranges nd Boston. Jed the leame in most.iast nleht Mrs. P. A. Refers won rated next to Schmellne while' nn,n" "itcned wJtn zn. tn mosf.the turkey in a shoot-off against - - 1 11 I 111. I IA 1 .1 . - - . - Jimmy Braddock. the 'former i fft ri" m.9- Mrs. William Rothwell Mrs. Roe- i champion, is given sixth place. Leading Canadian is Eddie Wen-stob of Edmonton, rated third as challeneer for John Henrv Lewli' hits made pff Ws deUvf rv with 32S most runs scored off him with '77 and in most runs earned off. his nitehins with 153. Buck New?! light heavyweight crown. J som, dividing his time between the starting Jranie teams, took the lead in most 1937 he BRIGHTON RFATS CRFWF! iwalks with 167 while George Tur' pitched - jbclllp of Phllade)nhja contr)biitc LONDON Dec. 21: CP) New'" hi"h toUl of nine wild Ditches ers making 44 out of 50 Mrs. Rothwell. 41. a possible and finishing games. Ir, ' started 35 games ami 26 complete contests. Ir 1936 he started 38 times and had 23 full games. Lefty Gomez was Brighton defeated Crewe-Alexand-! Bill Trotter of the St. Louis Browns, second high man In 1937 with ra by a score of 4 to 1 In a replay- hit the most batsmen 7. In keep starts and 25 completed games. Red ed second round English Cup soc-, Ing with his other total record Ruffing of the Yankees was third cer game yesterday. 'Ferrell again led the league in with 31 starts and 22 full games. This advertisement is not published or displaced by .d awv Cjfitr)1 h, the Government o lintish ColuiVia. J Ii i r II O ravmiTririfrsk 111 3 1 11 iXVUM PAG? TOUH THE DH.Y H?7a 1 fiaber 21 L- ...... I , . - - - ... ' SPORT CHAT Canadians Off To Empire Games While pacing the New Yprk dub Ten Alriietes Jo Sail rom Vancou-to thf championship with his air- Ter on Wednesday of This tlpht twirling. Gomez was the only Weet tor Australia American Jaguer to wfn over wen'ty games In 1937. winding up VANCOUVER, Dec. 21; CP) -with 21 to his credit against Tcn Canadian athletes, bound cr eleven defeats. His team-mate the British Exnpire Games in Syd-Charlie Ruffing, was tha oplj ney Australia, will sail from here fther twentv-game oltcher in th- on Wednesday ' for "'down under."' arctilt with a record of 20 victor- ies and seven defeats. Gomez earned run average was the lowest in the league since 1934 when he led the lersrue aain with exact.'. he same fimre. Gomez' high hard one accomplished the most strikeout for the season with 1? which, however Is far b?low the record of 34? made bjr ube Wad dell of the Athletics way back in 1904. Following Gomez in the earp.-ed-run column was lanky yount; Monty Stratton of Chicago with a mark of 2.40 In snlte of the fact IhVt ihroueh the late part of the race he was handicaoDed by a lame arm. Allen of he Indian finished third in the earned-rua averages with a record of 2.55. Portland Is Now In Second Place Semi-Finals In Bridge Tourney OXJl-A. Beats Ramblers In Round For Tip Top Cup 1 ML a good I L . ItJ 5II.CE1858- - I- m 3rrfsM , Jm1- : , III S ifg Hc.lthful Holiday Pa$on 1 . - fiJ, 111 lmm ' m u WjM T" gjfi 'J From....... B.H I tS SLEIGHS A II 1. 611 1 first The last game in the first round , of the bridge competition for the Tip Top Tailors Cup was played last night, Canadian National Recreation Association winning from Ramblers by a score of 9217 to 7f 32. The CJfJiA will now play Grotr to and the Muskateers will play the Canadian Legion In the semi-finals. EASTERNERS WIN TITLE -r-r-T7r- ' Hamilton Defeats Rcgina for Junioi VANCOUVER Dec. 21: Portland j Rugby Championship Buckaroos deeated Vancouver ; Lions by a score of two to one in I LA MILTON. December 21 Harn - h rr ought pacific Coast Leagui ilton Italo-Americans won the Ca-hockey game here last night and nadian Junior rugby football charn a result, went into a tie with pionshtp on a muddy field here BeaCtle Sea Hawks for second plac- Saturday afternoon by defeating in the standing. The Vancouver R,eglna Dales 27 to 2. Hamilton got Jeam retains the lead In the sand- four touchdowns on Regina Xurn in? to date which Is as follows: bles. The league standings to date: i Vancouver 7 2 5 29 29 lGi 5 4 7 30 31 t4j 5 4 5 28 26 14' 5 2 5 21 22 !2 'Telegraph Greetings proving' Popular Business is Larier Than it Has a Year Ajo, Company Reports WINNIPEG, Dec. 21: Advance reports of messages filed from the various Canadian telegraph offices indicate that pie Christmas greft-Irjg telegram is steadily Increasing in its popular appeal Special facilities for the sending of Christmat greetings by wire are offered by both the Canadian National and Canadian Pacific Telegraphs. "Latest reports available from our offices indicate that consider ably more Christmas greeting messages have been filed to date foi later transmission than had been received at this time last year said J. G. Davles, general super intendent. Canadian National Telegraphs, western region. The economical rates which havt been placed in effect by the communication companies for Christ-nas greeting telegrams of prearranged text or personal mrs sage to points on this continent and for cable greetings overseas including a new rate for a mini mum pf ten words to points Ir the British Empire, are so design ?d that they bring thus servlc within the reach of evry purse stated JJr. .Davles. - - GIFTS that will bring the Thrill of 8 2 B 5 52 2? u5f 9 IS 8 2? s ire Handkerchiefs In sets of two Hosiery And up Ti Eaeh Belts And up . Toques- Each Wool Tweed Caps Each 3.1j.XaL, j . : I For Boj OOOOOO-OhJOOOOOOooojj 25c 25c 50c 50c 50c 75c t SjttXr 1 Blouses-Each Shirts Up Gloves-Pair Sweaters Up Ayiator Caps-Bach Pajamas Up . Hats Each All huxed and wrapped ready (r imm Tresepltd By TOY KAIEN I Winter Sports 1 GOOD SKIS Our stock pf skis Lj pow complete. High quality hickory and ash skla; or themore moderately priced birch kls, -will make a present sure to be appreciated by those that Indulge In this thrilling sport SKI HARNESS SKI POLES SKI WAX Skate High grade Tube Skates, mounted on well made leather boots. Boys', Ladles' and Men's outfits. Ot Off to fl4 ns v v v v gift that will thrill the youngster. GORDON'S HARDWARE Phone 311 "The Hoe of Piactlcal Gifts" McBride St. ' 'i 1 ii'i u i i - - - a Casseroles Waffle Irons Colored Dustmops Carpet Sweepers tt Ud SOIVI' m will fin Socially sel 5 if Bigger an a I Better Than Ever Wc 0 or Shaming Slltt F r ' J Scarves. o r n s m gii KBoxed li Bryant Company Limilor Ve G Phone 297 Established 1911 - 21 S -ill s Boxed boxes Hi B Belts wlf penders, Fancy St COOOOOC bl'EN 1 Phone i2zzW . jaaaap bbbbb ra SI ODD B 0000 PIIO For Everyone PHONES GIFT Sleighs Wai?Rons Knives Razors Boys' Tool ChestComplete with kit of tools Pyrcx ' CarviM Class Stem Copper hen I . , ii II n H fl II lnompson narowme w 255 Third Avenue. The Central Hotel KOOMS and CAFE Phone .81 for Best Household Coal MIIS. C. K. BLACK jhonc i BOWLING ALLt