lay oocenter 21, 1037. TOE DAILT NEW! FAOl TBXIS 1 Rrwaitea Ltd. Bfor C.U. IIoiio 81.1 Kl K-IJrst Grade KgLliy iid Wednesday Only Hpfilrf Teaches j5C Ejjl't)' Gulden Ituntam 2(J Ejtr Tomatoes- 25C EZoradcA" Larsc. i HNlts Oood mixture. JQq Hpfrries "Fresh itock. prrv Sauce- Glass 25C Kiii alio ci in i Hhar 23c i Tomato Juice ',in. Each flowers Soap. akc; foods .Mayonnaise kar ars nps Wet and dry tk. Per tin VKIST OIJANGKS- dozen Fancy Apples- Grapefruit Tall, gJ iCakeasy Shortening -f unas ITES Wrapped CIIOCO- 98c lie 65c 19c 15c 25c 25c it'CTjAU. prices ON XMAS (CRACKERS AND CANDY (Delivery on Orders $3.00 and Over ml I . iiv r I 1 1 1 1 fill U'T" Christmas Cards ttfs'icr Block LOCAL NEWS NOTES Moose Xnms Tree, Dec. 22, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday 290 Jolw May jailed this afternoon on the Catala, for a trip to California and elsewhere in the United States. Mr. and Mrs. II. Worsfold to the city on the Catala morning from a trip to Jack Walsh or Alex McRae Co., staff sailed this afternoon on the Catala for Vancouver to spend Christmas and New Years. Thomas McQuillan, well known Unuk River mining map, arrived in the city on the Princess Norah yesterday, afternoon from Ketchl kan. W. J. Nelson, customs officer at Tulsequah. arrived In the city on the Princess Norah yesterday from the north to spend the Christmas and New Year holidays at his home here. Fred Rlffou, who has been In Vancouver for the past two or three weeks, is now a patleant at Shaugh-nessy Military Hospital where H'ls expected he will soon undergo an operation. Miss Geraldlne Feero arrived in the city on the Princess. Norah yesterday afternoon from Juneau, to spend the Christmas and New Year holidays visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Feero, Fourth Avenue East. The County Court case of Lyall there was a claim for $83.50 by the plaintiff, has been settled out, of court. R. L. McLennan was coun sel for the plaintiff and W. O. Ful- ton for defendant. j Miss Helen McCaffery. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. P. McCaftery. arrived in the city on Saturday night's train from her school teaching duties at Hubert in the Bulkley Valley, topendlie, Christmas .and New Year hoUday season at home. II. Sil vcrthorn. who arrived lit the city a couple of months ago from Carcross where he spent the sup-mer engaged In mining, left on last evening's train, for his home at Houston where he will remain until next spring when he will again go to the Yukon. . . :. .. .. .i I . i . rn-arl rloiirlniiiiliiir ll ' IMmcilllVII IW HIT l lixmr Mr U1IU IMIO. r ivu uivuuvi, g : tiSbJr arrived in the city on the Catala m intend to apply for .. yesterday morning from Vancouver ; i?-.pc t of u prwiUKM. , ciendennhi;: is here In connec-t ;f t!w oulkUn? known ,i- : - la Hotel xitua-te upon tuition with th? loading of the grain a itxxt as No. 7, a and' h, Moorhv. Mrs. Clendcnnlng Is icn, Duw-ict Lot 740. ru 1070. . -.;- - . o Mre P: RuixTt Ifliul nesWim. ' Visiting tier paicuu, a ill tin! province of Erl- QCorge D, Tlte. ' ..' a rr tlio wle of Ix'ir by i'i . or the bt tle lor conMimp-1 pnemiws or eiwwhw. ... arul Mrs p LeRoss returned on ADAM rVTEIl. Applicant. fl'rtsli Local Haw And rastouriml Milk VALENTIN DAIRY rilONf. C57 last evening's train to Pacific after 'spending the week-end in town. Thcv arrived on Saturday night's train, Mr. LeRoss having come In ta attend a meeting of maintenance of way employees of the Canadian National Railways on Sunday. They were accompanied home by their daiitthter. Miss Betty LeRossj who arrived last Thursday night and has been receiving medical treatment. Tags, Seals, Gift Wrappings Tlicre 1U c over 300 boxes of Christmas Cards .containing 12, 15-18 and 21 cards to box. Each card Is different, some arc ribbon lied, all are smart and attractively designed. Priced from 35c, 75c, $1.00, $13 and $1.50 per Box Individual cards priced from 2 for 5c, 10c, 15c, 20c & 35c each 'l-I.LOPllANi: and TINSLL KIIIUON-Oay Christmas tylngs, Tiftrsvold,or silver TACSS and SKALS Fine assortment of tags and seals-add 'ust the right touch to your parcels. "IfT WltAPPINCJS-Fancy gift wrapping paper that will Blve your package that dressed-up look. Rose Cowan & Latta Baptist Christmas Tree Wednes day evening at 7:30. ' ti,r- -, , Mrs. D. Sievert returned td the city on the! Catala yesterday mom- ing from a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. A. Nelson returned to the city on the Catala yesterday morn ing from a trip to Vancouver. Miss .Lillian Jones arrived In the city on Saturday night's train from Palling, where she Is teaching school, to spend the Christmas and New Year holidays at her home here. Miss Viola Johnson, who Is school at Finmoore In the Van-derhoof district, arrived In the city on Saturday night's train to spend the Christmas and new Year holidays at her home here. Miss Dorothy O'Neill arrived In the city cn Saturday night's train from her school teaching duties at Pacific to spend the Christmas and New Year holiday here with her narents. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. C. O'Neill. James II. Gaudin, superintendent engineer for the White Pass and Yukon Route river division, and Mrs. Gaudin were passengers aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon 'going through for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Williams, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. C. S. Dunn of Massett. sailed by the Prince John Sunday morning on her return to the Queen McLeod vs. Axel Olsen. In which. ... UA spent a couple of days In town. 29. Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. S.O.N. Christmas Tree Decembci 27, C.Y.S. Holiday Dance Dec. Oddfellows' Hall. 23th Norkap Christmas Tree December Oddfellows' Old Time Hogmanay Dmce, December 31. C.Y.C. Dance, uary 7. v I mh w 1 i ? 9 Catholic Hall, Jan- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Armstrong and daughter sailed this afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Vancou ver and Vancouver Island. Charles Graham, inspector of mines, returned to the city on the Catala yesterday morning from holiday trip to Vancouver Island. Dr. Hugh Morrison, inspector of schools, sailed on the Catala this afternoon for Vancouver to spend the Christmas and New Year holi day season. Karl Theilc, well known Wrangel cannery man, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yester day afternoon going through for a trip to Seattle. Matinee Wednesday 2:30, ZaiH Grey's "Border Legion" plus "Thr Great Gamblni", Capitol Theatre Xmas Cheer Food Matinee Thurs day 2:30, feature picture "Hare" Rock Harrigan" and short subjects George Simmons of Carcross identified with operation of com mercial aircraft In the Yukon, was a passenger aboard the Princes? Norah yesterday afternoon going through for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. James Denholme and son sailed by the Prince John Sunday morning on their return to then home at Tlell, Queen Charlotte Is lands, after spending a couple days in the city. Of Louis H. Metzgar, manager of tht Alaska-Juneau mine at Juneau, and Mrs. Metzgar were passengers aboard the Princess Norah yester day afternoon going through for a trip to San Francisco. Charles Vifquin, agent for tht White Pass and Yukon Route Dawson, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday after noon going through for a trip tc Vancouver, Seattle and elsewhere lr the south. Reach the moai people In citj tnd district with an adverttscmeo1 a the Dally News 1 GIFT BOXES Of the fineM chocolates made at prices to suit every purse. Your choice will be held (ill Xmas with no deposit required. Come in and look it over. MUSSALLEM'S Confectionery Store City Commissioner W. J. Alder, who sailed yesterday afternoon on the Princess Norah to spend thj Christmas and New Year holiday season in Victoria, expects to re turn to the city on the first Wednesday after the New Year. Prlscllla Smith, Indian, newly back from Okalla where she did time for shoplifting, fell into the hands of the police again at the end of the week and yesterday was! sentenced to five days' imprison ment, without option of fine, for drunkenness. Jane Lewis and Solomon Brown, also Indians, were each fined $5, with three days' op tion, for drunkenness. JONES Family Market 'hone 957 AND Phone 95 I. Fulton Meat Market Phone 683 Phone 683 Christmas Specials BEEF POT ROAST g-lb. lbs. SHORT RIBS g lbs. SHOULDER STEAK 2 lbs. ROUND STEAK g lbs. SIRLOIN STEAK .... g PRIME RIB ROLL Per lb SIRLOIN TIP Per lb RUMP ROAST Per lb T-BONE ROAST Per lb MUTTON LEG of MUTTON Per lb. 3 lbs. SHOULDER MUTTON lbs. MUTTON CHOPS 2 MYBODY! More Shopping Days till Xmas Need Any In Your 50c 3 NAssistance Shopping? 25c 25c 50c 50c 15c 18c 15c 50c 20c 75c 35c FRESH KILLED POULTRY ROASTING CHICKEN O t ol Per lb BOIL CHICKEN Ati Per lb. GRADE A' TURKEYS QC 6Z Per lb DUCKS oe 3 Per lb.... GEESE OC 3 Per lb How ahout a Coat? A Dress? A Hat? A pair of Shoes? Hose, Lingerie, Housedress, Waists, Skirts, etc.? Everyone appreciat- jj es soinethiii,' to wear. Do Your Stopping For Your Christmas Shopping At k a Annette Ladies Wear Co. i Third Avenue and Fifth Street , Third Avenue and Fifth Street j. SOUP lie proud of your CliristiiinN Dinner Sert-e Royal City Tomato Soup 1 &&&&&& XMAS SPECIALS Playing Cards " Old Colony Playing Cards. Reg. $1.50 per pair, Special $1.00 g Genuine To Clear Bluenose Bookends Cast by the fitters of the famous fishing Schooner Special, per pair $1.95 Cups and Saucers $1.00 and $1.25 Values Special, 75c ORMES LTD. The Store of a Thousand Gifts Get Ready for Christmas Festivities Children's Party Dresses Ladies' Evening Dresses Beautiful Silk Lingerie Be Sure You Sec These Before Purchasing: Your Outfits Drygoods anil Novelty Shop I . JP J S.- 'alia More pEp More POWER Better Motor Performance THE "KING" TESTER That Is what you will have after we have gone over your car with our "KING" Tester, which is the last word in equipment lor diagnosing motor trouble. Very often the difference between a slow motor and a PEPPY one is only a matter of minor and inexpensive adjustments. -It doesn't take much to put a high speed motor "out of line," but it does take special equipment to locate the trouble so that it can be remedied. We have the finest equipment obtainable and it eliminates all GUESS WORK. Bring your car m and get PEP for the getaway and POWER for the hills. RUPERT MOTORS PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 2 J I IX- I t : 'I J ij m 1 if if I ! Third Street Limited ':