?JlG2 IZ T22 2AJLT KF9 It 5 w w S If 5 5 5 if 1 V if i m M J i 5 5 5 5 t 5 5 SI w 8 5 W i I For Every Person On Used FURNITURE bressen Froa Chest t Drawers From Eoldinr up Wall Bed-In solid oak fiinint f!oom Hound Table From, up . Wash Stands From . f.econdUioned Sinser Sewint Machine- In first class condition From Hand Washing Iathine From, up 23-JrHfi Waltham iVatcb Diamond Tie Pin Guaranteed genuine C-tnbe Victor Battery Kadio vT.h all new tubes Orarnur.liones From THIRD AVENUE is 7s FI2ST TlV.E THAT ANYONE HAS ?VR THOUGHT ?AHTA CtAUi ACWISTAAAS ?&ZHT, BUT VrtAT APE ?:tk amo ?::iv soins To GIVE MIM? S6.00 S5.00 S15.00 S4.00 S2.00 S20.00 87.00 820.00 825.00 820.00 85.00 Your List Toys From WE BUY USED FURNITURE Hours From 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ELIO'S SAMTA AM L 7 0 I I v trm it I 1 I tmef SANTA'LL STICk. 415 SOCO -rasfeaaaa Xmas Pageant You will find a suitable ?ift of exceptional value. Our numerous lines arc from all the leading markets of the world. Our aim is to give you the lcst possible value for your money, and courteous service. We harr an exrrptionallr liree ranee f diamond jewelry. Diamond .Mounted Watches and Watches of all the leading makes inrludin; a new V3.01 Special Jewelled Watch for Coys or Girls. STERLING SILVER. FLATWEAi: and HOLLOWAKE IX VARIOUS DESIGNS A new line mi Ladies' Enslish Handbags, just received A new and wonderful ran;e of Ladies' Compacts in the latest designs, IN OUR BASEMENT STORE Yon will find a wonderful assortment of Dinner ware. Crystal, Cut Glass, Brass and Copper. Hastate, and hundreds of useful novelties. We Inrite Von U Visit Our Store and Shop in Comfort. You Will Be Well Repaid in Your Christmas Purchases MAX HE1LBR0NER Diamond Specialist New FURNITURE Tea Wagons .Magazine Tables Each Axminster .Mats Size 27x54. Each, up W Vffi GWc HIM A RAlf4B0W. CAP'M GO-LUCKy, HE COULO SU05 STA!HT POWM 824.75 S7.50 84.00 Kerenibie iol Rugs In colors blue. ro5c. mauve. Suitable for bedroom. Size 25x48. Each . - Axssimtcr SeamJe;; Size 6.9x9. grecti 84.00 825.00 Beds In all sizes with cable spring and cotton Spring Filled .Mattrws In all sizes- 830.00 and 837.00 TOYS 82.00 820.00 I'KLNCE RUPERT Early Advertising Copy Will be Very Much Appreciated WOMTHE S N02TH POLE! J -Si IT YOUtD O RIGHT UNDER HlAiPETE! TAKE A1Y VOPO FES IT! Is Impressive Nativity Depicted at First terian Cfanrch Suiwiar Nirht An tmpreaiitr oaf cant depicting the HatMty vms the feature of the evening service at First Presbyterian Chsrcfa an Sunday- Under the; direction of the pastor, it was ir presented atone, simple ones iram a darkened stare with protected S Iteottn effects. Periodic eotfame f were worn bjr the principals who fk were John and Bertie O'Neill. Jack Storrie. Allan Herein. Mas Helen Lslrie and Mis Wtnnie Cameron r- The scenes were interpotatcd with aporopriate mtrsr by the Senior p Cnofr wnh Mr H X. Broeklesby Si Mrs. J. H. Carson Miss Molly Frew and J. A. Ten as soMsts. Mrs. E. & J. Smith played the orran accom- naninvnts and Miss Nellie Law-irnee assisted with the nolin There was a kre rongrecation which uraetscany f:!Ied the church. Mrs. Arnold Of Smithers Dies .Member of Weil nown F ion re Bulklcy Valley Family Passes Away f-n . Mrs. E. S. Arnold of Smtther, m Rafter an illness of some yean ? &j.assed away at the interior town i t & ai me weeoend. ine itmemi wk. was the oldest dau&hter of Mt and Mis Thomas Mae Dona Ri. fo: ty Va?ley for many years and Mrs. Arnold s passing will be regretted by mar.y friends. She at one time vis in the Prin?e Rupert General Hospital for treatment Estates Restored To Archduke Otto Act of Par'iamnt Circs Back Pro perty to Claimant af Throne o!WtrG ' " I J VIENNA. December 21: Cana-dl?n Press By act of Parliament -tent !a-w P4fcts hi Austria havt jeon mtorPtT to Otto. ArchduVe or HaThure. cliiroant to the throne of this country. A Gift that 500 Third Ave. HE Will Appreciate SUSPENDER SETS By llickok and Paris BllACI.S anJ SOCK StSi LMiUlt ShTS In all style; and shades BOXED SL'SPLNOKKS SOCK SUSPENDER and A KM BAND sirrs r SOCK SUSPENDERS Boxed . BELTS By llickok COWHIDE With initial buckle, boxed IIOKSEIllDE In novelty presentation holders TONOUE BUCKLE BELTS Grey, black and fawn. Nicely boxed SANTA CLAUS and COMPANY Men's and Boys' Clothiers t WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Southbound from Skagway to Vancouver. C. P. R. steamer Prin cess Norah. Capt William Palmer. arrived in port at 3:15 yesterday afternooa and sailed two hours later. There were 130 passengers vboard the Princess Norah. Fire disembarked here from the vessel while twelve went south aboard lier from Prince Rupert. Union steamen Catala. Capt. John Mair. arrived In port at 2:4f this afternoon from Stewart. Any ox and other ocrtners points an sailed shortly alter for Vancouver and waypotnts. The veswl was at Port Simpson at 11:15 am The Catata has on board quite a iarse number of Stewart passengers going south for Christmas and New Years. More passengers went aboard here and. by the time she reaches Vancouver, she wi be a completely full ship. neai in is afternoon Mrs. A moid Ur. iv,i, Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert B. C. Moore. Juneau. Mr. and Krs M. H. McLean. Port Edward. Central Mr. and Mrs. P. LeRoss and Mi'j stty LeRoss. Pacific: Mr. and Mrs McCrea and P. Ferguson, BP. nor: H Paburney and family and Usk; Mr. and Mr C. Adeock. Saints: J. Schultzik Shames: O. Somerrillc. C. N. R mcny 01 teitwa ana now rewunc : A. T. jMW A j. jng. , jp in Buiuaby. Vancourer. There are mfaten, Charlie Louie and F h a number of brothers and sisters, waiters, city: Vic Peurson. Ben-The family has lived in the Bulk- neti: H Palm. Dawson Knox Mrs. Manlovc. North Pacific: T "-ft - --h paui Poyde. Stewjrt rhaie JarvU. Vancouver; Oska Bachlin. S?al Co- Pvoyal A. v. RtMp A. R. Kent. F -M Off 5rhlm and D O MacDxwId. Stewart: Sam McD Vrid Bt Missouri: D. A. Wood Vanenuw D. E Johanson Anyox W. J. Mote and John Andersen city. . Savor V4l Tr.h Point: Johi 5Coea. Kwlnitsa: P. SoentuV Skcena City: O. Moren. city: G o -n Decker Lake. SPORT Try a Dally Newt cU.vititl ad vertlsement for ben results S1.50 50c10 $1.00 75c 50c 81.75 eef. and 75c and S1.00 S2.00 $1.00 WATTS & NICKERSON Phone 315 C ; ;' '-'-,' my & i'askas.sahta'd jestv I I LOOK! v1" HfeJP tX7 SGMETHIN' THATP u. V.'S'CE i- Wc'VEGCT f TOTH'N.C"- fJL: i". UK- '' ' 11 S'a.V HiM CH!LPCEN - Christmas Cheer Food Matinee To Be Held Thursday On Thursday afternoon at 2:34 the annual Food Matinee for thr assistance of the Salratlon Army In its Christmas relief work wHI be hekL AdratasKM, as usttal, wl! be donations of food. There wffl be a special feature picture "Hard Rock Harrujan." BATTLE MARKET QUIET JlT NOW VANCOUVER. December 21: "attle markets both here and it. Calaary remain quiet with offer- rVK tlvHt XI mi rare tA. 1w vtas uuu JI line 4bCTI are extremely scarce The stect range for feeders is from $3 50 to $4. IM - 1 SX1 T HIAA! rtf' -ASTHMtSl Last fa a JACK HALEY m,.1. in "PickASi With STAN IjAUrf 0 LI VP ii ..J ' ' Showinr T.. Zan- Ores-, r. "1 e (.rtttVil i!.Tlrr " '-"'ISDlT At 2 M "DEMERS Closing Out Sale Christmas Gift Suggestions Hankies, Compacts, Coatf, Knitted Wear, Skirt! Scarves, Ski Pants and Sets, Cloves, Dresses, Shop Slippers, Slacks, Mouses, Lingerie, IIoicry, M rolics, Cards and Calendars. The above at real bargain prices, come and look aJ s OH i If f compare. UNION STEAMSHIP SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION KATES TO VANCOUVER I'KOM PUINCE KLPEKT KtTlKV ' 32 00 uto.M po::t ssstrsoN kktukn b QQ Ilcduced Rates to Vancouver aUn aoolv fmn. . Speelal Tickets on Sale Between Novembet ht, 193 ' ebrar; 28th, 1938. Inclusive Oood to Keturn up to .March Jt l Children Half Fare. S.S. CATALA Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Thursday. tl S.S. CARDENA Friday, U:00 p.m. Sun., ! Prince Kupcrl Aient A. W. NEWMAN Third Ae Y" If Convenient Please Purchase Tickets at Otnct NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zarell. Pronritor -A HOME AWAY FKO.M HOME" Kale S1.00 up 0 Booms Hot & Cold Water Prince Hupirt, BC. Phone 281 p.o. ffcii 196 COM m..u. i:d4in 4I1";1, Conciliation Board Named t Vinrttuur I'tand l" Prince . Rupert ........nl P1IONK M 1 .Mlnislcr of Ubor . Art limns"' J J' Protest oi ,e (Jovcrnmciit .... .w,.-.! OTTAWA. IJCdmu; - , the government ot r dtIl ...l-u tlrt Mnrmftll ROS.''1 .jl wh.. nun. - ,vinitl minister of labor nas board of concillatioi. coal mine strike situ.'W- Brunswick. The Dally Ncw " s "n ilrculatlon. Play fe! IM N 111 .K.I