THE DAILY NEWS — ss a at ee se or ee = : — mn ~~ LAND LEASE NOTICE COAL NOTICE Ck PRE : eee —— — = = / eit apiis aaa ~~ rn a ———1 6 ~~ W. L. BARKER - ot i ; Sk ) ; ct Distslet of Const Range | Tee neue eet Diatriet fi Queen Charlotte| | * * + + ITEMS OF... , { Architect Cliff of undalk, Ire- | Bainter of Pri ~m cate, I, 2 r nt intends to apply for } bookkesper, intad ete the pecupation / S P I) ‘ o = = Second avenue and Third street ; af Com- LloWing Cee bars re oa for a licence to prospeet at / / nexpensive Over Westenhaver Bros,’ Office. » post pla : | , petroleum on and under 640 sere of . . e of Lay ne 5, Seema Bete “Cemmenaen ene described gitnmne © Me rtatrtaeacernnestnsitiiaptiseniisie It ‘a .DEVOTED PRINCIPALLY TO THE INTERESTS OF WOMEN 80 ch } DOs mc rin thane folowing | ot CE. Be tol tase Nos manic! WHAT 18 an | Christmas awe ar Bo a days fronm date, 1, C. E + ® selection ; ae ‘ So$ of inwt itor. 0} i at ais 7 istriet of Coast Range | Bainter of Pr ce Ru pert, B Cs occupation book. (ft United States team tol re) . on many ere ts me o Seay Com aan de arena y the pe is expressed t . Ik, I ’ . P 4 the nef Commisasioner | ¢¢) 1); oun 2 > alo ue osy Ww soci: need. M. Cet eee Lonty | Sen ae rs watler Ge for coal wa | om Olympic games Oo a postal card will bring a o 7 : Seepeeenre-tintateerenaiigeinene STUART & STEWART » the following deseribed | Graham Island described as aoa of land cm] a mt ! t yea Th copy to you. . ANCOUNTANTS -:- AUDITORS _ inated oh the M. Blidoe ne 6} 4 post planted two miles north Amate At Union has de-| Whether you have ‘little VOTES FOR WOMEN article in the Montreal Star, the| Law-Butler Building Phone No. 280 post plantec N. E . E. oal Lease No 8, marked N, E. « A 2 ” “bhi ” a allegatio ; ade that the i ; ; | corner | @jided on | allegation is made tha le men ; ei ss capian tanee, or | Gealna the Coal Lease No. 11, thence south 89 | 10°4 On th wing definition | vill fi dh Ze is of stag te ee ‘ = Prince Rupert 5.0. anor i lywing the shore line | chains’ «rence west 80 chains, ’thence north 80| Of an amat | will find hundreds of exclu- New Liberal Leader in Ontario! from H. M. C. S. Rainbow, who to point of enmmense: | menesinent enet 90 chains to place of com- An ath ’ } I sive oun ly eae Favors the Demand. were loaned by the Imperial navy = , more or less. | Dated Sept. 11,1911. ©. BE. BAINT ad 10 never has re- appropriate for Christmas- . » : ALFRED CARSS C, V. BENNETT, B.A. H. M, CLIFF | Pub. Sept. 24 * BAINTER, Locator | oj yor) or) ’ tide gift making. —__— are disgusted with the treatment : F , N : Sept. 28, ion or cor to 2 . 5 of British Columbia of B.C., On Sas- Wa eee ee Skeena Land District —~I ‘ for a rew . f ar ian npeven | You run no risk whatever Mr. N. W. Rowell, the new lead-| they have received. It is claimed] and Manitoba Bars. katchewan Al . ene | strict —District of : we ' @Ny Kind, exce | ‘ : ™ ‘ - : berta Bars. pistsiet 6 Head Bhatia Take notice that + Tay vn $f Queme ( parlotte | it on authorized compart mn p | in choosing any article from er of the Liberal party in Ontario,] that the rate of pay is inadequate, CARSS & BENNETT ; | Bainter of Prince Rupert, B. C., by oeeu vation | petition, or] it, for we gusrantee the has > a str . “E that the allowances for food d bookkeepe y pation) why } , 1as outlined a strong program|tha 1e a ances r d an M. Cliff of Dundalk, Ire a gt tatend 2 apply to the Chief Com-| W40 has never received a reward quality, also safe delivery, [ f I 1 lott t i that BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, Erc. r 7 & a fo yee to pr ¢ ’ of socie “e , @ p $ are 3 mat louiag deeained | Goel Ghd. petrolecm on end undee Case, purely for an exhibition of his and if you don’t like your o cial reforms that po itie ians|clothing are not enough, oe Office— Exchange block, corner Third avenue and , | land on Graharn Island described as follows | Skill; or who has never been paid 0 selection, return it at our have been in the habit of shirk-| wholesale desertions have taken Sixth street. Prince Ruvert. 8 planted at the N. W. | ommencing at a post planted two miles north | ) ps expense and your money will ing. One of these is the temper-|place and that of the twelve ) e north 40 chains, thence | of C. E. B Coal Lease No. 7, marked C. E. B,| 9Y 40y athletic or ganization for} i diatel funded \ south, 40 chains more or | Coal aaeee Be: 12, thence south 40 chains, thenee | service of any kind; or who ha be immediately refunded. ance question and the other is}stokers who were drafted there WM. S. HALL, L.D.S., D.D.S. ollowing shore a A ren, north 80 n 3 . y a, or ) asi Paws eH) » 7 , » Pe rei icom | Banda fm ot commence | never received compensation for| [F Rypie Bros., Limited heh prochided stad EE GT ee ee igs ) acres, more or lems. | Dated Sept. 11,1911, C. E, BAINTER, Locator | : mis | ” has promised to stand for a pro- — — ‘ alt: ‘J Hu. a CLIFF ae Sept. 23. ;JOIMINE any athletic organize-!} Canada’s Largest Jewelry House hil f 2 “2 and t gi a Crown and Bridge Week s Spee y- William MeNalr, Agen | oa tie deve ton ae raed 1ibition measure, and a is INVISIBLE AEROPLANE operations 1 ally eared. | Skee rict-—District of Queen Charlotte * CONUMNUINE @€8 a mem- je, P ; a * anasthetics administered for niess == ‘7 te ' Take notice that thirty days from date, 1. C. F ber | as. Ryrie, Pres : Drumbro meeting last week an- Ss traction of teeth. Consultation free. Omens: thd District of Coast Range | Bainter of P - 7 hatte a | Harry Ryrie, 8ec.-Treas, m ¢ . e . Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert. oo { Dundalk, I | book ken Intend to apply to tut chit “Gone An athlete who has never en-| 134-1 5 138 y 5 nounced that he would take steps] A New Invention That Will Revo- ane Cliff of Dundalk, Ire | miaioner ot Lands for ez 9t2, the Cl Com. d f $ oe -136- Yonge St. 06 to formulate a demand for woman . lt ecupation gentleman, ieee Genetibed | Soa and, petroleum op and under 640 "heres of | LeTed a Competition under a name Maher” suftpaee: he sais has caused lutionize Aeroplane Warfare. Alex.M.Manson B.a., W.E.Williams,B.A., LL.D for permission to le ” d on Graham Island described as follows not his own, . . + , } 7 : hw igads ot patel abaes ee lot CE Boe at & post planted two miles north own, or from a club of great satisfaction among those . cn ak “on Roe WILLIAMS & MANSON fC. E oal Lease No. 7, marked 8. W. corner} Which he was not a member in| . London, Dec, 6.—Baron Roenne Barristers, Solicitors, etc. ¢ south 40 chains more|C. E. B. Coal Lease No. ‘13, thenes north 80 |» hai — Oo women who are asking for the} has applied for yatent for a ; ° : fowlne aaid bousoary | cea tees ast $0 chains, thence south 0 | S00U standing. franchise, and among those men Me ft Caaeante gs k as ollowin | chains, mee west 80 chains to place of com 4 f ste aa din — 7 ee new invisible aeroplane he has ‘ ) orth 40 chains, thence | meneement. n athlete who has never who agree that the accident of f fone wtnee Gapert iG rersyersee ct: con pated Sept, 31, 1911. C. E. BAINTER, Locator} knowingly competed with pro- . Fe i r Id t dist half th invented, The secret is in coat- le Pub. Sept. 23, 7 sex 5§ 1 sbar ¢ : : . , H. M, CLIFF fe fessionals or entered any compe- | ex should not disbar half theling the machine with a metallic P.10. BOX 28 PRINCE RUPERT i William MeNair, Agent Bela Coola Land Le District of Coast Range y an, intends to apply ¥ st planted at the 8. E « south 40 chains more ,, sndary of Lease No. | | , thence east 20 chains | hence north 40 chains, | point of commencement; | r lesa. J H. M, CLIFF | William MeNair, Agent ——_———— |- COAL NOTICE K) Sees La ct of Queen Charlotte | Take s ays from date, Il, C. & heme of I B.C. by occupation {tery to the Chief Com Sane 4 ence to prospect for a 1 under 640 acres of | ~ aba a ribed as follows 2 ‘ ' 7 on the West Coast of Graham Island: rs ; » ; Leaving Prince Rupert Thursdays at {Gemmencing at a post planted three miles east | holding the games at Vancouver} 8.39 p.m., after Prince John’s arriv- of the southwest corner of C. L. No. 4477 thence I 013 ‘anads as » gree € “ce *r 2ilst and 2 @ iv Sy ialas Sank. theses 80 Gales certs, Doaees 60 | in 1913. Canada has made great al, December 2ist and 28th, arriving chains west, thence 80 chains south to point of| strides in the athletic world of in Vancouver Saturday morning De commencement F cember d and 30th te ning AUSTIN M. BROWN, Locator| /4(¢ years, but has never been at tae a me See a ae ee aks kink F ’ will leave Vancouver 2 a.m., De- ation, Sist July 1911. j}honored by holding the Olvr . : Pub. Aug. 17 I y holding ympi cember 26th and January 2nd. games. The Vancouver folk are Skéena Land District— District of Queen ( sectiaia! ar to try and secure the games| present schedule will remain in effect a ands |for Vancouver in 1913, 1 re dates Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince q until above dates Rupert, oceupation saddier, intends to « ply to} the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works for a licence to prospect for coal, oll and petroleum on and | under the following described lands on the Weat Coast of Graham Island Commencing at a post planted three miles east of the southeast corner o 1C. L. No. 4472 thence the ehampions on their backs | He defeated Carl Hammerschmidt, | WwW north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south| (he champion of Germany in Th 6U chains, thence west 80 chains to point of com- | . . ‘ j ‘ mencement. short order at Minneapolis the AUSTIN M. BROWN, Locator | ,, , ig Cx n aste Located August lat, 1911 other night, Jarl ¢ nly lasted On Pub. Aug. 19. | twenty-four minutes. The first | fall was won in fourteen minutes Skeena Land District District of Queen Charlotte | : Take notice that thirty days from date, 1, C.E| With a leg hold and the second in Bainter of Prince Rupert, B. C., by occupation | ;,, * “ al > bookkeeper, intend to apply to the Chiel Com-|¢2 tminutes with a@ half nelson se from Chicago. Frank Gotch is still putting all! Bi-weekly train service to Vanarsdol. Trains leave Prince Rupert at 1 p.m. ednesdays and Saturdays. Return- ing arrive Prince Rupert 4 p.m. on jursdays and Sundays. your Christmas visit East travel via the Grand Trunk Railway System The finest and best rvice over Double Track Route. Connections with all roads East and of Coal Lease No. 4467, marked ( thence south 80 chains, t north 80 chair corner No. 2, 50 chains, thence on") RY THE “NEWS” WANT] AD. WAY OF FINDING igc. BAL Dated Sept. 11, 1911 ( bk Pub. Sept. 24. Skeena Land Distriet— District of Queen Char/otte Take notice that thirty days from date, 1, C. E } Bainter of Pri Rupert, B. C., by occupation = | bookkeeper, in 4 to apply to the Chief Com | | missioner of Lands for a licence to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres of S BR land on Graham Island described as follows is Commencing at a post planted ave — ot | of Coal Lease No. 4476, marked C. E. B. 5 ai aa i | corner of Coal Lease No. 3, thence east 80 chains, SIGN PAINTERS | | nnn | J. G, Sa thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence south 50 chains to place of commencement Dated Sept. 11, 1911 C. BE. BAINTER, Locator missioner of Lands for a licence to prospect for! anid leg hold, , f ogee : : coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres of oes West. Atlantic Steamship bookings land on Graham Island described as follows | arranged.. Full information and Commencing a post planted five miles east | ; ‘ : 2 of Coal Lease No. 1467, marked C. E. B. Coal | Wolgast is still the light- tickets obtained from the office of Lease No. 1, N. BE re ce west 50 chains, | wre aia , ; es a thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, | Y‘ igh champion, says Manage! A E M MASTER thence north 80 chains to place of commencement om Jones, “and he will defend _ x. c Dated Sept. 11,1911 CO. BE. BAINTER, Locator c oe eee K eae a Pub. Sept 23 his title. It may be some time,| FREIGHT AND PASSENGER AGENT |} but he will re-enter the ring and} Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte | jepaddie Welsh will be his first| Take notice that thirty days from date, 1, C. E . x Bainter of Prince Rupert, Bb, C., by occupatior pponent for the title. But I will toonkesper, is ie apply to the Chief Com > ; | missioner of La for a licence to prospect for allow Wolgast to do any f coal and petrol on and under 640 acres o nd of training under six ) land en Graham Island described as follows 5 Commencing at a post planted fi nths | TH ay PACIFIC eas Coast service Famous Princess Line Princess May turday, December 9th, at 9 a.m. For Victoria, Vancouver and Seattle McNab - General Agent Skeena Land District Take notice that thirty days from date, I, ¢ Bainter of Prince Rupert, B. C., -District of Queen Charlotte by occupation ee - Paperhangers bookkeeper, intend to apply to the Chief Com-/ missioner of Lands for a licence to prospect for coal and petroleum on Ane under ¢40 acres of | i » Island described as follows AER oe ee i Me eee eae cer planted five smiles, ener INTERIOR DECORATORS of Coal Lease No. 4476, marked C, E. B.S, E corner Coal Lease No. 4, thence west 50 chains, thence norch 80 chains, thence east 50 chains, thence south 80 chains to place of commencement. | Dated Sept. 11,1911. C. E. BAINTER, Locato | i * | P.O. BOX 120 PHONE 156 GREEN Second Avenue, near McBride | E Pub, Sept. 29 Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlott | Take notice that thirty days from"date, I, A. T. | Broderick of Prince Rupert, B. C., by occupation bank manager, intend to apply to the Chief C 7 | “ 0! Windsor Hotel coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres of land on Graham Island described as follows FIRST AVENUE AT EIGHTH STREET Newly Furnished and of C. E. B. Coul Lease No, 21, e corner of A. T, B. Coal Lease No. 27, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains to place of commencement, Commencing at a post planted two miles north marked 8S. E A. T. BRODERICK, Locator CE Steam Heated Rooms Dated Sept. 12, 1911, Bainter, Agent. Pub. Sept. 23. Akeena Land District— District of Queen ¢ harlott Take notice that thirty days from date, I, C. E Bainter of Prince Rupert, B. C., by occupation bookkeeper, intend to apply, to the ¢ hief Com- missioner of Lands for a licence te prospect vos coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres of | land on Graham Island described as follows Commencing at a post planted at the south west eorner of Coal Lease No. 4468 marked C, E. I Coal Lease No. 28, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to point of commencement covering all foreshore Tiahn Point. pe es gt Dated Sept. 12, 1911. ( E. BAINTER | Pub. Oct 7. A FIRST CLASS BAR AND DINING ROOM IN CONNECTION | _ ° RATES 50 CENTS AND UP ; BATHS FREE TO GUESTS ee e W. H. Wright, Prop P.0, BOX 37 a | | | | } | | Take noticdthat thirty days from date, Broderick of Prince Rupert, B. C., by eooupation | bank manager, intend to apply to the Chie’ ( one missioner of Lands for a licence to prospect fc Skeena oti that thirty days of Queen Charlotte O- wail el aes 5: {| coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres OF | land en Graham Island described as follows is 9 Commencing at a post planted two miles north : of C, E. B. Coal Lease No. 17, marked &. M. | ; ¥ ¥ NO. =o , . : 5 haan $0 shina oS ee Te aaion thence south 80} Flat in Rand Block, corner Sixth Avenue 3 chains, thence west 80 chains to place of com and Fulton Street. : inencements 4. 'T, BRODERICK, Locator | Also stores in same block. : ‘ . . * > t Pub aeot's im any oe ie ee Two cottages correr Second Avenue and 3 ‘ub. Sept. 23. . " Ninth Street, 3 Skeena Land District District of Quese Charlotte FOR SALE T t that thirty days from date, }, A. Bs. erik of vn Lots in ull parts of the city. Broderick of Prince Kupert, B, C., by occupation 5 SURANCE | coal and petroleum on and under 640 cares of | FIRE IN land on Graham Island described as follows: cial Commencing at @ post pinated two ale ne ! of .C, E, B, Coal Lease No marked 8. F. | corner A. T. B, Coal Lease No. thence vores | 80 chains, thence west 50 cha thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to place of co mencement. A. T. BRODERICK, Locator Dated Sept. 12, 1911, C. EB. Bainter, Agent Pub, Sept. 25. intend to apply to the Chief Com Snes ene Yast "or a licence to prospect for We represent some ol the largest Com- panies doing business in the City. Cor, Fr - ©¢.D. RAND Phone 112 | Second Ave. FRED. STORK | @-0-0-0-0-0 - © =0-0-0-0- { Builders’ Hardware Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves Graniteware Tinware SECOND - AVENUE —o- + 6-0 — @-6- 6-6 -¢-@ SHSSHSE SE EESO SOHO OHH OOOO KING GEORGE HOTEL } MRS. C. McKNIGHT - Peeeeeee ee Sees ee eeereoeeO Savoy Hotel |RUPERT’S PALACE Prince Rupert Lodge, .0.0.F. nos Meets in the Helgerson Block very Tuesday Evening | All members of the order in the city re requested to visit the lodge. J. P, CADE, N. G: | J. GLUCK, See. —General Hardware— —¢—4-4-4-4-6@ -—-¢ +! SPOTLESSLY GLEAN ROOMS ;- $ Re-opened Under New Managemen: * Rates 35c per Night and Upwards 3 Proprietor © Choice Wines and Cigars OF COMFORT aser and Sth, nation from saying how it would like to be governed. THE CHEERFUL CYNIC He Has Timely Advice for Prince Rupert Folk. grub may become a butterfly, but the man who marries a but- terfly, expecting her to turn into a grub, should remember that never works that way. When a woman has a cold that nature makes her nose red it is utterly useless for a man to try to get her worked up ove such trifles as suffrage, socialism and the fate of her country. Many a woman loves her hus- band for his. faults, simply be- cause there isn’t anything else on earth to love him for. The girl who wants to be really popular and wears a_ hobbled skirt and one of the new hats surely must believe that love is blind. “DADDY’S GIRL.” Are you one of the hundreds who have written to the Globe for a copy of ‘“‘Daddy’s Girl’? This is probably, without a single ex- ception, the most popular pieture ever published in Canada. A sample copy of this picture, which is from a photograph of a child with the sweetest and most expressive face that can be imagined, may be seen at this office, To see it is to want it. This beautiful picture will be given free with each new sub- ;scrip or renewal sent in for the | Weekly Globe and Canada Farmer |before December 31, 19414. The subscription price is only ne dollar. Montreal Star Says That the Rainbow’s Crew Say So. Montreal, Dec, 7.—In a long preparation that m@gkes it reflect like a looking glass, JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, ESQ., A.R.A.M., TON., ENG GEORGE LEEK & CO. MERCANTILE AGENCY COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS Fire, Life and Accident Insurances 618 3rd Avenue Phone 203 and Green 252 PRINCE RUPERT Cosmopolitan and Dicxens CHARLESE DICKENS is still a “best seller.’ Publishers don’t argue pro and con over his books —they just order a new carload of paper, oil the presses, and let them speed on. And it has been over forty years since, one morn- ing when the yard was filled with scarlet geraniums and the breath of syringa was heavy in the air, the great author followed little Nell. Now that the centenary of his birth (February 7th), 1812), approaches and everybody is thinking of Dickens. We have secured several articles which will tell many things about him that have hitherto been unknown. In the January Cosmopolitan his son, Alfred Tennyson Dickns, will tell you some of his own personal recollections of the great novel- ist. Later, probably in February Mary Angela Dickens, his grand- A. M. BROWN HARNESS & SADDLERY MANUFACTURER Repairing a Specialty. Complete Stock Carried. Outside Orders Promptly Filled. 2nd Ave. between 10th and 11th Sts THE IROQUOIS POOL English and American Billiards Twelve Tables SECOND AVE. daughter, will give an intimate view of Dickens as she remem- bers him. In fact, in these and Hotel Central ©: First Ave. other articls on Dickens which sara ude satnad: European and American plan, steam heated, modern conveniences. Rates $1.00 to $2.50 per day. : 3 Peter Black - Proprietor will follow—fully illustrated, of been publishd of thee human— course—we shall aim to give you a more vivid picture than has yet the home—side of the great mas- ter, written by those who knew him best. Read _ the articles they will surely arouse a new in- terest in the “best beloved” au- thor in your library. Subscrip- tions to Cosmopolitan will be ac- cepted until Dec. 10th, at the spe- cial low rate to Canada of $1.50. Cosmopolitan Agency, Box 851, Winnipeg. Tribute to Dead. The tug William Jolliffe lay at the wharf yesterday afternoon flying her flag half mast high in tribute to the seaman, Duncan Inglis, of the Quadra, who died recently and who will be buried with Masonic honors today in the ==E. EBY @& Co== REAL ESTATE Kitsumkalum Land For Sale KITSUMKALUM - R. C. Chismey Sweeping and Furnace Cleaning Prepare for winter by gettin your fnr- naces and flues put in order by C. H. CUTTING Practical Chimney Sweep Address: Knox Hotel, or PHONE 71 E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embalmer CHARGES REASONABLE SHE CULTIVATES AND SELLS FRESH WATER PEARLS. new cemetery. THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356, OPEN DAY AND NIGHT MISS JULIA WHITE, A LADY PEARL GROWER Miss Julia White Finds It Profit- able to Cultivate Pearls. In pursuit of independent liv- lihood, the most ingenious voca- tions are being exploited by women, Tennessee has a young woman in Miss Julia White of Hancock who is becoming known as an ex- pert in the culture of fresh water pearls. She is an example of that type of ability that discerns the business opportunity that ties close at hand, From her early childhood Miss White has been familiar with pearl fishing on the Clinch river, Miss her opportunity, time and of the lives of the mus sels, Miss White is undertaking the which she has jurisdiction, Pearl fishing cannot destroying the mussels, HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKEPRS ann EMBALMERS Funeral Directors Srd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No, 86 PHONE 301 P.O. BOX 804 PONY EXPRESS Baggage, Storage and Forwarding Agents. For Rigs or Motor Car day or night Seventh Ave, and Fulton Phone 301 Grand: Hotel. Workingman’s Home Free Labor Bureau in Connection Phone 178 Ist Ave. and Tth St. White instantly discerned She began in a small way buy- ing up the pearls found in her GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor neighborhood and disposing of these to dealers. In order to do this she undertook a thorough ° , study of the commercial grading Little’s NEWS Agency of pearls. Her stock goes to wholesale dealers and to arts and Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers crafts studios where jewels of this type are used, ~ CIGARS :: FOBACCOS 3: FRUITS Realizing that the fishers’ G.T.P. WHARF methods were wasteful both of Whites Portland Cement... G. C, EMMERSON AGENT care of certain beds over be* pursued with As they which flows among the moun-/are rarely found in the young Phone 125 Naden Block Second Ave tains of East Tennessee, mussel the depletion of the beds me While making the journey]! prevented by taking only those wisn home for a college vacation, Miss White saw in a jeweler’s window at Knoxville a beautiful solitaire pearl ring. Behind it was a placard whieh read, “Clinch River Pearl. Three Hundred Dollars,” of medium or large size. modern young woman who pos- sesses among her other charms the gift of enthusiasm and effi- ciency, Advectios a The Daily News Miss White is a type of the + i # 0 ii y i ea i Ht " Z i—. seme aneeRs: i beets RSS _ mene esto am omen oe zs he el Po Se} st- Oo- he as n- itt in he