Page four i I? I tS Jasmine and Gardenia That Wonderful Perfume of Southern France Christmas Gift Sets For tots 2 to 4 years C.C.M. Joycycles Ages 31 to 6 years $9,75 and 9.25 C.C.M. Wagons Substantially built C.C.M. Ice Skates Tube skates and boots Roller Skates From, Per pair Air Rifles From Ckistmas Cards From 50c to $10.00 For Him The Most Acceptable of All Gifts a ROLLS RAZOR $6.95 $8.95 $10;00 Ormes Zfie Pioneer Drugs tats The KeiiU Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From t a.m. till 10 pjn. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till X 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. The Store of a Thousand Gifts Practical Gifts g That Will Thrill The Kiddies C.C.M. Joyriders $3.85 $4.25 t0 $4.75 $1.25 $2.00 Skis. Skiing: Equipment and Sleighs GORDON'S HARDWARE Phone 311 The Home of Piactlcal Gifts- McBrid&St xKnir.ivBi.fl i via nrtaraxa n nmiTatir iaii!Ba Tags, Seals, Gift Wrappings There are over 300 boxes of Christmas Cards cpntalning 12, 15, 18 and 21 cards to box. Each card is different, some are ribbon tied, all are smart and attractively designed. Priced from 35c, 75c, $1.0, $U5 and $UD per Box Individual cards priced from 2 for 5c, 10c, 15c, 20c & 35c each CELLOPHANE and TINSEL IlIDBON Gay Christmas tylngs, red, green, gold or sliver ioc TAGS and SEALS Fine assortment of tags and seals add Just the right touch to your parcels. GIFT WUAITINGS Fancy gift wrapping paper that will give ycur package that dressed-up look. Rose Cowan & Latta Besner Block The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK Limited Third Street REX BOWLING1 ALtEY Basement' of Eichangr Block PHONE 65S FIRST HALF OF BOWLING CONCLUDED The first half of the Five Pin Bowling League, in which honors had already been clinched by Canadian National Recreation As Isociationt concluded last night with Canadian National Recreation As sociation winning two games to one over Pioneer Laundry white Old Empress defeated Gyro Club also by two eames to on uoh average scorer was Johnny Coma dina of C N. R. A. with 286. Individual scoring: C. Ni R. A. . 1 2 Comadina 328 223 Ronald 193 211 Proctor 17(J 202 Mcintosh 152 233 Irving '. 155 243 Handitap 50 50 Total; PIONEER 1 Total Gunderson 215 248 Arney 233 177 Santerbane 199 123 Ciccone 173 237 Handicap 15 15 Total 835 800 GYRO 1 2 Borland 197 144 Dlbb 140 161 Bulger 214 189 Vance 140 120 Handicap 54 54 Total .745 Falklrk-St. Mlrren, postponed! Hibernians 0, Celtic 3. Kllmarnock-Hearts, postponed. Motherwell-St. Johnston, post poned. 157 264 154 51 10581 1162 (.89 Houston 210 Young 253 Stiles 217 IBrasell 161 Kinslor 166 Handicap 44 2 214 207 269 274 133 44 OLD EMPRESS 1 2 3. 3 217 191 240 162 Old Country Soccer Scottish League First Division i Partlck Thistle-Third Lanark. I postponed. Queen of South-Rangers, post poned. Queens Park-Hamilton Academi cals, postponed. All postponements were on ac count of snow. English League First Division Birmingham 0, Brentford 0. Charlton Athletic 2, Leicester City 0. 1. Chelsea 0,. Wolverhampton Wan derers; 2. 1. Grimbsy Town 0, Derby County Leeds United 2, Manchester Citv Liverpool 2; Arsenal 0. Middlesbrough V -Bolton Wan- lerers 2. 0. Portsmouth. 3. Everton l. t' jston'- NortH'End- 6; 'Sflnderlartrf Stoke City 0, Huddersfield Town West Bromwlch Albion 1. Black oool 2. SNAP i p i r i n r OWDER atAMS KHJtHtt TUt 4 "XASH tAJMli CAHMOl PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD MpfciiflJ aiul T . mm aeti Braaa Cwtl.. Welding,, 9fllUU SiwaB AH Tjp at Cat EnliMa Rpir4 mwti OrrhanlcL Toe. DhXLY ha'wS- Spokane Lost To Portland Clippers Defeat Learue Leaders in Pacific Coast Hockey name But Fall Back Again SEATTLE, December 17 (Ca nadlan Press) Spokane Clippers bv taklne the measure of the league-leading Seattle Sea Hawks on Wednesday night, moved into a tie wun Portland Buckroos for third place in the Pacific Coast Hockey League but dropped into the cellar again Thursday by losing ,to Buckaroos 3 to 2 at Portland. The league standings to date: Seattle 5 4 4 27 24 11 Vancouver .. .6 2 4 28 28 14 3 Portland. 4 4 6 28 24 1 2 200 Spokane 4 2 5 19 22 10 053 Hockey Standings International Division W D L F A A PtS; Canadiens 6 5 5 42 37 17 Tnrnnfn c a a An ai oti J u i 11U tf 1U m Americans 6 2 5 41 25 14 Maroons 6 1 8 28 34 13 188 213 American Division 17U Rangers 8 1 5 36 22 !7 44 Boston 7 2 3 24 22 irt Chicago 5 2 3 28 35 -...1051 1146 1023 Detroit 3 1 11 23 46 Santa At Story H Hour Here Today 825 Seasonal Atmosphere for Edificat tion of. Youngsters This Morning 2te 172 21? Santa daus came to the StoryJ 212 Hour this morning with 54 brances for the children, elim. Johnston led the audience . inslngi- ..w s ut b V ing and developed appreciation of i left on last evening's train for her Christmas trees hv th tnrv "wvn.lhomp at nlf tn unH tu The Evergreen Trees Keep Their !nas and New Year holiday season Arbroath 3, Aberdeen 3. lrwitH v,.i. : y vij-uc-inuiwn, ipuiicu. Night Before Christmns" anrt M Dundee 3, Ayr United 1. aband-.a sone pnmrvpH w r..r oned after seventy four minutes. Lr vn,,. .. " - - - . v , miiwu ili 1 1 f 1 1 1' n vnnnir btOCKlngS. Mrs. J. T. Manrft-lratnr stressed the theme of trivial through the storv "The star! lars." Accompanists were Marimrpi Armstrong and Lolt Judge. me next Storv Hour fnr nMU dren between the aees of 9 tn i will be on January 8 with Mrs. W Stamford; Mrs. 3. D. Johnston and Phyllis Hamblin in charge. EXPRESS PARCELS Advantages in Sending Christmas Presents This Way Pointed Out MONTREAL, Dec. 18: Low rates on Express parcels weighing up to 15 pounds wlth free Dlck-un and de- Ntf livery service at 1045 points across f$ the Dominion In effect by the Can- gfy adlan National and Canadian Pa-'K, title Express companies will prove' Sr quite an advantage when manv ft thousands of small sized parcels are m being shipped as Christmas pres- Btf. Chairman of the Express Traffic f Association of Canada. On snrh. shlnmnnt. Vi vary according to the weight of the package and the distance over.M which it must be handled. Com-'tft mpnrlncr at n vptv Inm mi.iniim Tf - - O - WJ V i44il Uil charge, the cost of forwarding a parcl to any Express point in the sy? is so proportionately rated that the cost' to even the farthest point Is still tyj very moaeraie. inese smpmenU are. called for and dellverprf tTa promptly without extta charge at g5 any address within designated lim Tf. its, at all principalities and towns if throughout the country. j? "TO cone with the enormous am' W ount of express shipments Just prior for such special effort 0n the part 0t the Tr tAui tuiiiuaurrs uub aaeauaie sT preparation for this has been made r well in advance and whether the Sjf barcel is larpp or mll, thp. affc o - . v mj, ,anct speedy conveyance of it by ex-( press assures prompi aeurery- in gff w. UVHl M 1UI . A4M4C4 Miss I. Hodgson of Borden Street School staff left on last night's train for a trip to Winnipeg. Jack Ness, after a week's visit lng a program of Christmas sonirstlaide last night on his return to 668 9C5.and stories. "Jlnele Rail ann Vanpouvpr: Away In a Manger" provided seat sonal atmosphere. Mrs, Trevor Miss Dorothy Stewart, who Is at tending C St. - Joseph's . Academy Hw.aak tlVI here V Mrs. J. K. Gordon of Terraeu sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for a visit to Seattle, accompanied by her son, Frank Phis- Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 I Xmas Price List gpe Vines j XMAS FESTIVITIES WITH :J CAL0NA GRAPE WINES I At d In Wood I White Medium Sw4e? $ -60 fl.60 3.00 M RJ Medium Sweff .60 45 l.0 3.00 IKNJOY Red Dry, 0 45 1.60 3M :JL Royal Port .60 45 1.60 3.00 Italian Vermouth (Sweet) per bottle 1.25 French Vermouth (Dry) " L25 :tl Champagne (Dry) " 1.90: V Sparkling Burgundy (Dry) " " 1,75 :9 Mdt l Calona Win LlmWL Ktlovna, B.C On Salt At All Gortrnmenl VenJori CUT THIS OUT FOR REFERENCE j TKii advertisement ia not publuhed or dUplayed by the Liquor. Control Board nor by the Province of Brituh Columbia. ft Dudley Little and'hTsJsistek MlisL Edith Little, arrived in the city from Terrace on Thursday night'? train and sailed on the Prince. Ru- pert for a trip to Vancouver and Seattle. Dr. a it v partmeir .-j a visit to 8;( city from " lands yester Prince Rupe Tf. W IS MWlMIRWFl SCARVES WOOL SCAKVES-In plain colors, or pi, . patterns. Christmas .boxed. Each, from CKEPE SCAKVES-In plain white, boxeu At, each : In plain contrasting colors, boxed. At, each . CLOVES Gloves will certainly be on hand at Chii. tm , a large selection of plgsklns, deerskins, ku: We have gloves unllned or lined'with sm MEN'S GLOVES Boxed. Per pair IJOVS GLOVES-Boxed. Per pair Real Scotch Seamless Knit Wool HOYS' Per pair MEN'S Per pair Presented By n rv ' Ul CI 81 Gli .1 T . , kc vtrn m t- I mwi I .. 1. Ill VslMI llllllll II i i 1 1 line m m m bbc i iiiiiiiiii w n.iiiiiir Phone 297 Established 1911 -217 213 . T i Ml I I B I IM IH IM TUT T f 1 I mi I ,(- .BBBBBa W BBBBBBB k r ii --------r bbbf bbbbbbbbbbbbbb lmt'i .eii' v . r r BBBflflflflr mm - 11 T J BBBW I J 12 r mmmm mw k a i J ' - - ' - - - v i. - ,B:- W KlITTAU V sW ! v I BL-B BtT - : i - ' t -C -i m r m r r - ,-i r. ? 23P llX-Vrl ?X ft , rjkwm ire h n n rp rrviw k , ' -- x sk.. iw. I Better mSM ; Than Ever I TOYS Fo " ' ' - " TTiVT I T 5? 1 KAIEN r Everyone HARDWAR PHONE 3 CHRISTMAS m Class Ware Hand SleiKhs Copper Kettle's, Mechanics Tools Pyrcx Ware Flash LicW-1 Pocket Knives Covered Hoastcr" Table Cutlery I Thnmn enn Harilwarp f 0. It 255 255 Third Third Avenue. Avpnnn IHone