January 25. 1937 A. MacKenzie Furniture nuary Clearance Sale on Barrymore Carpets arrymorc Carpets, 4Jx7 ,.$14.50, $13.50, $12.50 jarrymore Carpets, GJxO . . .$28.50, $26.50, $25.00 iarrymorc Carpet, 9x12 S 16.50 Barrymore Carpets, 9x10, each $34.50 cse arc only a few of the carpets we have in stock. wide assortment of the latest patterns are now on hand. We appreciate your inspection. hone 775 Prince Rupert, B.C. Lire Regarding New Special Rates For Room and Hoard at THE KNOX HOTEL "Banquets a Specialty" itKASFI.L Phone 71 N. M. RRASELL IK CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL-tIIKITISII COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elephant Brand Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium Phosphates, Sulphate of Ammonia. Superphos phates, complete fertilizers Producers & Refiners of Tadanac Rrand Metals Gold, Silver, Electrolytic Lead. Zinc, Cadmium, Bismuth. GALVANIZED HARDWARE I ails Washers Bolts !l Cans Coal Hods Bar Iron J girbagc Cans Water Pails Kitchen Cans J Wash Tuhs in all sizes from 50c to $2.50 Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. jj UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: P S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M. Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. M S. CARUKNA FRIDAY, 10:30 PM. Due Vac;ouver, Monday ajn. If convenient please purchase tickets at office. Further Information regarding reservations and tickets from A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 5ts 1 mKe you very reat I OUrSell - i i i lot- " trie rray rymw-'-b y having your Loai inn Vouil like full of the hest coal in f The wav JhevtwcatYouJ town. H1LP0TT - EVITT & Co. Ltd. Have the Coal to Suit Your Requirements 051 PHONE 652 heFsh which made Prince RupertFamoas "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Henry Messers:hmidt, well known pioneer baker of Juneau, was a passenger aboard the Pxlncess No- rah last night going through on a trip to Seattle. . Ladles Attention! Recondition your hair for your Spring Perman ent. From 9 to 1 free hot oil treat ment given with every shampoo and finger wave. Modem Beauty Shop. Phone 847. (22) Mr. and Mrs. Barney Turbitt of Alice Arm will be here aboard the steamer Catala tomorrow morning going through to Vancouver en rived In the city-on the Catala last evening from the south and is proceeding by this evening' train to his home on the Skeena River. Word has been received in ths cltv of the engagement of Miss Doris Mashett of Tolworth. Surrey, England, to Frank Russell formerly of this city. Mr. Russell is in the employ of Metropolitan Vlckers in England having been in the Old Country for the past few years. Rev. H. Lj Foss of Seattle, Bish op the tne racmc uoasi bynoa of the Norwegian Lutheran Church of America, will arrive here to morrow from Ketchikan where he has been attending a Northern British Columbia and Alaska district conference, and will conduci a scries of meetings In St. Paul's Lutheran Church this week. L. F. Champion, formerly store manatrer for the Granby Co. at Anyox and for several years man agcr of the B. C. Products Bureau of the Vancouver Board of Trade, Is rejoining the service of thu Granby Co. as townsite manager for the company at AllentSy in the Simllkameen district where the company Is going Into a:tive mln. Ing operation again. Tom Ik "lluild B.C. Payrolls" Smith Learns Quality pi K is -i J Master Tom Smith went Into the Alice Arm country last summer with his father to work on their mine. Tom, It Is reported, has become quite a cook, making a "De Luxe" breakfast which consisted of por ridge with Pacific Milk "straight" and an omelette with Pacific. Tom's idea of luxury was to have all the Pacific Milk he wanted and It Is a treat where each case goes 27 miles by man-back. Pacific Milk IRRADIATED OF COURSE Learn to Dance Foxtrot &, Waltz VAQK THHE VH2 DAILY KSWci LOCAL NEWS NOTES Just arrived! A new shipment of hats. Annette's. tf. Dr. C. H. Hanklnson returned to the city on the Catala last evening J from a brief trip to Vancouver. I Miss E. Allen arrived In the city on Saturday night's train from Fort St. James and proceeded- on the Catala last evening to R. E. Legg, superintendent of Surf Point mine, Porcher Island,! returned to the city on the Catala j last evening from a brief business trip to Vancouver. j Dr. J. H. Carson, who has been on a business trip to Eastern Can-'. ada and the United States, return- ; ed to the city on Saturday night's train. Basketball tonight, Moose Hall. W. Geary returned to the city oh the Catala last evening from a trip to Vancouver. 50c Bend Cola or Stamps. JSAglnncr's Course tit Home, Jrw 16-Fftge Book, 30 photo-graph. English Edlrtlon. Thanks to my books, tor ywre thousands are dancing. Why mlvi all tine fun, don it. iliay. Write Dent. 14. Prof. Vachon I'. O. Ifcu !. Ktnllon "O," Montrrnl Mrs. P. LeRoss of Pacific arrived In the city on Saturday night's train from the interior for a brief visit to town. Capt. Harry Calderwood of the Dlgby Island ferryboat Catherine B. returned to the city on the Catala last evening from a vacation trip to Vancouver and Victoria. QlestColds .. .Distressing symptoms V"X; relieved by rubbing on V XICKS BVS VAPORUB Eric A. Beavon. Seventh Adventtst evangelist, leaves on; this evening's train for Burnv Lake. HOTEL ARRIVALS Presbyterian January 25. Savoy D. A. Johnson and family, Port Simpson; T. Oorman and Mrs. LeVitt, city; P. S. Dannhauer, Copper River. Trince Rupert L, B. Walte, R. A. Gorman and W. Deans, Vancouver: Mrs. LeRoss and Miss McCliire. Pacific; Miss E. Allen, Fort St. James; E. Wll-I'lams, Edmonton; Mrs. A. McLeod. Telkwa; Ben A. Bellamy, Seattle. Central C. Leask, Metlakatla; A. Ras-mussen, B. Kemp and N. Leask city; E. C. Anderson, C.N.R.; S. A. Cheeseman, Haysport. Knox P, H. Cawley, CUR. Royal Mr. and Mrs. A. Jacobsen an1 children, Haysport. Notice Notice Is hereby given that tho Annual General ' Meeting of the members of the Prince Rupert General Hospital Association will1 be held at the City Hall dn Tues-' day, January 26, 1937, at 8 p.m. Business; To receive balance sheet for 1936 To receive general and Auditor's reports. 1 To consider a reduction In the annual membership fee to one dollar ($1.00). ' : v To elicit five members of the Board of Management. To appoint an auditor. H. W. BIRCH. Secretary. Announcements Burns' Concert, University extension lecturer. January 27, 28 and 29. Presbyter-Ian Church. S. O. N. Masquerade, January 29. Masonic Ball February 3. Cambral Valentine Dance, Feb ruary 5. United Missionary tea, Mrs. Jen-ner'i, February 11. Legion Valentine February 12. Box Social, High School play, Presbyterian Church, February 25 and 26. Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY rilONE 657 CHURCH SERVICE AT USK FRIDAY Iter. C. A. lnnchliffe of Terrace Sounds Call for Christian Living I USK. Jan, 25: A well attended ! service was held at Marsh Mem orial Church, on Friday. It was conaucxea vy ttev. u. a. nmcn cliffe of Terrace. In his address, ihe speaker stressed the need for giving heed to the teachings of Christ. The tendency was to forget those things -which had been liaught. What was required today l was to show in a practical way the (results of Christianity from day to day. The problems confronting the world could be solved if Uie Christian nations would really apply the principles of Christ. Two Instrumental selections 'vere played, 'The Old Rugged Cross,' and "In the Sweet Bye and Bye. ' Services are ield on the second and lost Fridays of .the month. ' Likes Cigars Day AnfJ Thrlllor AMSTERDAM, Jan. 25: (CP)- Twenty-flve cigars a day are . , 'smoked by Dr. Hendrik Colljn, Fred Scadden. who has been on prime Mlnltter of Holland, who a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere . confesses to a liking for mod. In the south, returned to the city rn En2Uch detective stories. on the catala last evening. route to California on a holiday j known pioneer jewelry and curio confer freedom of the borough trip. S. A. Cheeseman of Haysport who has been on a trip to Victoria on account of family illness, ar J. H. Studdy of Stewart, who has been on a trip to Vancouver, was a passenger returning north aboard the Catala last evening. HONOR SIR JOSIAH STAMP LONDON, Eng., Jan. 25: (CP)- The Blackpool town council will merchant of Skagway, was a pas-,"" Z,7i, T MldUnd a"d Lndon' senger aboard the Princess Norah heu Sf last evening going through for a - trip to California. lr nere- ClAssiFifO FOR SALE FOR SALE 44 ft. 35. hp. dlesel boat Discovery, suitable for halibut ttolllng and seine fishing. Price $3,000.00. 6. Fjelde", owner, cio Olson and Sunde Shipyards, Seattle, Washington, or Sunde and d'Evers Company, Seattle, Washington. tf FURNITURE Factory samples.must: go this week. Guaranteed 10-plecs Chesterfield groups $69.50; j 10-plece loose pillow arm groups $72.50; 10-plece bedroom suites (round mirrors) $74.50. Furnish your home complete three rooms, .59 pieces all for $165. Many other bargains. Terms If you wish. Order today. Julius Shore Mall Order House, 8th floor Beklns Building, Vancouver, (tf ) FOR RENT :TWo Roomed furnished cottage I Available at once. Apply 241 5th Ave. West, or phone Red 103. 120) FOUND FUND-TPalr. ofjf spectacles; .with black frame fn 'Iacirahfgatbr- case. Apply Dally News. WANTED PERSONAL (tf) WANTED For cash, United States stamps, old preferred, Loose or on cover or accumulations of any amount. P. Gamula, Box 623. (30) GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies, hiehest grade 15 for $1. Pacific Supply, 751 Granville, Vancouver. TRUTHFUL Clairvoyant readings Write Madam Francis, 2531 Woodland, Vancouver, B.C. Four questions answered. Send birth 'month. Donation. (tf) MEN Get vigor at once. New Os- trex Tonic Tablets contain raw, ovster lnvleorators and other stimulants. One dose peps up or gans, glands. If not delighted, -aker refunds few cents paid wall or writ, Ormes Limited, tf FANCY WORK At Reasonable Prices PALMISTRY SnMe 7, First Floor FEDERAL BLDG. Phone Green 701 JUST fyr iT ONCE V ' 'j You'll Always Use It! Lin - A- Septic An absorbent antiseptic linament and analgesic. Safe, clean and pleasant to use. For Sprains, sore muscles, rheumatic and muscular pains, bruises, abrasions, insect bites and sunburn. For athlete's foot As a rub-down for conditioning athletes Guaranteed by Rexall. Two sizes 4 oz. . ... 50c 16 oz. . . . $1.25 Ormes Ltd. 77he Pioneer Drtu&ists The Rexall Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 ajn. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 1 7 p.m. till 9 pan. ELIO'S FURNITURE Introducing The Folding Metal Bridge Set Ideal for home, apartment, community halls this beautiful and useful bridge set is available in a variety of pleasing colors black and red, walnut and tan, green and black. Three-Piece Chesterfield Suite at very reasonable price Blankets Used uoods Kitchen Ranges and Heaters Battery Radio, 8-Tube Make deForest Crosley Singer Sewing Machine i Fpu'r Popular Leading Lines that Cannot be Beaten 1 Portable Underwood Typewriter good as new We Buy Used Goods or Exchange D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Phone Green 421 Prince Rupert, B.C. Busineu Hours Open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Thurs. 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. is 1 !! T M il it .1