MADRID, Jan. 25: More than a... l.f a ntoro Hoort a e o TP CI lit. Sikeniy-ic a day-long bombardment of Madrid on Saturday by long-range Irtlllery of the rebels, finding its i l AUn nAiifrii . ff tVin ,ltv hich was in flames that night. the bombardment continued yes- fcrday when at least eight more lere killed. General Francisco Franco, com- fcander-in-chief of the rebel jrecs, charges that the loyalists Save massacred two thousand hos- jges, mostly women and children, jho were sympathetic to the insurant cause. Russian warships, it Is declared, ire expected to come to the assls- tince of Malaga. German-Italian Accord ROME, Jan. 25: It Is reported ;iat Herman Oocring, chief lieu-;nant of Chancellor Adolf Hitler t Germany, who left last night on is return to Berlin, and Premier cnlto Mussolini approved the anal draft of an answer to Great Britain's note in regard to Spanish on-interventlon proposals. It may made public today, It is lntl- faated. I Meantime, it bany and Italy are agreeable to r.y solution of the Spanish civil ar situation which does not ln- plve the setting up of a Red re- uoiit m any parT of "Spain. lOoering and Mussolini are also iported to have reached agree ment on the subject of Belgian piegrlty Mussolini's Reply I LONDON, Jan. 25: (CP) Premier Bmlto Mussolini Informed Great- Britain , U 4 1 I lJUav maw itic kuvciu- bent of Italy was prepared to Mace an embargo on the departure volunteers to the Spanish civil fir Mussolini's renlv accented oints raised by the British de- Band of January 10 for immediate fanning of volunteers. Italy's pro-Posed embargo will go Into effect pen all other governments adopt He same provision and agree to a ontrol system. ! v uerun Germany also an Jounced readiness to promulgate a w making enlistment of German lolunteers a penal offence. Quadruplet Is 1 survive. Still Alive I'arie Rita Rondeau Stronger But Is Given Less Than Even Chance to Survive MONTREAL. Jan. 25: Little tarle Rita, last surviving of quad- upiet babies born last Thursday o Mrs. Arcade Rondeau in St. Thomas. Que., still lives In a local 'ospital and was reported last 'ght to be a little stronger. She s given less than an even chance Veins Children i I BRISBANE, Aust., Jan. 25: (CP) r-Noarlv nnnnn ...n WALLY IS TO STAY Ot .ENGLAND LONDON, Jan. 25: Mrs. Wallls Simpson, who has been said to be planning to return to England for a visit, Is re- ported to have been advised by the authorities that, owing to the number of threats which have been made against her, it might be advisable for her not to come. Mrs. Simpson Is still at Cannes to which place she fled during the dynastic crisis which culminated In the abdication of King- Edward VIII, now in self-imposed exile at Vienna. BURGLARY 4 4 OF STORE Overwaitca is Broken Into During himself when his chauffeur became nervous. Today's Weather (Oovcnunoiit Telegraphs) Terraced-Snowing, strong north wind, 15 above. Alyansh Cloudy, calm, 15 above Alice Arm Clear, calm, 13 above Stewart Part c'oudy, light north wind, 13 above. Hazelton Snowing, calm, above. Smlthers Overcast, calm, cold Burns Lake Snowing, calm, below. Boy and Girls Hurt Coasting rt a . 'Four In Hospital as Kcsuil oi w -r ViaiOrS dent In North Vancouver LONDON, Jan. 25: (CPWLord pkefleld has donated $50,000 to te Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund to enabln nmmlsliw p.Villrt. Yesterday NORTH VANCOUVER, Jan. 25 Three North Vancouver girls anc' one boy arc In hospital surrerins of R, a. F. officers and men from Injuries sustained yesterday f receive higher education. Distillery Lit Up! when their bob slelgn coiuacu with an automobile. None of them are In serious condition. JAP CRISIS CONTINUES ind 40nnn .u..,..: Trvvn Jan. 25: (CP) owing , , w ikiAiiwii.i ill 1 11 r 1,1 1 V I il 1 l'( I ----- . Mrtt were- lost wh nimrin.. to Armv oDDOsltion. attempts oi PB rum distillery was destroyed General Kazushlge Ugakl, former ure after being struck by minister of war. to iorm y fhtnmg, damage being estimated cabinet and end Japan's grave poll t SI. II MM Win I .1 -I .11. ..linn VinVO fit PQ. ,"v. I tICUl SUlliluuii, nuiv Vancouver Mill IsFireswept Robertson & Harkett Plant Visited By Falmes at Week-End And Considerable Damage Done VANCOUVER, Jan. 25: Fire ol undetermined origin did extensive damage at the week-end to th roof, kiln and basement of the Robertson & Hackett Sawmill. here. The loss as a result of the damage has not yet been estlma ted. Quadruplets In Roumania Three Girls and Boy Born Near Bucharest Will Live, It Is Believed BUCHAREST, Roumania, Jan. 25:: -Quadruplets, three girls and a oy, are reported to have been born ,iear this city. All, It is said, are lolng well, Nothing Definite To Connect Local Suspect With Case Police here admit that there is 10 definite reason, as yet at least, o assoclateJack Watson, mysterious Individual, who was picked up here ten days ago and has since esolutely refused to give, any account of himself, with the Mattson kidnap-murder case at Tacoma. Watson Is being merely held on Ui Todays Weather Tomorrow's Tides (8 AM.) High 1:08 ajn. 20.3 ft. prince Rupert Cloudy, northwest 13:00 a.m. 22.5 ft. wind, four miles per hour; Low 7:03 a.m. 6.6 ft. barometfer, 29.94; sea moderate. 19:38 p.m. 1.4 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 1937 fRlCE: S CUNT flMRARD ALL DAY .. . . .. A .1 ..1.1 ...! Intiirppnt Assault niui"""'' n But at Bloody Cost Non-intervention ii. iiaiir mil Cfrmanv Ileadv To Ban Volunteers in Civil War Night and $80 in Cash Taken Some time early this morning the Overwaltea grocery store on Third Avenue was broken Into and $80 In cash taken from a drawer, A brace and bit was used to bore holes all around the panel of a rear door which was then pushed In, the burglar climbing in by that means. As far as is known, only the cash was taken. J The breaking and entering was I discovered when the store was I opened for business this morning. The.pol!ce werc caUed and "e l"' Is said that Ger- vesugaung. One set of good sized men's foot prints could be seen leading up to the Dolnt where the entry was made. They were partly covered up by freshly fallen snow. The boring of the panel with many holes of a brace and bit must have been quite a Tedious task. Duke of Windsor Given Shaking Former British King Took Wheel Himself When Chauffeur Became Nervous VIENNA. Jan. 25: The Duke of Windsor was shaken up when his car skidded on the slippery hlgh- iway as he was driving to Enzefeld i after a visit in Vienna, ine ior-; mcr British King took the wheel CHILDREN PERISHED George Fournier and Four of His Family Burned to Death In Hull, Quebec HULL, Quebec, Jan. 25: (CP) George Fournier, aged 30, and four small children Roland, aged 6; Rita, 4; Plerette, 2, and Marcel, two months were suffocated or burned to death Sunday when fire destroyed their frame house. Mrs. Fournier was at church when the fire started from overheated pipes. The father was found with Roland In his arms. He had, apparent ly, been trying to carry the boy to safety when he was overcome The bodies of the three little girls were In their betls. Neighbors noticed the house hi flames but It was too late for them to enter. EXTENDING AIR BASES DURBAN. S. A., Jan. 25: (CP)-Nearly $500,000 will be expended by the Railway Administration on the erection of giant hanger3, sllpwiays and other structures In the establishment of an airliner base here. Six Children Nearly Burned Tragedy Narrowly Averted When Home Near Nanaimo Is De-, stroyed by Fire NANAIMO. Jan. 25: Six child-n of Mr. and Mrs. A. Lancashlrt f Brechin, a community a short llstance -north xt Nanaimo, had larrow escape Saturday night rom perishing In a foe whlcl bstroyed their home. The child "en, ranging In age from ons t ourtt'en years, were aroused anc sslsted outside by neighbors who .'onUfnately, noticed th fire whicl s believed to have been cause; jy an overheated stove. The par :nts were visiting at the time a: he nearby home of the children'; grandparents. MUSSALLEM RE-ELECTED Former' Local Man Is Again Reeve Of Maple Ridge Municipality In Fraser Valley. Solomon Mussallem, business man of Prince Rupert in the early days and now located at Port Haney, was re-elected reeve of Re-elected Reeve Solomon Muivjallem, formerly of this city, who again heads Municipality of Maple Ridge. the Maple Ridge Municipality on' Saturday, defeating James M Cameron who sought to depose htm. Mr. Mussallem has been reeve of Maple Ridge for many years. ! Results of elections In other Bri tish Columbia district munlclpall-! ties on Saturday resulted as fol- lows: Coquitlam Reeve R-'C. Mac- Donald re-elected . oyer,; J ooseph Jackson. Esqulmalt Reeve Alexander Lockley re-elected over Frederick G. Eaton. Matsqui Reeve G. A. Cruick- shanks re-elected over Milton C Swltzer and Edwin H. Baker. Surrey Reeve Joseph T. Breen reelected over John Kent and Clyde A. Stewart. Two British Columbia reeves suffered defeat, Reeve H. B. Mor- ley of Penitlcton losing to W. G. Wilklns and Reeve James McCal-lum of Spall umoheen going down before M. S. Noble. In nineteen other municipalities reeves were elected by acclamation. OFFER SIX-HOUR DAY Shipowners Express Willingness On Eighty-Sixth Day of Tic-up Unions to Submit Plan SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 25: The I'lshtv-slxth day. on Saturday of the Pacific Coast maritime work- j ers' strike and shipping tie-up ! was marked by the imklng of a j final offer by the shipowners toi the strikers of a six-hour day. i A plan for complete settlement of the strike Is to be submitted by the unions to the shipowners; today, It is reported. ! Jacobite Glass J Brings High Price i HAWICK, Scotland, Jan. 25: An "Am?n" glass which the Jacobites usd wh?o drinking to their cause and to"the King acrosj the water." tins, property of Mrs Archibald P.- Douglas, was sold In '.ondon for $150. Engagement The engagement Is announced of Miss Doris Mackett, youngest) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mackett of Tohvorth, Surrey, England, to general suspicion. His fingerprints i Frank Russell, only son of Mrs and measurements have been sent'Stanley Smith, 1523 West 03rd Ay-to the United States authorities enue, Vancouver, B.C. The wedding but -nothing has yet been heard, will take place later In the spring ' ' from thenu- , ' "' ' In England. . ,t. PRINCE IS VERY ILL Crown Prince Michael of Roumania Has Influenza Following Appendectomy FLORENCE, Italy, Jan. 25: With his mother, Princess Helene, hovering constantly at his bedside and his father. King Carol, has tening from Bucharest, Crown I Prince Michael of Roumania Is (seriously 111 here with Influenza following an emergency operation for appendicitis. The 15-year old boy, who was once King, suffered a relapse Saturday night and fears were entertained for his recovery. Improvement was, however, evident last night. Free Medical Treatment Ror Indigents Up EDMONTON. Jan. 2i:The Al berta Medical Association haTpass- nA a APAl..tlnv iim. nn ( ! ..... ... . . . cu a ''uwu" u.B.M My.a. tne trlal of jjj Radek f0rmer and Cincinnati, with 75,uou nome- government to adopt some plan of Sovlet propagandist, on charges less, watched the Ohio still edge free medical service for Indigents. jof conspiracy against the Soviet upward after reaching 78 feet-six , (Republic, that they had plotted higher than any .previous known TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickels .28. Big Missouri. .62. Bnalorne, 8.85. B. R. Cons., .05. B. R. x .ooy2. Caroboo Quartz, 1.63. Dentonla, .14. Dunwell. .03. Golconda,' .13. Mlnto, 22. .-Meridian, .04 Vi. horning Star,. .03 14. ' ."obte-FlvelOifc Pend OJe'jle. 3.45. Pioneer, 3.25. Forter Idaho, .11. Premier. 4.25. Ueeves McDonald, .90. Reno, 1.17. Relief Arlington. .32. Reward, .09. Salmon Gold, .09 2. United Empire, .01.. Wayside, .06. Hcdiey Amalgamated, .45. Premier Border, .03 Vi. Sllbak-Prcmler, 3.50. Congress, .11. Oils A. P. Consolidated, .63. Calmont, .78. C, & E., 3.50. Freehold, .20. . Hargal, .25. McDougal Segur Exp.. .34, Mercury, .34. Merland, .23. Okalta, 1.48. Pacalta. .21. Ranchmens, 1.00. United, .34. Weymam, .18. Toronto Beattle, 1.45. Central Patricia, 4.35. Gods Lake, .88 Vi. Int. Nickel. 63.50. Lee Gold, .06'. Little Long Lac, 8.25. McKenzie Red Lake. 1.85. Pickle Crow, 8.65. Red Lak2 Gold Shore, 1.22. San Antonio, 2,20. Sherrlitt Grrdon, 3.05. Siscoe, 6.30. Smelters Gold, .10. Ventures, 2.96. McLcod Cockshutt, 3.95. Oklend. .64. Mosher, .45. Gllbec, .05a. May Spiers, .30. ' Sul'dvan. 2.10. Stadacona, 1.42. Frontier Red Lake, .19. Francoeur, 1.35. Manitoba & Eastern, .10-T4. Porron, 2.40. Moneta Porcupine, 1.65. Inpa Cadillac, 2.30. Rubec, .07. Morris Klrkland, .75. Thompson Cadillac, 1.78. Bailor, ,08',. Algold, .58. GERMANY DICKERING WITH ARGENTINA AND CANADA FOR WHEAT BERLIN, Jan. 25: Faced with a shortage of a million tons of wheat, Germany has opened negotiations with Can- ada and Argentina whereby grain would be obtained with a portion at least to be paid for machinery. It is exnected that at least 100,000 tons of wheat will be obtained from Canada. EVIDENCE AT TRIAL Extensive Plotting Against Soviet Is Alleged "Frame-up" Declares Trotsky ENORMOUS Colder Weather Checks High Water Somewhat in Stricken States But Does Not Allay Suffering Forty-Four Dead Disease, Desolation and Fire Follow In Wake of Ohio and Mississippi Torrents CINCINNATI, Ohio, Jan. 25: The arrival of a colder spell In the Ohio and Mississippi Valleys had somewhat halted the rise of rivers which during the week have jrought disaster to a widespread nea In the east and south but It Jld not help the epidemic of in-iluenza, pneumonia and typhoid fever which followed in the wake of th.e floods. There were blizzards yesterday In the Ohio Valley with freezing temperatures as far south MOSCOW, Jan. 25: Testimony as Louisiana ana Mississippi. ow- was presented late Saturday at ever, it was mnaer again vuuay ;to give Sakhalin Island, off the level. coast of Siberia to Japan and to With fire and water forming a (spread disease germs throughout strange alliance to heap new mls-i Russia in the event of war. The ery and threat of death, the known trial, which it Is conceded Is list of dead has reached 44 with j bound to end In the execution of .all defendants, is proceeding. Yes-'terday Radek, testifying himself, 1 freely admitted that he had plot-itcd with Trotsky to overthrow Stalin. Bydy Mdlvanl Identified by Soviet officials as a brother of the "Marrying Mdivanls," has been ar- I ..A.t J & I I II A. Big "Frame-up" MEXICO CITY, Jan. 25: "The (biggest frame-up in the history of (the world," said Leon Trotsky, ex-llled Bolshevik leader, Saturday, I in reference to the trial at Moscow jof Karl Radek on charges of counter - revolutionary plotting against the Soviet Republic. U. F. A. Have Convention By Parliamentary Decision, Not Order-ln-Council Farmers of Alberta convention jhere voted disapproval the plan of the i to licenc3 the press. Another resolution paed by the convention urges that Canada should only go to war by decision of Parliament and not by order-ln-council of the government. 1 The convention went on record as being opposed to Interference with the activities of the federal wheat, board which should be an active body. Spent 30 Hours hundreds missing and many of them probably dead. At least five hundred thousand are homeless in twelve flooded states and damage will run well over ten million dollars. Many cities and towns are completely isolated and a number have been entirely abandoned. Streets In numerous cities are ln- itcarcu aiier ocmg impucaiea as a undated with people co-conspirator,, wtui seventeen ous- around ln boats. tea communist officials on treason charges. travelling An emergencyohrerence'drrre-' lief has been called at Washington by President Roosevelt. Relief measures have been instituted over a widespread area. The United States government has mobilized Its forces on a wartime basis to aid the Red Cross. The states most hard hit are Indiana, Illinois, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi ' and Louisiana. Fire in Cincinnati Stricken Cincinnati was harder hit than ever yesterday when fire ; which started in an oil plant to Licensing Press War' ftro'ed thirty-two buildings with an estimated aamage oi i,ouu,yw. So high were the flood waters in Louisville, Kentucky, that 200,- 00 ote olts 3'0 CALOARY. Jan. 23:-The United night. A state of emergency har V U J .1 Ik. nnllnn V.n..r Soilal Credit government w'' "" ' uecu given CAnauiuiiiai j Ajwcia w prevent looting. Southern Indiana 13 under martial law. Portsmouth, Ohio, was reported to be suffering on account of shortage of food and medicine. Frank-port state reformatory in Kentucky has been evacuated of prisoners. water having come up Into the cells. An unverified report says that fifteen inmates of the refor- t2..1l: C matory died In fighting between i If Pope's Doctors terrified white and negro prisoners. Hopeful Again prevostf f VATICAN CITY. Jan. 25: More hopeful bulletins are again Issued by physicians attending Pope Plus XI. As long as his heart continues to function satisfactorily, there Is ho Immediate caure for alarm, It ' Is stated. The Pontiff spent an easier Saturday night and pain ln his legs was allayed Sunday when I he felt much better. His Holiness lis In good spirits. and, seated ln a ! wheel chair, granted audiences yesterday. Actress, Dead Popular Comedienne of Old Silent Picture Days, Found Lifeless In Apartment HOLLYWOOD, Jan. 25: Marie Prevost, buxom little comedienne of the old silent picture days and Star of Mack Sennett comedies, was found dead ln her Hollywood apartment Saturday night. She 'had not been seen since Wednes-iday and Is believed to have been In Tree-ToDS dead for some tlm6, IIer body was MELBOURNE. Au Jan. 25: Death u declared to have been due piiot..offif.r vrip. tvi- to heart trouble. Miss Prevost had fnanlan airman, was rescued, badlv done bits In a few talking pictures. NEW YORK, iCPi-Bar silver ' injured, after 'spending 30 hours She is believed to have been ln was unchanged at 4434c per ounce -trapped in the cockpit of his straightened circumstances recent-on the New York metal market chattered plane, -suspended in a ly. She was 39 years old and was today. tree-top. Canadian born.