tA3E FOUR Synopsis of Land Act rmi-iMrriONs 7 ACA.NT, anrenrrtd. surTffed Cron lands mar b pre-tsopted by British ntjwu owr II jrars o! are. and ky aHrna m dtclartnr ua tent ion u become Br Huh sakjecta. conditional upon ma-dnrt, eepatlon and unproTMifat. roll lnlorroitwn eoccernme Pr-amo-txxii is (ma In Bulletin Nr 1. Laos Strwi, H to Pre-empt liid." copm of vhtth eu be efctaleed trrt of charfe by addrraatof the Department of Lands. Victoria. B C : Bunt of Prorroeial Information. Victoria, or air Geaenusrnr Arms. Record! m be granted coming ontr laod snstable for agricultural aaipw sis v it bin reasonable distance of road, school and marstttaf facilities and vhtth not Umbtrtand. Lc . carrying orer MM board fret per acrt east of tne Coast Ranfr and I 000 fset per aeje vest of that Ranft. Applications tor pre-esnptioas are to be adtfroated to the Land Commissioner of the Land Recording Division tn vhlch the land appucd for Is sttcaled. an printed forma obtained (rem Use Commissioner. Pre-toaptieu must be occupied lor fire rears and Improvements made to raise of lie per acre, Including deartnc and eultl-raUac at least frre acres, before a Crown OraM can be reettred- pre-esaatlona carrrtnc part time cvnd twn of occupation are also granted. mOMSE OK LE.C A optica l ten l are receired tor purchase of vacant and nreserred Crovn la da, not btnf Umbtrlsnd. for arrlcnltiral sjerpoeas. UBUnum price of ftrat-claaa arabtr) land la S per acre, aod second-elasa Ifraxlnrl land. M.M per acre, ntrthrr Information u glren tn Bulletin 4. u. Land Series. "Purchase and Lease o( Crovn Lands. As a partial relief measure, retorted lands mar be seen .red br purckase In tee eqeMt rastalments. with the first psrment smnandsd for too rears, presided taxes are paid when due and Improrements are made dorrar lee firrt two rears of not less than l of the appraised value. ilOL factorr or industrial sites on Umber land, not eiceedlnx O seres, mar be pan-chased or leased, the conditions mctadiaf parment of stampsre. Cnsorrwyed areas, not tiertdlcg la seres, mar be leased as bomesltes. conditional a pen a dweilir.g being erected In the first rear, title being obtained after realdrnco and imnrorement conditions are fwjfllted and land has been sarrfjed. For graxlng and industrial purposes areas not nceeding ( acres mar ba k-tsrd br one person or a company. Under the Craiint Act the ProTlnee Is divided Into grazing dlstricU and the ranee administered under erasing regulations amended from time to time to meet tarring conditions. Annual erasing permits are Issued based on certain monthly rates per head or stock. Priority in grsi-Ing prlrlletel Is glten to resident stock owners. Stock-owners msr form associations for rant msnsgement. Free or psrtlallr free permits atallsble fer rettlers, campers and travellers, ant to tan bead. The Central Hotel 1 ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MKS. C. E. BLACK TRAPPERS! - Attention! I Bring Your Beaver to Frank Lockvood Phone Blue 729 P.O. Box 200 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarelL Proprietor "A HOME A WAY fkom HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot Si Cold Water Prince Kupert. B.C. rhone 281 P.O. Box 196 Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery ! 315 SECOND AVE; 1 k IT J "W -r-. - T. I Wt . wa CRITICAL OF BOARD Editor. Daily News: Ihe Prince Rupert hosDltal si-' tuatinn SMnut trt hovo HAi olnniarl into a religious controversy. It all monils in connection with hosnital : work and as the operations which would be banned under that rwip would be a very small percentage of the hospital work why should the majority pf the patients be de - 1 prived of the comforts and secur - i ity of a modern and up-to-date 1 hospitai run by. the Sisters who de vote their whole lives to their du-1 ties of caring for the sick independent of race or creed? The problem to decide is whether to let the Sisters build a modern hospital and bring into this city $200,000 of new money which is very badly needed or for the present hospital board -to attempt to construct a smaller building at the government architect's estimate of $100.000 the government to advance $50,000, the hospital board $20,000 and the $39,000 has to be raised by magic from "God knows where." It appear. , to me the present board have alienated the sympathy and help of the majority of the citizens at this time and it is common talk around town that they, will be unsuccessful in their proposed drive for funds, even if me citizens mo nave me money to spare, .wny want iney, insteaa oi;may l ask nursing sls. being so desperate to vote them-;ters been in a position to dictnt-selves in again, encourage new to the medical profession? Such a blood into their board either by, contract as mentioned in the let-some of the old members dropping WOuld ln jter my opinion be against out or by Increasing their number public policy. If this were a pub--and so embrace members fromjuc Jiorpital any contract' so exe-other organizations? The packing juted would be void nrevw-rHntr tt of the yearly gent-ral meeting with! young nurses has also left a bad taste in the mouth. The board considers that Mr. Al der should dig down into the rate- j payers' pockets for that $30,000 and .Jl.lr 11. IIUCI XJJIJ11X LO 111. IMacCallum, manager of the Bank (Of Montreal, as the ratepayers' re-jSt. ibdiivaii't. uii vnv uuaiu, kticjr j slap him on the faqe by relegating Mr Mnrnallum Ln t.hp haclr allptf - - wv.fc. " - j r w . iiiaiit: to 'regulate the removal of tin cans!one with 90 percent of Its doctor; J . . ... .. ! L. n 1 1 ,i i I ' . ; ana aeaa cais grounds commit-;'vii-v.auionc5 ii ine propriety 01 tee" forsoothi. "Poof!" It stinks! oertain operations were questioned And mark you they appoint as theiwJlat a nice ethical' situation chairman of the finance committee would arise. none other than a plumber no' Authority for my statement con-harm to the trade. This from a'CfTnln? the Catholic moral cod4 body of sanctimonious business men. Yes, fellow citizens, "opera- tions" are sometimes necessary and!nlnt during last week's mission T V.A.-. tk. . 1 in . a t Ac frr Utmia Hague tta St. C?i Tt I sT- A UU1JC IIlf? ITTHIIl it- win iiiniro xnp ; r - r r- " 4 ..w i j whole case on its merits. V. LONGWILL. FOR SALE Modern hotel, Hyder. B.C. Good opening for building up fine business at small cost. HOTEL FRAZER Hyder, B.C. ivatkk Norici: 111 version antl Iw TAKE NOTICE that the OjVnd Trunk Pacific Rallwavy Co. who adAr... is r-o Div.if to FJngnw. Canadian Ni-tioim: Rn.lwaya Prtn-e Rupert. B.n v!ll :-.ply fr.r a Uroi.-c to take aril iw 25000 gallons ci -atr cut of No ijtip creek, wh!?h flo- southerly and i-i!n Into Slrn-na River about 10P0 f;v--t Ei-t rl Bast twitch of tdlng : SMitlon. The atcr will be dlvtrted from th rpwm at a d-im avheut fififl fMt n,. r'm fr-m c-tnt point where where itrmm rtream rtral dral-l'"" ivo Bkeeiva River, and will be used for is M!duM-ial railway ,purp3e upon Ihe land described lot 37. Ooa.t DlMrlo'.. This DOUr? van ncm.U on rH irnnrul n tlve 1-t diy of March, 1937. A OOTO oi t'tiia notice and an avnet:. nation purBira", theroUi aAd tn t.h-i t Water Art" will be filed ln th rrfflr. 1 ol the Water Recorder tt Prlncr Ru-i pert. d.c. filed with the nld Wtrr Refcorder or with the Computer of Vfix Rht7. Baritamcnt Diiiidiraj.. victoria, b. c!i' within thirty days atSter the first ap-pewanoe.of a this notice Ul a local newj- pnpeir. The ORAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY CO.. U. A. nurbank. Division Eaganeer. The Ute of the firm publlcatAcm (,t -lila notice Is Maroh BUi. 1937. is Tin; M'ntKMK rot'KT or mtuisii to COI.l'MIII , In I'rultute III Mir Matter of Hie ".iliiiliiMratlon In Hie Matter ir the KMate f Malcolm Mllliir, ic'earl TaJte noUce Umh by order of H.i Honor w E. PtoW, the 23rd day cf April. 1938. t wm fapprHhltxl EsecuUx of U)e etAate of Mtloolm Mlllov rl. reeHi. and all,rwtM hvUig cUlml at the aaid eastaWe are hereby rn - Qlllrwl to fur ul ah anirtA. 4itYirww " - - " u.vLn... fill nod. to mo oil or before the 27th di.- or Marcn, A. u. 1937. ail all portle Indebted to Use estate are required to pay the amount of thlr Indebtedness to me forthwith. FRANK PEARCE. Port Clement.. B.C. Da.ted the 26'h rhy ol Fobrimrv AD 1937. INTOLERANCE (Editor, Daily News: I What seems to be developing in to fl fflU t.rr.vprv U'ill T fvtn hf ! satisfactorily settled on Monday! eral plebiscite as suggested would 1x1 more ln keeping with the prin cipies oi aemocracy. expressed sc jnny times in high sounding Platitudes' .yet inadequately Practised. 1 PPOse a gentleman under the misapprehension of chivalry jfouw nestiaie to question tne word of a lady, two ladies in fact. nor would hie presume to have the last word. However, In these mod- ern times this position seems to have been reversed, so I am going to take advantage of our chang- ing times. Before proceeding any furthet let me again make myself cleai m this apparently contentious question. I hold no brief for the SisteTS, the Church or any Society I am interested, more than in terested to be-precise, in getting a hospital in this district built and administered in accordance with advanced medical science, tosetlvi with equality of understanding o' the vicissitudes of life. Abortive as the attempt may be to cloud the issue, the answer tc Mrs. MacKay is I think obvious-"Prejudice" However, as obvio'n as it may seem. I am eoine t. aMwer ln tW) ways since en law. Prince Rupert hospital is '. public hosnital so Ions as it. is supported by provincial and muni cSpal funds and as such whether run by the Sisters of St. Anne m any other organization would bx submissive to the regulations governing such hospitals. Furthermore Joseph's Hospital ts a private -v- auu has ccij ilgliu iO cX- pect its tenets to be observed. St 'Paiirs Hrsnital 1c olon o nri.mi, I was delivered from the altar of !the Church on a non-Catho1': v vs. Bonifar Hospital, Mr. Justice Dennlstoun gave a decision according to law and rightly so. which bears out m .contention that doctors and ho pital authorities must conform tc the statutes whatever their private opinion might be. Of intolerance I could cite hund reds of incidents credited to mam and varied faiths, creeds, organiza tions and peoples, but what pur- paw; would it gain, If I did? Evolution, Tennessee Darrow and Bry an might be fitting examples Unfortunately, mercy killing hasn't Detn legaHzed else I might be the first candidate In Prince Rupert. It seems to me $200,000 is a lot of money to invest in Prince Ru-peit. The fact that it has been offered to erect something that will oe or such importance to the pub , ... 8WU' wuy lb nl snapped up beyond my comprehension CHARLES J. HARMAN. PRIVATE VS. PURMC OWNERSHIP Editor Daily News: This quetslon, as to whether tlv Pr!nro Mur- i 1 1 . . ; yl , P' controlled as a private or as nubile institution . . u nf viti i - umi ill- terest to the general public and the city. A few thoughtful moment should take place ln the minds of the citizens of Prince Rupert be- rAMA 1 1 i iujc uiey aeciae to nand it ova an institution, private, religious or otheiwise. Remember that when you have your hospital privately controlled exclusively by the Roman Catholic Church you will have to submit whether or not you like It to their dictates and regulations. Yo'ir power L' " ,, to change ." any J- of its belief ueuers s morally or religiously Will come to .nriiioVif nought. At the same time it becomes i private commercialized enterrrL.. with the power vested upon Drivat. ownership of property, and be comes a monopoly. It is perhaps ritrht. to .m prl- TP. THE DAILY NEWS MAE WEST FILM HERE A new and different type of Mae West appears in "Go West, Young northerners golng in for the sea-Man," feature offering on the; Q p R stcamer princess srrppn nf iho nnniini Thpatre here!.. . . .,, v-ui"- ,at the first of this week. Instead of : Intra rM a.s. J 4v..-.. - 1 i n..Pi.onne 11 P K Kpi Q 11 ntv 1 1 V of the "nineties. Miss West has; the rolp nf a mnHprn movie actress who wears gorgeous gowns which are the last word. The setting is a Pennsylvania farm where Missf West finds love in the person of Randolph Scott, a backwoods inventor. Then Warren Williams, as the press agent, breaks up the romance because Miss West's movie contract makes it mandatory that she steer clear of romance. There is another romance with Lyle Talbot and it ts from these three swains that Miss West picks her man. In the other end of the double bill. "Yours For the Asking." comedy-romance of a gambler who IO. decides to learn the ways of society, George' Raft and Dolores Costello Barrymore are co-starred. Raft is a gambler and Miss Barry-more the society girl. Many, comedy situations are built up as Raffs henchmen endeavor to break up the romance. The supporting cast includes such favorites as Ida Lu-ilno. Reginald Owen. James Glea-on, Lynne Overman, Skeets Gallagher and Edgar Kennedy. Christian Youth Societv Tea And j Sale is Success : The tea held by the Christian Youth Society at the home of Mrs : Robert Cameron. Thompson. Street ) on Saturday afternoon, was very . f..t 1 . I r . . t I buccessiui. ooui iinanciaiiy ann socially. The rooms were tastefully . leccrated with spring flowers. Mrs. Robert. Cameron and Wilfred lllcks. president of the so ilety, received the guests while the 'ea table was presided over by the Misses Edith Johnston and Elsie l Davi?. Serviteurs were John Mur ! ray. ttooert Irvine, Maurice Davey -inr! tfan UwlUH TU l.U.U mi tun miujiti. anc rvucireii Ami ji charge of the Misses Winnie Cameron, Alethia Peachey. Vene-l tla Feero, June Armour and Flor ence Parker. Tom John?tone acted -as cashlBr the home cooking table being dr ected by the Misses Eileen Yate and Charlotte Phillipson. Tea cups were read by Bnlce Stevens. During- the afternoon, a nleasina musical program was given by t,ne Misses Vensttar-Peero, Eileen Mid PhyllLs.Hamblin. The drawing of the tab!e centre- piece was won by Hrs. J. T. Mandv vate ownership and complete control over vniir' nun Vinmn Kut apply this form of ownership to what should be a publiclv owned institution Is taking a step backward so far as the' nroeress of medical and surgical science ncern?d. Giving away your rieht US a citizen in affairs th.it. nffpet the well being of this community un tne other hand you have the power to chance as vou nlens th directors or' manaeement unripr this present system and it is your duty to see to 'it that what vnn have already gained in civic con trol should not be given away !n preference to anv xelisious or mnr. al bigotry. It looks to me as If a few dictators would like to annlv th. Nazi ways of doing things in this vown. tnis one dollar affair Is a disgrace and an insult to those that cannot afford to pay that hundred cents -and have a vote which Is their rifcht as a citizen If this continues I would not be sur prised to see the minority 20 percent of the population in mni.ml of the new hospital. See to it that you maintain your hold of the publicly owned hospital in Prince Rupert. GERALD PATRICK MURPHY FOR BAD BREATH and SMOKER'S THROAT RUCKLEY'S Pleasant, Soothing 10& 25 Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 WHIFFLETS J From the Waterfront i rrnu-dpd with a canacity list of Noran, uapi. wunam runner, i- rf Jn t at 2 O.clock yester. 'ed an hour ,ater ror skagway and other Alaska points. Twenty embarked here for the north aboard the vessel which Is due back Thursday afternoon southbound. On arrival here there were 137 passengers aboard consisting largely of White Pass and Yukon Route employees. The vessel w;as delayed in reaching here by fog. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. James Flndlay. making the last of three voyages in place of the steamer Catala, which has been undergoing annual overhaul at! Vancouver, arrived In port at 6:151 "ilast evening from the south and ..... . . . Sjgjkk STRANDED IN70DUN? M:H4WITH N0 PLAYMATE j miHE FARMER,SS0N sailed at 8 p.m. for Pot Simpson, Stewart, Anyox and other northern points whence she will return here Tuesday southbound. Tom Dybhavn arrived in port yesterday from Vancouver with his boat Palander to make ready for the forthcoming halibut and sal- jmon fishing season. In pursuit of herring, there were many sea lions to be seen disporting themselves in the harbor yesterday. Gasboats were able to get quite close to them. vtr... With fishing - vessels , now en- 8aed In getting ready for the opening of the season, incidents of tner gear are being reported to tn police. In some cases, the miss- ivt r L. n 1 . uccji recovered, in- genious methods have been resor ted to in some cases, it Is said, to steal gear. ' Boats with names the first letters of which start with M to Z will be the first to get away from Prince I - i Rupert and Vancouver to the hali- but grounds this season. A to L Uaa(. .t11 1 . ... . wnw wm icave a wees later ; Pioneer Resident jQf City is Dead 'i James Haslctt, Formerly of Prince Kupert and Anyox, Passes Away Death removed another pioneer resident of Prince Rupert recently at Ocean Palls In the person of james nasiett. Mr. Haslett was Identified with the staff of the Prince Rupert Club in the early days and from here moved to Anyox during the War. For many years he had been located at Ocean Falls. He is survived by his widow isiar, -..i.. . The funeral took place in Vancou- ver. "Build B.C. Payrolls' Worth mm Striving i j t i For Pacific comes forth perfect from the herds and thus perfect It should reach your table. Every care must be taken to protect It and the vacuum seal Is a great Improvement In this direction. Pacific is the only milk packed in Canada In this way. Pacific Milk IUKADIATEI) OP COURSE HERE IS GOOD NEWS! Our store Is a store you can call your own because It is operated on a co-operative system whereby we share the profits with you. When the purchase Is made and the price Is paid you receive tokens which entitle you to FREE PREMIUMS in return. So make our store your store. MUSSALLEM'S 317-3IK Third Avenue West 1,h",e V. (). Mux 575 "TAKE A BITE, KNOWLEDGE 1 At 7:00 & 9:48 TONIGHT anu TUESDAY f T' , jj," j" Last Complete Show at 8 20 l.Zi I,,.' nd.W R . J, J p.Maiaia.-Baf ii Bai m. exaesiLBs a i 1 if 1937 DELUXE HEATED CARS u N 3 5 ii I Z TAXI -A ''Our ''Our Motlu" Motto" - j g Prompt Prompt and and Courteous Courteous Service Service g w s Ross Koss Mazzei 3Iazzei Al Al rrench ? I &iBIBBiBtB'B!Bia.aiB1B1Biarl1B;BrB (' I I i I TO TI1K RKSIDKNTS i Prince Rupert Electoral District V. rAre you registered on the Provincial .Voters' List? . -. : . . . - - , Qualifications for registration: ' British subjects by bitrh or naturalization. Twenty-one years of age. Residence six months in Province of British Columbia, Thirty days in Electoral District of Prince' Rupert. To register call at Metropote Hall daily between 9 a.m, and 5:30 p.m. J. A. ALLEN, Deputy Registrar of Voters. EASY on Paradi KASY marches ahead by offering to the public the most complete line of washers made in Canada. Vacuum Cup and Gyrator Washers Vacuum Cup Washers $103.25, $109.50, $132.50 Vacuum Cup with Spin Dry $169.00 (Jyrator Washers $65.00, $74.50, $86.50 KASY , Pay only $5.00 down and monthly payments to your convenience. "The washer that pays for itself." Phone 6 for Monday, March H, TKRMS a demonstration flj