jU'lii. h 1937 a I IIP" nnaWBTV WHEN nt Luuna j IN YOUR tltS! l.hVm J"H and unattractive? dull or yellow tlnje. uoU'ZZ. Tb-.u ." ' tunc InuMt ,Minr""' ... ' . i,(Mi, ,d K t,(, P"" ' .. .. !ik IL vou ' i Liitrf you t-pii "i jv So So kP krrp your your liter litre hralih; bralihy .. mil i.. mllng rru..-- ----- "'J, font ln. "trart. fruit. od herl.. 1 t.Hmult Ibf IWrr to normal ''''",!, ,he Umlniln tr.cl. ami help. 1 ll.rr KI om' ' ,h " . , tt,nr w .kin Frult-a-0 tiy. Vour druft- iut hw " ,i""t w ' i i" c FOR SALE house, 640 Eighth Ave. Eas:.. Phone Red 113. 61) mitiire for sals, few tables and .sitting room chairs. May be sesn at Dally News. Chairs from $1.50 to $400 and tables from $4.00 to 5C.00. t SALE- Modern hotel at Hy der, B.C suam neai, excenem location, licensed premises. 'Will be sold at a bargain. Apply Frazer Hotel, Hyder, B.C. (tf) furnace ana nearer. Amerca &gg-sootless, for the kitchen range. Albert & McCaffery, Phone lie 117, (tf) i' i it l i vj i - a w u i w n ti nn p an glne. marine conversion with new pistons, generator, Ignition, marine clutch and thoroughly reconditioned, $50; 14 h.p. truck ejijinc marine conversion with Palmer clutch, in good mechanical order $50; 30-foot cabin launch, hull and engine thoroughly reconditioned, suitable for logging, pleasure or patrol work, Bytown Machine Works. (58) , nil i i nr. r; ruirv rri iiimv miivi. o wis ween, uuarameea lute Chesterfield groups $69.50; 10-plece loose pillow arm groups $72.50; 10-plece bedroom suites 'round mirrors) $74.50. Furnish jour home complete three ii.j maer Bargains, lenus u !w wisn, uraer uaay. juuus aiatMall Order House, 8th floor Btkia Building. Vancouver, (tf ) WANTED Diamond A Bacon 09 per lh. ... Quaker Corn Hakes OQt J Pkgy Del Malz Corn 99p Fancy quality, 2 tins Blue Ridge Peas 99 o Jlze 5's, 2 tins White Spring Salmon 99 J tall tins Pineapple Cubes 99,, J 16-oz. tins Classic Cleanser- 9 3 tins UtX g5Mp- 22c Ryal Crown Laundry 990 Jap, 6 bars ggm.a nee,- 22(, florida Grapefruit - Black UomrndBrand 22C - 6weet and 99 Jy per doz ttn nelivy on Orders $2.00 or Over Alex Crawford sr., father of W. Crawford, prominent Portland Canal transportation man, was a passenger aboard the Cardena last evening returning to Stewart after having spent the past three months In Vancouver. t . George Kelsey and son, Robert, sailed yesterday afternoon on the I Princess Norah for Juneau enroute to Tulsequa'n where they will be ! engaged in building work at the j Whitewater mine on which the ex- tensive development program star- i ted last year will be continued thisl season. Classified Ads. FOR RENT FIVE Roomed cottage, 9th Ave. E., $15 per month. Phone 74. tf FOR RENT 7 room bath and furnace. Phone Black 963. house with 6th Ave. E (56 FOR RENT On share basis. Small dairy business in Massett. John C. Frlzell, Massett, B.C. (57) FOR RENT Nicely furnished room In private home, steam heated, close to business district. Phone Blue 905. (61) FOR RENT Beautiful home with good garden and splendid view of harbor, situated in a good neighborhood on Graham Avenue, Westview. Fine large living room overlooking' harbrc where all shipping passes. Usual number of rooms with den extra and conservatory. Glass-protected porch. Phone 98 for particulars. MALE HELP WANTED MAN, Reliable, to become an automobile and accident claim adjuster in your territory. Insurance experience unnecessary. No selling. Write Associated Adjusters, Box 767-L, Milwaukee, Wis. (58) PERSONA It iwjius. a pieces aw jor iio. i t-f highest grade 15 for $1. Paclfi: Supply, 751 Granville, Vancouver MEN Get vigor at once. New Os- trex Tonic Tablets contain raw oyster lnvlgorators and other stimulants. One dose peps up organs, glands. If not delighted, City (61) -all or write. Ormes Limited, tf Overwaitea Ltd. 22nd Anniversary Sale, March 8th to 13th While we celebrate you save Eggs Grade A Large OCp . M J pei uu& Butter 1st grade Qf UO Alberta, 3 lbs. Granulated Sugar CCn aDt 10 lbs Ontario Honey AZp 4-lb. tin Cowan's Cocoa16 oz. u OfjC Reg. 30c, per tin Honey Graham 22C Wafers, per pkg. Mild Canadian 22C Cheese, per lb No. I Jap Rice- 22C 4 lbs. Lettuce- 2 heads Celery , j5(J per bunch Aylmer Tomato Soup 25 C 3 tins Overwaitea Tea per lb. 45c, 50c, 55c Overwaitea Coffee per lb. 25c, 30c, 35c Cash or C.O.D-rhone 843 Frazer Hotel, rooms, Hyder, B.C art dock. steam heated near the Ktew- Frazer Hotel, the onlv Steam William Goldbloom sailed last Charles Graham, inspector of Peter Lakie, district freight and passenger 'agent for the Canadian National Railways, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Princess Norah for a trip to Juneau on company business. Rev. John Llnney, pastor of the Pentecostal Church at Terrace, and Mrs. Llnney, who arrived In the city from the interior on Saturday morning's train, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Princess Norah for Juneau to conduct an evange Ileal campaign. Mrs. E. J. North and Mrs. Ray Scherk have left for Terrace to relieve during the ab sence of Mr. and Mrs. Llnney. - Nordkap Banquet Greatly Enjoyed Ladies of Hygga Club Responsible For Success of Affair In Mrtropole Hall A very enjoyable banquet was held Friday night by the Hygga Ladies' Club in the Metropole Hall. Members of the Nordkap Society and friends were in attendance and, in all, about fifty persons sat down to partake of a splendid repast. Following the dinner, cards were played. The winners were: ladles' first, Mrs, Morrison; second, Mrs. Eriksen; men's first, Albert Lind-seth; second, Reginald Webber. For dancing, which followed accordion music was provided by Oscar Giske. Mr.. Giske was the winner of a raffle. The Hygga Ladles, under their president, Mrs. O. Klldal, were responsible for the success of the arrangements. Junior Moose Dance Enjoyed Two Hundred Tersons in Attend' ance at Affair Friday Night With Visiting Basketballers As Special Guests With members of.the Ketchikan basketball party as invited guests j an enjoyable dance was held by the Junior Moose Lodge Friday following the games. About two hundred persons were present and dancing was in full swing from 10 p.m. until 2 ajn. with music by Charlie Balagno's Orchestra and Allan Davies acting as master of ceremonies. At midnight delicious refreshments were served under the direction of Bob Ritchie. The committee in charge con sisted of Ned McLeod, Louis Cromp, riovd Eby. Cecil Marr, Russoll Cameron and Dick Wlnslow. Pre siding at the door were Bill Halo and Alex Strachan. VOLUNTEER FIREMEN Annlieatlons for Volunteer Fire- fmen to. supplement the permanent staff, may be filed at the City Hall. Applicants must be single. Sleep ing quarters will be provided In Fire Hall, and remuneration will be allowed for practice and fire calls. (50) CITY COMMISSIONER. THE DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS NOTES Basketball tonight,. Moose Hall. 1 Canadian Legion B.EJS L. Monthly meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m. (VU (tf)f heated hotel in Portland Canal,: The wedding took place in St. L situated at Hyder, B.C. (tf) j Josephs cnurcn at wnuners on Fish men's Social. Lutheran' Thursday morning of W, R. Eby Church. tMstrjonerf ti Vrld.iv 7:20 ' rwt. fnrppt when vlsitlne Port-' and Miss Margaret M. Downey of p.m. All come. (SGilinnrt ry,nai that the Frazer Hotel ! Smithers. The ceremony was per-l 1 Is the best place to stop. night on the Cardena to make the J Tony Bussanich returned to the round trip to Anyox and Stewart city on the Cardena last evening on business. from a two weeks' trip to Vancou ver. Al French and Ross Mazzel have j Joined up in 35 Taxi. Continuation stop at the Frazer Hotel when of prompt and courteous service Is visiting Stewart or Hyder. The only assured. (56) steam heated Canal district. hotel In QiestColds I .Distressing symptoms fl relieved by rubbing on ?V VAPORUB William. Bickle, well known Grassy Plains rancher, arrived in the city on Saturday night's train from the interior, bringing in a shipment of stock for the local abattoir. Miss Christine Halvorsen, a well known business woman of Juneau, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon returning to the Alaska Capital af ter a business trip to the United States. Mrs. Helen Nucich was a passes ger aboard the Cardena last eve ning returning to her home at Alice Arm after a visit in Vancou ver and at Hedley where her daughter, Mrs. Jack McColl, HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Mr. and . Mrs. D. A. Johnson. Port Simpson; R. J, Hnwood and w. J. carngan, Terrace; F. T Patterson, Eddye Pass Mine; B. Erickson, H. Deerlng. J. Watson, Ben Erlkson and George Reeve, city; O. Olson and Mr. and Mrs E. W. Moren, C.N.R. Royal . Tom Da vies, Wally Brice, Eoh Wells, Carl Erickson, Norman Mac-Donald, Erling Ledlng, Paul Packard, Guy Helland, Ted Blandon Mark Bussanich, Walter Kubley William Olsen, Lester Relckert. C. Howard, A, C. Bryant, A. Thilo-dean and C. Henning, Ketchikan A.lex Rogers, Lockeport; H. C. Hoi-llday, C.N.R.; M. Byke. E. Swan- son and H. Hagman, city: Matt 01- sen, Oona River; E. A. Downln-v ss. Prince Rupert; Robert H Locke and Mrs. R. Heal, Vancouver. Reach the most people In city and district with an advertisement In the Daily News. Announcements Pioneers' Banquet. O. O. F. Hall. March 10, I. Baptist supper, March 11. Anglican Tea. Mrs. March 11. W. H. Tobe?. H. M. S. Pinafore, April 14, Ap ril 15, Capitol Theatre. Presbyterian Tea, -Mrs. J. J Little's, 4th Ave. E., March 16. St. Patrick's Tea and Entertainment, March 17, Catholic Hall. University extension- lectures. March" 17, 18 and 19, City Hall! Dean Buchanan, Rebekah 18. Fashion Show, March Prince Rupert Boys Band Con cert, First Presbyterian Church, Wednesday, March 24. Cathedral Spring Sale, April 1. Junior April 2. Chamber Dance, Friday,1 Presbyterian Choir Concert, April 7. ' St. Potcr's Sale, May 6, Popular Smithers Couple Married Miss Margaret M. Downey Becomes Bride of W. R. Eby (tf) I Irmea Dy nev- vner Vyocoia ana Portland (tf) mines, sailed last night on the Car- j Mrs. John Milton of Lawyer Isl- dena for a trip to Alice Arm on of-; and lighthouse left yesterday on flcial duties. ; her return to her island home af- D. J. McVlcar of Atlln. after hav ing spent the winter in the city, sailed by the Princess Norah yes--terday afternoon on his return north. ' S. H. Alton, after spending a few days in. the city following bis arrival from Vancouver, sailed last night on the Cardena for Stewart and Premier. ter a brief visit to the city. the church was fined with mends of the popular young couple. Miss Margaret Downey, sister of the bride, was the bridesmaid and the .groom was attended by Mel-vin Raymond. Jack Downey and Ken Warner acted as ushers. Mr. Eby is one of the younger i business men of Smithers, being one of the proprietors of Eby'sj Hardware while the bride has been a nurse at the Bulkley Valley Hos-' pital for several years and is a: daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. P.j Downey of the Hudson Hotel at Smithers. Both Mr. and Mrs. Eby have grown up In the district and are very well known throughout the valley. The couple arrived In Prince Rupert by train Saturday' and will sail on the Cardena Tuesday for Vancouver and other points In the south for a short honeymoon trip. Wallace C. Blanchard, chief clerk to the president of the White Pass and Yukon Route at Skagway, and Mrs. Blanchard, who have been spending the wlnte'r in Seattle, were passengers aboard the Princess Norah yesterday going north for the season. Mar garet's The Latest Spring Models SUITS, COATS, DRESSES 305 West Third Ave. Phone Red 810 Just Arrived 1937 Easter Novelties and now on display Easter Eggs, Rabbits, Chickens and the latest designs in Easter Novelties Come in and see this grand assortment We will hold any. article till Easter Place your order NOW Items from , 5c to $1.00 Ormes Ltd. "3hi Pioneer Druqcists The Rexall Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. DELUXE WALL TINT The bright and cheerful colors of DeLuxc will fill your rooms with sunshine Easy to mix easy to apply will not rub off costs you less; 5-lb. pkg veJV Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD, Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: ' T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 PJW. ' Due Vancouver, Thursday pjn. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 PJtt. , " Due Vacsouver, Monday ajn. If convenient p!eae purchase tickets at office. Further information regarding reservations and tickets from A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Thone 5C8 Elio' s Moving Sale STARTS TOMORROW 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. New Goods in stock include: Chesterfield Suites, Bedding, Springs, Mattresses FLOOR COVERINGS Linoleum, Congoleum Rugs, Feltol Rugs Printed Linoleum by the yard Axminster Carpets and Mats, Suit Cases, Club Bags, Wardrobes, Trunks, Steamer Trunks, Bridge Table Sets, Blankets, Baby Buggies, Folding Carriers, Baby Swings 1 D. Elio Furniture Exchange Phone Green 421 Store Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Prince Rupert, B.C.