FouVe Told to "Alkalize Try This Remarkable "PhUUpt" Way Thmuandt are Kdoptint wttj"". n . :.' 7 fKri i.i..,.. ft. J ': fe t u.crx.-j Phil lips' .wu.f. of '.'.-vesta vs ffebef -. st m wmJhy ( Jr w.;. Xmmo. Try Un y. S im vnpnvi ' take M ear t arr 'Mjr TSh a Ux l if! 4r . 33 nmff mm -j Dim f inn MILK OF MAGNESIA SPECIAL PRICE On Vmivm Tailw-SLvfe SUITS fSSV Krrfured ( $29 'nm Jan. 12 U Feb. IJ This Is lowest price ever charged for the suit M. T. LEE Third Avenue Next U M Stephens PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD cca i imw Fancv I - r Red Sockcye i PINK Mm SEAL Finest Pink terSasa Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert. Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture k Moving Light Delivery .115 SECOND AVE. IStory Hour For Yonnt Children bftwtex. the acts t& il&tt, ua. for Jdmt fbat tsory faowr 'X Use Jfrt- Year tliii P H Laory Mrs BoteslKM .'.'..4- vstf. ar exerOest adap- .- Tae Epham'A OtiH - . : ; - v h v.? depfcact. and ? -? Bn Babbit tst Id TV. It.-'. tR2y emnaaKd -vtth 0-e ii4 ae The Prince Who -.. - -. "A vrj Becar&s fcfadrj '- '.-t tiEe atautan by frlewia .f .-je story moor presented tte fTo.-. tvraw ati snss of Tfc; Thit Btart." "Who- AJcsfc! of th ;b Bad Wotf? Sand Eefeea I she TwsT and $r-zten.-r 1 The :.t Qatsniay Manunc visi be lor children bt-i tweeii she ages of rjne and tvelTe wtf; t -rw;r:J by ILrc jr. M Ca.-v: Mr 3 A Birr? ar.d Mia 0t P. ft USSIFEU FOR SALE FOR SALE -Trolk boat 30 It.. 2 rofser jpu. tr.ijir.e Apply OVA Ariderson, B:Uaor, B.C. ( 1 . FOB SALE- 44 V. 9 hp. diesel boat THfcor eiy. suitable .lor halibut trolling and seine fishing. Price $8,000 0. O. Fjekte, owner, e o Olson and Sunde Hhipyards, Seattle, WaAhinirUm. or Sonde and d Kv-r,- Company, Seattle. Washington. tf TENDERS Will be receired by the undersigned up to January 20, 17 for the purchase of the builduif only or building and two lots, 7 and Z. Btocfc 11, Section 5. The highest or any tinder riot necessarily accepted. O P. Tinker . Co. - Ltd. 4 i5 FUniUTURB Factory samrBtmut ao this week. aa'raKCfl 10-pie:e Chesterfield groupa-ioaO; 10-piecc -loose pillow ,arrr 'groups $72J50; 10-piecc bedroooJ.jjultes 'round mirrors -$74 rSrnlsh your ; home comiJle ic - three roomsw.59 pieces al for $165. Manyipther bargain Terms If you 'Uh. Order today. JulltJs Shore Mail Order House, fith floor Bcklns Building, Vancouver, (tf) WANTED WANTED For cash, United States stamps, old preferred. Loose or on cover or accumulations of any amount P. Oamula, Box 623. 30) JMLE HELP WANTED LESSON from the depresslon-Ce a Civil Servant Postman. Customs Examiner, Clerk, Stenographer, etc, Free Bookie "How to get a Government Job M.C.C. Civil Service School Win-nlpcg. I'KltSONAL PRIVATE Home Kindergartens pay. wr start you. The Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Winnipeg, (tf) GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies, khuic ia ior si, raciii', Hupply. 751 Granvlllij, Vancouver. TUU'IUFUI, Clairvoyant readings. Write Madam Francis. 2531 Woodland, Vancouver, B.C. Four (U(;tlom answered. Send birth month. Donation. (tf) I MEN Get vigor at once. New Os- trcx Tonic TablcU contain raw oyster Invlgorators and other stimulants, One dose peps up organs, glands. If not delighted, "akcr refunds few cents paid -all or write. Ormes Limited, tf nSNAP w i i i n i i-JP OWDER CUAMt 4 OtBM ,JJ?n o. saw HIS VOICE VERY FINE Beal MnieaJ Treat Cnra Vt Erik ' Frer- B&ad Seattle KuiUee l P!feee Bspetr asRg. Jntis had; a rare treat Ixst Btgrft a the re-j vno axartc as rcns usees Chsrrc3. scKred ard 2&cc. tT t&e Vardes gn-errs. Itr. Frey, 'aba is totaSy band, fisj cfce and be ksovs bov to Ui K. ia dieCco U tiS-q perfect, ois interprelztScs left aothhrg to ce dnfred ad at a ttsea be gaTe the izpreoais that ce really Hied to s&g. As the Chics ro Trihsnc lm says of him: "It is easy to KeUs to hira Ktsra he stszx. He tasrfci Then he strgs 1 Lmt Lllf." Tte aetcal programs eorrirted of a earelsfly selected gioup racgizf froc: the gagntficest "Ann. Ann. Te BraTe" of Hasdel and the tieB-tate "O Lisfccsa" cf DocizeUi Ccnca j the err copdar "Sylvia'" of OSey Speakx In rupc&se to re-peaUd reqeals the singer gaT wrTerai encores. The Varden Singers, under Peter Lira, cootrtbttted four pteastsg choral numbers hlch shoved Tery arefal preparation. Mr. Lien's smducUsg vas a pleasure to vateh -tnd consistently gave the Izspres-4on that he and hit singers had eally caught the "mood" of the lumbers being song. The final offering, a Norwegian folk song arranged' by Orieg. sung by Mr. Frey and the Varden Singers was a fit-Jng climax to a thoroughly enjoyable concert. Charles Balagno was a sympa-.hetic and capable accompanist. Ihe program was as follows: "Ood Save the King." "Brudefcrden 1 Ha r danger" 'KJcruIfj. Varden Singers. "Arm, Arm, Ye Brave" (Judas Maccabaeusi, Mr. Frey. "Serenade of Mephistopheles" . (Hector Berllozi, "As Rays of Setting Sun" Caldara, "Indian Ha Ida Ceremonial Song" 'Tradi tional), "Love Went. a-Rldlng iBriggs). Mr. Frey. "O Lisbona, Alfin ti Miro" (Doni-i zetti), Mr. Frey. "Dear Land of Home" (Sibelius) "Morgonsang vid SJon" (Belman), Varden Singers. . , ; "Three Sajt Water' Ballads" (Keel). Mr. Frey. "Necken" (Soderberg), "Host-sang" (Peterson-Berger). "LJung-by Horn" (Frlberg). Mr. Frey. ; "Crosses Every Mood" (Erik FreyTr"SyWar-nSTJeaW, -"Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms," "I Love Life" (Manu-Zucca), Mr. Frey. "Den Store Hvide Flokk" (Edward Orieg), Varden Singers, soloist, Mr. Frey. Mrs. H. M. Sides, wife of a well known United States customs offi cer" at Juneau, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yester day afternoon going through on a holiday trip to Seattle, 1 It Iays to Buy From MUSSALLEM'S Our prices are always right with the markets and we sell for less. Mall or phone your order and save FREE GIFT COUPONS for a Dinner Set and Rogers Silverware. Prince Rupert, B.C. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Would Waterfront Whiffs LittJc Scininj Herring This Week Pioneer of Cold Storage Service Leaving Company Ilarry Scott's Invention There' ha hMn littlp pininr nf herrintr in the Tinrhnr during the pal week, the forced the fish down too deep for the nets. The organi- so. He has been working so Oscar zation of the Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd- is standing bv, ar- a new kind of hot air the plant at Tueks Inlet as soon as they are available. rotae u, be L bad for the gas Seise diffienky is reported to haftS , . . . . . ; coEpaaies as Harry KL.I boles ,v the sec-teen w experienced aroand the Tneks odcct ibis morning from theJrtt to this particular kind of hot Inlet plant daring the week owing nonh f)isz thr- hacrt fnr:., ,k h,.v to ice. Lonis Leittex. who has been in Jse employ of zhe Canadtarl Pah ti Cold Storage Co. for the past sarter of a century and wbo is- ibe oldest employee of that eon- cern atU on iU payroD. k learing ; at the end of of the the month month and ijUo ja- trip to England to tnp trip east east for a fewt-t-M h Tjnv,- planning a months prior to returning to settle down in Prince R 5 pert Union steamer Cardena. CapC John Boden. armed in port at 7:15 last evening from the sooth and sailed at 13:3 pm. on her return jtown ince before the festive sea-J to Vancouver and waypoints. -son. Harry has decided that he has' (painted the old town red enough! Having made a special voyage to for this time at least What more" KeX,hlfcln 16 pkk 011 Paensers may need to be done in that wayj In vie of the continued tie-up of j he can safely leave to Oscar Hav-i American shipping owing to the eroy. he feels. Harry, after having! maritime workers' strike. C P. R.!Cut quite a dash around Christmas! steamer Princess Adelaide. Capt S. and New Year, has not been so ura'-' returned to port at 6 CHURCH NOTICESj JML.-. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ,.M : " Ker. J, W. Stevenson, M-V, BJ), Ph.D. iaiS3t Minhter Oreanht: SUNDAY 11 "THE PERMANEiT IN THE CHANGING" -.. 12:15, Sunday School and Bible Class ; 7:30 PAL. "A GOOD NAME" Dr. Stevenson will preach at both services. MACKENZIE FURNITURE -January Sale , ' Inlaid Linoleum, square yard $1;28 Printed Linoleum, square yard : .75c Special Prices on Clearance Lines Phone 775 Prince Rupert, B.C. ! WINTER WEATHER WANTS! Ileatinir Stoves, J Pipes Elbows Lids (.rales Linings Stove Screens $2.75 Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. A You Like Clothes of Distinction" 1 " I cold weather having: evidently t ;vaneovver and waypotnts. The vessel got 65 passengers at Ketehl kaa. Mrs. Margaret Leggatt,, well known to the northern tnreOiss ,tn, of .u. r 0, varah u at T,rwn, a Harry Scott, the redoubtable hand logging operator. Is lea ring) this week-end on his return down! the coast after haring been ini much in evidence the last week or in Charge mm .Mrs. E. J. Smith SERVICES from S2.7S tmwnrrle Collars Dampers $5.00 Have you an old suit or overcoat stored away somewhere which is an eyesore every time you look at it? We'll allow you five dollars for it on a tradein on any suit or coat in our store. STARTING FRIDAY, JANUARY 15 THIS SPECIAL WILL CONTINUE FOR TEN DAYS! Here is an opportunity to acquire a new outfit and save money, also assist some needy person as all tradein's will be donated to 'charity. WILLIAM F. STONE Mother of Mrs. Kraupner Dies ra4 Away i a Germany Recently Jit Axe f Sixty-f war Years Lccai IfjeTjds will sympathize sr.:h 3rx Haea Kraupner who h rrcciTtd She sad news of the re- 6ezlh at OSashneUe. eer-cf her saother. Mrs. Barbara Itrs. Raage was sixty-forr of age and, beside bet daarnter. is snrrived by her hus- son in Gcnaany auu Oiljvwj vsa wm m w the hot air wul also bare to buy Harry whether they like him or not. Saturday January ij FLAVOR! A New "Multi-Bean" Blend COLLINS' Pocket Classics Now "Only 50 Cents Illustrated Clear-type Editions of the World's Best Literature 'Tales From the Arabian Nights" "A Tale of Two Cities" "Pickwick Papers" "The Moonstone" "The Scarlet Letter" "Hypatla" "The Last of the Barons" "The Greatest Thing In the World" "The Heart of Midlothian" "Black Beauty" "Catrlona" "In the South Seas" These Books of Classic Literature Should be in every home. Check up on your bookshelf. fnAtre you vert vuir w no f- f LAST TIMES TOXir.iTT Last Complete Sh..w 95 uePBURn IT1QRCH fHARV OF SCOTLAND At 7 23 & 9 43 NEWS and CAKTOO.N Coming Monday Robt. Taylor in "SOCIETY DOCTOR" Jcancttc McDonald in -CAT and the FIDDLE" "Ingoldsby Legends" 'The Old Curiosity Shop" "Dombey and Son" The Deerslayer" Tom Brown's School Days "The Heroes" 'The Rubaiyat of Omar . Khayyam" "The Talisman" "The Pirate" "The Master of Ballantrac" "Island Nights Entertainment" "The Innocents Abroad' Treat Yourself to a Happy New Year ly having your Coal bin full of the best coal in town. PHILPOTT - EVIH & Co. Ltd. Have the Coal to Suit Your Requirements rilUNF, f,52