Today's Weather She Tomorrow's Tides (g A.M.) High 4:12 a.m. 20.5 It. prince Rupert Cloudy, southeast 16:16 p.m. 19.4 ft. wind, seven miles per hour; Low 10:30 a.m. 6.0 ft. barometer, 3052; sea choppy.. 22:40 p.m. 4.7 ft: NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUAIBIA'S NEWSPAPER lol. XXVI, No. 13. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 1937 fKlCE: S CENTS to sip o: VRIVE (iara Decides to Sc For $30,000 Kequi, Where To Get t? vcry possible Source Will be Can vassed; Now is Time 10 aci, Commissioner Believes The hospital board, at Its meet- last night, decided to set lm- Scdiatcly In motion plans lor a rive with a view to raising $30,000, hlch Is the sum required over, and ove $70,000 already available, to feet a new 45-Dea nospiiai unu pre at an estimated cost of $100,- h Including equipment and fur- Ishlngs. The matter was brought up by ty Commissioner W. J. Alder who ' lid the board of having discussed he matter while In Victoria re entry with the provincial archl- Henry Whittaker. Trie new Sct, lit would consist as far as pos- ble of bed accommodation with ! lily sucn service rooms as were; bsolulcly essential, all possible trvlcc . being conducted from the Id building. W M. Brown, chairman of the pard, did not see how $30,000 tmld be raised locally unless the. Bty was prepared to put up a con- dcrablc amount. I Mr Alder urged the board to nbark upon the campaign, to kise $30,000. The federal Indian Apartment, logging companies. merles, wholesale companies Bid others might 'be sources of iiiancjal .support Ho, would like to ec a whole-hearted community Ifort made to put the drive over. Certainly It was high time for a ! lew hospital. Such concerns as logging com- nnles, Mr Brown pointed out, al- lady contributed through work- ten's compensation and would 'on be called upon to contribute the health Insurance plan. Thetern00n bound from whltehorse to company could hardly bo Eilway pected to establish the precedent contributing, there was a feci- ? among many people that the ty should put up something. Mr Alder replied that the city las down to bedrock. Expenditures Bad b?cn cut by $100,000 annually pid the city was paying as It went, pving no one it should be remem- jired that the city was already tmtrlbutlng substantially to the In grants. He did not think Iospltal ie ratepayers, already having a Juggle, should be asked to dig Sown any more. In fact, he dared ot add further to the land tax pirden, Some other way, of course, fight be found. "Now that we pe got $70,000," said Mr. Alder, think we would be poor duffers we cannot get the hospital." At p outside, he thought that the B'ive for funds should be put over fithin three months. The Plan i Mr Brown thought that ... the plan ii ,-... i i -. i iwuia dc. nrst. eet out the mans. icn endeavor to raise the money M, If there was success in this, l ahead with the building. O V Wilkinson did not think f'C lircsent nnniilntlnn jshnnlri hn 'nalizcd for the benefit of the future S. D. 'Marrinnnlri r.tM Mini It. hiH 'en felt $5000 was the limit that Nd be raised In the city. If, say, go more than one half a mill was Fvlcd by the city for hospital new rn,... . . . . . . r poses, it would at least be a iod example to other potential wntrlbutors. Mr Alder agreed that $5000 was Probably about the limit that could J1 expected to be raised in the city, i would be necessary to work on ' who did business in the own, Mr Brown still agreed with the Ingestion that the city should be !" example even If only in a small Mr Alder was still Insistent that : 'Continued on page three) Pope Continues To Feel Better Continued Improvement Shown In Condition of His Holiness Who Has Been Critically III VATICAN CITY, Jan. 16: The condition of Pop Plus XI shows continued Improvement. HLs Holiness was ajraln able to leave hi? bed In a wheel chair and conferred with Cardinal Pacelll, Papal Secretary of State. LOYALTY TO KING Is Voted by Canadian parliament; Leaders Pay, Tribute; Woods-worth's Objections OTTAWA. Jan. 16: (CP) Par liament yesterday voted a unanl mous resolution of loyalty In the new King George VI. Members and spectators then joined in singing "God Save the King." Both Premier W, L. Mackenzie King and Sir George Perley, acting Conservative leader In the absence of Rt. Hon. R. B. Bennett, Leader of the Opposition, expressed admiration for the new king. He resembled his father in many ways, they said, and, under him, the prestige of the monarchy would undoubtedly be enhanced. J. S. Woodswortri, Co-operative Commonwealth Federation leader, had no objection to the expression of loyalty although he objected to the term "King of Canada." He also took exception to the procedure ol the government having associated Itself with the British resolution of allegiance' before the matter had come before Parliament. Received Word On Ship of Husband's Crashing in Plane Mrs. Robert C. Randal and two young sons were passengers aboard the Princess Norah yesterday af Regina. Mrs. Randal is the wife of Pilot Randal, well known northern commercial air pilot, who is being moved from the Yukon to Edmon ton out of which city nc will fly Into the Northwest Territories. He will be coming south on the next boat. When Mrs. Randal left Skagway her husband was missing on flight from Whltehorse Into remote Frances Lake In the Southern Yu kon. On Wednesday night aboard the steamer she was relieved to receive a wireless message an nounclng his. safety but that his plane had sustained damage In crash and a rescue plane had to be sent In. Weathey Forecast the courtesy of (Furnished throusn . Domlnlou Meteorological Bureau Victoria and Prince Rupert. This lore; oast Is compiled rrom ooscrTvwiu ken rt 5 nd ... I covers JA M liiYiir iirnuu cituiiiA w r svnnnsts Pressure Is falling on Wj ltWww - - the north coast, fine and cold weather prevails from Vancouver Island to the Okaganan and Koote- nay. Prince Rupert Fresh to strong southerly wind, becoming milder followed by sleet or rain. HOSPITAL FINANCES During the month of December hospital collections amounted to R2sa.20 and dl sbursemcnts $4510.05. There were 1763 hospita I days at a cost per hospital day or $2.56. In the year 1S30 mere wciv 18,832 hospital days at a cost per hospital day of $2.08, the year's expenditures having totalled $48,-887.69. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER. Jan. 10: (CD-Wheat was quoted at $1.25?'8 on the Vancouver market yesterday. Today's price was $1.253,i. Whether or Not To Hold On To East End Land Receipt or the assessment notice for the year 1937 raised a discussion at last night's meeting of the hospital board as to the advisability of retaining a parcel of 10.6 acres on Overlook Street which was acquired some years ago from the Grand Trunk Development Co. with a view to eventually using It as a new hospital site. The property is assessed at $1500 and the taxes for the year are $75. As there was little likelihood of the property ever being used as a hospital site. W. M. Brown, chair man of the board, felt disposed to let It drop. Frank Dibb, however. felt that It might be advisable to hold on to it for another year in the event of early industrial development making it possible to dispose of it to better advantage. TRUCE IS REACHED Union and Company Heads Arrer To Negotiate In Auto Strike LANSING, Mich., Jan. 16: (CP Truce was announced yesterdav by Governor Frank Murphy of Michigan In the General Motor? strike with union and company heads agreeing to open negotia tions on Monday with a view tc settling their grievances. Pickett will be removed from the centra' jlant at Flint, National Guards vlll also be withdrawn and the company will make no attempt t' reopen,, the. plapt untU .after, ne totlatlons' have been consummated TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy 3. D. Johusum Co.) , Vancouver B. C. Nickel. .30. Big Missouri. .65. Bralorne, 8.10. B. R. Cons.. .05. B. R. X., .0912. Cariboo Quartz, 1.75. Derrtcnia, .14. Golconda, .13. Mlnto. .20. Morning Star, .04. Noble Five. .11. Pcnd Oreille, 3.80. Pioneer. 6.25. Porter Idaho, .11 Vj. . Premier, 4.25. Reeves McDonald, .87. Reno. 1.18.- Rellef Arlington. 32. Reward, .06. Salmon Gold, .11. United Empire. .002. ' Wayside, .00. Premier Border, .03. Sllbak-Premler, 3.00. Congress, .IOV2. Hedley Amalgamated, .37. Toronto Beattle, 1.45. Central Patricia, 4.40. Gods lake, .99. Int. Nickel, 63.75. Lea Oold. .O6V2. Little Long Lac, 7.35 McKcnzle Red Lake, 1.88. Pickle Crow, 8.50. Red Lake Gold Shore, 1.35. San Antonio, 2.35. Sherrltt Gordon, 3.20. Slscoc. 0.50. Smelters Oold. .08 12. Venturas, 3.05. McLeod Cockshutt, 4.10. Oklend, .59. Mosher, .47. Gllbcci .06. ' Madsmi Red Lake, 1.50. May Spiers, .30. Sullivan, 2.20. Stadacona. 1.06. Frontier Red Lake, .18. .' Francceur, 1.32. Manitoba & Eastern, .13. Perron, 2.18. Moneta Porcuphie, 1.67. Sladen Maiartlc,. 1.95. Morris Klrkland, .68. Rubec, .10. Thompson Cadillac,, i.63. Bailor, .07. Algold(.58. . I MRS. GEORGE BLACK 4 URGING ISSUE OF CORONATION DOLLARS , 4 OTTAWA, Jan. 16: (CP) t Mrs. George Black Member of Parliament for Yukon, will 4 V sponsor a resolution urging fr that the govt nment coin one 1 million silvc." dollars as a memento of the coronation of 4 King George VI. DUSKY FILM BEAUTY not Especlally Imported from Africa to play opposite Paul Robeson, world-famous American stage star, In the spectacle "Jericho," Princess Kouka, ' Soudanese beauty, is pictured ju$t after her , arrival in London. This Is the first time she has ever been out of her native Africa. Late Telegraphs WORK OF MANIAC TACOMA Strength Is lent to the belief that police are working 1 on the theory that the kidnap-slaying 1 of Charles Mattson was the work of a demented person. Records of Tacoma degenerates are being studied in detail. INVESTIGATE PIRACY SEATTLE Investigation of piracy charge's made by owners of Vancouver tug Prospective will be made by the coastguard patrol boat Atlanta. VINES IS WINNER PITTSBURG Ellsworth Vines scored his first professional tennis victory over Fred Perry last night 6-3, 5-7, 6-4, G-l. LIQUOR STORE BURNS PARKSVILLE Parksvillc's government liquor store was destroyed by fire Friday night with $5000 of stock. POISONED BAKING POWDER BURNABY Mrs. Elwood Dunbar is dead and twenty other persons are seriously ill as a result, it is believed, of the use of ! poisoned baking powder. ' Today's Weather (Government Iclcgribplm) Triple Island Snowing, south-cast wind, 22 miles per hour, sea smooth. Langara Island Overcast, south - 1 east wind. 20 miles per hour; tem perature, 44; sea rough. Dead Tree Point CXoudy, light southeast wind; barometer, 29.84" temperature, 30; light chop. . Vancouver Clear, easterly wind, four miles per hour. Victoria Clear, northerly wind; 12 miles per nour; barometer, 30.-25. Estevan Clear, northerly, wind, 12 miles per hour; barometer, 30.- 22. Prince Oeorge . Cloudy, calm, barometer, 30.38. Terrace Snowing, calm, 8 above. Alyansh Snowing, calm, 5 above. I Anyox-iSnowIng, calm,17 above.! "Stewart Light snow, calm1, 8 above. Advisory Service For Hospitals Is Being Established The hospital board was advised at its meeting last night in a letter from the provincial secretary, of a new advisory service which was being set up for hospitals by the provincial government with Dr. G. F. Amyot in charge and with Percy Ward, manager of the North Vancouver Hospital, as his assistant. The plan is to assist hospitals only with problems of technical service but also to give advice in connection with finances and management. There will also be periodical Inspections and it was suggested that either or both Dr. Amyot and Mr. Ward might be expected to visit here. Meantime, the board was Invited to refer to them any problems upon which assistance might be desired. THREATEN VENGEANCE Demonstrators in Spanish City Would Storm Jails and Execute Revenge on Socialist Prisoners BAYONNE, France, Jan. 16: (CP) Thousands of demonstrators are reported parading the streets in insurgent Pamplona, I Spain, threatening to st0rm the city's prisons and exe- cute eye for eye, vengeance on over two thousand Socialist prisoners. The demonstrators are said to be Incensed over alleged massacre early iri'tHe'-wcek-of. two j hundred insurgent hostages at Bil boa. Old Country Soccer THIRD ROUND, ENGLISH CUP Manchester United 1, Reading 0 Wolvafoampton Wanderers C, Middles brough 1. Bradford 0, Derby County 4. Cardiff City 1, Grimsby Town 3 Brentford 5, Huddjrsfield Town 0 Crewe Alexandra 0, Plymouth Argyle 2. Bury 1, Queens Park Rangers 0 Walsall 3, Barnsley 1. Westtromwich Albion 7, Simmy-moor United 1. Notts Forest 2, Sheffield United 1. Portsmcouth 0, Tottenham Hot-cpurs 5. Mllwall 2, Fulham 0. Everton 5, Bournemouth 0. Chesterfield 1, Arsenal 5. Cluster 4, Doncaster Rovers 0. Sheffield Wednesday 2, Port Vale 0. Luton Town 3, Blackpool 3, Preston North End 2, Newcastls United 0. Blackburn Rovers 2, Accrlngton Stanley 2. Westham United 0, Bolton Wort-' iderers 0. Aston Villa 2, Burnley 3. Chelsea 4, Leeds United 0. Dartford 0, Darlington 1 Wrexham 1, Mancharter City 3 Southampton 2, Sunderland 3. Bradford City 2, York City 2. Swansea Town 1, Carlisle United 0. j Bristol Rovers 2, Leicester City 5. Norwich City 3, Liverpool 0. Coventry City 2, Charlton AUi tic 0. j Stoke City 4, Birmingham 1. Exeter City 3, Oldham Athletic 0 ' Scottish League First Division Arbroath 4, Albion Rovers 2. Celtic 3, Hamilton Academicals Dundee 1, Queen of South 3. j Dunfermline 1, Clyde 3. Falkirk 3, Hearts 0. Hibernians 0, Kilmarnock 0. Motherwell 1, Rangers A. t Partlck Thistle 1, St. Johnstone" 1. St. Mlrren 1, Queen's Park. 2 Third Lanark 2, Aberdeen 0, Would Divorce John Barrymore Latest Hollywood Romance Fails To Take Mental Cruelty Claimed LOS ANGELES, Jan. 16: Elaine Barrle Barrymore, yesterday filed suit for divorce against John Bar rymore whom she married only two motnhs ago. She charged extreme mental cruelty, Inhuman conduct and profanity, declaring that Barry-nore was Intensely Jealous. REPORT ON CONVENTION Managing Secretary of Hospital Tells of Matters Which Were Taken Up In his report as delegate to the invention In Victoria several ,eeks ago of the British Columbia ..capitals' Association, H. W. Birch tdvlsed the local hospital board ast night that the importance ol vlder knowledge and more prompt reatment of venereal diseases, the emoval of duty on x-ray equlp-nent, better relations between the .lopltals and the Workmen's Compensation Board, desirability ol more uniformity in regulations governing use of hospitals partl- ularly for the benefit of the me-Idlcal profession and continued ac- Jtlve support of the provincial gov ernment's efforts along the line of health Ihsurance were among out standing matters which had come up at the convention. Mr. ;Blfqh Informed the board mat w present memoersnip ice of the association would probably be Increased, possibly doubled, but !n view of the advantages that were to be derived, he recommen-led that the hospital continue Iti " membership. ' Referring to the government's program to combat the spread ol venereal disease, Mr. Birch reported that it responded readily tc treatment but the Important thing was to get It In time. The Importance of publicity and co-operation of hospital and medical authorities was stressed. Criticism had again been levelled by the convention at the Workmen's Compensation Board for Its failure to meet charges which the hospitals considered should be fairly paid. In the matter of health Insurance plan operation, the convention had felt that it should not be handled In exactly the same way as was workmen's compensation. Mr. Birch was thanked for his report which was filed. Governor Merriam Presents Budget Provides for Public Expenditure In State of California of Halt Billion Dollars SACRAMENTO, Cal., Jan. 16: ,The budget of Governor Merriam. presented to the State Legislature provides for an expenditure of .$146,003,000 whlrh, with federal appropriations, brings the total up j'to $504,500,000: No mention was made In the budget of new taxes SUCCEED . INJXAMS Results of Tests at King Lrtward High School Announced King Edward High School December examination results are announced as follows: Grade 12 Passed with, honors Joe Land-rey, 83.5. Passed (In order of merit) Lyd-la Pettenuzzo, Hlro Yamanaka, Honora Silversides, Ellen Moore, Maxlne Llewellyn, Hugh Forrest, Dora Arney, Adele Mussalleni. Grade 11 Passed with honors :Alma-Dyb-havn, 94.; Bertie O'Neill, 85.27; Helen Valentine, 85; Nancy Kan-:mochl, 84.9; Marguerite Menzie3, 31.77; Allan Kergln, 81.45; Robert Manson. 80.36, Passed (In order of merit) Hcl- ' n Lakle, Gerald Ine Cade, Chlea Ilshlkaze, Ethel Cousins. Peter 4usoy, Harold Ponder. Peter Al- en. Margaret Smith, Jlro Kanaya Vllllam Hadden, Ted Mills. Lloyd lice. Harold Ivarson, Norlko Hay- akawa, Victoria Stamford, Audrey Vlereck, Elieen Deane, Jean Watt. Harry Lundqulst, Shlglto Kameda, r. Tsumura, Nick Killas, Edna VI:Lean, Phyllis Hamblln, George "?rown, Dick Wlnslow, Mary Davey. Grade 10 Passed with honors Hlroji Yam anaka, 92.2; Annie Peterson. 90.7; Kljo Suehlro. 89.7; Alfred Wlkdal, 39.6; Phyllis Hill-Tout, 88.6; Mal colm Wilding, 85.4; Emily Chris topher, 85.2; Alex Balllle, 84.8; Jorun Skog, 83.5; Hazel Mastln, .10.8. Passed (In order of merit) Vtlmmy Johnson and Tel I Tsum-ira (equal). Norma Smith, Robert lollart; "Muriel Eby,' Bertha Vucko-itch. Mary Slevert, Fred'Solesand lazen Hanklnson (equal), Sada fakamoto, Aslaue Skaland, Rob-t Rudderham, Margaret Deane, Dorothy Davles, Ralph Morln, Mar- raret Armstrong, Wlll'am Brown, ?a!ph Smith, Tom Dalzell, Donald '"'ton'. Charlotte Phillipson, Hector vlacDonald, Edward Bolton, Percy tnutson, Angelo. Christian, Helen Ireen. Norman Hebb. Katherine laker, Dorothy Wllkle. Jean Stor-le. Donald Eastman. Dorothy Stewart, Gwyneth Walker, Sylvia "roxford Richard Wrathall. Mar-aret Chrlstensen, June Hanklnson. Grade 9 Passed with honors Itu Kanaya, 19.6; Flora Leslie, 88.4; Hans Peter-xin, 87.4; Norman Blackhall, 86.8; Spencer Davles, 83.9; Coral Rogers. 2.3; Andrew MacDonald, 80.8; Florence Obuch'no, 80.3; Englna Chrlstensen, 80. Parsed (In order of merit) El " eanor Johansen, ' John Good, ' Isabjl . ,,th Hu(json' and Bemlce .,, t o.-.u c-i 1. I Frances Robertson, Auslaug Holke-! stad, Bessie Ohandler, Helgs Holke- stad and Ted Drake (equal), Mar garet McMeekln, Kay Nlckerson, Mary Pierce, Betty Miller, Edward Moore, Jean Krause. Kathleen O'Neill, Lois Judge, Walter Perkins. Tack Corbould and Pearl Menzte. ind Dorothy Shrubsall (equal), Clarence Flnley. Clifford John-cn, Peter Rorvlk, Frances Moore. Betty Barber, Olav Rysstad, Harry Raggett, Eva Chandler, William Manson, DonaM McCavour, Kazl Vlshlo and William Long (equal). Harry Emmerson, Wallace Dell, Heorge Baker, Dick Clarke, Mur-ay Phillipson, Larry Parlow, Tom Tandrey, Ned Tcbsy, Hlsaye Kl- hara, Christina Cook, Joey Kad- jr changes in the present state jonaga, Billy Hawes, Delphlns Bal-flninclal structure. , Continued on Page Two) Mass Meeting of Citizens MONDAY NIGHT AT 8 in CITY HALL To urge building of PEACE RIVER RAILWAY. All citizens, men or women, asked to attend.