(8 AM.) prince Rupert Clear, iv heast wind, 16 miles per hour ' a ter, m sea moderate. . o cDt into the spreading lllm in- . u 1 1 n nt.WA nntnre nfiv. o mcplf'c rtplav In Inin. e the walk-out. ine six inousana u- rf Hn plpvpn unions nf i . . . i ni.l... laiw vvi-.w --i work yesterday morning and were assigned to picket duty basis ol the dispute, which ret flared into a strike Friday ieht, is the Federated Cralts' de and on nine major companies lor The central strike committee, ill 4 .l..lnn n.t,nr mmIIa! nit Viit& tWUJVtl, bHtlVU omen marchers olf the picket p Mirroundlnir the Hollywood ..11... l.4.n.A .it.Jtno 4vlna An after trouble last night at West n The House of Wcstmore, extraya- . i M . 1 1. . - t a iuiu tuiuiijr ucauty actum, wao amaged, owners said, to .the ex- j' nr. in & .i in i w i it'll i.nrHH ttihii nrf ft wrnnan xmaAhfri mirrors. dim ml ANfiS ON TO OFFICE rrtmirr llaraslii nf Janan !Sot lie. linquishing- Administration TOKYO, May 4: (CP Premier naenOAn ri ,Iam h 1 hn( - fTi- tr im nni P -x cipiriAii n rm t planning either to combat or nnnrnmif . ....... r nn niiiinrn 1111 Vn nf AP. II 1 KKpv Will flnnn , . i C Undertakers. r For the Public Visitors to Oct Chance to Inspect Edifice Alter Coronation LONDON, May 4: (CP) Dressed in the splendor of Coronation panoply Westminster Abbey will k open to nubile view from May 15 to June 5. Visitors will be taken through the annex up the centre ot the nave and the choir, round we great platform where the thrones stand and out by the cast uoistcr door. 1 With the exception of members of home dominion and colonial url . .... ... ""m-cm, visitors will be asKea 10 My an admission fee. Tills will go meet the cost of providing turn-s'Ues, barriers and the necessarv "ttendants and also reimburse the various charities and Institutions h'ch will otherwise suffer.ln confluence of the necessary cessation 01 all offertory collections In the Abey for eight months. TO S NGAl'OltB, May 4: (CP) -ollowing u durliiK mailbag rob-Jry when $25,000 was stolen by 'r robbers, the Inlurnatlotml PrcaH from Uant'kok, Slam, tc "c Mulayan frontier, is in future '0 Carrv lirm...l I.. Funeral Notice 1HU flllw.fnl ,,f 1.. 1',,,-vlk "1 take place u"1 ut A o'clock Tburs- " - ol. XXVI.. No. 104. ill if 1 AKK v w v J A AM MM NOW IDLE uild Actors Delay For a Week Their Decision in Regard To Joining; Strike urT.LYWOOD, May 4: (CP) Six ,n,ind studio workers have ::Vrr:F0RCED0UT ouoway ana Car Strike For London! A VI UU11UU1I LONDON, May 4: (CP) The possibility ol a strike of subway and street car opera- tors in sympathy with bus drivers now looms. This would completely paralyze transpor- tatlon In the metropolis! TODAY'S STOCKS Uouriesy b. U. Jotuuiou uo.i Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .10. Big Missouri, .48. Bralorne, 6.90. B. R. Con., .04. Aztec, .08' i. Cariboo Quartz, 1.53. Dentonla, .13 '2. Dunwell, .03V4. Golconda, .08. Mlnto, .25, Meridian, .02 Vi-Falrvlew Amalg., .09 '2. Noble Five, .07 V. Pend Oreille, 3.15. Pioneer, 4.50. Porter Idaho, .05.' Premier, 2.75. Reeves McDonald, 1.00. Reno, 1.00. Relief Arlington, 20. . ' Reward, .10. ,( -Salmon .Gold,..08. ,Vw- Taylor Bridge, .07, . w, ., ' Wayside, .03. ! ' Hedley Amalgamated, ,3j:, Premier Border; .05. ;.:" Sllbak Premier. 2.551 jX Congress, ,06'A. ' - ' Sliver Crest, .07. ' Home Gold, .02 V2. 1 - Grandvlew, .I6V4. Indian, .022. Quatslno Copper, .04'. Quesnel Quartz, .09. Oils A. P. Con., .33. Calmont, .60. C. Si 2.55. Freehold, 09. Hargal, .17. McDougal Scgur, .20. Mercury. .28. Okalta, 1.35. Pacalta, .15. Home Oil, 1.70. United, .21. Weymarn, .17. Toronto Beattle, i.25. Central Patricia, 3.25. God's Lake, .50. Lqe Gold, .03 'A-Little Long Lac, 5.G5. McKcnzle Red Lake, 1.32. Pickle Crow, 6.40. Red Lake Gold Shore, .56. San Antonio, 1.60. Sherrltt Gordon, 2.50. Smelter Gold, .04. McLeod Cockshutt, 2.07. Oklend, .23. Moshcr, .53. Gllbec, .03 's-Madsen Red Lake, .82. Stadacona, 1.65. Frontier Red Lake, .15. Francoeur, 1.00. ' Manitoba & Eastern, .03&. Moncta Porcupine, 1.40. Bouscadlllac, .44. Rubec, .04 V'j-Bailor, '.04 V2. Bankfleld, .98. . East Malartlc, 1.18. Preston East Dome, 1.18.-Hutchison Lake, .18. Dawson White, .18. McQualg Red Lake, Rajah Red Lake, .21. , Aldcrmac, 1.20. Kerr Addison, 2.59. Uchl Gold, .83. CAPE TOWN, May 4: (CP) BY HEALTH C. C. F. Candidate Withdraws In Kevclstoke and Social Credit In Burrard Other Nominations VANCOUVER. May 4: (CP) Co-operative Commonwealth Fe deration headquarters today an- Segur, C. C. F. candidate for Revel-stoke In the forthcoming provincial general election, and the British Columbia Social Credit League announced the withdrawal of W. R. Hamilton, candidate for Vancou- ' .1 Todays Weather . US" Tomorrow's Tides ' limit Wallyand Edward May Wed Anytime Final Decree ol Divorce Clears Way For Marriage LONDON, May 4: (CP) the granting of a final decree of divorce to Mrs. Wallls Warfleld Simpson yesterday,, she and the Duke of Windsor are now ftee to mfirrv whenever thev choose. The nounced the withdrawal of Vincent I wetjtHng will perhaps take place In the chapel of the Chateau de ver-Burrard. Reasons of healthtVl. fnr whom hp rpnnnnred were given in each case. the Brtish throne. The reunion imer member, has been nominated 1 one dav of enforced loneliness for NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1937 , u c Ul ","7"" the former King shprtly afternoon kniRhthood. standard bearers ol T T. (4:45 am" FaclIlc tanaara Time) the dominions with their stand In trip last. , Ipaisinnirp . , w hv Cz R o l . ... . : i -iv-- 1 ' wnen me ojukc rcauueu waiwu ard8; standard ol England anu Leary, Lmerai. de Cande from St. Wolfgang. Aus- the royal standard; the prime ncrucu Aiiscumo, mcmuci m trla. Mrs. Simpson met him on the rainister of the United Kingdon last housee; Bruce A. McKelvle, rlnorstpn of the chateau. The DukeL.i tv, ,!.,iut,.u nf , M- ltinu I'lillic uitiun.vin Vk v. news editor of the Victoria , , Colon- , jumped from his car . and, arm In dominions. 1st and a former editor of the arm wjth Mrs Simpson, he went I The keeper of the jewel houst Prince Rupert Dally News, Aid. lnside the castle. Ias the Duke'slwill walk directiv ahead of Ihi (Dr.) J. D. Hunter and Fred A.jpar nassed. everv ' British news-. Onopn'u mi'mw. Vipnrtmr n -i Willis have been nominated Conservative candidates for Victoria which, besides Mr. Anscomb, had, Rev. Robert Connell, Social Reconstructive leader; Hon. John Hart and Byron Johnson, Liberals, as members of the last legislature. Halibut Sales Summary Amcrlcari-None. Canadian 39,400 pounds, 7.1c 3c to 7.8c and 5c. Canadian Salalda, 5.500, Atlln, 7.8c and 5c. Violet P., 10,000, Booth, 7.6c and 5c. D. S. T., 7,000, Atlln, 7.3c and 5c. Borgund, 8.000, Royal, 7.6c and 5c. Norma W., 5,000, Cold Storage, 7.1c and 5c. Edward Lipsett, 4,000, Cold Storage. 7.7c and 5c. Weather Forecast General Synopsis Pressure h, falling off in the interior of llri- tish Columbia, showers occuring, off Vancouver Island and lowei mainland while there is high tern j perature generally In the Okana-; gan, Kootenay "and Cariboo. I West Coast of Vancouver Island! West winds, generally fair and cooler with showers. Prince Kupert District and Queen Charlotte Islands Fresh to strong East and South winds, generally fair and cool with occasional rains. FUNERAL YESTERDAY j Arthur! The funeral of the late Mlkkclson, who dropped dead last Iwcck at Seal Cove, took place yes terday afternoon from the chapel of B. C. Undertakers to Falrvlew Cemetery. Rev. E. J. North, pastor of the Pentecostal Assembly, Today's Baseball National League St. Louis 1, Boston 8. Cincinnati 6, New York 7. Pittsburg 10, Brooklyn 3. Chicago 14, Philadelphia 7. American League New York 10, Detroit 1. Philadelphia-Chicago, rain. FIGHT IN nUNH A LOW NEW DELHI, May 4: (CP) A young Indian tried to force his way into the bungalow of Delhi 8 Piano tuners 01 yu'on nmi Chief Commissioner and, In the hve formed an organlznium I , wth t , rccuivp(1 i....... Introduce a iicK'b . - , , ... ... Jav an,;.. , , I 1 Z:,n( u unskilled tuners, bayonet wounus .wmcn eem ...... " " Vlltlllll 1 I'llMl Tllii I riTl IHH III i I 1 1 111 111 I ITIbliV . Il 1 . thB tern to preveiu "-""j 'to hospital, unwv. i the j from carrying on paperman removed' his hat. The ' cushion two ruby rings and . Duke waved to the newsmen. PROVINCIAL NOMINATIONS Albcrni-Nanalmo Conservative, Nicholas Wright. Liberal, Hon. George S. Pearson. Atlin Conservative, Ernest Love. Liberal, W. J. Asselstlne. C. C. F., C. H . Lake. Burnaby Conservative, Howard Clegg. Liberal, William Grieve. Soclul Credit, Herbert Hailing. Chilliwack Conservative, Aid. Leslie Eyres. Liberal, E. D. Barrow. Comox C. C. F., Colin Cameron. Cowichan-Newcastle Conservative, Clement Pcmbcr ton Deykln. , Delta Liberal. Arthur Lalng. C. C. F., Leonard Shcppard. Social Credit, S. A. Flatt. 1 i! Dewdney Conservative, Dr. Frank C. C. F James Cameron. Esquimalt Conservative E. V. Finland. Liberal, C E. Whitney-Griffiths. Fcrnie Labor, Tom Uphill. Grand Forks-Greenwood Liberal, E. C. Hennlger. Social Reconstructive, Anthony Whitehead. The Islands Conservative, Captain Macgrcgor Mackintosh. Kainloops Conservative, Dr. A. H. Bayne. Liberal. R. H. Carson. Kaslo-Slocan Conservative, Capt. James Fltzsimmons. Social Credit. A. J. Harrison. Lillooct Conservative, Edward Carson. Mackenzie I Conservative, Battleman Milton ! MrtTnfvrn (1.1... VJ w C. C. F., Herbert Gargravc. Nclson-Creston Conservative, A. T. Horswlll. Social Credit. Herbert Howe. New Westminster Liberal, Hon. A. Wells Gray. C. C. F.. Stanley Blake. Communist, Rev. Edwin Baker. North Okanagan Conservative. Gordon Lindsay. Liberal, Hon. K. C. MacDonald. Omlneca Liberal, M. M. Connelly.. C. C. F Sidney Godwin. ( Continued ou-Page Two) onmtr1 frtH Vi rff tii itr 1 tY !nr him follows the Herald of York I the Herald of Windsor with f herald extraordinary appointed for the occasion in the pictur esque tabards. Next will come two peers bear Ihig the Queen'R. regalia,, the Ivor i Ilo3wnni"lIieVVV'an'd .Sceptrn ' with Ihe Cross. Between thesi noblemen will be the lord cham berlain of her Majesty's household the Earl of Airlie. The Queen's crown will be car ried directly in front of her by the Duke of Portland accompanied by two sergeants-al-armK and a page. Her Majesty will be supported by two bishops, ont (Walking on either side. She wil' wear a plain gold circlet on he) '.es'd and have her six-yard purph 'civet and ermine train carriei' )) six maids of honor or train- bearers, dressed alike. They will be: Lady Iris Mouni-batten, 17-ycar old daughter of the Marquess of Carisbrooke cousin of the King and one of fore him. As she does so, the mis alike. These will bo: the Duchess High 8:50 a.m. 16.8 It. 21:35 p.m. 18.3 It. Low . 2:36 am. 8.4 It, 14:53 p.m. 6.5 It. QUEEN'S Insurgents Claim To ESCORTS Her Majesty's Arrival in Abbey May 12 Will be One of Most Impressive Tarts of Pageant LONDON, May 4: (CP) Fifteen women of noble rank will ac company Queen Elizabeth during her procession into Westminstei Abbey on the morning of Coronal ion, expected to be one of the most impressive and spectacular Cande where MrsJ Simpson has, momunta of the untirc ,mgeant been staying towards the end of May. ( . The Duke of Windsor was re united at Monts, France, today with Capt, James Fltzsimmons, for- t k lace after ffve months and Before the Queen's company en ters, other prqeessions precede her the royal representatives ol other countries; visiting prince and princes and princesses of the blood royal; abbey beadle leading the chaplains and clergy of West minster; officers of ihe orders of PRICE: 5 CENTS SIEGE CONTINUES FIERCELY Now Command Outlet By River to Biscay WILL PUT IN MILL Mammoth Silica Property is Now Looking Up Basques, However, Assert That This is Not Entirely The Case Fighting To Save City and Permit Evacuation of Women And Children. The Mammoth Silica mine, Re- ST . JEAN DE LUZ, fuge Bay, Porcher Island, is com- France, May 4: (CP) pletlng arrangements for mstaua-. gasque defenders of Bilbao bivlli Ul X OllltH ill. Sufficient tonnage Is In sight to keep the mill busy for years. A new silica product for domestic and export markets has been developed. Organization of sales is under way. Work on the resurfacing of the oad from Refuge Bay to the mine vlll begin In June. The outlook for gold In the pro- lerty Is encouraging. The granite 'ias been discovered to replace the edlmentary surface capping at a lepth much shallower than expec- ed. Indications point to the pos sibility of gold production at an arly date. Today's Weather (Government TstgTihV Terrace Cloudy, southeast wind. 4C. Aiyansh Clear, calm, 52. Alice Arm Cloudy, calm, 48. Anyox Cloudy, calm, 49. Stewart Cloudy, calm, 44. Hazellon Cloudy, calm, 47. Smilhers Cloudy, calm, mild. Burns Lake Showery, calm, 155 Victoria Cloudy, southwest wind, 34 miles per hour; barometer, 30,24. Estevan Cloudy, northwest wind, 18 miles per hour; bare meter, 30.30. Prince George Clear, calm barometer, 29.90. Vancouver Rain, west wind, 10 miles per hour; barometer, 30.18 Alert Bay Part cloudy, lighl south wind; barometer, 30.30 he bridesmaids to the Duchess itemnernture. 42: sea smoolh. )f Kent; Lady Ursula Manners,! un Harl.nr Clear, calm, bar '0-year old daughter of the Duch ss of Rutland and keen rider tc he hounds; Lady Elizabeth Paget laughter of the Marquess anc' Marchioness of Anglesey, who if ilso 20; Lady Elizabeth Percy. 21 and elder sisler of the Duke of Northumberland; Lady Margaret Cavcndish-Bentinck, grand-daugh ter of the Duke of Portland, who !s just 19, and Lady Diana Legge ometer, S0.26; temperature, 44 sea smooth. Triple Island Part cloudy south wind, 20 miles per hour; moderate chop. Langara Island Part cloudy, southwest wind, 20 miles per hour; barometer, :?0.08; tcmperuf ture 30, sea choppy. Dead Tree Point- Part cloudy, light west wind; baromeler, 30.20; third daughter of the Earl of itemperature 45; 8ea 8mooth. Dartmouth, former lord grea chamberlain. Queen Elizabeth is following 'he precedent set by Queen Mary who had six ladies as Irainbcar crs. Queen Alexandria's train wa carried by pages. The mistress oT the robes, the Duchess of North umberland, an old friend of tht royal family, will follow. Bows Before King After the Queen has been anointed and crowned she will walk slowly towards the King'' throne and make an obeisance be Summer Trains To Start Here tContlnued on Page Two) 'yesterday. vvere putting up a last ditch fight today to save the city and make possible the eva-. cuation of a few thousand women and children. Span ish insurgent dispatches aid that General Emilio Mola's troops were swarming into the mountainous region north oi Bilbao and that their artillery comman ded the Nervion River, Bil bao's water outlet to the Bay of Biscay. Basque reports declared, however. that government soluiers were holding their ground west "of Bermeo;. a fishing, town only eight miles north of Bilbao. The Basque gov ernment said that three thousand Italian troops in the insurgent army had been killed in an assault when they were cut off from their Bermeo base. Peter Rorvik Passes Away Weil Known and Popular Local High School Pupil Succumbs After Illness of Some Months After an illness of some months, the death occurred in the Prince Piuperl General Hospital at mid night last night of Peter Borvik, fifteen-year old son of Ted Borvik of this city. The lad's illness had taken a more serious turn during the last few days, during which time his recovery had been despaired of. Born in Prince Rupert, Pete had lived here all his life. He received his education In the pub lic schools and, until illness prevented, he had been attending King Edward High School where he was highly popular among Ihe other, students. Besides his father, Middle oi Juneither' GeorKe- His n,other died The summer train service on the local line of the Canadian National Railways will come Into effect on June 14 this year, It was announ ced today by Peter Lakie. district some jc.ua ut;v. , Funeral arrangements, in the hands of B. C. Undertakers, will take place Thursday afternoon. BUI.GAKS TO ATTEND SOFIA, May 4: ( CP-Reuters freight and passenger agent. There j Prince Cyril of Bulgaria will re- trexi of the robes and the six,wm oe "-wu lun "'S" "-! piewni. u uiim.ci, b trainbearers bow with her and and three mlxcd lralns weekly In. at the Coronation of King George. n,.. h,.n,K,.lv,. behind Uu each direction. M. Dlmltrl Stantchoff. former Bul- Oucen as she takes her place on passenger trains will arrive ; garlan minister in London and h thrnnp .at 2:30 Monday and Saturday af- General Tzaneff. aide-de-camp to we uiuh" . . ... . . ,.., ... ..., During the anointing a golden I wrnoons ana mixea vianis at iu.ia ine iviug, wm vv wrc uuict nil... canonv is held over her Majesty' head by four duchesses drussed Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday bcrs of the official delegation, M. nights. 'stantchoff represented Bulgaria at Full passenger trains will leave the Coronation of George V. of Norfolk, a recent bride; tne mouuuys at o - " h.ii.,psm nf Biiccleuifh. slster-ln- 11 a.m. and mixed trains will leave UNIVERSITY lug the list. MAKES APPEAL law of the Duke of Gloucester; Tuesdays, Wednesdays ana Fridays, UAi'Uuu, Eng., way -i: the Duchess of Rutland and the at 6 p.m. I Oxford University's appeal for Duchess of Boxburghc. '$5,000,000. launched two months Following the mistress of Ihe NEW YORK, May 4: (CP) Bar ago, has resulted In donations robes will walk the ladies of the 'silver was trading at 45c per ounce totalling $1,G35,G00, Lord Nuf bedchamber Countess Spencer, 'on the New York metal market field $ $500,000 contribution head- w. ft 'Mis HI I'll t I4 I IT KMT .It 4f