r si ISaI fib J A ember 10, 1037. FOR SALE r .om house with 709 5th Ave. W. (267) :ir phone to Mutual Vj torla, B. C. (262), IOO',S& COLLEGES ,,i;LPEDHUNDURDS' i.; "IN positions s T-et-r-,, postal Clerks, Cua-f irr.iners, Clerks, and lers, etc., and can Write us for proof information. M.C-C , ud.. Winnipeg. Oldest fur. .da PERSONAL It LOST case, probably on Finder please return w v (263) FOUND blue Angora tarn, at the Daily News. .tt I- IL THi PARTY seen taking tne :! (; i 1805 7th Ave. E. return , r ::d prosecution. (200) 1,.M ACT a tcilrntioii to Apply to I.euii Mill! I r r .r)ert land Recording j ! CalumbLa, and bWu-( ..aid on the N. W. point Zayaa on a reef off !.a,t Frank Waterman ot B. C . occupation Miner, for a lease of the lot-Urxls: -11 of the reef t ;nt l a post planted w point on tlve 8outn --: thence 1800 fee 1500 f Northwest Southvoit: thence and containing 33 FiUNK WATERMAN, t 4. 1937. . 1-tMl ACT I (if liifrntlnu t Apply to Lease 1.311(1 I T, - :en Land Recording t: Columbia, and altu-P: Lehoo Island In' r r noiuth of Dundai . . . uous white rock. 81' Cm chart). ' ' Prank Waterman of ' B c. occupation Miner : ! ir a lease of the fol-' ! lands: all of a con- rwk 85 feet high and :.!.- (Rock marked on tit a post planted on 200 feet S. E of N, W '!! least Bide ihence 600 :lenoo 800 feet south-iOO Xc.t Northnnst; thence ' . :i t and containing 16 les. I ''ilitlculp of l ltl,. Niw. .19ll!l!)-l..to V'1 . INI ,r, , Tl.lrlV-fOlir HI) I!;..... II, i f.iVi iiuirlrt. Elifl ii. if ..) 'mill Mii.1111 .iinr iiiin.il." II i'lty-jltre il.Mt), acre, more or le. HU-'.ir - , .,f r.t i. rt the 's W acres, more or less. r . FRANK WATE1CMAW 2L awnimk 38. Ifi37 I FRANK WATERMAN, ' r 4, 1937. ' Ml ICI'.f ilsTKV ACT of Title tued In the :..r- II. Ccmroy has been fflce. notice Is hereby i -i.all, at- the expiration of m the date of iUw first ij' rpfif. isu a provlalonal TttXe In lieu of 'W ot 'mU-ra in the meantime .vat- . I- . mart In wrttlnl! . p.VTED , rho i.imri RpoUtrv' Office. R 1 r. B. C. this 9th. day of ' - D. 1937. I ANDREW THOMPSON, r : "'V RejtlJtrar of Title. I.AM) ACT Nollcp (,f lnl.nlnn In AnnlT tO I.PflKa I ii ml P Prlr.o Tintvi.f iini necordlne of .BrltUh Columbia, and altu- " .ive oana isLana. , " notice that .Frank .Waterman of " to t;jily tor ft lease of the lol- i :riucd Unda; I wuM!"'-..nff .t d r.,t. nlnnfed on ' ie hlch cliffs on .White 'Band oa ana betnc 300 feet from -th,B.( tfior of white Band Island, and " aide, thence 600 feet'.S.vW.: i i 830 tiM M w'. hnu lino feet u.'e 800' feet 8. E. and con ' AM HI'.OISTHV ;VT' . i iflcate of Title No. TUirt'Ti (13) and Fourteen Mi 3 Bin iluw" M1EREA3 ' proof of' loss of the ; in ale of Tltlw .lasued in --a of Wallace lAnMey ha .been ".il office, notice la hereby 1 T- T atiAll . iv,. nlrn.t.lnin - "" I . ,1Kb vile f , . , t... ,!?finilh frm ithe date of the 7' C-Mlficate T1Ue in .lieu .o?. : crrtlflvi,i tn the i'n'writVfllW objection he made to 1 Mil 1A1 lUVIBll, WII.V 't'.iWt. n n 4ku di.j nt 11137 . ANDREW THOMPSON, Deputy Htigltrax ! THU. The Silence (JAY ESS) CITIES PUT UP APPEAL diking goats and two to distract the attention, nothing' Jim Fostulo. (263) to arouse on'c ;inte?est. Alone vith VICTORIA Nov in- (PP On FOR RENT m j Ear,v Action for Improvement of " ln 'H " "Relation, wh Governments I think of some of thoss who ,,ui ..i.r .mi , Al'TOS 1'TJKSAliK ' jVlmy; . Harry at.Pawher.dale: Dick t" Zlu P T t .wn...i - Lilt fffiVPrnmPHt.S T-To w nwr1 n rHnn D1. TUTORS are opening Jt W CiuT ' to ""eVe the 3S S JmmeaiatelyJ -J pre the deliberations of the Row- ho tdl j.si uvuiuc. lil4C,: nad.i "we rest content " 1 cJinmiyiun. Mr. aumvan n . from seven horse- 0f taed latcr that tne government the .years between? I thin'-' i .i .p.en, British ratlng.iof ,the -iet down" ' of civilian life expresses itself as being sym-1 closed all steel . hy- i Its seifishness and greed dictatln; ,PaVlc- cars in Canada. 50 much of the individual and consequently, th? national life. Rn many ifa'se valnns. roH.n stand-arc''. What a contrast; to th" cam,, crrdie of the trenchesl But calm I Judgment assures me the er forecast 'F"r"-f,i'.d tt-nuih the ccurtfjiy c1 n r'm,','' !W-5r-lelc'l Bureau al Same VItorIt nv rrhic." r-upert. ThU ,tori- iw . ''"'t pctn-olled fro.n obversations , ta- Chums then are Still Drescnt In honr jer'.on er.flluj: S p.m. tomorrow). the generation of .today-the eag-, General Svnonsis-Pressure re-emess to serve the will to en- mains ,ow 0f ,the BrltSsh Co,umi dure; the readiness to sacrifice. ..bJa roast . Unsettled cool and ralny These are all and present: they ,weather contlnues on- .the West are needed in the-face of as great Coast of Vancouver Island and a challonte todav. os ureat a. chal- Lower Mainland lenae ns .1BU.1M8 offered. Prince :Rupert and Queen char. ou.c.y i.ic urrut eenerauon ioUe islands -Fresh northeast has all the .dualities mv chums wlnds shifting to easterly tonight H-..U. xi muM nc a npriRr RqnPr- and .becoming strong: part cloudy atlon: for their sacrifices cunmt and cool with nrnhnhio snr finr. have bpen in vain find "'hen t,h Ho generation recoani','es the chal- lenge. t will unswqr as nobly, ar ; selflessly. finest thoughts, ,our best efforts, "Take uo our ouarrel with tho u" .noblest aspirations, will be foe." still demands our answer. The the best contribution we can make, foe? Not a nation, but the spirit Th-y ,will not have died In vain of selfishness, that, nermeates so we ehall not have lived In vain. 1 See the new 1937 ABC Heavy - Duty Washer Model 157 before you buy any Washer . . . Truly the World's Greatest JVasher Value ... the Washer that has 'Everything." .NO OTHER WASHER HAS ALL THESE EXCLUSIVE FEATURES ABC Finger-Tip Control ABC Touch Release ABC Touch Feed ABC 8-Position Wringer ABC Largest Capacity Porcelain Tub ABC. All-Steel Chassis TH DAILY NflTC?8 page rna FAMOUS STATESMAN OF GREAT struck when the storm breaks." ' Labprlte delegation was Increased tganed a seat in parliament In a BKitaun; rnuiiEK Tne two-room om ana Den ip. w. .;4y',il!wy:i4i:"'""c u MW THREE TIMES ' cottage ' In .which MacPpnald was The Conservatives had lost, their .s'jqttlsh .universities, rrontmued from - aire Onel I born on October 12, 1866, still malqrlty and wW on January Though sit .all his. Inherent loy.- Ramsay MacDonald, as he wasrt.u nntat,es ,untli ,the .village generally known, was combined prophet, organizer and administra-' "grow pot .old a.m who are left , ?ZT , ! tor of the distinctive brand of so Kt .S AiVUTucS I rlef to. provincial Ted, on mill 60; .Bert at the So-! , " " Kirk, best loved of pals. atf T "V . . . clallsm that Is British. It differs from the Marxian, creed of Russian Communists in that it is evolutionary rather that revolutionary. It' denounces capitalism and communism in the same breath, supplanting ,the violence of class war with the doctrine of the "inevltablity of gra-dualnesr." toward universal democracy. I An example ,of this . doctrine, MacDonald was active in politics !:lor nearly 20 years before he got to parliament; It was 18 years mora before he captured the h!gh3st prizs In :the gift of the British people. He trudged down .the middle of th' road, denouncing the "socialism-lr-our-time" slogan of the British extremists as a flashing futility, and fighting communism at every step. Life Long Pacifist A life-long pacifist, he announced on the eve of August, 1914, that he would have nothing to do with the World War. Through 1914-18 he was .reviled as a traitor, made a political outcast, harried by ridicule and calumny. His hair whltenec i and his shoulders sagged but fro:. I the depth he tolled upward to th. I prime ministership six years later without having recanted a word or sacrificed a Jot of his principles.. .Seven years later on July 11, 1931, he stood on the platform of Albert Hall In London along with Stanley Baldwin and David Lloyd George, many Individuals. Let us determine The "silence" .is over. It was leaders oi laDor s ponucai ioes, ana during this "two m'nutes" to "hold fraught with tragic, but proud, said: the torch high." that, they may memories. It was worth while If "people wno sees saieiy Dy arms sleen Jn .Flanders fields. we accept pur resonslblltty and do are like people seeking sareiy unaer The future? It is assured. Fac- as my chums did; "They served trees In a thunder storm. They are tng this challenge dally with our till .death; why not we?" at the point which Is1 first to be WASHER .,L. rr . ,"1.LI II " (II 1 ABC Heavy-Duty Washer Model 157 cuta hours from the time spent in doing the laundry bring-ilng more leisure time to enjoy other things. Even the largest families can have an abundance of clean, WHITE clothes at greater savings with an ABC Dainty underclothes and heavy work garments may be washed safely and thor; .oughly clean in just a few minutes' time. The AIJC exclusive French Type Agitator washing Iprinciple washes at the top as well as at the bottom of the tub, completely eliminating need for-hand rubbing clothes. . ABC Washer Model 157 has more.outstanding, exclusive safety and convenience features thas ,any Washer ever built. You .will find in the new ABC Model 157 all the features you have alwayi .wanted in Washer. Can be bought on most convenient terms ever offered. Call us today for a frtt demonstration ,fn your homt Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited .-. Hfc. sianas in ossiernoui,n. .41110. mere Street as bearer of the political j on the Scottish coast, where life Is banner-of the laboring class. Mac-' nard 'zn(i great storms steel ahardy Donald as a practical .idealist who'breadi he 6pent his- first .18 years: worked a lifetime for a socialistic .Hl schooling was scant .and.end-Brltaln and a pacified world. .h hp ,2. Thereafter he scnpolrnast3i .made .him ,a pup.;l teasel. 'inls -set the tboy's ,mma Into channels :that led hignr than lobbing in thi .fields ,or .braying uit dangers of a fishing smack. He devoured every printed page ..i vhbh he could lay his ihands, ! llctlsn a;nd folk lore, science and .cllfeicn. .1.3 read Dickens and Scott and, of course, Burns and the Bible. Every tLosslemouth plowman' knew his Burns nearly byheatt and was equally versed In HolyWrlt. A stray copy of Henry George's "Progress and Poverty" found Its way into ths village at a time when a-.rhultural Scotland was- having hart', times and hatred of landlord hm was'taking root. It planted the seedo that made a socialist out pi MacDonald. But while politics always Interested him, his first love was science. In 1884 he bent his steps toward London, his ambition being. to work by day and study by night for a scholarship in one of the science schools of the capital. Work "was scarce and he starved In a' garret. His porridge came , from Scotland and he paid for it with his scant earnings. Unable to afford ,tea he drank hot water. "I have known what it was tp walk the streets with nothing In my pocket with .debts hanging.over my head and with .nothing ,to do," he said .when he was prime minister. i His First Job His first job was addressing en velopes and .licking them for $2.50 a week. Next 'he was a shipping clerk at $3.00. His luncheon hours and his evenings he spent In libraries, at free lectures, reading bor rowed books or attending courses at the Blrkbeck Institute where the fees were next to nothing. Struggling thus from dawn to midnight, without exercise or . re-. laxatlon, a breakdown was inevl table. It ended .his dream of i scientific career. In 1888 he turned to politics and; fi-vr fmif voore wfie spnrptarv to' Thomas Lough, a radical candidate for narliament. receiving $375 a; year. When he left Lough.'MacDpn aid knew the inside workings of the British political machinery,, was trenchant speaker and facile .writer.; Then he turned to Journalism, joined the Independent Labor Par-' ty and ithe Fabian Society and be-! came right hand man of'KelrHar-dle Iivl8?5 he tried for parliament on his own hook but .a Southampton constituency gave him only. 867 votes. But- that pol .brqught him so--mance, for one of the contributors to his campaign fund was "M. E. Gladstone;" .Investigation shqed thir waslargaret tEthel'Glads,t9ne, daughter.of .a scleptlst.and .niece of the famous tLqrd ielyln. ihe and, MacDonald were married In il896; when he was 3Q. j She. was a.woman.qf .wlde.cuKure,, a flpvnted social .worker. ;She"j)i brought her ;husband hanqlal in-1 deperience, a ,fact .not ge.nerally' known, and .while by np. means n wealthy' they possessed meanswhlch enabled 'them to .spend ,a oey-,,- mopn m ithe (Univeq biases anu io.v touv Cana.da, .Australia, 'India ana South Africa. The Jaurits, gave him) a background of personal travel knowledge .superior .to hat posses- sed by other occupants vpf Np. (10 Downing ;Street. ' iMacDonald .finally -won -his .first J seat .in parliament In ,19Q5. In .1910 J , he became parliamentary leaaer 01 his party. Then tragedy struck him. In 1911 came the deaths of a six-year-old son, his mqther and his wife. Mrs.- MacDonald had laterally worKea ' out her life for the poor of London's i slums Her passing left her hus-iband with five children, Altstalr, jlshbel, Malcolm, Joah and Sheila. ! Phinging deeper into political life, ' MacDonald warned against mpunt-lng armaments and when the crash came In 1914 took the step that dropped him into a pit of calumny. There was no election in war-ime. England so he held his seat until 1918. Then the "hang-tne-K-aiser election saw his defeat by 14,000 votes. He was beaten again In a bye-elc-tlon In 1921 but .by only .($3 .vqtejj 'and the next year came a turn In the tide and MacDonald and 141 other laborltes were sent to the House of Commons. Then In 1923 tnriff nollcles forced an other appeal to the country and thi 1,92,4, MacDonald .mpved vqte ,of ajty tqr his .native land was fre- 'JnOiqonfidence;'' ;t;he,cornbined a- guly .manifested and. he often bar (and liberal svotes .cmMed ;lt. .went ;there ,fQr rest, generally traV-fhereupon IngGeprge summoned ;eUng . by airplarje.' tW he Scottish pacifist ,to :Bucklng- ''Jn .Lpsslemouth a both my liam .palace ,a.d she ,f,qrmejS a cab- eatt a.iid jny et?ie said. "A lne.t ,in which ihe yjas ;irsx bora m Loss:e non Doy was: i Dorn, ana t;he Sr,e.wury, tfqrelgn ;nilnls.ter and a Lcssjplpqn .sfiall I die." He will P.r.lme Minister be buned there besjde- nis beloved But eight .months slater his con- q ' - qlltatpry ;policy .toward iRussla.and vVT.ri. TV'Ck his pve,r,nment:s .len.le.n6y lth 'Sif Vt I I Woild War offenders alienated the 1 V"yJ.V? . L.iberals ,.and .parliament .was .dis solved. Khe ,eiQct;iqn stunned tne Conservatives to power and there they stayed until June 1929. In May, 1929, Labor won all along the line. The party lacked only 16 .-eats of a full majority, having 288 to 260 Conservatives and 58 Liberals. MacDpnald's second -Labor cabinet was formed. BE TESTED Fuiremc Court of Canatfa to Rule On Alberta Lieutenant Governor's Withholding of Royal Assent OTTAWA Nov. 10: TPi-Vt the 'cc.uest of Pro.nior -WilKarn Absr- fLhsre were many attacjes on the hart, the stilus of tip lmjfenant gftvernment' by .massed ..Conserva- rrnn$r undo:- th.-j rUir. North America Act in reserving: oyW as- V3S aided by a flanking force of v.ii.Mtrint MhPrals who disagreed '.-it tf few rassa uv tns vlth "Lloyd George-s alliance with ture of Alberta pendini reference .facDonald. -There were desertions -leuerai bui""c., . tested by the Supreme fourt o cc from the Labor benches by Sir at the same tfme as )wald Mosley and several follow-Canada thje .disallowA.nce powers of th r- and much sharpshooting r.galnst the cabinet by the left wing al government are decldeH upon; Enlargement of th reference to the the Labor nartv 1 V n'n Suprem Court cf Canada was an-The T Labor u split wide m party Pen .Premier nounced last night by :.n August, 1931, when a budget crls-. - brought out a proposal to cut ths 8' ' dple" of unemployed workers. The - ... ' - . ablnet resigned August 24 and the i anada Oellmff' next day MacDonald formed a coal- "v P t'on;cablnet cf 10 msn drawn from PIJ T I nr1n Labor, Conservatives and an antl- XJUlil, 111 tiWllUUll Lloyd George faction of the Liberals. June 7, 1935, MacDonald yielded the Prime Ministership to Stanley Baldwin and took the latter's post as Lord President of the .council. This- new line-up was tested at the Better Could Price Paid There Than be Obtained in United " States , OTTAWA. Nov. 10: (CP) 'The -r-dian government has taken' -oils' November 15 and MacDonald advantage of improved price? to was humiliated by an overwhelm- sell $1,900.0QO of gold in London, it lng .defeat In his constituency He is announced. A bstter price was was persuaded to stay on In the obt-ined in Lonaon man -ur. cabinet and on February 3, 1936, re- Yoik. PHONES 18 and Mussallem's Economy P. O. BOX 515 'Where Dollars Have More Cents" Store ' , GOLD MEDAL MALT Light .HEINTZ ASqRTED SQPS ; or Darki pialn. q Quality first 29C' Tin ZZ. 3 tlns ' GOLD MEDAL MALT - Hop 1.25 IRISH STEW Aylmer, "tf.f Tin Vs. Try a tin. Per tin ' i i WAX PAPER Milady. OI P BLUEBERRIES A71 QC .Eagle, 2sqt.2tlns LARD-r-Pure. Q p . l-lb. carton juste" SIM CARAVAN CASTILE SOAP ..Suppqrt .Interior Growers ' JJ1'1 .25C SUPER SUDS Beads of Qpl CAULIFLOWER White hads soap. Large pkg. . 3 ; .good size. I Q.f Each . QUALITY SRRVICK PRICE .FREE .DELIVERY; ON ORDER OF $1,00 f' Two Telephones For Your Convenience . Boat ,and Mail Orders Receive Prompt and .Careful Attention N STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATES TO VANCOUVER FROM PRINCE .RUPERT 32,00 JlETUK A11 FJtOM PORT SIMPSON g3g00 UETUUV frVd Reduced Rates to Vancouver also apply from Intermediate points. Special Tickets on Sale Between November 1st, 1937 and February 28th, 1938t Inclusive Good to Return up to March 31. 1938. Children Halt Fare. Steamers: Leave Prince Rupert: Ar. Vancouver S.S. CATALA Tuesday, 1:30 p.ni. Thurscay, a.m. S.S.,CARI)ENa Friday, 9:00 p.m. Sun,, Midnight 1 Tickets and Reservation from Prince Rupert Agent A. W. NEWMAN. Third Avc.jPlione 568 .If vConvenicnt pjcase Purchase Tickets at Office Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE C57 The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFE Phone 31 . . A. for Best Household Coal . MRS. C. E. BLACK III M