PAQi T7T0 THE DAILY SI 8 2? If If 1 If If 1 If If W If 1 II If m hi m to s p 1 R 3 Wishing You All A Merry Merry Xmas FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD. The Home of Good Shoes STEVE KING Everything in Gents' Furnishings Wish All Their Customers and Friends A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR ROSS BROS. 67 TAXI Wishes its many Friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year Your Patronage is Always Appreciated Silversides Brothers The Painters and Decorators Wish all their customers and friends A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR 15 5 ft- to rjtiriiimiit!ifnB(ifiiiiu.iii)iii;iii!i.ii.r)iiiii SUNRISE GROCERY Phones 26 -27 Best Wishes For a MERRY CHRISTMAS And a HAPPY NEW YEAR -5. if .f If I? g II n if if 8 IS 5 If 5 w i &il3H . H Waterfront Whiffs Development of Dogfish Liver Market May Be Important Here Dybhavn and Carter Leaving For Ottawa the body an uncertainty since the ratio of weight of liver to weight of carcass may vary considerably in the case of dogfish- the pric paid for the fish was S8 a ton. The immediate reason why the demand for the livers came to British Co-'are lumbia this autumn was to be found in the trouble in Asia. The r L ' it ;t ! Some forty tons of dogfish livers have been shipped t in recent weeks to a United States company and the price thp fishprmpn wpcp nnirl was fivp rfnts a nonrifl Kni a - . r r?J IFUherle! rtes !H4 fore it wasdlscdvered that it 1. S3"-vitamin eontenj which gives eod Secretary' livor nil if mt l "toth vnlne and TrUSttCS. United States comnany which made tent of Vitamin A. and valuable can H. M. Daggett, rant C. O. CamnbelJ tht v.r,iihnf nnrt cnrHfieh tivr Capt A. hi Martlnusen and Capt. also rich In vitamins. there was uncprtnintv of rtplivprv 'so their livers, too. were added tc P- """isc mu, and h nmmnw InmtH tn the roll nf rlLTmln hMrprs thonph loeni. was icv, rntmki, iM in th oi.,Af mm voii.A thov meeting which, among other mat-1 m2?Zittttttlnf thu rrurr m k do not romV infc, "ttP hiPh brack- ters, discussed curtailment ques Smith 6c Mallett Hfatinc Engineers and Plumbers ts creased sales of local livers in fu- ets which have been reached by tlons for the coming year. r.s . ..... ... SI a tltl.k kit A few nar 1 JJ years ago. however; science found Trustees oi overage overage .una, wm. i??ture years. Until comparatively re- the livers of the more aristocratic Igj S'cent years nobody knew that dog- halibut and cod and swordflsh This department of the Prince 2? Sjflsh livers had anything to com- aristocrats, indeed, by comparison. Rupert Dally News extends to Its mend them, exceot. DeihaDs. the with such fish as cod and swordflsh. raw Elfish : were l meal themselves. When dogfish for the dogfish Is a a-gong f jh waterfront beStW captured for use In making gangster, .irieitnlctlve of fishing , . 'W 1 . i . .. .. ... . rt . t f rt ttta ,ant!nn Ka fAhlota n.ltV pianis me nvers were cooKed and sane vo mnermen. i -"j leronnd Hn u-1th fhp rp nf tHo vn.m-in.-il lov nwordine to lndivt- 3i body. In the same way. halibut and John Dybrkvn!' Wmber of the 'dual tastes. 1 1 ssfSjSfSi-s?: That Your Christmas be a Merry One is the Sincere Wish of W1LUAM F. STONE Nobody Knocks The KNOX The Food Is Good The Rooms Are Clean The House Is Warm The Service Friendly The Rates Are Reasonable KNOX HOTEL R. Urasell N. M. DraseU and STAFF 1 glf v. :. - -g ATTENTION! Customers of Hollywood Studio, formerly of 220 Gth Street, may secure re-orders at any time by sending same to P.O. Box 25, Vancouver, IJ. C. The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce ii digestible, ,; , palatable, satisfy in g. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. f Prince Rupert, B.C. 9 & 5 Friday, Oj' Research Board of Cn- St2tS;fv a, and Dr. Neal Carter, dir 'V k of the Prince Rupert Fisheries . Experimental Station, vui leave on xtondav evening's train for Ot Boat Owners Elect The me Canadian v,anauiuji iwuuu Haiicui Vessel ' 51 tawa to attend the annual meeting g of the Board. M pouring of grain into the British ,notorship Moorby. loading a fult g carco of wheat at the local eleva- jS tor for the United Kingdom or ? Continent, is expected to be com-pleted early this afternoon. The tf vessel wlu prowDiy sau sometime tomorrow. . - - - - - - i i' big sum, perhaps, bUt no doubt a welcome return frdnl owners' Association, at Its annual S? What was "new business." When Whole fish Were sold try meeting In Prince Rupert eany tnis x the fishermen to the liver-buying agent, with the exact week.-eiecud officers for the en-jf weight of the Uver obtainable from , V K away as worthless In the days be- vice-rresiaem. u "Demers" Wish One and All A Merry Christmas and A Prosperous New Year The Quality firocrrs Wish all their customers and friends a Very Happy and Merry Christmas and hope (hat the New Year will be beyond all expectations i tnai aogiisn nvers navenign con- M a 2 the Canadian purchases had form-'research in. thU, regard was done, wraunnicr wum.j, q erly been Importing dogfish Uveis,by the way. by .Canadian scientists e from Asiatic sources but this yeai i in tne leoerai nsnerles service. Ana " " - , ; vvv vv -.v x 'i . ' L. .jj-j Pint rvorop Prlti. rr tlrine Dres-1 ,v in the chair over the- Ranee and Hardy j I - T- TO OUR MANY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS We extend Heartiest Nest Wishes for a Hippy Yule-tide and hope the New Year will brinf a hapi: measure of Joy and Prosperity. Your Interest and patronage are deeply appreciated .. and our constant endeavor will be to merit their contittuanee. r4w Allow Ui to Sky 'Thank You WATTS & NICKERSON To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way forts Canadian Bp Pacific j Trans-Atlantic Transcontinental Trans-Pacific j Princess Adelaide every Friday. 10 pjn. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT-FRINCr.SS NORAII Dec. 9th, 20th, Jan. 3rd, 17th, 31st WINTER EXCURSION TO VANCOUVER 532.00 Tickets on Sale Nov. 1st, 1931 to Feb. 28tu; 1938 Final Return Limit March 31st, 1938 Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Serrlces Tickets and Reservations frorn , -r v W. h. COATES, General Aeent W.UEK .NOTICK lllvrrlii biiH m TAKE NOTICE THAT kaM Mt--tiiew hco eddrens is AUIn, BO , will PPy tor a Ucnux to UJtf end un 3 cubic feet of wat-r out of Spruce Crk, Wch flown East to Wmt and drains Into Pin Creole about three niUei tward. Tli ajr wui be dlvwU-d Mt a point atomit 400 ft upMtnwm from .th Crokfr , for .Mining and powr punx Upon ipon i VV,T "roup leawa and cold torag dcrtbed an Crokr Lea No 878, I ThU mtu m poMtd on Uie erounc! on tn o uay erf Novfimbf-r, 1937. ' A uppy of Uila notice and an application purkuiuxt thereto and to the I of the Wtr Iliitlr ot Atlln, B. C. I .?,J,n.l'.'?0tu, Ule Wltakttoa may be '1T2 2? wlf Roordfr or wui tl &wtntur of wtr night 1 pfl1unn.t BuUdlngw. Vlotorla. B. C wtUiln cwrty Uy after firt ap-Pxaf Uf thU a.itloa la . 15, isaac Matthews; Appiicuf. haiku MTirr. iiii.rbliin nntl I r TATfP NOTICE THAI tl'J thtw. honc ddrewi 1 ri . w apply f a licence to ta w j. cufclS ft of water ut "J-fd wlUoh flow B by Jftww Bl)"' Into PU Creek about, tnn wiu be ut for MUUitf pu"T.r ,nd the the. Volet teu tkcrlbfd a Poker iNvhMi. . T1U. notice wi JJ P on the 8 nay of N ovab. ,.. A copy "rf'u.U tl. 'Wair Act" will bo W J" rB. c of the Water. RoooM' tx Objecttona to the WPjJde'f filed with the wld JSrWO wlUi the CbntpUvlWT fil? p. 0, ParlUmeut BuUdln,. Vto, jr within thirty daya aXler . me lof4 ranee tirimpaprr OI , tni Ufjuno ISAAC MATTHEWS. Appfat'