y y if if w If II I? 1 SI -W If MAX B. M m - If V 1 w w if M mm If If W V M ;if j tw .mm - mtA if II If If If If If II II II , Y II If II If O o o o s o o a Q O o o o o o aani 0 o o o i i . u Seasons Greetings To our many friends and customers, we wish you a joyous Christmas and may you have a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year! RONER We Wish You All A Merry Christmas D. ELIO -KHW-aHKJOfKKKH3 ! Our sincere hopes for your holiday njay it be on$ of pleasure and satisfaction bringing joy to you and all of yours. IDEAL CLEANERS MOiio0oaoiio(DOiooooi0iooooooooioooo6aooio O O O Q O O o o o o g g I xli'tl a A . ' ; 3 ; $5 At First or Meek kj With the lavish Emperor s Can-K$ dlestlcLs," featuring William Pow-S ell and Lulse Riintr. billed for tote night and Saturday and the latest jfc Marx Brothers comedy A Day at the Races" coming on Monday ai-.c Tuesday, the Capitol Theatre is of-r ; fering splendid entertainment for its patrons over the long holiday S , week-end. M ' The Emperor s Candlesticks." M based upon the novel by Baroness ffi ; Oiczy, is a story of spy intrigue ; that races across Europe at a fast j i pace The romance starts hi Vien I ft ft n ft ft ft ft 15 .15 8 ft ft ft ft ft n 8 15 r4- A Merry Christinas and a X Happy New Vear Is the J I J Sincere Wish of J GEO. Y. KITAGAWA V x Yokohama Store na aiier me Kidnapping oi we lasi ut the RttttUn Czars when he was a man of twenty Powell plays the part of a Socialist who hates Russia and who is commissioned to carry a message offering exchange of ;r.e Czarevitch for the release of socialist prisoners Miss Rainer is a secret agent for the Russian peace. Papers are hidden in candlesticks and the story resolves Into an exciting race between these two for the candlesticks which are stolen by thieves who do not know of the papers within them. The support -.ng cast Includes such notables as Robert Young. Maureen 0"Sullivan. rank Morgan and Henry Stephenson. Between shows tonightlhe drawing in a raffle of a rund trip -o Vancouver by Queen Mary Chapter. Imperial Order, " Daughters of the Empire, will take place. The uproarious comedy of "A Day . at the Races." opening with a I preview at midnight Sunday, shifts j from a sanitarium to a race track.: Oroucho Marx is a horse doctor. Harpo a jockey and Chico a sales man of bum tips. Maureen and the singing Allan Jones are teamed in' the supporting cast. The Capitol Theatre will have. special matinees every day next week. Secretary To Hoover Dies George E. Atchison Was Close To Herbert Hoover While He Was Cnlef Executive ROCHESTER. Minnesota, Decem ber 24 George E. Atchison, who vas secretary to Herbert Hoover Then he was President of the Uni ted States, is dead here at the age of forty-eight. Phone 083 8 6 I 3 JONES Family Market jone D57 AND Phone 93 Fulton Meat Market Christmas BEEF lb. POT ROAST lbs. SHORT RIBS Phone 683 Specials 2 lb. SHOULDER STEAK g lbs. ROUND STEAK g lbs. SIRLOIN STEAK PRIME RIB ROLL Per lb SIRLOIN TIP Per lb. RUMP ROAST Per lb T-BONE ROAST Per lb j MUTTON LEO of MUTTON Per lb 0 lbs. SHOULDER MUTTON 2 lbs- MUTTON CHOPS 50c 25c 25c 50c 50c 15c 18c 15c 50c 20c 75c 35c I KESII KILLED l'OULTKY ROASTINO CHICKEN Per lb BOIL CHICKEN Per lb. GRADE A' TURKEYS Per lb. DUCKS Per lb. GEESE Per lb 30c 25c 35c 25c 25c i. ft If 2 B 5 21 5? 5f 2 PAGI SIX THE DAILT ft FILMS FOR y 1 HOLIDAYS A SMILE ON HER LIPS B -Emperor's Candlesticks" This J his Week-End and -Day at Races" an la4 f ROBERT YOUNG MAUREEN O'SULLIVAN FRANK MORGAN HENRY STEPHENSON ADDED TREATS Gorge Filiir.aurice John W. Comidine Jr. V-avi. vi, "VmvI eath war- her hands! The stars of The Great Ziegfeld are together again . . . and the merriest excitement is back on the screen Drama peppered romance, as they meet in Vienna kiss in London . . and then head for gay Parcel WILLIAM POWEIL LUISE RAINER ielMPIROR'S CAHDilSriCKSm L At 7 31 and 9 31 Pete Smith's "EQUESTRIAN ACMiqiUTICS" Kobcrt Henchley's "ROMANCE OFDIGESTION" TONIGHT and SATURDAY Evenings at 7 and 9 Matinee Saturday 2:30 r-ni.y. rvn Commodore Cafe CHRISTMAS SPECIAL DINNERS December 25, 1937. No. 1. 50c Choice of Soup Chicken a la Milltaire or Consomme Duborg Stuffed Roast Milk Fed Chicken and Jetty Maihed or Baked Potatoes Cauliflower au Gratin or Slewed Sugar Corn Desserts English Plum Pudding, Hard Sauce Fruit Jelly and Whipped Cream Vanilla Ice Cream Apple, Hot Mince or Butter Scotch Pie Coffc. Tea or Milk No. 2. coc ; Choice of Soup Chicken a la Milltaire or Consomme Dubtf Roast Young Oregon Turkey. Chestnut Draastng and Cranberry Sauce Or Roast Young Goose, Crab Apple Jelly Mashed or Baked Potatoes Cauliflower au Gratin or Stewed Sugar Corn Desserts Pudding. Jelly, Ice Cream or Pie Coffee, Tea or Milk No. 3. 75c Fresh Shrimp Cocktail Choice of Soup Chicken a la Milltaire or Consomme Duborg , Roast Young Oregon Turkey, Chestnut Dressing and Cranberry Sauce I - .Mashed or Baked Potatoes ' ; Cauliflower au Gratin or Stewed Sugar Corn Desserts Pudding, Jelly, Ice Cream or Pie Coffee, Tea or Milk No. 1. 31.00 Fresh Shrimp Cocktail Stick Celery Green Olives Chicken Salad Mayonaise Choice of Soup ; Chicken a la Milltaire or Consomme Duborg rW Roast. Young Oregon Turkey, Chestnut. Dressing and Cranberry Sauce ' Mashed or Baked Potatoes Cauliflower au Gratin or Stewed Sugar Corn Desserts Pudding, Jelly. Ice Cream or Pie Coffee, Tea or Milk Compliments of the Season 8 'J I S I 5. c3 1 ft I K3 g 2 o o g o g IT'S A HORSE IBs, If U.t mi Mw,w "H btlnt you Uit munui run ew of Ut mm Holiday Propal Schedule MATIXEES EVriKlil NEXT win Moil Tin. MARX BROS ij A DayattheRac H'ed.-Thnn. lUirH Kirlcff-BrrrrljU in J, "West of Shangi -rivs- "Love is on theA! IKIDAY-SATIRBM Shirley Templt "WEE WILLI! W1NKIE" With Vktor MtU;lr C Aobrty Smitb New Year's E( (Friday AiVnZe Froli Special Stage And Screen Shov Fun and fcfo Big Cash Droit o o o o g o o o o g Our sincere wlh ,or ' customers and fr''fnds' they have a fO Merry Christ and a Happy tfeu Yl VALENT DAIRY