n PAGE FOUR ALL FURS 25 Percent Off Before stock-taking DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE! Come in and see G0LDBL00M The Old Reliable FREE j TROUSERS 1 Free trousers or 10 discount j for Suit or Overcoat of House of Hobberlin Clothes during the month of January only, ( and 10 discount offered on i House of Stone Clothes. , Quality, Style, Fit, Satisfac- , I tion Guaranteed I I IMP TL TP- M 1 i-invj - 1 ne i anor 1 j 817 Second Ave. Phone G19 ' TRAPPERS! Attention! Don't sell your furs until you see Frank Lockwood P. O. Box 200 PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. Start a Happy New Year by burning Jasper Hard Coal Hyde Transfer jut jl3 C jl i V I llUYYd 1 " " ' ' 1 '"it I FAREWELL Home League TO PASTOR; HasBanquet Many Honors For Rev. and Mrs. B. 1 Enjoyable Affair Held Saturday Shearman on Leaving ! Evening at Kitzegukla Hazclton - j KITZEQUKLA, Jan. 6: On Sat- HAZ ELTON, Jan. 6: On Sunday lUrday evening last a very pleasant the Anglican Church here was j md happy , time was spent in the crowded to standing room only on : McDames Hall when the ladies of the occasion of a special service! the Home League entertained the prior to ReV. B. Shearman taking inhabitants of the village, up duties with the natives of Kit-1. The proceedings began with an wanga. The prayers and responses J improvised broadcast with David were said by Noel Stewart, Rev, ! Williams as the announcer. Un-. Shearman's successor. The lesson ider the conductorshlp of Simon was read by Native Lay Reader j Willie Wale. The address was given by Rev, Shearman who has been at Hazel - 1 ton two and a half years. His ad-1 dress was based on the text: "My presence will be with thee and I will give thee rest." The native choir sang very sweetly the anthem "Make a Joyful Noise," The leatier was David Mowatt and at the organ was Willie Wale. For the hymns Mrs. M. A. Myros was at the organ. At the Church Army another well attended service was conducted and addresses were given by Sam Jones, David Mowatt and Rev. Shearman. Mrs. Shearman gave an address, bearing on the work of the native White Cross and the sound position it occupied, the kindness and loving work of its members. On New Year's Eve deputations unexpectedly arrived at the rectory, and after most kindly words of Mrs. Myros, Mrs. Shearman was presented with a purse on. behalf of the Women's . Auxiliary, of which she has been president with a good deal of kindly energy. Rev. Shearman was presented by the congregation with a case containing fountain pen and pencil. Mrs. Shearman and her husband suitably responded. Next were the native ladles of the White Cross. Mrs. Shearman had been their president and treasurer during the time she has been at Hazelton. A beautiful three-piece dressing set was handed to her by Mrs. Clifford. Mrs. James White, presented one of her sliver bracelets, Mrs. Clark mocassins and Mrs. Ben Wale a basket. Mrs. Clifford 'then presented oh behalf of the Church Army a set of military brushes to Rev. Shearman. Mrs. J. White presented mocassins. Many kindly words and kindly letters were received. A banquet was held later and many expressions of appreciation were made by Chiefs Catemguldo, 3pork and Lute-que-gews for the work done by Rev. and Mrs. Shear- man for and on behalf of the na tlve children. Suitable replies were I made. BAR SILVER NEW YORK. iCP-Bar silver was unchanged at 45c per ounce on the New York metal market foday. 'Jjthe 65 Taxi m & I M And Messenger Service Stand: Empress Hotel Bill Stuart AI French John Saunders ! "TILLIE Wednesday, January 6, 1337 THE DAILY NEWS Winston Churchill Oul For a Walk TWO FINE THAT VAS A. SOOD VDEA. OF MINE M LETTING tiuue'.s mother keep My doq-now i Have- to move Turner a number of part songs jwere sung by the ladles to the accompaniment of an old Indian drum. Amid repeated applause they .sang' several numbers. Aiterwaras a real supper was served including a three course meal with a splendid variety of fruits and candles as the desert. Speeches, songs' and solos followed. The humour and wit, of the various speakers made a happy close to' an enjoyable banquet. From 8 pin, util midnight games were enjoyed by young and old, and everybody went home re joicing and happy. New Year At Kitzegukla Watchnight Service Held Also Celebration Plans For Year KITZEGUKLA. Jan. 6: On New Year's Eve a watohhight service was held In the Kitzegukla United Church, A large number ol people attended the service which began at 11 p.m., closing with the break of the New Year. The service was conducted by Peter Mark, president of the Ep-vvorth League and the pastor, Rev. B. Black, Walter Wesley and Abbe Russ provided the music. New Year Celebrations The peopb'of Kitzegukla greeted the New Year with a splendid display of fireworks, ringing of bells and , blowing of trumpets. A .paiade ;of several members of the band and other' voune neoDle kept: sup the fun for some, time after midnight. New Year's Night A business meeting of the church committee was held at the manse New Year's night when plans were made for the New Year's work. Terrace Mild, .rainy weather last weekend suddenly changed to. bright sunshine with n. tnif.v hrpo fmm the north and temperatures that tnreaten zero. The lowest yet, however, has been 7 above. The going' is hard, with the roads coated by a hard lumpy Ice everywhere. Village life has its charming features as well as its jimif.it.inne The Village notice board Is nnf of high spots In the dally rout--ine, No one comes to town but stops to read the notices. Some-m times these invite people to a dance. At other times there Is a peremptory warning or demand by the local government. Then some one has a cow for sale. Or Its a meeting of some kind. Sometimes several sorts of notices appear at the same time. Everybody reads the Dally News There's reason. THE TOILER" . cneecto kEEF Him cnuWTwsl M Winston Churchill, brilliant Cons ervative M.P., and a political leader for many years, is shown here walking in London with his wife and eldest daughter, Diana. The brilliant parliamentarian, descendant of the Duke of Marl borough, was prominent In the the political furore which culmi nated in abdication of King Edward. Miss Diana Churchill is at the right. Man in the Moon Good day! Are you perfectly recovered from the holidays? It's a great and glorious feeling to be able to let loose and cele- brate In the old fashioned way, but it takes a few days to get rid of the effects. A strange lady came to town recently and called on Sergeant Ernie ; Unwln to ask about her son who. was said to be in the army here. "Is ' . , , , U t 1 cei ; n 1 11c tn iiic uincers mess inquired the sergeant. "Yes, that's him," was the reply. "He was always in some mess or another so that's where I'll find him now." He: "If I'd known that tunnel was so long, I would have kissed you." She; "Heavens, wasn't that you?" 1 An architect remarked to a woman that he had been to see the great nave In the new church. "Don't mention names," the woman replied. "I know the man you refer to." Her husband had translated one of Shakespeare's plays into Nor wegian, and It was to be produced at the National Theatre in Oslo. At the final rehearsal his wife was re fused admittance by the doorkeeper who did not know her. "But I am the author's wife," she protested In indignation. "I am very sorry, Indeed, Mrs. Shakespeare," said the man politely, "but even you cannot go In," Daily News want-ads bring results. COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Chief Engineer Alec Munro ana some twenty other members ot i.ihe cre.v of the steamer Prince George arrived In the city from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert this morning. Annual oveihaul ot the Prince George, which has been tied up for the winter in the local dry dock, Is about to be started, TOURIST ROUTING 'Continued irum Pane 1 tish Columbia Junior Chambers of Commerce in deferring the annual meeting from February to September as being a more auspicious time for the gathering. An invitation was read from the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce for members of the Junior Chamber to attend the annual dinner meeting of the former body on Friday evening of this week: "in this connection N. R. Redman and Clifford Gilker were assigned to the attendance committed to assist Martin Van Cooten. Lawrence Pierce and B. Dodds were guests at last night's dinner. 1 ...L,,- TRAPPERS DEALERS I have a large order for mink, marten and all varieties of fur We Guarantee TWENTY PERCENT MORE than you can get anywhere else No. 1 Marten $60 Mink, interior $23 Mink, coast ',..$12 to $16 We are in the market for everything Ship jour goods now. We cannot tell how long these prices will last. We wire you your money G OLDB LOOM THE OLD RELIABLE The Tie That Binds M1 , f "THERE'S feEAvLV N I PICTURES "Give Us This Night" and "A Message to Garcia" on Screen Of Capitol Theatre "Give, Us This Night," a musical romance starring Jan Klepura and Gladys Swarthout, and "A Message to Garcia." a thrilling comedy drama with Wallace Beery, Barbara Stanwyck and John Boles in the leading roles, comprise an unusually interesting double bill which is booked for the Capitol Theatre this mid-week. "Give Us This Night" marks the second screen appearance of Miss Swarthout and Klepura, both of whom made great hits in their first pictures the former In "Rose of the Rancho" and the latter In "Be Mine Tonight." "Give Us This Night" was written especially for the screen. The musical score Is operatic in type although it contains half a dozen melodies of popular style. The scene Is set In a little Italian fishing village. "A Message to Garcia" is replete with fanciful, colorful entertainment, high adventure and magnificent courage. Hardships and perils of the three principals in the Cuban jungle form the basis of the story which comes to a roistering climax and happy ending. Reach the most people in city and district with an advertisement In the Daily News. It Pays to Buy From MUSSALLEM'S Our prices are always right with the markets and we sell for less. Mail pr phone your order and save FREE GIFT COUPONS for a Dinner Set and Rogers Silverware. Prince Rupert, B.C. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Better Business Essentials Office Supplies of Every Description to Meet the Exacting Requirements of the Present Day Bookkeeping Blanks Ledgers, Cash Books, Columnar Books, Time Books, Record Books, Loose Leaf Systems. Let us show you the details of the newer Visible Record systems. Filing Supplies Folders, Indexes, Cabinets, Binding Cases' and Wall Files. ' Stenographer Supplies Remington Red Seal Carbon, Typing Papers, Duplicate Papers, Ribbons for all makes of Typewriters, Stenographers' Note Books. Adding Machines and Adding Machine Rolls Arrange for free trial demonstration in your own business of the New Remington Portable Adding Machine. Remington and Underwood Typewriters for sale or rent. It, -mother, was out walking with in ul WHEN VT DISAPPEARED r mm r THIS Vll. 3 172 TONIGHT &. THURSDAY Last Complete Show, 8;28 Wallace Beery Barbara Stanwyck John Boles "A MESSAGE TO GARCIA" A valiant man, a gallant girl, a heroic scalawag challenge terror and death on a peril-fraught mission through Jungles aflame with revolt! Here is desperate courage . , . roistering' comedy ... sublime romance : . , exalting the screen with Its splendor! With HERBERT MUNDIN (At 7:oo & 0:41) PLUS Jan Kicpura. Gjladys Swarthout Europe's most popular singing star and America's lady of melody . . . In a glorious story of a boy and girl who sing their way Into, each other's heart, -in - "GIVE US THIS NIGHT" With PHILIP MERIVALK (At 8:28 only) Delicious, Fresh COTTAGE CHEESE VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 -By Westover I 1 I 1" Be US' mm rV2xS.H 7k