northwest wind; barometer, (falllng)i temperature, 25; smooth- Vol. XXVI.. No. V' Britain Demands Berlin HANDS-OFF SHOWDOWN Imperial Fleet is Being; Strengthened Around Spain Coincident With Sending Of Note LONDON, Jan. 6: (CP) Great Britain demanded today that Germany and Italy answer her proposal to ban volunteers from Spain by Saturday at the latest. Coincidental!) with the dispatching of the notes, the British Admiralty ordered a re-shuffling of naval craft in Spanish waters. The manoeuvre, which would materially strengthen the fleet around Spain, was described as routine. FISHERMEN OFFICERS IW. II. Brett Ue-r.lectcd President Of Local Union at Annual Meeting Last Night The local Deep Sea Fishermen' Union, at its annual meeting lxst plight, rc-clcctcd officers as fol lows for the ensuing year. Presldent.W. H. Brett. Vice-President, Elnar Larscn. Secretary-Treasurer1, George An- Idcrson. Retorting Secretary. J. Larsciv Trustee. Karl Dybhavn. Former Publisher Of Hyder Passes lUte Charles F. Sandford was Also U. S. Commissioner at Alaska Town Charles F. Sandford, ploneet ficwspapjrman of Alaska and un-lll last ScDtcmber United States Commissioner at Hyder, passed iway during Christmas week In Virginia Ma-son Hospital In Seattle Deceased, who was well known throughout Alaska and particular ly in the Portland Canal district was fifty-eight years of age. In 188 he went to Nome and became 'associated with the Nome Nugget He was a resident of Hyder from 1923 and for years operated the Hyder Herald newsDaoer which suspended publication In 1935. He Egi survived by a daughter. VICAR FALLS IN GRAVE ILKESTON, Engl Jan. 6: (CP) Heading a cortece In the ceme tery here, Rev. Resmald Money. IVlcar of Holy Trinity, fell in an I"Pen grave hidden hv a caroct u' snow. He landed on his feet I-wen feet below. ! OPTIMISTIC OVF.K i IT lull mil f imnlffTO -L 1 Will In trnHA... rUtc x commissioner W. J. Alder, IT who returned to the city this t mnmh-wr r... it.. 1 1. j. P L. Buckley, promoter of the r 'cai pulp mill undertaking. 1 Mr Bucklev was vorv nntlmts- i He - regarding -(,aiuing the me project project and ana J that preliminary negotiations I were proceeding satisfactorily. I Mr i. . . f "-Mi;jr is leaving vancou- 1 y in a few days for another t iTOURIST ROUTING Junior Chamber Not Very Pleased With New Plan Regular Dinner Meeting Last Night With upwards of twenty members in attendance, the regular monthly dinner meeting of the Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce was held last night in the Knox Hotel. President Ocorge Rorle was In the chair and business to a large extent was of a routine character. Included In correspondence was a communication from Tom Workman, president of the British Co lumbia Junior Chambers of Commerce, suggesting that the development of tourist traffic was something that all junior chambers of commerce In the province might unite upon with unanimity of pur-pose. In this connection attention of the chamber was drawn to a tourist highway plan of Gordon Oraup of Vancouver which proposed that tourists, after visiting Vancouver and Victoria, should proceed' up Vancouver Island to Campbell River and thetice by y boat to BeUaT Cobla where Jthey ihey'. would take a highway route into the Chllcotin and Cariboo district and back south. It was suggested that the highway from Bella Coola Into I the interior could be put In shape In'a year. Naturally the plan which would shut off Prince Rupert and the central Interior country en tirely did not appeal very strongly to the local Junior chamber. Pre sldcnt Rorie appointed a committee consisting of Al Newman. James Parker and H. O. Kennedy to go Into the subject. Other correspondence Included a letter from the Junior Chambers of Commerce of Canada setting forth details of projected activities 3t the national section and inquiring as to local activities. S. J. labour wrote in acknowledgement 6f a gift which had been made in connection with his departure from the city, also advising that he was affiliating with the Junior Cham-hpr In Vancouver. The New West minster Junior Chamber of Com merce sent season's greetings. Tourist Publicity Steve Prudhomme, drawing at tention to the lack or puonciiy Prince Rupert received in Canadian National Railways tourist publications, urged that some local initiative should be shown in this matter. After all, It could not be expected that outside Interests would be looking after the place If people here were asleep. He suggested that slogans might be printed on the-envelopes of local business men and that another medium mieht be the postal cancel lation stamp. It was decided to add Mr Prudhomme to the outside nubliclty committee. Foster Wlllan urged that the Junior Chamber go on record as endorsing the Federal Home Improvement Loan scheme which he hflifived mliiht be taicen iuue vantage 8 of locally, possibly in we ruW fit in nicely with thrown 200 feet, crashing through Vrn &"Mto roof of his truck cab and land- believed. Mr. Wlllan did' not believe that local people were fully fami-nnr with the ulan - under which valuable work could be ca jled 0a I ot out emnlovmcnt given as business for at well as Improving least certain lines. The executive reported that it had endorsed the action of the Brl-(Contlnued on Page Four) Victoria, b c. Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides (8 A.M.) Prince Rupert Overcast light 30.51 sea NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1937 iv6Children Are Burned to Death Alberta to Have Monetary System of Its Own: One Of; Aberhart Ministers Quits EDMONTON, Jan. 6: (CP) An independent monetary system for Alberta, including, distinctive money to circulate within provincial boundaries, is one of the recommendations of a cabinet comfnittee established to formulate a Social Credit plan fpr the province, it is learned. f The money would be negotiable and would 'be issued by state credit houses. Some quarters believe that a constitutional crisis may develop if Alberta carries out such a plan. The planning committee also recommends the extension of legislation adjusting private and public debts, the reduction of taxation by issue of interest free money to take its place, the establishment of a provincial wholesale set-up to handle import and export trade of Alberta, interest free loans Within the province and monthly dividends of $4 tojevery registered Alberta citizen.. Minister Resigns Resignation of Hon. C, C. Ross as Alberta's minister of lands, and mines was accepted yesterday by Premier William Aberhart and N. E.:Tanner7Social Credit member for Cardston, was sworn in to fill the vacancy. Mr. Ross will retain his seat in the House. LITTLE IS PRESIDENT Heads Chamber of Commerce Here For Coming Year J. J. Little, being the only nominee, will be formally elected presi-Jent of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce for the year 1937 at the annual dinner meeting to be held this Friday night. F. A. Mac-Sallum will be elected vice-president and Arthur Brooksbank will oe re-elected secretary-treasurer. From among the following 33 nominees, an executive council of 15 will be chosen: W. J. Alder, W. P. Armour, H. A. Breen, W. L. Soates, Theo Collart. Dr. J. II. Carson. Frank Dibb.W. E. Drake, John Dybhavn, C. V. Evltt, W.O. Fulton, Robert Oordon, J. T. Harvey, Max Hellbroner, J. O. Johns, S. D, Johnston, Peter Lakle, James L. Lee, C. O. Minns, D. C. McRae, W. R. McAfee, M. P. McCaffery, Thomas McMeekln, A. W. Newman, J. W. Nlcholls, 0. W. Nlckerson, S. E. Parker, H. F. Pullen, P. M. Ray, J. L. Roaf, Alex Rix, O. P. Tinker, W. H. Tobey, W. M. Watts and R. M. Wlnslow. Premier T. D. Pattullo is honorary president of the chamber and Olof Hanson M.P., honorary vice-president. STONE LANDS IN CAR HARTINQTON, Ont., Jan. 6 (CP) Cecil 8nlder had a lucky escape when a large stone, blasted bv dynamite on a road Job, was Ing on thereat beside him. ABDICATION SHOCKS JUDGE BRIMINGHAM, Eng., Jan. 0: Shtfttly after news of King Edward's abdication had been received, Justice Humphreys, sitting in the assizes here, became 111 and the court was adjourned. -Rome Evangelists To Hold Meetings Evangelist Alnsiey Blair, formerly of Winnipeg and Vancouver, recently arrived in Prince Rupert. Mr. Blair is a lecturer and a student of world affairs, and will be conducting meetings in the city. Mr. Blair is original' from Newcastle, England. Assisting him' in his work Ainsley Blair wm be "Evangelist Eric A. Beavon, missionary and author, formerly of Birmingham, England, who speaks three African languages fluently, and translate! the first Rorintui-M into the KIsil tongue, Today's Weather (Government Tclvaph) Triple Island Cloudy, easterly wind, eight miles per hour, light chop. Langara Island Overcast, rain, south wind, 20 miles per hour; barometer, 30.30; temperature, 41; cea choppy. Dead Tree Point Part cloudy, calm; barometer, 30.55; temperature, 28; light chop. Terrace Cloudy, northeast wind, temperature 10 above. Rosswood Cloudy, calm, 6 above. Hazelton-Cloudv. calm, fl below. Smlthers-Clear, calm, cold. Burns Lake-Bright, calm20 be- jow Stewart-Cloudy, calm. 27 above. u BIIOTIIER ANDRE DIES MONTREAL, Jan. 6: (CP I Brother Andre, "Mlralcc Manp of Montreal" and builder of the great $4,000,000 shrine at Mount Royal, died early today. ." Answer UNIVERSITY MEN COMING Prominent Faculty Heads of University of B. C. to Visit Prince Rupert Three deans and one prcfesso.' Of the University of British Columbia ;will visit Prince Rupert in the bourse of the next three months to give extension lectures on various subjects of Interest, it was retorted to the Junior Chamber of Commerce last night by G. P Lyons, chairman of the commltte: having this matter In hand. Ar- .njements have been completed, with Robert England, director ot the Department of University Ex tension. Prince Rupert is the only point in the province where a!' i ti" ;e deans Dean F. M. Clement I if the faculty of agriculture. Dean D. Buchanan of the faculty of arts and science and Dean Flnlay- on of the faculty of applied jlence will be appearing. The 'ectuces will be held in First Presbyterian Church and, during their Islts here, the speakers will prob-ibly address such organizations as 'he service clubs. D?tes" for the lectures have been arranged as f ollows: . ...... . January" 27, 28 and 29 Prof Todd. Subjects: "Ancient Greek Wit and Humor," "Certain Ancient Tdeas about Man and the Universe," "Ancient Pagan Ethics." February 17, 18 and 19 Dear Element, "Great Britain and Brl-lsh Agriculture." March 17, 18 and 19 Dean Buchanan, "An Astronomy or Educational Trip." April 7, 8 and 9 Dean Flnlay-on, "Modern Science and Its Im-11 cations." Charles Desford Passes at Sooke rmer Engineer of Terrace Saw mill is Victim of Diabetes TERRACE, Jan. 6: The many trends of Charles Desford hav. egrctted to hoar that he passed '.way at Sooke on Monday of diabetes after quite a short Illness lr, Desford held the position of mgineer at little's sawmill at Terrace for a period of eleven years. He was born in Yorkshire England, 62 years ago and spent :ome time as an engineer in West Africa. He used to relate manv colorful 6torles of his adventure In Africa when civilization had not yet reached the dark . continent like It does today. Air Service To Australia Plan Survey Flights to be Made Shortly By Commander Edwin I Mustek i i I SAN DIEGO, Jan. 6; Capt. Ed-1 win Mustek, pioneer commander of - Pan-American transpacific air ser-i i vlce-ls hcre preparatory to making survey fll.8hts from California to; Australia. It" Is planned to estab-. li t. 1 1 m mn a commercial air service irom , this coast to Australia in 1938. Funeral Notice The funeral of the late Ernest Large will take place from the Chapel of the B. C. Undertakers, Thursday, January 7 at 2 pjn. , 'High fef ' Low Helpless Mothers Witnesses Of Flames Which Took Offspring Tragic Conflagration at Minitonas, Farming Community Two Hundred and Eighty Miles Northwest Of Winnipeg MINITONAS, Man., Jan. 6: (CP) Five children of two families were burned to death Tuesday when fire swept their farm home here, 280 miles northwest of Winnipeg.. Two mothers stood helplessly by outside as their children perished in the flamine building. The victims ar: Catherine, aged four; Irene, 12 months, and a six-weeks Ul boy, children of Mr. and Mrs. George Graham. Mary, three, and Georjre, 12 months, children of Mr. rnd Mrs. Robert McKenzie. TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver B4 C. Nickel .28 Vi. Big Missouri, .66. Bralorne, 8.00. Bi R. Cons., .04, B. R. X., .10. Cariboo Quartz, 1.61. Dcntonla, .MVfc. Dunwell, .04. Golconda, .13. Minto, .22 Vz. Meridian, .02. l' Morning Star. .04. - Nob!.; .'Five, . 06. Pend , Oreille. 3.40. Pioneer, 6.55. Ppitrr Idaho, .12. Premier. A20. Reeves McDonald, .33. Reno, 1.21. Salmon' Gold, .092. Taylor Bridge, .08V2. Un'ted Empire, .01. Wayside. .06. Toronto Beattle. 1.40. Central PaCricia, 4.50. Gods Lake, .97. Int. Nickel. 6255. L(?e Gold, .062. Little Long Lac, 7.30. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.80. Pickle Crow, 8.05. Red Lake Gold Shore, 1.43. San Antonio, 2.30. Sherrltt Gordon,' 256. Sis:oe, 5.25. Smelters Gold, 092. Ventures. 3.00. McLeod Cockshutt, 4.60. Oklend. .74. Mosher, .42. Gllbec, .06. Madsen Red Lake, 1.30. May Spiers, .40. Sullivan, 2.14. gtadacona, .96. Frontier Red Lake, .17. Francoeur, 1.28. Manitoba & Eastern, .13. Perron, 2.26. New Augarita, 42. Monet a Porcupine, 1.68. Sladen Ma'artlc. 2.12. Bouscadillac, .60. Morris Klrkland, .58. Rubec, .08. Bailor, .05. Thompson radillnc. 1.80. Klrklnnd Like, 1.17. Macaa, 8.35. Canadian Mlilartl:. 2.00. Can. Fan. Railway, 14. Imperial Oil. 218. McOoll Frontenac 14. Noronda. 744. Cons Sme'.tc;s. 80V'?. POLICE CHIEF SUSPENDED KINGSV1LLE, Ont., Jan. 6: (CP) Police Chief J. C. Babcock was suspended for 10 days by town council because he fired his revolver to frighten four boys who annoyed him by ringing the town curfew. Two of the boys were sons of councillors and another the son J of a clergyman. 9:16 a.m. 22:35 p.m. 2:33 a.m. 16:16 p.m. 18.6 ft. 15.6 ft. 105 ft. 7.5 ft. PRICE: 5 CENTS URGED TO INTERVENE .Many Appeals to President Roose velt to Take Hand in Pacific Coast Marine Tie-up SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 6: Various California Interests are now uniting In an appeal to President Franklin D. Roosevelt to intervene with-a view to ending the disastrous tie-up of Pacific J3past ship- plngelultlnV from 1'he liTarltime ' workers' strike which is entering Its third month with no immediate prospect of a settlement by negotiation between the interested parties. Governor Merrlam yesterday sent a message to President Roosevelt asking him to take a hand Immediately and suggesting that his well known talents in such matters :ould be brought to bear with happy results on the present situation. The state legislature has also asked President Roosevelt to personally endeavor to bring about a settlement. Mayor Angelo Rossi ot San Francisco has pleaded with the President to Intervene in what he describes as a "national emergency." The San Francisco Chamber of Commerce ls also appealing to the President. Weather Forecast (Furnished througn. the courtesy of l.e Dominion Meteorological Bureau t Victoria ana Prince Rupert. Tins lore-oust Ls compiled from observations taken at S a.m. today and covers the 3(1 hour period ending 5 pjn. tomorrow). Pressure remains high over this province and fine cold weather prevails from the coast east to thq Kockles. . Prince Rupert District Light to moderate winds, cloudy and cold. Queen Charlotte Islands Moderate to fresh shifting winds, part cloudy with little change in temperature. West Coast of Vancouver Island Moderate to fresh northeast winds, part cloudy with not much :hange in temperature. 4 1)11. MATTSON APPEALS FOR PRESS CO-OPERATION TACOMA, Jan. 6: (CP) Dr. W. W. Mattsorr, father of kidnapped Charles Mattson, aged 10, today appealed to the press for absolute cessation of surveillance of any kind over his movements. The statement was taken to mean that the kidnapping had reached a crisis and that fears were en- tertalned for the boy's safety.