'LUNCHTIME SLIPS BY SO QUICKLY! THEN BACK BEHIND THE COUNTER BUT ALWAYS WRIGLEY'S AFTER EVERY. MEAL - IT AIDS DIGESTION Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Nickerson, who have been on a trip as far East as Detroit, returned home via Vancouver on the Prince George today. LAM. ACT Notice of Intriitloii to Apply to Leute Luna In muce Iluuurt Loivd Rcordln District of Brltlh Columbia, and situate on White Band hiaavi, Take notice UvaA Frank Waterman ol' Vrhicm Bupert, uocujMitloai miner, intend to uipply for a leab& of the following 1 described lainda : Ouromcnclng at a gxwt planted on one of the high cliffs on White Band ItOiiud and being 300 feet from the B. E. corner of White Band Island, and on V fust fclde, ithence 600 feet S. W.; thence 800 feet N. W.; .thence 600 feet N. E.; thence 800 fecit S. E. and con tainUuf 13 acres, more or leas. KRANK WATEilMAN Dated August 28, 1037. Baby Jumper Swings Comfortable and safe for baby. Made of fine quality duck, strong web supports, colored beads, pink or blue.. & and C-i 7C Price, each Baby Walker Walkers are a great aid to baby's first steps. Fitted with steel bearing casters. CO ftZ Price, each pO.I O Nursery Chairs Nursery chair made of quality bent hardwood, seat with padded leatherette cover. Colored CO ff blue or pink. Each , v- & Used Diningroom Suite 8-pc. solid light oak Dining Room Suite. China cabinet, extension table and 6 chairs at $39.50 Allowance for Your Old Furniture in Trade Phone GREEN 916 WE BUY Cameras, Guns, Musical Instruments, Tools, Baggage, Etc., Etc. D. ELIO'S Furniture Exchange MOOSE RUILDING, THIRD AVENUE Prince Rupert, IS. C. Hours, 9 a.m. lo 5 p.m. If you lose anything, advertise for it. William Lambie returned to tht ity from Vancouver on tht Prince George this morning. . t.Ami l r Slugs'" . i I- ...umuUt. ,ndrh.u- "TIME THE TOILER" I'M DETECTIVE BOZO-MEfcE To WM jjK$r (.ph.. ves-." . . u.w na m THE DAILY NEWS ROYAL COMMISSION ON ECONOMICS MEETS AT OTTAWA Members of the Royal Commission on economic relations between the Dominion and the provinces aire shown above, as they met for the first time in the House ol Commons. The commission appointed by 'the Dominion government, will examine the economic and financial basis of Confederation and the distribution of legislative powers in the light of the economic and social developments of the last 70 years. Members of the commission, left to right, are: H, F. Angus, professor of economics,. University of British Columbia, Vancouver; .Hon. Thibaudeau Rlnfret, Justice Supreme Court pi Canada, Ottawa; Hon. Newton Rowell, Chief Justice of Ontario, Toronto, chairman of the commission; John W. Dafoe, president and editor- in-chlcf , Winnipeg Free Press, Winnipeg and R, A. "MacKay, professor of government at Dalhousie University, Halifax. KINCOLITH I MARRIAGE KINCOLITH, Oct C: The wedding tf John Graham Moore son of William Moore, Canyon City, and Sarah Laura Nelson, (laughter -of Arthur Nelson sr., Kincolith, took place at the Kin-eolith church on Saturday afternoon last. The Greenville Hand, under the leadership of Frea Mackay, escorted first the bridegroom, then (he bride, to the church. The weather was fine and, under the bright Octobei .sunshine, all looked their best, luarticula'rly the bride and brides- I maids, all dressed in white and I I : uuanng nuwers. . I After the ceremony, a bainju .-l ,was served in the Jubilee Hail ii I which over 150 guests were seat ed, Many friends from up the river, were welcomed, from Aiy ansh, Canyon Cily, and Green ville. The band rendered several fine numbers, opening with the strain of Mendelssohn's "Wed- umg .warcn. Alter the supper speakers voiced their annrecia tion of the presence of the band and extended congratulations-, tempered with good advice, to tht nappy couple. Later in Ihe evening a dance was held, festivities continuing until midnight. The bride and bridegroom art to reside in Kincolith. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront C. N. It. steamer Prince Charles. Capt. James Watt, ar rived in port at 8:30 this morning from Vanrouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands on a egularly scheduled voyage and will be here until Friday night when she will sail on her return south over the same route. C.N.R. steamer Prince George, CUpt, Edward Mabbs,- arrived in port at 12 today from Vancouver, Alert Bay, Powell River and Ocean Falls and will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon lor Anyox and Stewart whence she' will return here tomorrow evening southbound. The ves sel brought north a fair-sized list of passengers. ' With a capacity list of passengers including many' northerners going out for the winter, C.PJt. steamer Princess Louise, Capt. S. K. Gray, is due in port at 3:45 this afternoon from Skaewav and othpr Aiarkn Imperial Oil Co.'s tanker Imper lal, Capt. A. S. McGaw, arrived In port at 10:20 this morning with a cmfj of fuel for the company's local tanks. Little Business At Terrace Tax Sale TERRACE, Oct. 0: Last Thursday saw the usual munici ial tax sale of Terrace lols on vhich taxes are delinquent. It 'peaks- well for the district thaf there were only three lots on tht list and these were soon disposed of. Major L. Bullock-Webster of Vic toria, early resident of Prince Rupert and one time alderman here, will arrive on tomorrow night's train after a trip through the interior visiting Smlthers, Hazelton and Terrace. He Is organizing drama associations and will address . a meeting here with that end In view. Major Bullock-Webster was I an alderman here when Premier T. D. Pattullo was mayor. He Is president of the British Columbia Dra- Ima Association. DiO -VOL) DSCOMER. I' .AMyTVUNcS AOUT LI VMHy L.OUVTA LB MARE I WAMTS To MAC:l?.y MAC"! H!LaT L Micyvrr APTtrK evEicyowEH WAS ALEEH SHE MA0crJ SIMPSON WEDDING .Miss Lydia llayward Become; Bride of Robert Sampson Recently PORT SIMPSON, Oct. C: The marriage took place here of Miss Lydia llayward and Robert Sampson. Rev. W. C. Cohvell, pastor of Knox United Church, officia- ted at Ihe ceremony which took place before a large assembly In the Kpworth Leairue HalL The bride, given in marriage by Ambrose Reid, entered the hall to the strains of the Wedding March played by Miss Far-rell of the Port Simpson General Hospital nursing staff. The mat ron of honor wa3 Mrs. E. F uudoward while there were five bridesmaids Mrs. William White. .wrs. uora unite, ."Mrs. Herbert Ilryant. Mias Mabel Hayward and MifS Dora Alexcee. Little four- ...... . .. . I t i f r. ) tar iu ni.-iirice oampson was flower girl. Groomsmen were Alf Wesley, Harry Simpson. Willinm Whiye. Thomas White. Herbert points and will sail at 5 pm. forDryant anl K'i Tail Vancouver. 'wr me ceremonv took place in Y. I' THE LETTER Forz"J a reception K. A. ir.nl I wnere there was a banquet spread and dance with William Kelly as master of ceremonies The band played the Wedding March and speakers were Peler Wesley, Eli Pollard and Ambrose Keid, whose remarks were appropriate to the ha D11V nr'p-ialnn 'PI " "".. me lesuvities lasted until night. mid. Mr. and Mrs. Sampson will in Port Simpson. John Manson, who has been on a trip to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the I nnce George this morning. Phone 18 and 81 P. O. Box 575 Free Gift Tokens H'e are still giving our Free Gift Tokens which entitle you to a wide range or Premiums. Come In and Look Them Over MUSSALLEKrS ECONOMY STORE FANTASIA IN FILMS II. (!. Wells "The Man Who Could Work Miracles." is lleins l ea-lured at Capitol "The Man Who Could Work Mir acles," a comedy-drama based on H. G. Wells' fantasy of the same name, Is the main feature of a! double bill program to be presented j I at th Capitol Theatre here at the i in the title role, plays the part of an obscure and ridiculed draper's as sistant around whom the action is largely centred. Almost Incredible things occur to this ordinary and everyday Individual. There are moments of lively comedy followed by exceedingly dramatic situations. Young handles both with great effect. Photographic tricks are one of the features of the picture. There Is also notable costuming. The picture is a British production. Betty Furness, Stuart Erwln. Robert Armstrong and Edmund Gwenn htad the cast of "All American Chump," the other end of the double bill. Stuart Erwln has the major part in the story as a small town human adding machine who becomes bridge champion of the world. Gwenn, British favorite, plays the part of a carnival shell game operator who finds himself manager of the new Culbertson. Armstrong Is a hard-boiled, sideshow barker who discovers Erwln and takes him under his wing. Bet ty Furness as the object of Erwln's addled affections. NATIVES PICK APPLES CEDARVALE. Oct. G: Mr. and .Mrs. David S. Williams and family of Andimaul came down to Cedarvale on a truck to pick apples, returning home with Ihe vehicle fully laden. They picked the fruit in the orchards of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilson and Mr and Mrs. Joseph Bright whoso guests they. were. Watson I). Noble, veteran storekeeper of Mill Hay cannery on the Naas River, was a passenger aboard the Catala yesterday afternoon going through to Vancouver where he will spend the winter. SELVIG'S SPECIALS ROUND STEAK Lb. SIRLOIN and T-IIO.NE- Lb POT ROAST Lb. Itlll ROAST Lb. ROIL REEF Per lb. CORN IJEEF Per lb HAMBURGER STEAK Lb SHORT RIIJS Lb. LEG OF VEAL Lb. SHOULDER VEAL Lb STEW VEAL Per lb. LEG OF LAMB Lb. LAMB CHOPS Lb. VEAL CHOPS Lb. Phone 7G5 FREE ;i:HiW:Wi;iTBi!inwB' I KNEVM VDO'D ASK SO I VaJENT TicsvrT IM "THE MAILBOX AFTtPI 20c 25c 10c 18c 6c 6c 10c! 8c 22c 8c 25c 25c 20c 303 Third Ave. DELIVERY in'BllllVXBWI'Wli' PRESTO J st a Wavcof HisW, He started out on. .... $13 a week ioh turned that .,.,.. JD power to wirk Women be: V them bPin.i if.., 1,1 10 tft him t .. "icnn. He Worked Mir,!-...,. ii...... uirdf,, ntjf, Roland Y In II. . HELLS' The gnnd cr.m:... . RlC? of fiM V' ' mt' r .tin. ... mL hUa"u uprcartou, '(1 romance lUD1 oung CO.MtDI The Man Who Coj Work Miracles (At 7:(j0 and J:M) I'LtS The Winner ahd'.Vnr Champion of Laatbtrr st i; Art emit in "All American fhumT With IJKTTY KTO (At 8:25. OnccOnty TONIGHT ni HUM. t i i i r-t o .a uasi lompirie snow o. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FK0SI HOME" Kate 11.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Prince Hup.'rt, B.C Phone 281 P.O. Box W Prince Rupert Electric Stw Massage Treatment For Rheumatism. Tuberculosis Lumbaso and Dyspepsia IMioiif 281 K. llayakart New Royal Hotel I COAL to- n r.sr. f:w;Kf Suturactlon Ouartn I'mimiM l"..l rr,u. C llulkley Volley fw . VniKoiurr Wiiml . Prince Rupert Feed .. mint PHONEi 68 nd 558 -By Westover NOVU V3U TELA- MS HOVJ THS HECK To CKT , y HAWD CXTA 1 iHfiE' !"H.- I i.. i - r emit mmi fcM