nesday October 6, 1937 Hotel Arrivals fRenie. Stewart; wan .,.., ft, city; p ,rton; Mrs. H. Paulson. Sac Central . Port Simpson; S LrUorton C. Jack ana . . v ' i - linn II , Kinjf, S. zuiawinsKa, ' and 0, Hunt, C.N.K.; Gus ronton ; Walter Louden, t Knox da-o iwanoio, ominj Lei:;Hion, city. Prince Rupert , (i.rk. Victoria; F. Wast- TeleRraph Cove; K. Moore. )ier W. Lain. Victoria; 1lnnlnio1 M m Siin'.e vine, i.n.i.nv. john:;:in and Misa Eunice Vancouver; J. W. Mc- , p nee George; William lie cirss."V I'lains;. nenmeu- no P Morrison, Ottawa; Tv tio Smithers; A. Robert AIn: '.e D Armoup, Rose l,c, Mr and airs. A. i aj- um.ihewa Inlet; Mrs. A. ig ah im and daughter, Skide- Mr,. F. Atkins, Queen Royal i MiT'ih1 Itemo; A. Ander-;t ir W. Symington, Cum LTXIJKE most busy young wivrs. ' Mary Jours bad a swret life all d for o d. A liuppy quiet interlude is bustling days that a hers alone to do hat sue pleased. TVse "aeoret" ntra hours gave Id ti:ne to read, aew or rest -and do i t r.ilinl and one things lota of run never find time for. Tjj was possible because ilie had Former Local Man Saw President On Trip To Victoria 1 Horn- Sewing with a Singer en- mil's you to be well and lasnion-ably dressed at minimun CQst. Mr. and Mrs. T. H Johnson write to say that they are enjoying Vic toria very much. The gardens and the surrounding country they say are very pretty. The former Prince Rupert residents say they saw President and he appeared to be pleased with the reception given him. The city was decorated with flags and a large crowd turned out to greet him and members of his family who were with him. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson plan to leave Victoria about the end pf this month for San Diego, California and will there meet Mr. Johnson's brother and his wife and daughter who are arriving for a lengthy stay on the coast early In November. shewa; A. McNab, N. March and William Wyllie, Vancouver; G. S. Rruce and Ed. Walin, city. Savoy George Nelson, city; Mrs. U Mist and daughter, Terrace; Mr and M s. A, Grant, Hazelton. learned of a secret baking method that enabled Ler to make bread and rolls in half the time with only a quarter of the work. This seTet- and this leisure-can I yours too- -if you'll just write to The Quaker Oats Co., Dept. (KM), Saskatoon, Sask for a FltKK booklet entitled "The Quaker Easy Method of Uread Unking" RlacKENZlE'S FURNITURE 75 Only PAISLEY RUGS. 27x51 and 21x18. While They Last. Priced at $1.00 and $1.25 PHONE 775 SINGER SAVINGS Are CASH Savings The Singer Plan for domestic economy is pleasant, practical and profitable. I-et Us Present "The Sinner Plan" for You-Shows How Singer Pays for Itself Come in or Phone G We'll Do The Rest Attractive Easy Terms and Liberal Allowance ' on Old Machines $5.00 Down and $3.00 a lontb Will Give You a New Singer The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFE Phone SI Ff Best Household Coal ""IS. O. K. BLACK eMaMvs.Md Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY 1MIONE C57 Mrs. R. M. Morrison sailed yester day afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. . Moose Meeting Tonight at 8. Social at '9 p.m. Moose Ladies and former members invited. (233) ,1, i W. Hunter Wells of the Wells Air, Transport Co. sailed by the Catala yesterday afternoon on his return to Vancouver after a brief visit here on business. to the city on the Prince George r today. Hoy Franks, who has been spending a couple of weeks visiting at Stewart, returned to the city from the north on the Catala yesterday afternoon. T.A. McWatters, local manager of W. H. Malkln Co, returned to the IJty on the Prince Charles this morning from a trip to Massett and other Queen Charlotte Island points on business. Allan Gillls, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. GUlls, returned home on the Catala yesterday afternoon from the Unuk River district north of Stewart where he has been spend- ing the summer. J. W. McAuley, -district master mechanic for the Canadian Nation al Railways, arrived in the city from Prince George on last night's i train and will be returning to the interior this evening. A. P. Allison, Queen Charlotte Island logging operator, arrived in the city on the Prince Charles this morning from Cumshewa Inlet and will sail on the Prince George to morrow nlsht for Vancouver. Het Is accompanied by Mrs. Allison who has been spending the summer at Cumshewa Inlet. Thomas A. Kelley Queen Char lotte Island logging operator, and Nate Rooney arrived in the city on the Prince Charles this morning from Murchison Island and will proceed by this evening's train to the Takla Lake mining country north of Fort St. James where Mr. Kelley has Interests. Mrs. A. J. Ingraham and little daughter, who have been visiting at Skidegate with Mrs. Ingraham s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Stevens, arrived In the city from tne isianas on the Prince Charles this morning nnri will nroceed Friday to their home at Surf Inlet. They are ac-; companied by Mrs. Ingraham's sis-, ter, Mrs. Fred AtKins oi yueen Charlotte City. CHlBEll old newspapers, 2 for 25c. FURNITURE, including radio, el ectric washer and Encyclopedia Britannica. Clarke. Tatlow St. SEWING UTILITY SEWINO CLASSES Mrs. Thomasson, Wallace Block. Phone Blue 637, (t.f.) TREATMENTS ELECTRIC Steam massage, es- niL'ially eood for lung and stomach I'ouble, nervousness, constipation, blood pressure, rheumatism, lumbago, neuritis and female troubles. Also for children's and other diseases. Mrs. Gammon, 427 5th Avenue East.. Phone 907. 23P) v- - MALE & FEMALE HELP WE HAVE HELPED HUNDREDS THE DAILY NEWS PAOl TERM LOCAL NEWS NOTES JUST ARRIVED! New ship-, Miss C. L. J. Clarke of Port Simp-' rnent of short velvet dresses, I son sailed yesterday on me vawua 'Mayfair.' t.f. for a trip to Vancouver. Charles Ilickey arrived in th city on the Catala yesterday -afternoon from Stewart. Robert Armstrong returned to tho city on the Catala yesterday afternoon from Stewart.-' Miss Heleri Walker and Miss Elsie Flnley are sailing this afternoon -on the Princes Louise for a vacation trip to Victoria. Mrs. William Barton returned to thp cltv on the Prince Charles this Jirs. w. jm. KiacKstocK, wno nas mnrnlne from a two week's triD been visiting in Vancouver and to the Queen charlotte Islands, elsewhere in the south, returned: KEEP YOUR LIVER ACTIVE And You'll Feel Wonderful Never Headaches, Tired, Sick, Constipated Your lifer is the largest orfin in your body and next to the heart the most important It does four things. . It supplies the body's natural laxative, gives proper nourishment to your blood, helps the kidneys and stomach, supplies the muscles, tissues and glands with energy. You can't (eel well if your liver isn't welL System becomes poisoned and you feel "rotten". "Fruit-a-tives" quickly make your liver healthy. You soon feel like a new person. A celebrated doctor's formula-fruits and herbs - has given perfect health to thousands. FRUIT-A-TIVESta A. E. Parlow, district forester, returned to the city, on the Prince Charles this morning from a trl, to the Queen Charfotte Islands on official duties. He was accompan led by Mrs. Parlow. The fire department was called but at noon yesterday to a false alarm at the corner of Seventh Avenue and Fulton Street. Children are believed to have been tamper ing with the alarm box. 7. TO OBTAIN positions ns Letter Carriers, Postal Clerks, Customs Examiners, Clerks, and Stenographers, etc., and can help you. Write us for proof and free Information. JI.C.C. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest In Canada, If. On a chat'ge of falling io report second hand goods which he pur chased, G. J. Dawes Is appearing in city police court this afternoon before Magistrate Thomas McCly-mont. , James D. Small, well known Vancouver chartered accountant, who years ago was Identified with the late Georga Rorle of this city, came north aboard the Prince Charles on Its present voyage from Vancouver to the J. R. Morgan Logging Co's camp (at Thurston Hfarbor. Mr. Small will be returning to Vancou ver on the same vessel at the first of next week. 14. 15. Announcements All advertisements In this column "vlll be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Catholic Bazaar October 6 and Anglican tea, Mrs. C. C. Mills, October. 12. FOR SALE J Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. R. W. .!-. Federal i..ii nuA Block, rtntnVK October FOR SALE-A few large bundles of .Cameron, United Anniversary Supper, Oct. W. A. Canadian Legion Bridge October 15. Anglican Girls Tea, Mrs. Gib son's, October 21. Parent Teachers telephone bridge, Friday, October 22. C. C. F. Bazaar, October 23. Toe II. Tea, Thursday, Oct. 28 3 to 0. Hill CO Tea October 29. Gyro Hallowe'en Masquerade Dance, October 29. Baptist Tea, November 3. Presbyterian Bazaar, November 4 Sonja S. O. N. Bazaar,' Novem ber 12. . Hyggas Bazaar, November 12, St. Peter's W. A. Bazanr, Nov ember 18. Cathedral Bazaar November 30 E. J. McElroy of Chicago, auditor tor the Andlt Bureau of Circulations, arrived in the city today to conduct the regular audit of the circulation books of the Dally iNews. He plans to leave for Vancouver tomorrow night. Arthur Robertson, well known Massett sawmill operator, Is paying a brief visit to the city. He arrived from the 'Queen Charlotte Islands on the Prince Charles this morn ing and will be returning to Massett on the same vessel Friday night, "William Sickle, well known rancher of Grassy Plains In the Francois Lake, country, , arrived In the city on last night's train, bring mg in a couple of carloads of .stock for the local -abattoir. He wfll re turn to the interior on this even ing's train. The divorce case of Hans Under- dahl vs. Agnes Underdahl was ad- oumed to Vancouver after the ev idence of one witness had been heard by Mr. Justice Manson in Supreme Court here on Monday. T. W. Brown is counsel for petition. er. H. E. Newton, who has been oarrying out work during the summer on the lied Reef mining property in the Portland Canal district was a passenger aboard the Catala yesterday afternoon! going through from Stewart to Vancouver. Albert E. Munn, Vancouver lumberman and former 1. P. fot Vancouver North, is paying a vis it to the city. lie arrived from Vancouver on the Prince George today and will be returning south on the same vessel tomorrow) night. W. A. Prout and Hoy McLeese 5f Premier, who came out recent ly from the McDames' Creek sec-ion of the Cassjar district where hey have been engaged in min- mg aunng the summer, were passengers aboard the Catala yes terday afternoon going through to ancouver. Harry Charlesworth, secretary of the B. C. Teachers' Federation, arrived in the city on the Prince (leorge today from Vancouver to altend a district teachers' convention here at the end of the week. He is to be the guest speaker at the Prince Rupert Rotary Club weekly luncheon tomorrow. LADIES You Are Invited to Call and Inspect Our New Stock of COATS Just Arrived Today They are the very latest thing in furs smart Prices on these are very moderate, something to suit every purse. There are Persian Lamb Krimmera, Bombay Lamb, Civet Cat and other varieties of fur. Try them on and see how fine they look. Good Discount for Cash G0LDBL00M THE OLD RELIABLE Mrs. Bernard Lundahl A.T.CM. VOICE PRODUCTION Piano and Theory 431 Fourth Avenue West rhone Green 994 KNOX -KNOX WHO'S THERE? People Who Want The "BEST FOR LESS" GOOD MEALS and CLEAN COMFORTABLE ROOMS DAILY WEEKLY or MONTHLY RATES KNOX HOTEL R. Brasell N. M. Brasell t 11 laaWrtl Hat1 Per Vial of 50 Capsules VICKS TRONOL a few drops up each nostril at Ihe first sneeze WICKS VapoRub rub on throat, chest, and back of bedtime Full tctailt cj the Plan In each Vfcis Pucsaje With Winter Approaching Puretest MALT and COD LIVER OIL A pleasant tasting vitamin Food medicine. Rich in natural A-B-D-G Vitamins so necessary for the health of children and adults. 1-Lb. jar ... . 60c 2-Ib. jar ... . $1.00 Highest Potency Halibut Liver Oil Capsules 85c pcrno 81.50 Ormes Lid. Jhe. Ptoneer Druggists The ReJill Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 tloon till 2 pro, 7 D.m. till 9 p.m. I Canadian mm I BAJLWAV I STEAMSHIPS I COMMUNICATIONS HCTTtU l fftAvik Pacific i Trans-Atlantic Transcontinental Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports . Princess Adelaide every Friday, 10 p.m. To Vancouver Direct FMNCESS NORAII PRINCESS LOUISE Oct. 29th. Oct. 6th 17th. Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from' W. L. COATES, General Aent Prince Rupert, B, C. i . HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 9;00 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Sun. Midnight If convenient pleaso purchase tickets at office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Ticket From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Afent, Third Ave. Phone 668 Daily News Want Ads Bring Results