rrlnce Rupert Raining;, SOUth- Leterv 30.21; temperature, .52; sea Stfo. Inoderate, " .XXVI. No. 233. New York Yankees whipped Carl Hubbell and the iork Giants by a score of 8 to 1 in the first came of 11137 World benes belore close to sixty thousand fans it nvnnni AN IVIUKIN SEES GAME iim Inn Itlci'jnr If ArA 10RK, Oct. 6: (CP) A i u Manrr rrrnrn tar n miu s spectators. Lawrence Kub- k.-, -- . r j i t i uicauc manager ui ncicui- is the Ala.skan and Stan ' Canadian. firm nielli iu. v .. ... M IH I IIM PRAIRIES Care of on Farms, It U Announced aw a irt r. rrn C nn A M again be cared for this under the Farm Improve last year. It Is announced by Nurman Rogers, minister of eie employed In this way I.. R n v tf ((.AH. i mu . u v. mem atujcu Willi iiic 1 woughout the summer sea Toda? Weather lOovernment "legT.pn4) "race- Jlalnlng, calm, temper ri in -naming, cairn, n. una A - . . . . ....it- -naming, cairn, ii. --- ivamiiiir- rn m 44. -oiouuv. ra m. 44. ""T5- -uoudv. calm. 38. hum.-, -ijiouciv. cairn. 4U. -rtainrnff. rn m 41. mice Georce Clnnr nnlm! h.ir ' Ptri- on oft -"1 uv.i)U, anCDUVer - Cle.ir Palm- hnr. ' ' Clr m, a "v"f uu.oo. LaleS DCr hnun u, . o v.,., uiuuiuvivr. du.do. ajonwtcr, 30.38. Br'crt Day ripur gometer 30.42; temperature, 39; vv Li 1 . BUI! llp,.K. . . . . Uii,. lempcrature, w, "Kill Jm-nll "cat Tt. .. ! .. . . .. . . west wind; barometer, 30.17; ?Wraturc. 55; light choo. J sueast wind, 25 miles per tare n. er' i,u,oo; lcmpera" f After being handcuffed with one hit through the first five Innings, the American League champions broke" loose In the sixth with a bar rage of five hits that drove Hubbell from the mound and continued against Harry Oumbert and Dick Coffman. Four walks and a pair of Giant errors helped the Yankees in their scoring. Meantime, the Yankees' southpaw ace, Lefty Gomez, survived one bad Inning the fifth when IKe Giants scored their only run and went on to win with a six-lilt performance In his first assignment as an opening day pitcher in a World Series. The only home run for the Yanks did not come in their sixth inning spree but was produced In the eighth on a long homer Into left field stands by Tony Lazzerl. The final count showed tin Giants with six hits to the Yanks' seven but only In one frame did Gomez allow more than one hit. It was the fifth when consecutive singles by Jimmy Ripple and John ny McCarthy and a double-play irrniinripr bv Mancuso brousnt m the Giants' only run. R II Giants 1 b Yankees 8 ' 12345G789 Giants 000010000 v,nii 00000701x 8 GAME BY INNINGS First Inning Giants No runs, no hits, no cr rors. one left on bases. vantPsNn runs, one hit, no error! two left on bases. Dickey, Yankees, drove long fly to Leiber who made nice running catch tc end Inning. Second Inning Giants No runs, no hits, no er rors. none left on bases vnnWpp.cNo runs, no hits, no prrors. none left. Lazzerl, Yankees thrown out by Hubbell who made nice gloved hand stab of Lazzerl's hopper.' Third Inning Giants No runs, no hits, no cr rors. none left. Yankees No runs, no hits, no er rors. none left. Hubbell slashed long drive In first half but Selkirk caught on bank In front of stands. Fourth Inning Giants No runs, no lilts, no cr rorS, none left. Yankees No runs, no hits, no errors, none left. Ott, Giants, was thrown out In pretty play, Lazzerl to Gehrig. Geh rig later fanned wnue cruwu niv. j Fifth Inig One run, three 1UU. no errors, one left. Yankees No runs, no lilts, no errors, none left. Hippie hit single and scored for Giants whllo Mancuso hit Into double play that retired McCarthy (Continued on Page Two) PROVINCIAL LIBRARY VICTORIA, B.C. I Today's Weather, Tomorrow's Tides (8 AJV!.) Young Princess Elizabeth, little daughteT of Prince Regent Paul of Jugoslavia, Is seen here wilh her playmate, the Duke of Kent. They stopped their playing in the castle park at Belgrade, long enough to have their picture taken, while sitting in the seat of an auto OUTPUT OF ARCHBISHOP LOGS BIG ASKS PEACE Moresby Island Camps Produce Over 100,000,000 Feet for New Record Since War Logging camps of Moresby Island, second of the Queen Charlotte group, will record an output of over 100,000,000 feet for this season, the largest since the war, according to estimates given by the operators themselves. About the end of this month, the camps will be starting the usual winter curtailment of operations although none of the camps will be completely closed down. The three principal operators on the Islands arc A. P. Allison at Cumshewa Inlet, T. A. Kelley at iMurchison Island and J. R. Morgan at Thurston Harbor. 15. V. Smith, general managet of the Premier Gold Mining Lo. in the city aboard the l'rinct George today returning north af ter a Irip to Vancouver on Canterbury Condemns Nature Japanese Military Campaign Against China NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESRAY, OCTOBER 6, 1937. oT.he .fleet - en other ! urged the BriUsh government to planes . leave no stone unturned In efforts wl" b "e th ,T T lae8t T and. a "Peediert .. 1 IV to bring about peace in the Far East. He condemned the nature of ever used in regular sched the Japanese campaign In China. Halibut Sales Suiamary Canadian 7C.000 pounds. 11.8c and 6c American None. Canadian Covenant, 32.000, Booth, 11.8c and 6c. NEW PLANE DELIVERED First of Machines For Trans-Can ada Service Reaches Vancouver uieu air line wi vnt m They, as well as the 10-passen ger Lockheeds, have twin en gines, two-way radio communication apparatus and all of the latest devices for ensuring the comfort of the passengers and safety In flying. The Lockheed 14-place airlineis are nowered by two Pralt and Whitney Hornet engines which will carry the big machines through the air at a maximum speed of 247 miles per hour when flvlng at a height of 6700 feet. Arctic I.. 23.000, Cold Storage, . wjth a cruising speed vn ying 12.3c and 6c. Unome, 7000, Royal, 12.1c and 6c. Atli, 14,00'J. Cold Storage, 12c. The Atll also brought in 11,000 pounds of black cod. Prince Rupert "Most Beautiful Place" On West Coast-So Declare John Jacob Astor and His Party John Jacob Astor, who was a visitor to the city recently, writes a note to City Commissioner W. J. Alder expressing appreciation for hospitality extended during a recent visit to Prince Rupert. "Although our stay in your city was short," writes Mr. Astor, "we enjoyed seeing the city and all agreed it was the most beautiful place we had seen anywhere on the West Coast." Mr. Alder called upon Mr. Astor while he was here and also had flowers sent to Mrs. Astor. I hey are flown. They have a fuel apacity of G50 gallons and a ' cruising range up to '-.125 miles. ! fhev weigh, fully loaded. 17,000 pounds. They have a wing span of G5 feet 6 inches, with a wing area of 551 square feet, and an overall length 'of 11 feet, 4 Inches. Rebels Still Moving Ahead Advancing Steadily Towards Gljon Several Villages Captured on Way High...-. 2:42 a.m. 19.8 It. 14:32 p.m. 21.3 ft. Low 8:40 a.m. 6.3 ft. 21:15 p.m. 3.7 ft. PRICE: 5 CENTS ssent fo Measures Is Withheld ranliS Take Series Opeiier Alberta Press, Bank And Credit reat Carl Hubbell riven Score From Mound; Eight To One . "I A .. . A 1 AM kit . ii ii uii uvuk mvi j vaa v- k. a u iv-u m m ii li x k a. rv ii i ii 1. k'nafAM I r 1 1,' nMA 1 .4 a I A A 1 I I inn oi:t;u ivuiia iiiu-jiiaui aki iv uumuz IlUriS Steady Game Homer by Lazzcri YANKEE STADIUM, Oct. G: (CP) Concentrating DUKE FINDS A COMPANION IN IiKUiltADH I Acts Are Refered To Governor General By Lieutenant Governor Expectation is That Vice-Roy Will Also Decline to Sign Contentious Legislation Another Lively Constitutional Issue Appears in Prespect EDMONTON, Oct. 6: (CP) Lieutenant Governor J. C. Bowen yesterday prorogued the Alberta .Legislature after assenting to eight bills and reserving three for the Vancouver. Oct. G: The pleasure of the Governor General. Assent was reserved first delivery of the fleet of new on the "Act to ensure ruDiicauon oi .accurate iews anu rbnesior the Trans-Canada A' r Information," the "Act Respecting Taxation of Banks" Lines was received in Vancouver vpstprrtav afternoon. Before tne rnd of ihp month it Is expected that two additional planes will a rive here for the trans-Canada service to be followed during the next few months by four larger plnnes. The plane rece'ved yesterday is a Lockheed iModel 10-A and will carrv tin nacsenisers as well as Prince Riipert and Queen Char lotte Islands Strong southeast winds, cloudy with mist and rain West Coast of Vancouver Island-Moderate east and south wind, increasing cloudiness with showers tonight. Thursday, strong southeast winds, becoming more unsettled. Vancouttr Wheat VANCOUVER. Oct. 6: CP-Wheat was selling at $1.31 on the Vancouver market yesterday. ANOTHER ARRESTED Advisor of Alberta Social Credit Government Charged with Criminal Libel vnunMTfiM net. fi- (HP) from 200 to 220 miles per hour Qeorge p advlsor to the according to the height at which Social Credit government of berta, was arrested last night on charges of criminal libel and later released on ball of $20,000, half on his own recognizance and $5000 each posted by S. A. Berg, Social Credit member for Alexandra and A. E. Fee. member for Sedgewick Powell, sent as a Social Credit expert to Alberta by Major Douglas, Is also charged with counselling murder, seditious libel and defam atory libel knowing the same to be false. The charges are laid in connection with the publication of an 1 allegedly libellous leaflet. Earlier In the day G. F. Mc Laughlin, manager of the Social i Credit League of Alberta, was ques . tloncd by the police but was not n end AYE. October 6 Insurgent arrested. forces are reported to be making Joseph Unwln, government whip steady progress toward Gljon, last In the legislature, ajrested yester- loyallst stronghold on the norm- aay on cnarges oi criminal ana oe ern coast of Spain. Several vll- famatory libel as well as counsel! laees have been captured in the ' lng murder, has been remanded un- course of the rebel advance. til October 14. "' .. bum and the "Act to Amend and Con solidate the Credit of Alberta Reg-' ulatlon Act," which was substituted fn. kill fla.lm.u1 fft ntva iVl LcaCllP vllVBS vjitvo 8vernment control of banks in the uvugut province and which had been prev- 1 ill ' Elicit, rilcill.in.oH jaoan earning Thp thrpp hlffhlv rnntntlotis bills ' which the Lieutenant Governor de- GENEVA, Oct 6: (CP) The signed to assent to will be referred Assembly of the League of Na- to the Governor General who, It Is a pilot and co-pilot. It will be tlons today warned Japan of expected in constitutional quarters5, tnt nto immvimte use tor the the possibility of international will decline to assent to them. trninintr of piloN m flying. ,PiW BU'y intrument action unless she agrees to a j Another lively constitutional ls-Vells and peaceful nine-power sellte- sue appears to be In prospect, msmlw-9 of Trans-Canada s staff 4. ment of the China conflict. hnre were, on hand to meet the shin which was flown by factory 4. 44. 4. represents lives from Glendale. California. It will' -c6rnpfeTely--i?" " j " r " r , checked and. put through fls paces WeatHCr rOYCCSLSl tomorrow before acceptance by me company. (Purnllh(f1 through the courtejy of Ketreat ered with two Pratt and 1 Whitney, uJ?l0tanJ.C: Junior Wasp engines which give ken at 5 aJn, today and covers the 30 them a maximum speed of .205 hour period ending 5 p.m. tomorrow). .M ,.,uu General Synopsis Pressure re- miles. Their wing span is 53 feet, lianas accompamea oy with an nvpra emrtli Of winus. ol feet 7 inches. They weigh 10,500 pounds with full load. The other two planes to be delivered before the end of the "enHcal to the month LONDON, Oct. 6 The Archbishop "L .v,... coon vpctprrfnv one received today while the four JAPANESE FALLBACK Before Furious Chinese Counter-Attack Heavy Casual ties on Both Sides SHANGHAI, Oct. 6 Japanese , 7r. "U"S " I"'-.:. ...f.- mains hteh over the Interior of forces were driven back half strong ' Chinese staged a furious counter a 'o7 British Columbia and showers have mile on a five-mile front In the have fuel ' tv -07 gallons " capa ' 5.uf I!K . ! occurred over the Queen Charlotte Chapel district yesterday as the attack There were heavy casual ties on both sides. ' The Chinese counter-attack.came after a steady four-day siege in which aircraft were used extensively In bombing. WINTER IN SIGHT NOW Snow Makes Appearance Well Down on Mountains Around Smithers SMITHERS, Oct. C; Old Man Winter shoved his head into the foreground at Smitheri Friday. JA Iwq day spell of heavy rain had been in progress when tne nountains were obesured with low lying clouds and fog. Then fhe weather cleared Friday morn-ing and the mountains stood out 'n their usual snow it was noticed that not only were the mountain Al" tops covered with snow Out tha snow was a long way dcvi; tne slopes and Into the low timber. In fact many of the low hills of the Bulkley Valley received ,8ome tf the snow fall. It is not expected that the Bnow will arrive on the floor of the valley for some weeks yet although there might be light falls that will disappear toon after falling. Mussolini Has Cold But Not Seriously 111 ROME, Oct. 6 It was denied yesterday that Premier Benito Mussolini was confirmed to his country home with illness. II Duce Is, however, suffering from a cold contracted during his recent trip to Germany. j- Vll