..day, September 28, 1937. THS DAtLT NEWS PAG THRfl MAMMOTH uction ERMSCASH From any point OF mi .i s Our Downstairs Display ' Vnpainted Furniture Kitchen Tables and Chairs, Chest of Drawers, Magazine Racks, Etc. High Class Household Furniture ON HURSDAY and FRIDAY Sent. 30th Oct. 1st at the W. E. Drake Residence, 1th Avenue West Lucted by the Owner I Will Sell by Public Auction the Kntlre Furn- ishings of the Above Premises. Consisting ot: nimr -I rj A Xfrv TIT A VA r TTXTT TT VM." nilrn Itniuin nnnnrfi 1ELD SUITE, WILLOW SET OF 3 CHAIRS AND TABLE, 1 PAIR KtSUMA VASES, SOLID WALNUT TEA WAGGON, MOFFAT ELEC- jtlC RANGE GENERAL ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, TIIOR ELEC ptc IRONER, ELECTROLUX CLEANER, BETH THOMAS MANTLE OCK, WHITE ROTARY ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE (Table Model) ECTRIC WASHING MACHINE, 13-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE (In grey en finish SEAMLESS WILTON CARPET, 3x9, WILTON CARPET. 2 Ova) Rugs, Wool Rug, Bridge Table Set 3 Other Card .Tables, 1 feiutne Indian Maradabld Radio Lamp, Standard Lamp, Windsor Arm air Cushions. Pictures, Vases, Fern Stand In Walnut 2 Potted Ferns, benuine Etchings, 2 Solid Walnut Windsor Chairs, Electric Coffee jcolator Set 2 Wilton Rugs 5x7, 1 Wilton Rug 3x5, Oak Sectional Book- Breakfast Nook Set, Table and 4 chairs, Electric Toaster, Cut issof all descriptions, Dinner Set, Dinner and Tea Set, Table Tennlsj and Bats 2 Light Fixtures, Child's Toys, Dumb Bells, 1 Trickle . i i-i 4 tti HaII.U. nli-. oi.lU m.i cyclopedia. Fiction Books, Pair Waders, Punch Bag, Boys' Waggon, ing Exerciser and other articles. fi8 goods are all In first class condition and must Oe sole . Be Starts at 2:30 p.m. Sharp Till 5:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Till 1C-.00 p.m. THURSDAY and FRIDAY Kids on View Tuesday and Wednesday evening irom ?:uu mi a:ou p.m. George J. Dawes AUCTIONEER " Prince Rupert . Vancouver-Jasper $765 on the TrlaniU Tl1U,earinakeltatriangie''To,.r"-laVancoiuerl 600 mile, through the .heltered water, of the "Inside Passage" and 1300 mile, of .ome of Canada . moot majestic mountain.. It'. grand holiday adt nil lire. to the ra.t Pacific North-we Vancouver I. the gateway t playground. There I. a Mrealth of entertainment of place, to lee . . . many anaitiug you . . . score, new thing, to do. fine vacation. Scenery! Outdoor Plan now for thl. ,H,rlsl A cruise on . "rrlnce" hip! Gay, metro-polilan VancouTerl There are few other trip, that offer such a Tarlety of holiday attractions. Fart InfluJ meaU and brlh n lnmr tthth ol $ea. Sf your nare$t a$tnt h0 trill be $lad to help you. V37. Unpainted Furniture An Inexpensive Way To Furnish Your Home GORDON'S HARDWARE I Phone 311 McBridc St. M you loie anything, try a classified ad. LOCAL NEWS NOTES See the Mayfair. latest in fall shoes. window Mrs. A, L. Stewart, wife of the manager of Putedale cannery, will gaU f rpm, there for Vancou ver on the Catala this evening. Inspector John A. Fraser, pro vincial police, returned to the city on the Qatala this, morning from trip to blewart on official duties. Mrs. V, Grimsson and eon, J. Grimsson, sailed this afternoon on the Catala for a. trip to Vancouver. ' . George W. Cripps returned to the city on the Catala this morn ing" from a trip to Stewart did-trict on business in his capacity as provincial assessor. ' : The case of Max Ilellbroner vs, Mrs. Myrtle Rogers In which the claim Is for $20' Is proceeding In County Couit this afternoon, having commenced yeslefdayi J. T. Harvey ,1s. counsel for the plaintiff, C. E. Wilson,- the Uplands, and F. A. MacCallum,. manager of the Rank of Montreal al Prince Uupert, have left n a fishing trip up the island. Victoria Times. Mrs. C. C. Smith, who has been visiting at Premier with her son and daughter-in-law, " Mr-- and Mrs. Edward Gladding.' returned to the citv from the north on the Catala this morning. Alex Crawford of Stewart waj a passenger aboard the Catala today going through to Vancou ver to spend the-Winteri He Is the father of W. J. Crawford, well known Stewart transportation man. About forty ccfuples were in at tendance at the dance given Friday night In the Boston Hall by Mrs. I proved very-enjoyable to all present, I son of the collector of customs for Alaska, was here aboard the Prln. cess - Louise yesterday afternoon bound from the Alaska capital to Seattle where he will attend the University of Washington. William Peake has been appoint-! ed caretaker of the Prince Rupert Rowing & Yacht Club In succession to Bhef Thomson who has resigned on account of 111 health. Bill, -who Is no stranger around the Yacht Club, having relieved there. on..var-ious occasions Jo the past,- wlU ias-j sume his duties on Friday of. , this week. owa , mi FOR SALE fori Eastern Star -Tea and sale of tf.'homecooklng at Mrs. Sam Mas- ED FOR SALE A few large bundles of old newspapers, 2 for 25c. FOR SALE 40 ft. (roller. Fully ennlnnpil with gurdies and winch. Suitable for haiioui or trolling. Apply Cow Bay Gror eery. t" FOR SALE Baby Crib Combin ation playpen and bed with drawers, $12.00; English pram, $15.00; Majestic Range; large, $25.00. Mrs. Olson, 427 Emmer-on Place. -227) SEWING UTILITY SEWINO CLASSES Mrs. Thomasson, Wallace Block. Phone nlue 637. tt.x.) WANTED TO TRADE WOUL-D Exchange Calgary reve- iiio bearinir houses for gen eral or. .hardware .business ,or. ,in niQimiru tiiisinessN with n 11 1 aiiMiav privilege of buying. Appty.B 56, SpirltWOOQ, OttBRnM.ii:yYH. sey's, Wednesday, Sept. ?9. 3 to 6 p.m. 226 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Oarrett, who Prince Rupert F. W. Waterman, Seattle. , Knox . M. L. Clark, Georgetown; George Flyhn, A. Roll and Tom Sternberg, Prince Rupert; R. Nelson, Port George; R.J. Thorn as, H. F; Anderson and W. H. Lord, Ottawa; J. Nault, Surf Point. Central Rals, J. Hansen, 3. Moen, Mr. anq Mrs: R. Handy and A. Carlsen, city; Mrs. Chester Leask, Metlakatla; B. McKay and L. F. Minater, Queen Charlotte Islands. Announcements Eastern 'Star Tea,- Mrs: Sam Mas- sey's, Wednesday, September 29. Cambrat Cabaret, October 1. Anglican tea, Mrs. C. C. Mills, October 12. roKiror!!in Tea. Mrs. U. W. Cameront Federal Block, October 14. United Anniversary Supper, Oct. 15. .' W. A. Canadian Legion Bridge Ocfober 15. Anglican C.irls Tea, Mrs. Gib son's, Qctober'21. Pnrpnt Teachers telephone bridge, Friday, October 22. C. C. F. Bazaar, October 23. Hill GO Tea October .29. Qyro Hallowe'en Masquer a d e Dance j October 29. Presbyterian Bazaar, November 4. St. Peter's W. A. Bazaar, Nov ember 18. Sonja S. O. N. Bazaar, Cathtdral Bazair November 30. Mrs. William Felwood ?nd child were passenger, aboard the Ca tala today going through for a rtip to Victoria.- . Joseph Brown left ithls after noon for Vancouver enroute to TranquiUe where he will, enter sanitarium for a time. Monday, October 11, will be have been spending some time at Thanksgiving Pay this year. Re Atlin, returned to the city from theimerflbrance Day, November U. north on the Princess Louise yester-1 will" also be a jfeneral 'holiday aay aiiernoon. When COLDS THREATEN- Used at first flneeze,' this specialized medi-carkn fbrthenceeand upper throat help prevent' many" colas. VlCKS l-NOL -' 1 1 i 1 " ' 1 Hotel Arrivals Royal H. Johnson, Osland; D. McKay, Tulseauah: R. McLeese and W. A. DeCarlo's Orchestra. The affair Prout) gtewart; J. Hamley, city It was planned as the first 01 a series-of such dances. Rev. J. A. Hughes of Victoria; superintendent- of Pentecostal A$.0emblies; for British Columbia, returned to the city on the Cata la this mornin? -after spending the week-end at Kincolilh on the Naaa River conducting services'. James J. Connors Jr., of Juneau, James Douville, well known J. A, Oonze and Charles A. Dem- Portland Canal mining man, was eure. minine men irom Belgium, a nassenKer auoarn mc vuku were here aboard' the Princess today going Louise yesterday afternoon return-1 ver. ine s6uth after having made the through lo Vancou: round trlD to Alaska In the course J. D. Adair arrived in tne cuy of ti visit to this coast, on the Princess Louise yester day afternoon from Payson and Mr. anrl Mrs. E. J. FitZDatrick re- proceeueu uy cvr.....s o turned to the city at the end of the op a. trip to Regma uiV after a month's vamUrm trlnl - - amine which-thev visited Nelson. George E. Windsor, manager cf Trail and Grand Forks In the Wales Island Island .cannery, .cannery, uthern Interior as well as Van couver. and Mrs, Windsor were jn the city .On the Catala today going through to Vancouver, for ,the winter. Alex Rix,' disTnct manager of the Imnerlnl Oil CO-.-retUrned to the city on the Catala this morn ing from a round trip to Stewart! and Ahyox on company business.' E. O. AVes, deputy provincial) assessor and collector, reiurnea llo the city, on the Catala this morning from a irip to Anyox and Alice Arm on official busi- Iness. 1 ' ' I Mr. and Mrs. John Hammer r- a B Fl'ewin and G. E. Brown rived in the city pn Sunday from hpri fwpr the week-end on Petersburg, AJaska,.ani .proceed; their way to Port Simpson after ed by train last evening to:Rocli- kn nn tho 'siimmpr onMffcri CHUT. i iniiesoa. mt. iictiiuuci n in fish napklne In Rivers Inlet, a merchant at Petersburg, They arrived from down the coast Saturday evening and left yester day afternoon for Simpson. The firft fire alarm of tho month of September-and. the first since the new fire chief, It, T, Lock, arrived here was rung in at 12:S0 noon yesterday. It was a smoke scare at the residence or W. H. Smeeton., Park Avenue. Mr. Justice and Mrs. A. M Manson will arrive in the city on the Prince George tomorrow mornine from Vancouver, Mr Juitice Manson, who is to conduct the fall session of the Sup reme Court Assize's here, will proceed on Monday evening to Prince George for a similar pur- M 111 'l ' . A pose, tomorrow ne wjii oe. .guesi speaker at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at which members of lfU,. Wnmon'a CnnoHisn Club and upsani, r. jokuiiuv.v;", x,,rA a1,n- 1 nre: senl by special arrangement. Woman Pinned Under Truck Mrs. II. G. Penny of Armstrong Sustains Painful Injuries Near Nelson NELSON, Sept. 28: Mrs. H. G. Penny, travelling in a truck with her husband from Armstrong in Alberta, sustained painful in. nMrTpa October 1.1 lurles Sunday when the vehicle I - . - 1 .1. n .one Tiinnr1 . ipveriurneu nu ""c Ilnrveat Festival Auction Sa'e. ntle u for 8ome time. The accii Snlvatlnn Army. Monday, uoi)ar dent occurred on the nignway 1 a i).m. 1 nineteen miles west of iMeison.. 0m" 2- Moving Picture Uathouc uazaar ucwuci u ... tin J 7. know .aw Einiovcu jhr j j AtKitzegukla KlTZF.aUKLA, Sept. 28: On Ti,pi1hv nitfht the Inhabitant were given a very pleasant sur Mr: Wadswortn, as sisted hv M. Bowtham of tne foieslry department, .gave a mw nl-hire show. Ainnt soven films were dls played covering such subjects as the wool industry in nniisn ioi- ,i,!a iho rnmnation ot .ueorgu VI and Queen Elizabeth; as well as a comic. There, were, of course, pictures dealing with ire preven tion. Kvervbodv was delighted with the entertainment. Hope was expressed Mr. Wadsworth will soon pay another VisU The show was held in me home of Joe Vesley Mrs. Bernard Lundahl A.T.CM. VOICE PRODUCTION Piano and Theory 4S1 Fourth Avenue Wt Phone Green 994 ponK & Beans Pf rfectljr eooiej to nutliVe Burpr, Mendetl'fp thick tomato uuct-i canned food that li ready for any rmernency. OVERWAITEA LTD. Cash or C.O.I). ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR First Grade. 4.lb. Sack Cowan's Cocoa 1-lb. tin Del Maiz Corn 2 tins Licorice Allsorts Per lb. Cabbase Firm and green. Per lb Pickling Onions . 3 1D3 Per pkt. 25C 25C 19c BUTTER First VWi Qp Grade. 3 lbs. Apples MClntosh and OCp i3 irooUliloe! H IVio Pickling Cucumbers 25C Turnips Per lb 4c 25c 3c Swansdown Cake Flour QAn we Deliver Phone 813 Pitted Dates Per lb. Cocoanut Fine. Per lb. P. & G. Laundry Soap 6 bars Sunlight Soap 3 large bars Calay Toilet SoaT 4 bars Ivory Soap Flakes 2 pkts. 2.39 lie 17c 25c 19c 25c 15c TOMATOES Ripe and Sound. 5-lb. IQn LX! basket Overwaitea Tea Per lb. 45c, 50c, 55c Overwaitea Coffee Per lb. 25c, 30c, 35a Starring Thursday r The Original Rexall ONE CENT SALE TERMS STRICTLY CASH AND CARRY We Will Not Accept Mail or Telephone Orders Ormes Ltd. "Jhe Pioneer Drttqgists - - The ReiMl Store Phone: 81 ft 92 Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 pan. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till t pj, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. 1 MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE 24 PAIHS ALL FEATHER PILLOWg $190 30 PAIRS ASSORTED PILLOWS Chicken, Duck and 7?alr $2.50, $150, $6.00, $8,00 PHONE 775