THE WEATHER urs ending 6a.m., NEXT MAILS For souTH Princess May...... Saturday a.m Camosun......... Sunday, 9 a.m. fg 1 Lag lat ve aS Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist ($s ala ge \ HEC Laug Z\\ —————— : \. nme . NO. 282 = re enn pete vou. 1 Prince Rupert, B.C., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1911. Lb, = } Prick Five CENTS ee ‘ OF ppp ssiiaiiaiaaiil 10 BUILD LINE FROM ESSINGTON To FT. CHURCHILL RATEPAYERS ARE OPPOSED TO HAVING THE CITY DIVIDED INTO THREE WARDS a en en eh Sah Sra era Sa SAIS RSPEI ESPLIGLIOE | One and Five a Total of Six Aldermen, and Only Three Aldermen Between Sections Six, Seven and Eight It Was Pointed Out to the Mayor Last Night That New System Will Give Sections MAYOR OF WINNIPEG Controller Waugh Defeats Ald. Adams by a Thousand Votes. (Canadian Press Despatch.) Winnipeg, Dee. 9.—Controller Waugh was elected mayor today by over a thousand majorily over Alderman Adams, CAPTAIN DROPS DEAD HAYS CREEK RESIDENTS DEFEND THEIR ATTITUDE TOWARDS THE SEWER SCHEME Had a Heart to Heart Talk With the Mayor and the City Engineer Last Night— Meeting Wanted to Have a Complete, Not an Incomplete Scheme Submitted—Money for Plankways Promised for Spring | Montgoinery, | tem For himself lid iN \ “ediscussic if a avs pitty MUBEST cunk Wo 0 bh a et oa oe rere is opposes ‘ Capt. Ericson of the Centralia * A redi ou ion : f thé wee asked the ma-| the w urd system 4 ; - | i ar 1 ch edie Srictiy: seas ea his ee eee nee Tribal I sh tek ai thee: 19 } al el f er n el¢ irman rie expressec s ) ‘pe estilo é » ‘oOp- he proposal was| city or not de e ; wer p's rt er yiders’ Associ ) 2eti m a ~figte lea that th Property Holder Canadian Press Despatch. rty rr Id : Association meeting ‘ os 1 SROC] tion ae ¢ ‘PsP . _ - . ve ‘es "Tie t t He took it that} Will Make It Unfair A . as at pre ent consti Hoquiam, Dee. 9. Captain |!” A : % oe - ‘eee Soe . s abtial With a the’: aiawilen-ce. Wits ! ed is opposed to the alteration tain Erieson of the steamer Cen- Gr, " eat x a ae * ae I cil attitude + the’ mayor f the present ward system, and} rajia dropped dead on the bridge | ‘“!') “Neineer were present, and nf xr ssior | ‘ 1d l ayor,| the expression was heartily ap- of hie vessel aacehe was about the Mayor expressed the opinion in the city. Ald. Douglas rose to express pos 1uded ta ovobe Giraeeadarbor en route | thal the residents of Sections 5, The Mayor's Statement | itive the op that it would _ to San Francisco this morning.|% / Sa were foolish to have the mayor re-|¥e far better to leave the wards BUILDING PERMITS | His death was due to heart oe down the ore apr ' doubtful in the | as they are at present, and take | trouble. j; ave rise to severa ye ee | s0U : , | “| Handsome New Residence and a} expressed opinions from the presen council} up the ques I heth { dience ‘Tense o e s0- at) apatises! a Ward system for P . $3,200 Store Are Planned. | S.S. CAMOSUN’S LATEST aud n By . fen te fa peo ip au y ti ert pie’s attitude, 1e Mayors perly complied|at the M ld He bint hid frit’ Shae A A tesa rround was princip: , rd system was| sh tha he t pt Building p ann for th . . “Old Reliable’ Will Have Wireless | ~” i 1 okt pril eee ete ecessity last ' ' i th ct ao f &@ $9,200 store which Equipment in Future. ASE ah, ene ee lave to be con~ ‘ i la ‘ | | | ld being built on First avenue by structed by local improvement ired equal re-| be to ge f ! away f lly s Le Blane. and at dsome method instead of as at first pro- ich ward and] the idea f ¢ i f repres¢ nchpape ey a so Wireless apparatus will bel, | u } g ral ‘ 4 oo iu re] ew residence on Fifth avenue by| joa sta tnion &. 8. Co,a| Posed out of ‘the general fund, ited last yea h I aT. Webster von ; ° : f ind this would result in greater imber of re ! i ‘ M ( fosland is building al °'°® Vamosu Phe United expense for the people interested nei rhe I | s 0 ' Seventh avenue W 58 peryiee v be the sys n the sewer. provided fot Gs | h cen : 1 Early in he i r the hree represen Aube Bini rat b Cat had Mari apparatus Bottled-Up Sewer. said that his we he f six the three Fire at Dr. Tromayne'e tled, | not being ywed to In defense of the electors’ the best that] h ‘ to the other side A small fire bri out this e this von Cat with) action Mr. Le Blane replied, he ward sys-|of McB et ne in the rtd a a of Dr. |‘? l d Serv struments kening the eity to a bottle which | lremayne, but the prompt arrival | ‘®¢ equipment was abandoned the G. T. P, could very easily f the fire brigade soon had it eee a cork by refusing an outlet to this extinguished. Dr. lremayne Christmas Cards. other sewers. He wanted the | buted a small purse to the| Largest assortment in town.|city to be sure of the outlet and fund. for which the fire; Begin sending now. Don’t fail} to tell the people plainly where sire to express their|to look the mover. Keeley wants] it was to be before going ahead to sec \ tf j|with the sewer. FOLEY, WELCH & STEWART HAVE RECEIVED INSTRUCTIONS | TO COMPLETE THE ROAD EED FROM TETE JAUNE CACHE TO ALDERMERE WITHOUT DELAY. that { VICTORIA CONSERVATIVE PAPER ATTACKS MR. H. S. CLEMENTS’ FIRM Archdeacon Collison, as a resi- dent very directly concerned with the lack of outlet for the sewer, said that on sanitary grounds alone the electors were justified in turning down the bylaw. From his house, overlooking Hays Creek basin, he had ample opportunity of seeing how the incoming tide closed the basin. Even if the city assured the electors that it would be quite sanitary, it certainly would not be pleasant. Not Even a Sewer Outlet. Cowper caught up Mr. Le} Blane’s simile and proved to the hilt that the G. T. P. has already corked the bottle, there being not a foot of accessible waterfront available to the citizens without J. 8. permission from either G.T.P. or Provincial Government at the present moment. He applied the} argument positinvely to the the sewers as} first proposed looked rather much like a pig in a poke for electors. sew- | er problem, j at too the saying | Morse Canadian Press Despatch. Dec. 8.—A Ottawa, railway m¢ |} Skeena River, running northward | I! be- i= ‘TWO BIG MILLS 9.—Now 415 miles, with the least pos derstandings | sible dela M P eck Welch p between the/ is now his way to Edmonton! |, an Article Headed ‘‘Bogus Townsites,’’ The Week Says that His Firm is Repre-| iovernment,'and VW g t he Vv Sa Ar eat ohiat ain ana senting Lot 882 as the Official Hazelton Townsite, ‘‘Well Knowing That on of! 1f iwa th racts fol vith all pos-/| ea ha ‘ at one It Is Not So’’—A Scathing Article pected to at In a irticle headed “Bogus| mé¢ a letter dated Noy. 17th,| sold by publie auction in Vic-| - ve work or Christmas Gite ee Be Hy sin “Uist ante Weak.’|1940, and signed by Charles H.|turia’ and Vancouver. 5. FO ? he f as a staunch- | Mans assista SOHCILO! Yet “This undoubtedly clinches the 1 ily = i ‘i vs ( has the| upon the sa idvertisement ap- tte a a acide tee a Welel ind ( I Ch Pa) : ante a NEL sindano ny. G1 atter, yet the firm of Clement { \ © es , v eee ea = ‘ eyward continue to represent { 5 I i Jars \ Pi a onpita | Rules na missioner, dated| © H va u l represen nplete the | 7 euga i , - sitions N Gth. 1944. stating that the|!ot 882 as the official townsite, ret Jaune | Sa A : . . | sh Col bia has had just| Grand Trunk Pacific townsite of | well knowing that it is not so and a distance } eas decided uj t gh of bogus townsite! Hazelton is situate on lot 8541. nowing also that the attempt to ind bogus wnsite companies, Lot 851 is a mile and a half} foist this onto the publie is hut judging from advertisements| southwest of the old town of] ing engineered in tbe interests MUCH TEDI MAY IMPLICATE \ m g the Vancouver | Haze whilst lot 882 is at! of Mr. Bob Kelly, who is the prin- ape s as if we shall have | least three miles northeast. | cipal owner of the lot. ¥ e a little more of this} Moreover, in the same issue of Now the principal partner in TEC LEADERS thine the Vancouver papers appears an|the firm of Clements & Heyward - ( er firm advertising | advertisement of the Grand|is Mr, H, 8. Clements, member s as Clements & Hey i'Trunk Pacific Railway Company,| for Comox-Atlin, He cannot have { ‘ton as|signed by M i. U. Ryley, their} any knowledge of what is being Case of Watson vs. City Still Be-| Effort Is Being Made to Aanivate ls ward, adve se New Honey : as en 1 by e, 4 : arenes sa ni EB Mendel i ide Be , acific Coast) the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway|land commissioner, ¢ ouncing| done by . aus ‘ 'ng Threshed Out in Supreme Labor Menon °F i f Ex- v's tt nsite the “real |that the company’s official town-| too honorable a man to tolerate Court—p ' with Unlawful Handling o | ( pa Lov ‘ en } by this t . ——Proceedings in Melin-| eal McManigal Testifies. EE Chey put forward a]site is at South Hazelton on lot! it for a moment, Dut Dy this time tyre Hall Today. Rae Ror | , support of their claims | 854 and that an auction sale of} he has probably been made ac-} ' D ) An eff rt | ¢ ified by Mr. KE. J. GChamber-jthe lots will shortly take place.| quainted with the circumstances ilily was the a Ane } ' i i dent and general|Following this the Provincial} by many of his irate constituents, t Tl iu ei it se) iu ua i rit ali : | a ,; eer A, E, Oak : i n th 1 ind B. B. Kelliher, chief}Government has officially an-j and in the interests of public de- ‘ Ol ers t \ ’ ’ or. the witness box wnat , : cated it ‘ On this plan is plainly} nounced that such sale will take} cency it Is to be hoped that he has if this morn panonle oa eer explos how the station grounds of|place in December, when the| tagen steps to withdraw the ob- he case of Wat-|° °°! o: a the G. T. P. and the lot number, | Government lots as well as the] jectionable and misleading adver- | es Viulls ; . > ; e Supreme Court] me M (r a ns ti g to| 882. They print in their adyertise- oF and Trunk Pacifie lots will be} tisement, ; MeIntyre Hall.) oi, evidence before the G und | nation of wit I Jury Both MeNamaras ¢ evidence to the} : e to tes ‘ tinue t ppeat N ily’s operations tify, but t is thought a ter! s did not hinder act the ibor od | , prison Will @ibec ' Delay in a cer- Sie sto want the ratte cleared | vhich three days up and. will induc he di- | caused by Bob vulgo any informa 1 heir } mment of Hia|o8?°*" vened an other- A SAILOR’S FUNERAL | y technical phase | hat was when First Grave in Cemetery Filled by | ving Watson in- Duncan Inglis. ip his cars side ked him if he t M ernoon with t them sidewise to Yesterday aftern f Pythias ob-| ee sonk mm ee mene ¢ Dune I primitive methods of renaper : sequies the remains © abeve ogue in the ar \nd Watson now faite waitonof. the7D, o. tal now in v vy ee \ | ought to oblige © ace wara interred in the new| northern districts ‘ha! the oy lim } for it.’ Laugh- Quadra, wert er the coflin hav-| Northern rerritorial Railway ? Pee ee ee r der-high | taj rhe dog team will evil in ing been born Oe ym-| found useful on the side trails ‘garding the cul-| geposs the muskeg by his e the north for a long time to ee hren f a nol . } Witness said that| pades of the Quadra and bre ‘ . | a 4 k Watson had to}of both the Masonic and K are) ye I at all. He denied| lodges. Pall bearers We! f the Free doll at Ward's Candy Watson to shut down| pointed from the erew © Mi mney Watch the window. tf 1 le had allowed three | Quadra, their names mene ae shoj } g for . , , officer; ! ae this for the in-] Ford, ae 6 | Rn. Steele, chief Christmas Candy. ‘ ' shifting track, | second =n ; HW in, | Huteh K y's espec ial shipment for i { . . { I anKil eel am RRS Nae es. z Vincent, 8. Muiry,| this year cannot be surpassed, tf norning, inson, wpe John Seenon and Mr, Keh , | _ prince Rupert's leading hot Sa juors and cigars— | Wallace's. ! Salesgirls wanted Gale Savoy. {Act a fair from Port Essington on the from the river crossing up through the rich interior coun-| try right to Fort Churchill within the Aretie Circle, is the project for which Government sanction is being sought. The applicants have formed a company to be known as the Northern Terri- torial Railway with a view of tapping the wealth of the great} NORTHERN TERRITORIAL RAILWAY CHARTER AT OTTAWA—LINE FROM VANCOUVER TO PEACE RIVER DISTRICT ALSO PLANNED. Plankways Wanted .Others speakers gave equally decided views against the scheme and the meeting passed on to con sider the question of plankways, and other improvements desired. The fact that Section Two own- ers are talking about seeking im- provements made the meeting determined to see that their rights are attended to in proper order. Funds Next Year. The mayor pointed out that the problem was a financial one, but that funds would be available by next May. The city engineer number of questions the sewer outlet and the Morse Creek water supply, the result be- nig no absolute assurance of the the outlet, which de- G.T.P. engineer, but of Col. Davis that is suitable for and can be was asked a relating to location of pends on the assurance Creek woter domestic kept purposes, so. WILL BUILD RAILROAD FROM PT. ESSINGTON TO THE ARCTIC IS APPLYING FOR A jnorth. Their application for a charter for the road was entered } with the Minister of Justice this rning. Application is also being made for legislation incorporating the Vancouver and Peace River Rail- The project will be to build from Vancouver to the Fraser River, in the vicinity of Lillooet, thence following the Fraser River to Fort George, then through Pine Pass in the Rockies to Dunvegen and Vermillion chutes in Northern Alberta. way. a line ARE DESTROYED Epidemic of Serious Fires Breaks | Out in Western Canada—Two Flour Mills and One Bank Are Destroyed. | Canadian Press Despateh Winnipeg; Dee. 9.—Two flour} | mills Western Canada were} destroyed by fire yesterday. They} are the Adamson & Scott mill and} lelevator, which was filled with | wheat, at Glenboro, Manitoba, en-| | tailing a loss of $50,000, and the} mill at} of | in Supply Company's Sask., with a Union | Rosthorn, | $20,000, The Imperial at Rosthe was with a loss of $45,000 HAS LAW BEEN ENFORCED loss Bank of Canada my) also destroyed, Rev. F. W. Kerr Will Speak on Liquor Problems Tomorrow. Just a year ago Prince Rupert voted down the attempt to abol- ish the bar “from this city, The voters decided to give the Bowser trial. On Sunday evening in the Em- press Theater the Rey, F, W, Kerr intends to review the contest and the course of law enforcement during the year. The morning Presbyterian service is held in the church hall Fourth avenue, The Wednesday Evening Club will hear the Rev. W. E, Collison next week on “The Indians of the North Pacifie Coast.’ At the time of the present unrest among the Naas Indians this address will throw light on many of the red ARE SATISFIED WITH COAL TEST Special “Weighing-in Session” Was Held by the Council Yes- terday on the Coal Wharf with Satisfying Results. Yesterday the test agreed on at the famous coal investigation was carried out at the wharf. The identical wagons used by Messrs. Rogers and Black were recom- missioned and filled with coal out by the sack, as for the first contract supply, in the presence of members of the Council and those persons other- wise concerned in the investiga- tion, It weighed was shown to the satisfac- tion of the city’s representatives that the wagons held full weight when loaded fairly, and that the smaller wagons, over which spe- cial complaint had been made, when loaded with their registered load of 5,600 pounds could easily hold 400 pounds more, Evidence had been given by at least two that these small wag- ons were like the big one, always well loaded, and the Council rep- resentaltives announced = them- selves satisfied that there was no shortage. witnesses of =ibhoil with ‘Merrie holly, for tying up Gives them the “final Wallace's. Miles Xmas,” your gifts. dainty touch.’ ete., Fine line of ai baskets filled with candy. If you want a good one you had better have it laid aside, Christmas stockings. Ward's Candy Store. tf Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, man's problems. fy Phone 4. ee eer * t [rr om “so Lape ja le a aieaasatitt 1. Ts Rye eaansaenecire sal