A3E rora Try Our SPECIAL SUNDAY NIGHT DINNER Soup Chicken with two Vegetables , Dessert Tea or Coffee . All For 50c KNOX HOTEL "Banquets a Specialty" The Central Hotel ROOMS' and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK Trappers and Buyers I have to fill my orders YOU CAN GET 20 3Iore From Me i I am strong on everything. Make your shipment. As soon as I receive it I will send your money. GOLDBLOOM NEW ROYAL HOTEL J'. Zareli: Propriloi "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert. B.C Phone 281. P.O. Box 19C A LENTEN SUGGESTION 0 Gold Seal Salmon Fancy Red Sockeye Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE. Mrs. Webber j Died Monday i Former Resident of Prince Rupert Being Buried Today at New Westminster The death occurred suddenly on 1 Monday at the Royal Columbian Hospital, New Westminster, of Ethel Barbara May Webber, wife of Alexander J. Webber of 1015 8th Avenue, New Westminster, aged 31 years. Mrs. Webber is survived, in addl-' tlon to her husband, by two sons, Jack, aged nine, and Billy, aged three, and also a father, and mother, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Friend, and two brothers, George and William of Vancouver. The funeral is taking place today from St. Margaret's Church, Rev. C. G. F. Stone officiating and in terment is taking place in Capllanoj view meiery. Mr. and Mrs. Webber lived for several years in Prince Rupert where Mr. Webber was manager of the Family Shoe Store and Mrs. Webber was popular in musical circles. Epworth League At Kitzesfukla Recently Paid Visit to Kitwanga And Had Interesting Trip KITZEGUKLA, March 10: The Epworth Leagire paid a week-end visit to Kitwanga two weeks ago and reported a very interesting trip. Among other things they brought back a greater zeal and a renewed enthusiasm. Last Sunday they conducted two special services. In the afternoon it the Salvation Army Citadel they were welcome guests. At night they r;ave a splendid demonstration, Including songs, part songs, solos, etc. One outstanding event in the evening service was a flag parade accompanied by the song "Lift Up the Gospel Banner Upon the Mountainside." Peter Mark and Sam Wesley conducted the meet ing. Dally News want-ads' bring HERE IS GOOD NEWS! Our store Is a store you can call your own Decause u is operated on a co-operative system whereby we share the profits with you. When me purcnase is maae and tne price Is naid vou receive tokens which entitle you to FREE PREMIUMS in return. So make our store your store. MUSSALLEM'S 317-319 Third Avenue West Phone 18 P. O. Box 575 IX Till: MTKK.MK I'OtKT Ol' ItltlTISII ( Ol.l MI5IA III I'mlialp In Hit Mailer of ihe "AdiiilnMratloi-MV And In the Malter of tlic KMalr or Muleulii Mllluy, Deccavfd Take notice that by ordar of II. Honor W E Ptshnr th rrf rfo A.nrll. 1Q3S. I I'll flhnnhitf riuii. - i'l .. -l. UALVUWW ol the estate ot llaloolm MUloy. de caused, and all parties having claim me naia estate are nereDy re- tJlllfAd tO fllfn!Kll Attm hmn.. fled, to me on ot before the 27th di; " wi, n. u. ivisi, ana all partle'-indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of thlr Indebtedness tn me forthvtth. THANK PEARCE, Port CHemenU, B.C. Dated the 26th day of February, A 1937. Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE C57 CELEBRATE CORONATION Smithers Plans to Observe Crown ing on May 12 commeroate the Coronation ceremony on that date. Memorial Service For Former Pastor Anniversary of Death of Late Rev. G. II. Goodridge Observed KITZEGUKLA, March 10: On Sunday, it being just twelve months since Rev. G. H. Good- Twenty -Five Years Ago March 9. 1912 Mayor S. M. NeAton, members of the city council, the city engi neer and others Interested mads a tour of" Acropolis Hill yesterday afternoon and found there what is considered a suitable site for athletic grounds. The city enginee: has been instructed to prepare plans. The Westholme Lumber Co. which holds the contract, is expected to complete construction of the government wharf this summer. A largely attended banquet wss held last week in connection with the opening of the new Methodist Church. Speakers were Rev. Dr Chown, Rev. Dr. White, Bishop F H. DuVernet, Arthur Colllson, Rev O. H. Ralev. Rev. P. W Kerr T?ov W. H. McLeod, Mrs. (Ensign) Hum-mil, Mayor S. M. Newton and William Manson. HOME AT KITZEGUKLA rUTZEOUKLA, March 10: Mr, ana Mrs. to. Brown have returned irom Hazeiton Hospital. While neltner Is well, both are better. "TILLIE THE TOILER" ViAC IS TiL CM MHH.E TILLIES EXPECT- INS HB2 LOMG LOST FATHEe? DAY MCVO AJLL. this FUSS ABOUT fTXAJ WP MAC v n i h. III fcw 4mk OH, MAC'S OM A TUCK-DOVJW 21 II O U R S E It V I 0 E hTKUE AND ReJ FUSE TO OUT OF THE HOUSE UNTIL 1 l'l-l DOM'T VOO THIMK IT'S A OF 3F h.is; IDEA HsxScT THE DAILY NEW8 vtcuncsaay. March lo, 1I WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Annour Salvage Co's service boat Algie, with Capt. Henry Han- lli con"1' left at noon y"' SMITHERS, smithfhs March Mirch 10--A 10. A larce-,scn large- for Green Bay near Bella ly attended fJtofTand ke to Cum-the Municipal Hall here last Wed- . nhflrtotte Isl- nrmn fnr wu...... - suitable celebration of Coronation lands, a scow laden with for f-v logginii maclilnonr Iho A P. AlliSOll of Cm (haps n t. RTtw 1 J " The meeting was called by theiLOoBins VXJ- Village Commissioners and there were about 20 present representing j The International Fisheries ,.,-. Corn-nearly 'mission explains that the open-munity every section of the com- (ing of the 1937 season is set foi Discussion of a form of celeb, ra- j midnight. March 15, which means manv'that March 16 is the aotual date tion was held at length and suggestion were put forward. ,n fishing becomes permissable " J. G. Stephens wras elected as , chairman of the General Commit- j The new lighthouse tender Al-tee and a second meeting will be j bernl, after having been at the held shortly to appoint various ; local dry dock for the past two or committees and to take up the three weeks having work done pre- regular work- in connection with ; paratory to being commissioned in the matter. i her new work out of this port, was It is expected that there, will i making a trial run In the harbor quite an extensive program 1c yesterday afternoon for compass adjusting. The vessel is again moored at the ocean dock. C. N. R. steamer Prince George, Capt.. H. E. Nedden, arrived In port at 11:30 thlsrmorning from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon, for Anyox and. Stewart whence she will return here tomorrow evening southbound. The vessel brought a fair-sized list of passengers, from the south. C. N. R. steamer Prince Charles, nage passed away, a special service - capt. Edward Mabbs. has been was held in honor of his memory. having a rough voyage north on The service was conducted in the i her nresent trin here from v.inrou- Unlted Church by the pastor, Rev. j Ver via the Queen Charlotte Isl-B. Black. It Included doxoiogy andjands. The vessel was reported yes- .ocu jiuiii hic j leraay 10 De siormoouno ai uum- tures read by A. Howard, song by,Shewa Inlet Moresby Island. Pos-whool children, prayer by Arthur. sibly she will be in by tomorrow McDames, anthem by the choir, , evenintr "Rock of Ages;" solo by Douglas Wesley, .address by Moses Jones j followed by "The Dead March hilllpa-f Affnrlr Saul" and benediction by the pas-l11Cc" L "IUU.IV tor. In the evening a suitable service was conducted by the Epworth League under the leadership of Peter Mark, assisted by others. Songs and testimonies were given to commemorate the ,heh fulness of the sincere Chistian life lived by Mr. doodridge and the devoted service he rendered. Cause of Death Particulars of Passing of William Sibliald, Old Time Prospector i Of TerVace' Death by natural causes wa ths finding of Coroner Will Robinson of Terrace in the sase of William Sibbald, eldeTly Terrace piospsctor whose body, wast found Monday ir bis home. That 'deceased had succumbed to pulmonary thrombosis was the opinion of the doctor. The body of the late Mr. Stb bald was found from two to foui days after he is balieved to havt expired. He had, evidently, beer sitting on a chair from which hi slipped. The fact that he was partially dressed is thought to lndi cate that he had felt a spell coming on while he was in bed and had risen and endeavored to dress. His hand was over his heart Deceased was seventy-two years of age and had lived for many years at Terrace. He was a native of Ontario and was in Prince Ru- per in 1910. Efforts have beeti made to get in touch with rela tlves. Kitwanga Wedding Is Pretty Affair Miss Nora Williams Becomes Bride Of Sterling Johnson at Recent Ceremony Recently a very pretty wedding was solemnized at ti. rams Church in Kitwanga when Miss Nora Williams became the bride of Sterling Johnson. They were escorted to the church by the Kitwanga band, playing appropriate music under the leadership of Sol omon Bryant. beautiful boquet The bridesmaids vere also attractively attired and carried boquets of flowers. Rev. B Returned SMITHERS, March 10: A fc days ago the attention of Jack MtiNell. who lives at the Toot or the Bulkley hill near town, was attracted when he noticed all hi.-horses standing with their ear pricked forward and looking out ' Into the road near the bridge tcross tiic Bulkley River. Upon Rooking in the same direction Mr toNell ?aw wliat he claims was the largest moose he ever saw In his life standing in the middle of the road surveying the fcenery A few years ago a baby moo v3s taken' onto the OuMon farm and raised there with the entiipS ntil it got large enough to start out on its own when it meanderpd away and never returned It !' possible that the large moose seen by Mr. McNeil may have been the -.partly domeytlcated animal I which had returned to have a hook io jjjiaiuriis. n wa$ near the entrance, to the Oultod farm' when seen by Mr. ,McNeil. 1 i ' A Great Victory! To you the victor's wreath is cast, Another Paplsh plot lays low, And ashes of dead ages past Your breath now kindles all aglow. What matter of a trust to keep, Of hope deferred, of friendship flown, The bigot's harvest yours to reap; Where malice sows, no love is grown. J. M. DUNN. FOR SALE Modern hotel, Hyder, B.C. Good opening for building up fine business at small cost. HOTEL FRAZER Hyder, B.C. 1937 DELUXE HEATED CARS 35 TAXI "Our Mollo" Prompt and Courteous Service Ross .Mazzci Opposite Royal Hotel Al French ON THE COMTTCAfCV. "Tli-Lir; I TWIMU iT'C a r-.T - -. r ' ' ' W VUtVOl I AMD WANT TO COM a fcArVJ LATH XOU-MACj r-tjii. f V 4V I (0 " I SMWP FIRST OME Wllf SET 21 5 II o s n S E R V I C i: mux b.i i tws ai.ua j a i a i imii mi a;i wimi UMumi a x mmm ARLISS AS the whole village was entertained I en!afd Um to a wedding feast in the Community Hall. The band provide.! entertaining music during the pro leedlngs. Speeches wore made by Chief Matthias Bright, Chief J. Ryan, Messrs. Williams, Johnson McDames and others. Huge Moose Seen By Jack McNeil cast. ORIENTAL Famous English Actor Dons Turban To Play Sultan in "East Meets West" Donning the turban for the first Theatre in "East Meets West,' mid-week feature picture, as a Sultan who is besieged by envoys from east and west who are an-1 xlous to sign port treaties the valu? j of which he knows full well. Hei lato (ham fSr Vlolt VlAolc On hf' i The bride, given in marriage b oT he Ulks but Mr. Fowler, wore a gown of whltj . . . silk with long veil and carried a flies against the blue skies H. also tries to break up a romance! between his handsome son and the beautiful but unhappy wife ol an English official who is secretl i sweeps on to a spectacular climax Lucia Mannrulm, Godfrey Teark Ballard Berkley and Romncy Brent haviejlmportant parts In the cast AUvely story of how a girl go .hex man in spite of 'the gveat?s? of obstacles is told in "Along Caine Love," the second feature picture on thh program. It is i (gay comedy .starring Irene Hervcj jand Charles Starrett. The formci nas me pari or a nigniy romaniv shopgirl while the lat t ?nr Is door iman at a large moving picture nklln, Doris Ken Animal Which Has Partly Domesli-l1"!, cated Believed Believed to to Have i. ' "'":. . "cl.1.luuc,"i ' iiayes, rerainana toitsnaiK and Charles Judels are Included In the i WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Ririn' to go The tirrr ahouM pour out two pounds of liquid bite iota yuur buwrta dail . If thin Itile It nut flowing- tmiy, your fixxl d.n't dijwit. It Juat dL-cayt In toe bowel. Una bloata up your atomarh. You ffct conalipab-d. Harmful poiwna to into the body, and yuu (n't aour, aunk and the world looka punk. A mere dowfI raovi'ment dot alwaya f rt at the cause. You nerd torm-thing that worka on the liver aa welt. It taki-a tboae' coikI, old Carter'! little Urer Pills to set tnne two pounda of bile flowing freely and make you ferl "up and up". Ilarmlow and tn(le, thi y make the bile How fredy. They do the work of ealomi-l but have no eulomri or merrury in them. Ak for Cartrr'a Little titer fill by same I Stubbornly ref uae anythinf elae- 25c I IT Prnrtnr rn-rl,.j i .. i time since "The Green Goddess,' , George Arliss comes to the Capitol; the Prince George this 'nS from Vancouver f t, .."l r JT"TTini'"nil, E 231133 TO.NIU11T & THL'ltSlu?1 fHLItsniv II. amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaE-M-i w mm Fishermen Need I Ai-WAVS BEUIEVIE IM EMCOURiAeiW6 A. C300D CAUSE Last Complete show at Mj !SLiS of th ORIENT SS i i SINISTER, fS -,) k' -HI.. jfl I. l,r fg V-r.f- MM rtARW ilk LUCIE tf MANNHEIM tS At 7 05 & 9 2G Plus AND r o u M o HIM DOWN M ; OHlARini Mm Charts- fES, BUT I ddmt uiq RoCE VMM EM Wis J-EFT THE HOOSI3 Hit We are Chart Heatlquarters for Northern H.C. and carry a complete stock of the essential Charts for the North Pacific British Admiralty Latest Charts Corrected to January, 1M" 1917 Vancouver Island $1.80 1923 Caamano Sd. to Port Simpson 1.80 . ' 1927 Cape Caution to Port Simpson 180 1933 Cape Caution to Caamano Sound 180 1737 Eddy Pass to Portland Inlet 2.40 2430 Banks Island to Cape Omaney. -- 180 , 2431 Port Simpson to Cross Sound 2.40 2453 Browning Entrance to Prince Rupert Harbor 2.40 3751 Parry Pass to Port Louis .: 3.00 . 3754 Dixon Entrance. 1.80 Also U. S. Department of Commerce and Hydrographlc CharUr-Canadian Government Charts and B. C. Coast Pilots Trawlers and Fishermen's Guide, Tali's Seamanship, Crown's Rules of the Road Dividers Parallel Rules Course Finders Free Tide Tables m.Jii By Westover