SALE Classified Ads. FOK SALE 640 hone Red 113. rare Five-room modem Eighth Ave. Easx (61) FOR SALE-18' If. open ' - A himIq onnlno' or 118. (03) fnr sale, few tables and llliw I . ' . , room1 cnairsj May oe sesi .. .... riw rs mm Sl.ill . nniv men... w ------ . . .mil nnrt tilDlOS irom ?1.UU iO i ai,u . 1.0(1. f ifnriirti imp nr. hu. L.iA'im hrnt.. AVpMlnnt .. lUnncoH tiTAmlCPQ Will Hotel, Hyder, B.C. (tl) Nanalmo-Wclllngton for urnace and heater. Alberta Egg- i(ioco fnr tne Kiicnen ranee. ftJVUi7" lbert & McCaffery, Phone lie 117, (tl) AP FOR CA8H-12 h.p. car en- ine. marine conversion with ew pistons, generator, ignition,1 arine clutch and thoroughly lece Chesterfield groups $69.50; -piece loose pillow arm groups $72.50; 10-piece bedroom suites round mirrors) $74:50. Furnish our home complete three mm, 59 pieces all for $105. .Iinv ftther hnrpnlns Trmc If j .... . iu isiuci tuuuy, UUIIU3 hnrp Mill Drrtpr T?niifc' Rth flnn n,ilUln 1fm..-m. lift UU.1UI11, V Ullt-UU VUl , till LOST i' 'Jl4llllLC JvtT V I - L.V- II IP K H V dl&trict with nn firlvPrHtPmpnt . , - . MS HUIVVtMWMIVM mH n in KTAtTTO FOR KENT FIVE Roomed cottage, Oth Ave. E., $15jerjiionth. Phone 74. tf' FOR RENT Nicely furnished room in private home, steam heated, close to business districts Phone Blue 905. (61) FOR. RENT Beautiful home with good garden and splendid view oi naroor, situated in a good neighborhood on Graham Av enue, Westvlew. Fine large liv lng room overlooking harbor where all shipping passes. Usual number of rooms with den ex. tra and conservatory. Glass-protected porch. Phone 98 for particulars. MALE HELP WANTEDS GOVERNMENT Jobs Hard to get. Be ready for spring appoint ments. Free Booklet. The M. C. C Civil Service Schools, Winnipeg. (tf) ....juinn tsn. tl h tni.t ". "cuttuic, io ucuome an auio v r. uiuiiiiv vviiiviutvii naiifta order. $50; 30-foot cabin ...mth hull' nnrl pnalnA l.hnr- (58) NITURE Factory samples must this week. Guaranteed 10- mobile and accident claim adjus ter in your territory. Insurance experience unnecessary. No sell lng. Write Associated Adjusters, Box 707-L. Milwaukee, Wis. (58) WANTED WANTED Scow, John Group, Box 093, City. (61) APPLICATIONS For the position of manager of the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Asso elation will be received up until March 18th, 1937. Address applications" to P. O. Box 264, Prince Rupert. (62) PERSONAL GENTLEMEN'S' Sanitary Supplies- highest grade 15 for $1. Paclfir Supply, 751 Granville, Vancouver MEN Get vigor at once. New Os trex Tonic Tablets contain ra oyster invlgorators and othei stimulants. One dose peps up or gans, glands. If not delighted aker refunds few cents paid all or write, O'rmes Limited, tf Return Limit 30 Days from Date of Sale Return Fares From PRINCE RUPERT to. 21 to 29 TO Coach tTourist Standard i Edmonton j $19.15 Calgary 23.05 v' Kcgina ... 28.05- I Saskatoon 21.80 Winnipeg 29.50 Port Arthur . . . ! 38.00 "" coo iz I 35.10 31.00 36.90 47.50 $28.75 34.60 42.10 37.20 44.25 57.00 C.kk1 In .l.n.l.r.l ,lr a ,, of "h CMUIren S yean anil under 12, "aVJaf COKIIKSFONIIlNr.LY MM5?. OT,,ER 1'M NTS -NOT SHOWN AHO h allotted at lianff, Jaiper, Calgary ana .' i... tn Uniii ilirectiom. Fall p'tlcul.r. frt ,oarnin.l llrlet m,nU y.10-37 ftfisi which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Unadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Frazer Hotel, steam heated Frazer Hotel, rooms, Hyder, B.C., near the SteW' art' dock. (tf ) Canadian Leclon. n v.. s. L. (58) Mrs. F. N. Good returned to the city on- the Prince George this morning from a trip to Vancouver. Shelford Darton returned to th city on the Prince George this morning from a business trip to Vancouver. ON THE A1U City Commissioner W. J. Alder will not be on the air tonight but will speak over the radio at 6:15 tomorrow, Thursday. (58) J. L. Roaf, manager of the north-1 ion Dairy. All Fishermen are in vited, Mrs. Black's Orchestra. (59) Mrs. Oscar Landry, who has been spending the past three months in Vancouver, returned to the city on the Prince George this morning. 18 St. Patrick's Tea and' Entertain- f Presbyterian Choir Concert, Ap ril 1, United Church tea, Annette Fa shion' Show, April 8. Circus-rFirst United Church, Ap ril 0-10. i Easter Tea, March 24, Legion; Rooms. Cathedral Spring Sale,. April L Junior Chamber Dance, Friday, April 2. Dancing display, Oddfellows' Hall, April 2. Recreation Centre final display, Exhibition Building, April 3. April 10; A. Y. P. A. Tea, Cathedral Wall, C. N.'R. A. annual dance, Moose Hall, April 16. St. Peter's' Sale;' May 8. THE DAILY NEWO I LOCAL NEWS NOTES , . .1 , monthly meeting tonight 8 p.m. land Canal that the Frazer Hotel; imperial uraer, uaugmers or ine( The regular fortnightly meeting of the local British-Israel Society, which was to have been held Monday night, was cancelled. Albert Farrow, steamboat Insptc- is the best place to stop. ,only steam, (tf) Don't forget when visiting Port (tf) Mrs. R. Scherk returned to the city on the Prince a'c(eorge this morning from a trip to Vancouver. Stop at the Frazer Hotel when visiting Stewart or Hyder. The only steam- heated hotel In . Portland Canal district. (tf) Mr. and Mrs. George James returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from a two Weeks' trip to Vancouver. Sergeant J. H. McCllnton, prov- tor, arrived In the city on thejlndal police, returned to the city Prince George this morning from on last night's, train from a brief Vancouver, being here on official trip to Terrace on official duties, business. ! - Children's Colds .... Best ireatea without "dosing" VICKS em division of the Home Oil Dis-; . tributors Ltd., returned to the city , Mlss Alma Evindsen of Alice Arm on last night's train from a trip to was a passenger aboard the Car- me interior as lar as vanaernooi , dena yesterday afternoon going on company business. I south from Alice Arm to Vancou- ver whence she will proceed by Farewell Fishermen's Dance will i motor for a trio to Edmonton. be held In the Moose Hall on Fri day, March 12, at 9 p.m., undr the auspices of the Bulkley Mar ket, Van's Bakery and the Domin Miss Katie Builder, who has been engaged In missionary work In In dia, arrived In the city on the Prince George this morning. She will be giving lectures at the local Pentecostal Assembly. Planning and financing of the year's activities were discussed at the regular monthly business lun- Mrs. Landry was ill for a part of ,cheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro the time while in Vancouver but is Club today. President Dr. H. N. Cardena yesterday afternoon' uaiioway, managing uirec- bound from Alice Arm to Vancou- oi the Reward Mining Co., ar-ver. ln tne 0nOthe Prlnce clty For the past year or so Mr.,rived James' lias been" identified with the George this morning from. Vancou- Esperanza mine at Alice Arm in the ver ana Proceeded by gasooat on .... - i visit visit to to the the rnmnanv's company's Eddve Eddye Pa capacity of foreman, Announcements J Pioneers' Banquet, March 10, I. O. O. F. Hall: Baptist supper, March 11. I Pass ' , r. . . T-, ! l I i una oun i'uiiiu milling piujciwcs on Porcher Island. Attended Funeral .. Of His Nephew In, Smithers Tuesday Alex McLean returned to th city on last night's train from Smlthsrs where he went to at-1 tend the funeral yesterday of hlsj tmrtssn year o:a nepnew, Koaei i Anglican Tea. Mrs. W. H. Tobey. .McD3nald who dled in the ln-1 March 11. . ! torlnr tnwn nn Snnrlav fnll(VVli-! a ski accident. Besides his parent : H. M. S, Pinafore, April 14, Ap- the lad u survlved by a brother rll 15; Capitol Theatre. .,ex and . slster RIt ' as well as Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. J. Little's, 4th Ave. E., March 16. this grandmother, Mrs. Margawt McLean, and other relatives a. ' Smithers. ment. March 17. Catholic Hall. iThc Corporation Of The City ! Prince Rupert, B.C. University extension lectures,; .T . March 17, 18 and 19; City Hall- rUhllC PflOtlCe Dean Buchanan. , liable to proceedings. Cambrai Chapter Birthday Party i heated hotel in Portland Canal,'Mmb Gaily Costumed at Meet situated at Hyder, B.C. ing Last Evening: Last evening Cambrai Chapter Empire, held, its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. J. A. Barry'.' who was recently elected Regent' of the chapter for .the ensuing;' year. This being the fifth anni versary of the chapter the meeting took the form of a birthday party: After the regular business session was concluded; the twenty gaily-costumed girls in attendance spent the remainder of the evening playing games. : Dainty refreshments were served at 11 pjn. at which time Miss-Muriel Morris, retiring regent, was called upon to cut the birthday' cake. Miss Morris was also present-1 ed with a beautiful corsage of pink J carnations as a token of esteem Of . Notice is nereDy given mat ran Rebekah Fashion Show, Marcli rTa. DS Tax aild Llcence Fecs cert, are now aue ana payao;e, ana I should be paid at the; City Hall. Prince Rupert Boys' Band Con- Princs Rupert. First Presbrlan Church I rauure io puy rcnueia pcrsuiu, Wednesday, March 24. CITY COLLECTOR Margaret's and appreciation of the splendid j work accomplished by her during her term of office. (63) i The Latest Spring Models SUITS, COATS, DRESSES 305 West Third Ave. Phone Red 810 Hotel Arrivals Savoy Genevieve SchaeffeK Marie Schaeffer and' John Walker, city: Mrs. Henry Reld and Wllma and; Mrs. J. R Brown, Port Esslngton; Mrs. E. J. Laird and Mae Brew, Haysport; H. R; Conlon, C.n;r. Royal Gordon Pearson, city; L. Johnstone, Terrace; V. L. Evans, Toronto. Prince Rupert Harry Towne, Blllmor; Harold Lannlng, J. Pollock and; H. Singleton, Vancouver; Mrs. C. L. M. Gig-gey, Terrace; M. h; Charron, Tor onto; Miss Mary Slke and' Mrs. John Slke. Phelan Station; E; Wil liams, Edmonton; G. Woodall, C, N; R.; S; G. Preston, Smlthers. Central , Mr; and Mrs. Heal, Vancouver Alfred Hadland, Oona River; Percy I Berg, Smithers; E. H. Pruner, EJ- now improved. (Brocklesby was- in the,halr and son; j. Grattener and A. Mcdon-! Jthere was a good attendance oflaid, city; J. A. Bradford, CN'Jt. Mr. and Mrs. Richard James and members. ' I Knox family were passengers aboard the , Cobournoz, CJJ.R.; a. Pear son, Terrace; G. wicks and Ole Johnson, city. J. Schwartz, manager, of the Ru pert People's Store and other local businesses,-returned to on the Prince George this mbrning. He 'has been on, a trip to Sher-j brooks, Que:, and other points ln the east and returned by way of Vancouver. He was acrompanted by S. A. Vineb3rg who is vlsitin? here on business Just Arrived1 1937 PAOT TTOT Easter Novelties and now on display Easter Eggs, Rabbits, Chickens and the latest designs in Easter Novelties Come in and see this grand assortment We will hold any article till Easter Place your order NOW Items from 5c to $1.00 OrmesLtd, "3fni Pioneer Drutjists The Itexall Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m: Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 Elio' Moving s TRAPPERS! Attention! Bring- Your Beaver to Frank Lockwood Phone Blue 729 P.O. Box 200 DELUXE WALL TINT The bright and cheerful colors of will fill your rooms with sunshine Easy to mix easy to apply will not rub (f off costs you less; 5-lb. pkg. UeJl Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. Sale 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. New Goods in stock include: Chesterfield Suites, Bedding, Springs, Mattresses . , . FLOOR COVERINGS Linoleum, Congoleum Rugs, Feltol Rugs Printed Linoleum by the yard Axminster Carpets and Mats, Suit Cases, Club Bags, Wardrobes, Trunks, Steamer Trunks, Bridge Table Sets, Blankets, Baby Buggies,. Folding Carriers, Baby Swings 1 FEx I Phone Green 421 Prince Rupert, B.C.