THE DAILY NEWS The Dream of Boys and the Ambition of Men is to Travel ROUND THE WORLD “Take me somewhere east of Suez Where the best is like the worst.” How would you like at this moment to be reclining under the awnings of a palatial steamship, sailing through sunny Seas to sunny lands? Nothing to do but smoke your pipe and dream. Or in the soft, velvety night, under the southern cross, with the warm land breeze fanning your cheek, gliding along enchanted shores to the music of “ff © © © + © © & © & & & & & & & + + FF & THE RED SEA from the land of the oppressor? How the waters of the Red Sea. THE SUEZ CANAL throbbing engines and the swish of phosphorescent waters. To the traveler the fascination of the Far East is beyond the power of expression. There is an indefinable charm in the life and customs of a people whose civilization was old before ours was born. The following are just a few of the places to be seen. JAPAN JAPAN—The wonder of the nineteenth century, whose achieve- ments in war and peace have won the admiration of the tions. PORT SAID EGYPT poem “Casabianca.” world. CHINA CHINA—Like a huge giant slowly awakening from a long sleep. Japan’s commotion has disturbed the Flowery Kingdom—the seeds of western civilization have been sown and now we await the harvest. INDIA INDIA—“The brightest jewel in the British crown,’ ’with its marvelous history of blood and treasure, its black hole of Calcutta, its massacre of Cawnpore, its siege and re- THE MEDITERRANEAN and Rome in their time. GIBRALTAR power. LONDON lief of Lucknow, where “ever on the topmost roof the banner of England flew’ and where “Havelock and his Highlanders” went through “blood and fire” to the rescue of the beleaguered garrison. CEYLON CEYLON—The isle of spicy breezes and tea plantations. LONDON—The world’s greatest city. NEW YORK Mathewson. and see strange sights. THE RED SEA—Who has not read the story of Moses, the emancipator of his people, leading the Children of Israel with their chariots and horses were swallowed up in the THE SUEZ CANAL—Through which pass the ships of all na- PORT SAID—“The wickedest place in the world.” EGYPT—The iand of the Pharaoh and of the Nile.. of the pyramids, from whose height “forty centuries look down upon you” and likewise upon the grave of many a valiant “soldier of the Queen.” Aboukir Bay, the scene of the battle of the Nile, immortalised: by the famous “The boy, oh, where was he? Ask of the winds that far around With fragments strewed the sea With mast and helm and pennant fair That well had borne their part. But the noblest thing that perished there Was that young faithful heart.” THE MEDITERRANEAN—Wh ich floated the navies of Greece GIBRALTAR—The frowning evidence and symbol of British NEW YORK—The home of John D. Rockefeller and Christy Then home again to your own fireside, where on the long win- ter nights you may in fancy travel again to strange lands Egyptians The land One of our clients has placed with us for sale 42 excellently situated lots and sure money makers, The prices are low and the terms easy—-$50.00 down will secure a lot. Each purchaser gets a numbered ticket, a duplicate of which is put in a box and a drawing made by some reputable citizen agreeable to the purchasers. ————-O UR PROPOSITION The holder of the lucky number will be entitled to a first-class trip around the world, all necessary expenses paid—start- ing from Prince Rupert and ending at Prince Rupert after circling the globe. This is not a lottery scheme, EVERY PURCHASER GETS A FIRST-CLASS INVESTMENT— A PRINCE RUPERT LOT-—-THE BEST INVEST- MENT IN THE WORLD. GET ON THE BAND WAGON---The lots are going fast and you may lose the opportunity of a lifetime. if you can’t come at once No. 205. . F. McRAE & CO, Open evenings from 7 to 8.30. Second Avenue, Prince Rupert Only 17 ieft. Phone REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE ¢ ° A 9 7 4 + 7 + of ¢ + . . 7 + * sa ° Y ¢ O J + J Y + U Beet ame ea cl la al asi lin fo vite que ne Vas the »oe- for jue el, n- ct- he as n- ‘itt in he of ft irt he