'istr hi I PAGE TWO THE DAILY KEW3 ffcturtay. June 1? '61 DAILY- DlTIOM MEN! We Specially Recommend You lo HARTT SHOES I If it be Street or Dress Oxfords or Adjus-Arch l Boots- there is no finer shoe made in Canada. With ) our expert foot fitting service we can guarantee the j maximum in comfort, style and wear QS GCJ j Priced from, per pair ?JOtJ ! We are agents for Penman's Hosiery i "Mo.nco," the Wonder Corn Cure i Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. fKINCE KUPEBT - BRITISH COLUMBIA PublUhed Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avnue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Saturday. June 19, 1937 VALUE OF RAIN The value of rain to this part of the country outside of its irrigating value is seen in the news published yesterday that the Surf Point mine is" closed1 because of water shortage and that Ocean Falls is considering closing. The Bulkl'ey Valley was dried up until the rain came and on Digby Island the tanks are almost empty. At least a week of rain such as that on the last day or two is badly needed. MUSIC IN THE HOME Sir Ernest McMillan, principal of the Toronto Conser vatory of Music, told a Victoria audience recently that people as a Whole were more critical of the mediocre m music' and listened with more intelligence than a few years ago. He urged that mechanical music either from a radio or gramophone was no substitute for music in the home and urged that young people go through the tuition and routine which is essential to all successful musicians. He also .advocated the need of music study in the schools. "It is worth while to everyone," he maintained, "for it opens up a great literature that tends to bind nations together. It is a good discipline, tending to co-ordinate mind and body; it is related closely to historv. to mathematics and to physics, and it is a safe and admirable outlet for developing lives of adolescents. It means increased hap piness in later life, for it is an admirable hobby." NEW OBJECTS FOR WAR A newspaperthe other day received from . . A i .... .. a war veteran an interesting letter, the concluding paragraph of which follows: "If we must again go to war," said the veteran, "I think I am speaking the thoughts of the war-wounded veterans when I say that we should declare war on disease, on1 poverty and on arid land. Let it be a war that will have for its object the clothing- of the one-third of the people that are illy clad ; the housing of the one-third that are illy housed, the employment at a Jiving wage of the one-third that are poorly paid. Then,, if that war be won, it will indeed be a glorious victory." A war with such aims certainly would be one that would nav (MlmtpW rrrent dividends than one or more wars that might be men- iioneu. IC. CM- Bicycles et Your C. C. M. Bicycle j at GORDON 'S HARDWARE We carry a cdmplete stock of Bicycles, Tires' and Tubes, and repair parts. OUTLOOK (Continue iioxc f-aee Jt puzzled to understand how it could bold togtner. Canada Or instance bad complete control oi her wa affairs. She even eboe her own Governor General wo' was appointed tin? King n 1 - - r t. 1 rr. co-operative effort. He did not favor any very sudden large mil trration although, undoubtedly, one of the Empire problems was the arranging for a prdper distribution of the white races within the Empire. Empire Agreements The visitor also spoke of the recently affected Empire agreement by which he said Canada retained all her former privileges in the British markets while granting to Great Britain more privileges in the Canadian mar kets. On motion of lira. D. JIcD. Hunter, a hearty vote of thanks was passed to Sir Francis and it was explained that Lady Floud would address members of thd lub at a meeting today. Mrs. .F.! K. Good presided and introduced the visitor. J. B. Agar of Terrace arrived in ' the city on Thursday night's train ' for a brief business visit to town, returning to the interior last evening. , City Solicitor E. F. Jones Is making definite progress toward ecovery at the Prince Rupert General Hospital where he has been a oatfent for the past month. He expects to be able to leave the instl-tutlon in about two weeks. CANADA'S ' N E S T WG A in aaaaaV taaaaaM I aaaaaaal a I K BBaBaaa aaw x aa aa RECITAL ' ENJOYED Pretty Setting- Fur Performance By Pupils of SL Joseph's Academy represen the m4f of they evening apletj UiiHetf Kingdom, there had to Ti-un tiuww fk representative of tt rwvenH" wl aaaiianaBj meHt at Ottawa and. as a result l58"141" lno"1C15 the was appointed. I1 fnends who came to hear tfie Speaking fr the British gov-I usicians-Iaree and finaJL The ernmeat. which he represented. ' raUr2 elass howed he results of Sir Fraaefc said they welcomed the mutual k of both teacher all the mores which had bee ' and PaPH the satlsfafltton of all mad towards Camd taking ! The Pfram fft: complete control of her own af- "Hickory Horse nay Renk. fairs. Great Britain took on her i Helen Batagno. rself the defence of the whole "Rocking Horse VtytT Rowe, Empire and the people there were Mary Sylvester. j subjct to taxation such as tbejr : "The Rosebud Waltz" feteeted).j had never before known. Bet . PauMn Ohnesorg. they did it wiHinply. Thev aIo' "Oay as "Rose" Oanadla Folk look pride in their leadership ii jTune, Helen Balaano. social services such as un em ploy "Bourrte" (Bach). LoU Nicker - rrient insurance and old age pen son- sions. Unfortunatelv. thn had "Return of Sorimt" PreatonL Yamanaka: "Rosellar Ulewitti, May Marlon. "Wont You Come to My Tea-Party?" song4 .Yvonne Riffou. "Little Drum Major" Egman, Richard Moore "Grandfather Dances" (Kargan-off, Mary Mackenzie. "Gypsy Dance Lichner), Marie Nickerson. "The Merry Trumpeter- (Morrison t. Delphlne and Charlotte Ba-lagno. "Two Little F o?i?s" 'Cramm. Alastalr Crerar "On the Ms Ljrhner Kera MeCafferj. - , Mrs. Herbert Busby and child ar- 1b asmy Mailfe f Mv" rirett in the city on the Prince (Batter. Kay Nfckttoon GeoYfe yesterday morning from -M tonka' ak. la G Jfcf . ... . iMarJorie easratbers The reejtal o! the mask ciajsesi St. JiisepfefrAcademionThers- ier. A. r.- aia Yvonne Httfoa ASxanfetatt' "Baance" Bach. t Beethoven. En- gin CSrtsa:aea "WoiBein MssicaT Phylhs ff unarm "SqdroM of the "lmeeammtm as A PaU Schsbert'. Mr." duet. Chopini. Muf Poa- Harry Se- oertt. Daily Vamaka. "Vasse" (Gbapia. Marie Amadto "Dnextanted MomeoU" Oeibeli. Nvfia Hodgsac aad Frances Moore Sereaaae" iSeaaaerti, Oedle Oavasalle. "Waltz in A" Rachmaninoff i . Gbaffette Balacaa. Daaee. Leom Wtdtltn, Josephine Mtrray. "NecvBrne in B" CBOstat, Chiea MthBaze. "The Harmonica Player" i iHb8. Margaret Chiistenaen. , "The Lark- (Qaaa-Balakiiey). Franres Moore. not yet abolished poverty and Phyllis Marion. i destitution. In some parts of Bri- "Puck" (Rubmatera). Glenna Mr. and Mrs. William Rudkf tain there was unbounded pro Moore. . 'who for years have resided at penty but in others, such as some ; "UghUy Dance" 'seleeted). Jean jt-w-t. it k : .i of the coal mining areas, the, e Murray. Iu7 ' was destitution and bonelessness ' "Ecossolses" Beethoren-BBSonl). tb HtF the I,"re Charle Speaking of immi ration. theLeona Whlffen. ,tnl fr"f" the Islands, le't speaker said it was a matter for "Queen of trie Fairies,' recita- on last evening' train for Prince j Canada to decide upon. When the Uon, Lois Mckerson. George where they will pay a visit ' time came that they fHt they, "Off to the Sea (Adatr). Berniee Mon pr(Keans to Viiitmm' "xrc iuj m out; in e proo- Meyers. lem he felt it should be done by. "PomponeUe' Shkkl. Michl where it is their intention to tak ! up future residence. ' NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarelL Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM IIO.MEf Rates SIM up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 Nanaimo to spend a, months vislUng here ents. Mr. and Mrs j UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers ieare Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T-S-S. CATALA' EVERY TCESDAyr 1:30 rM-Due Vancouver. Thursday pjri. rUS. OA It l) EN A EKIUAJ, 10:3 fM. Due Voccouvtf. Monday ajn. If convenient pleat purchase tickets at ornte. Pwrther Information regarding reservations and ticket ir A. W. NEW5IAN, rrince Rupert Afent, Third Are. phone 5 They're Striking! You'll be able to get in on the fun and bring 'cm in with our tested lures and tackle. Come on in and lit us plan that fishing trip! LINES 15c to $5.95 RODS 85c lo $14.50 THE SECRET'S OUT u 'JhC Vt knowledge and lummei entertainment hit rcichcd new hiah . . . Everyone knowfr too, tnit Monogrim London Dry Gin, limply terrid it "Supeme Rtfretnment". ffclix Glnser Ale or Club Sods rc perfect mlxen for thli luperbly flsvortd Gin. Try them together, you'll like them . . . MONOGRAM IS SOLD IN THREE SIZES. 12 ozs. 90c 25 ozs. $1.75 and 40 ozs. $2.60 REELS 25c to $4.95 KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Telephones in- HERE'S HOW TO MIX 'EM A Mlnilf m lie tr-freMhf "fim Hiipmne." OriV m liif (liiM of Monn-rTm ((In, a tidoh J IThis advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor ' Control Board' or by tK Coycrnmcnt of British Cnlumfta,