Tutay,, juy 0. UOT. Anona Soaps As Purchased by H. M. The Queen The Central Hotel 'ROOMS and .CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK ANONA 1937 Coronation Toilet Soap Imprinted in color which will riot wash off and remains visible throughout the life of the soap. Super Fatted, Triple Milled. 7.1 Per box of 3 cakes 1 ANONA Dojr Series Imprinted 'in color. KAp per box of 3 cakes ANONA Gat Series Imprinted in color, fjftp per bx of 3 cakes ANONA Nursery Series Imprinted in 0f color. Per box of 3 cakes tfVV Produced by Disabled Ex-Service Men at Preston Hall Industries, British Legion Village NR Maidstone, Kent, England Ormes Ltd. 7iie. Pioneer Drtteigists The llenH Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. Restful Vacation May 'Be Spent At "The Dunes Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands r- 'i'" -- jfi i' . ' . The place where the tired businessman can become rejuvenated, where his wife can enjoy good meals without having to cook them, where the children will have all the pleasures of farm and home and a wonderful sea beach. - , : ' 7" v"- 'HPk Visitors to The Dunes return again & again. ,40O0O0i Write or Wire For Information MMK. UAJAUT Fresh Local Haw And 1'astcurizcd Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 57 SUMMER SALE 6 ,FTogr Lamps with 3 candles, light JM A JJfl ,;and shade, reg. $16.50; Sale price Sale pamps Price with shade $5,50 & $6.50 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Phone 775 - r - I I TlAMSHIPt . : i onoman ir-sr-M rni iiii. : ? TrnnAinn!p -Trnnspontincntal Trans-Pacific ,f.. To Vancouvrr'vla Ocean FaM and Way Ports t Princess Adelaide: every niuay, i . lllrprt J Princess Alice - Princess Louise , - Prlneew Charlotte ..tiii.. 9. n,.. th i7th 28th: July, lutn, jm I "nViinWcwn Paclflc BerV,CeS rri..i... ... iicnrviitlons from . .. t. W. L. COAXES, General Agent Prince Rupert, .,u. j and family sailed Saturday evening on the Prince Charles for Massett on a vacation .trip; A. Q. Rix, district manager of the Imperial Oil Co., sailed on the Prince George .Saturday evening for a Jarief trip to Ocean Falls on company business. Miss D. Jack, -who has been pay- a yisit at Stewart with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. S. ;Jackr was a passenger aboard the Prince George Saturday evening returning to Vancouver. Mrs. Milton McConnell has ar rived in the city from Hamlota, Man., to be with her siMer. Mrs. H L. McKenney .of Terrace, who has been critically HI in the Prince Ru pert General Hospital but who Is now showing some -improvement Hugh MacDonald, road superin tendent for Atlin district with headauarters at Stewart, arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday after a trip Into the At lin and Telerah Creek districts on official, business and, will pro ceed by the next boat to Stewart. Mrs. J. C. Bowen-Colthurst of Sooke was a passenger aboard the Prince RuDert yesterday returning south after making thoround trip to Skagway. She was accompanied by her sons, Leslie and Theodore Bowen-Colthurst. who disem barked here and proceeded by last evening's train to Terrace wnere their father, Capt. J. C. Bowen-Colthurst, is spending the summer Miss Edna Wilkinson, who ha been teaching school at Booth Memorial School for the 'past yeai on exchange from -Nottingham; England, and who sailed venter dav afternoon on the Prince Ru- - - perl for Vancouver, will leave Vancouver on Saturday aboard the Emnrpss of Janan for Tokir .Innan. to attend the World Fed eration of Education convention. After touring Japan,, she will sail August 10 from Yokohama aboard the 1 and O. liner Kajputana for London. UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture Tp be held on Thursday and Friday, July .8-?, commencing at 2:15 p.m. Corner of First St. and Third Ave. Instructed by owner who Is leav-1 ing town, I have moved to the above premises and will sell by auction the following: Wilton Rue 9x10 'A. one Chester field and Chair. De Forrest Cross- ley Radio, Westlnghouse, Electric Range, lloover Electric Cleaner, Oak Sectional Bookcase, Solid Oak Dining Roome Sulte,';3 .Card Tables, Slngr Drophead Sewing Machine, Floor Lamp,' Bridge Lamp, large Oak Dressing Table, 2 Dressers, oak Library Table. 3 Beds com plete, Ostermoor Mattress, Box Couch, Kitchen Table, 2 Oak Roc kers, Kitchen Utensils, Etc., Etc. GOODS MUST BE SOLD Terms Cash Geo. J. Dawes AUCTIONEER Phone: Blue 471 ""THfc DAH& NEW0 . z"4" paob tore. LOCAL NEWS NOTES W. Herman sailed this after y-'on on ine caiaia ior a inn 19 i'.'amu. Krnest Pierce Is retomlne to ffitlanic today after spending a' "twple of days In town. Tonight's train, due from the east at 10:45, was 'reported this morning to be on time. 5y C. Thomson left dn last eve-nine's train for a business trip' to Doughty in the Bulkley "Valley, Postmaster and Mrs. J. R. Morrison sailed this nfternoon on the fatala lor a holiday trip lo Van couver. , Mr. and Mrs. Qeoree Shenton Moose Lodge meets Wednesday. (155) Mrs. Fred McLeod sailed Saturday afternoon on the Princess Alice for a trip to Vancouver. A. C. Ballard of Sunnyslde Cannery sailed 'Saturday evening on the Prince' George for Vancouver. Owing to the presence of three of the large tourist steamers in port;there were J$4 visitors to the Prince Rupert Museum yesterday. James poyd, supervisor of fisheries for District No, '2, sailed on the .Catala this afternoon for trip to Namu on official business. Misses EJie,en and Noreen Gib son left on last evening' train the former on a trip to Montreal and jthe latter to Saskatoon. Sneciall Arriving Wednesday, a special shipment of strawberries Your last chtfnce for canning While they last, 2.G9 a crate Thrift Cash & 'Carry, Thone 179 (155; S. J. Mayer of Smithers arrived in he city from the Interior on vesterday afternoon's train for a brief visit on railway brotherhood business; He will be -returning to Smithers on this evening's train. J. T. Farquhar of Vancouver ar rived in the city Sunday on the Catala from the south to pay a visit with his son and daughter-ln-la.w Mr. and Mrs. James Farquhar, An gus Apartments. With reference yesterday to a police court case Involving Edna Brown, charged with drunkenness It should have read that seven days' "suspended sentence" instead of seven days "imprisonment" had been imposed. Provincial Constable and Mrs Qulgley of Anyox sailed by the Ca tala Sunday night on their return north after a brief visit to the city Constable Qulgley had come here with a prisoner, John Dehmel, alias 2ollev Youne. who has been sen teneed to two months' Imprison merit for having a revolver in hli possession without a permit. Mrs. -E. -Parlow of Toronto, a f i.r having spent ten days here as the guest of lier son and daughter- in-law. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Parlow left by last evening's train :on her return to her home In Toronto She was accompanied by her son They are leaving the train at Ha- elton rwhence they will proceed tc Burns Lake by 'motor, Mrs. Parlow entraining there for Toronto with a day's stop at Winnipeg enroute. Miss A. M. Colllson of Vancou ver, sister of W. E. Colllson of this city; Miss Jean MacDonald, daugh ter of 'Dr. and Mrs. D. J. MacDonald of 'klncolllh. and Miss Jocelyn Cdlllson, daughter of Archdeacon H. A. Colllson of 'Vancouver, were here aboard the .Catala Sunday evening bound for Kincolith where they iwlU spend the summer vacar tion with Dr, arid Mrs. MacDonaldJ The Misses MacDonald and Col- lison -attend school in Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Cossar of Vancouver, who have been on a visit to Manitoba, were among pas sengers arriving In the city from ,the east on yesterday afternoon's train and sailing aboard the Prince Rupert for -Vancouver. :Mr: -Cossar Is a retired prairie rancher who has lived on the coast for several years. Their niece, Miss. Gladys Fox, .Vancouver school teacher, was aboard the Princess Charlotte yes terday mor,ning going north to make the round trip to Skagway rAM't:i.l..TION OK ltKSKKVK Kimr.K ta hrreby qiven that th reiwrve established, by notice In the Biltlsh Columtoka OazatVe of June 30th, 1821, oi ell vacant mna wnnin we i-lnuilnir .Uwrlhnl urea situated 111 Bailee U. Coast .Dlfitarlot, I cancelled. ! "CXfluiieinelng B,t the northwest ccr- thence west 80 chains, thence iou'.h luu.uu riioimi ih.i w v.. 'ihwce north 40 phaliy. thence east 210.00 chalrn, thei-jce south 120.0P ' . . . . . l nr r iH - VntMi ini n nra arvi, iiu.uu (-.iiuliilb. ti uir j nni-Lh ',180.00 cliih. thence West 130.00 chains, theixe north u.oo cnain, thence wee.t a.O.oo chains, Tnence noun l hm ill tfviiaina T nnrva wial nii.ui, L'liuiiin. H.rrm .n.tvi onnno rKiirvi. thence riA r Mm int. nmiw m. i .( bi. r ii- i vIa. i MLt Annn UhnJnji Rlom? Mike Gurvich returned to the city on the Princess Charlotte yesterday from a trip to Vancouver. M. P. McCaffery returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Smithers where he has been spending the past few days. Mrs. A. E. Parlow and son, Larry, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince Rupert to spend the summer vacation visiting In Vancouver and Victoria. Eric Jones of Victoria, provincial government auditor, who is in tills district on official duties, sailed Saturday night on the Prince Charles for Queen Charlotte City. B. R. Tupper of the Northwest Telephone Co., which operates the long distance service between here and Vancouver, arrived in the city on the Prince Robert yesterday from Vancouver, being here on business. Donald Sinclair, well known merchant of Wrangell, and son, Wil liam Sinclair, arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday from Alaska and proceeded by last evening's train to Rochester, Minn., where Mr. Sinclair sr. will receive treatment at Mayo Clinic. Mrs. J. W. McAuley will be leav ing on Wednesday of next week for Prince George to take up residence, oining Mr. McAuley who has been appointed divisional master me chanic for the Canadian National Railways with headquarters at th'e interior town. Mr. McAuley Is expected here for a couple of days at the first of next week. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Brown aTe to take up resi dence in the home of Mr. and Mrs. McAuley on Fourth Avenue West. the ricrih boiuvdary Of svtd Lot. 3 to 'the iwtnt of ocmnwixx-inejit, ccntauilng In aren M aou (teres oi taaia ana yavrr, more or ie" H. CATI1CART Dtputy 'Mlntoter ci Lands Lands rlpartnivt, Victoria, B.C. 2th June, 1037. CIASSIFIEO FOR SALE .-'OR SALE Trolling boat. Phone 322. (160) ;OR SALE Small gasboat. Cheap. Phone Green 186. (157) OR SALE Speed boat, 13 knots. Seal 'Cove Post Office. (tf) :OAL Nanalmo-Wellington for furnace and heater. Alberta Egg sootleas. for the kitchen range. Albert & McCaffery, Phone lie or 117. (tt) , FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING Rooms, Vernon Apartments, Phone Red 421'. (tf) VACANCY JULY 15 Angus Apart ments, front three and four room suites. (tf) FOR RENT Seven-room house, sun room and glass protected porch, with electric range, fur nace, good garden, one of finest harbor views In city. Apply to Pullen. Dallv News. (tl) .CLEANING & PRESSING SPECIAL: Price reduced 25 on dry cleaning and pressing ladles' wear. Pioneer-Canadian Laundries. Phones 8 and 118. (tf) IX THE Sl'PKEME TOrnT OF HRITISII IV HIIIIItlTF! In the matter of the "Administration Act" Anil III the Matter of the Estate of William Slliliald. Deceased, mirsinie tivc MfYTirE i vit hv order of His M- v. Plahnr. the 23rd daj ol tivim , ... . . . June. A, D. 1837. I -as appointed . . Ad- itUnistraitor oi me estoie oi mum-.. 3lbbald, deceased, and all parties having claims against Jthe said .estate an i ii,iih tn eiirnlfth saine. Dro- parly verified, to me on or before tM 25th day m Juiy a. u. imi, mm parties Indebted to the estate are required to ipay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator. Prtn Rimert. B. C. Dated the 24.fih day of June, A. V. 1937. IN TI1K St'l'HKMK COI UT OK HK1TI!I coi.rMiiiA v iMtitllTK In Hie Mailer of the "AdmlnMratlon Act" Ami In the Mailer .'of the Kslale of Mvanl -1 trc. wrvrtrir 4.hn .lwnrrier of HK llonor, H. E. A. Robertson, the 19h . t,i- a n. 1B37. I was at- pointed Executor of the estate of Ed- vtud jonanson, w partdea having cl alias against the Hold eUt ate hereby required to fumlsl. nune, properly verified to me on or be fore the '31H day OI JUijr, n. u. .i and ell parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtednem to me forthwith. JOHN DYBHAVN, Prince Rupert, B.C. Dfrttd Juiia -1st, A. O. 1937. Try Salada Orange Pekoe Blend "SALADA " - - Bit TEA ELIO'S Furniture Exchange THIRD AVENUE, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Folding Camp Cot TJiis cot is especially adapted for camping RplMJp Mattress . To fit above cot DUNNAGE BAGS We do not need to detail the many uses to which the dunnage bag jnay he put Pack Sacks Prospectors' Wedge Tents These tents are made specially for prospectors' use-and easy to carry Grey Wool Blankets The finest camp blankets on the market We also carry Wall Tents, Camp Cook Stoves, Etc. D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Phone Green 916, P. 0. Box 50, Prince Rupert, B.C. -HH-ii-MBHHMHHmHi-Hr 1 i ZENITH Washing Machines first in Sjieed Beauty Economy Convenience Zenith washing machines save ftf iawr vprv month. I needless wear on clothes and 1 half your laundry bill and i turn out cleaner, whiter clothes, S because Zenith Washers are I equipped with -the exclusive top action evrator with the gentle rubber hands. Drop in ana inspect we new P iricViia T of itQ pvnl.alri lCllll'ii ffoiiv-. jvw w .. , 2j the many features which make them Canada's Finest Washer W1 GORDON'S HARDWARE Phone 311 fji!i:iiiilli:lOTii3i:J:!iiMi:!i"'Ci:"3 McBrideSt. It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News that the people, of the whole district are doing the same. 3 L I