February 121937 e Letter 'Box t c v F. breaks opT Ear Daily News:- Lent named W. OoJ-eom: L the subject is too cdnttover-I . .fraiiW from printing (you letter Well, I guess he's' about - i . t because If you nouce rengious : Imunitles have always DroKen L., .Mib? tin into1 divisions' -and land Here we havs'the C. C. F, l? the very same. The c. c. F. of eettltiK in next t but since they 'kicked their er out they've played right I the hands of the Liberals. Rrrace D O OBSERVER. hreuiNG I TORTURE STOPPED In A Minute ouick relief from tin Itcliina of pimiJa, blotches. ttUett loot. ria nu " wnim.. INSCRIPTION, lu icotla am Mutbt tba imutad In Clew, ftfud" ""1 tall""" dries ft. Mop. I mat nuan ilebini loatitiUy. A 35c triul bottle, t E 77.- ..,h It -nt mouev liutk. Ak for - 30 hotel arrivals Sifvdy Rev. A-. Abiaharrl. Miiutr- A. E.. Carlson, Shames; J. D. Fra- ter, city. , Royal J. Paulls. Cedarvule: Tom mn. sen, Ketchlkari. Prince" Runert i, Ken Matheson, Prince George. Central Mrs. J. Mitkulinec. Skeena CMv . ... i. BomjrvlUJ, E. c. Anderson and; H; White, C.N.R. Knox Roy McDonald, Prince Rupert. KILLS' COYOTE WITH STICK COALDALE, Altl;, Feb. 12: (CP) Hunger makes brave coyotes. Ray Renfrew, district farmer, was aftacksd by a hunger -trazed praU rie wolf when on his way home. He rrianaged to stave off the animal until he could pick up a stick or wood with which he killed .it. VETERAN POSTMISTRESS DEAD SAINT JOHN, N.B., Feb; 12: (CP) A career of more than 50 years as postmistress at Long Beach, near here, ended with the death of Mrs. Ella C. Williams. the rnihri.ii' is t Lil lUClHlL HERE IJKWARE of epidemics whose first symptoms are often coughs, colds and fever. Stop the cough or cold at the onset with Huckley's Mixture, which first became famous in 1918. Take Buckley's Cin-namatod 'Capsules to relieve the feverishriess, headache and backache Ruckley's Cinnamatcd Capsules contain Oil of Cinnamon, a powerful internal germicide long used in Europe in combatting epidemics similar to the one now raging. He prepared, Get these two dependable, effective Hucklcy remedies TODAY Rucklcy Products are sold everywhere. E DOMINION C. B. Q. TABLETS The little . red box used the world over 25C per nox REXAU, BRONCHIAL SYRUl'-A safe healing preparation for the relief of bronchitis, coughs and colds, guaranteed gQ( by Rexall; i)er bottle For the Children 0IW1ES IIO(tEIIOUNI) & IIONKY With white pine, wild cherry and eucalyptus. Pleasant to take and soothing for old and ' young; perdmttle Ormes Ltd. Trim Pioneer Druqgiste The Rexall Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. Our 'c'ca VV toAKe vou ven iort TA? nay Treat Yourself ,v7S to a Happy New Year fill rVl . . t , JifiUtt t of the nest coal irt Tun V EgJtOfevtM- town. PHILPOTT - EVITT & Co. Ltd. Have the Coal to Suit Your' Requirements 651 PHONE 652 I LOCAL NEWS i Dr. C. tf. Hanklrison of Prince Rupert was a visitor at trie Hazel-ton Hospital at the end of last week on professional duties. Annual meeting , Conservative Association wlli be held In Eagles' Hall, Third Ave., Friday, Feb. 12, 8 pm. All Conservatives Invited. (36) B. Irvine, radio Inspector, after spending a week here checking up oh local reception conditions, sailed last night by the Prince George on his return to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. I. w. Bell, who are moving' from Hazelton' to Vancouver, arrived in the city from' the Interior ort last night's Wain and sailed on the Prince George for the south. The regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Shrlrie Club Iwas held last night In the1 Ma sonic Temple, business being: en tirely of routine nature; President F. M. Davies was in the-chair. Mis? E. HatMfin R N., who carrie north as nur in charge of Mm. O. Ekman' cf Telkva, sailed last night by the Prince George on her return to Vancouver. Mrs. Ek- mah, whs came north on the Prince Charles Widnesday eve-nlr,T, was- able to proceed from here to th Interior FOR SALE FOR SALE-5 - roomed modern housO. Call Dr. H-. L. Alexander, 324 6Ui AVe. tf. FOR SALE Household furniture, vacuum cleaner, refrigerator, electric plate, bird cage, coal bucket, fruit Jars. Apply 324 5th Ave. E or Phone Red 578. FURNITURE Factory samples must go this week. Guaranteed 10-plcce Chesterfield grfiups $69.50; 10-plece loose pillow arm groups $72.50; 10-plece bedroom suites (round mirror) $74.50. Furnish your home complete three rooms, 59' pleces-all for $165. Many other bargains. Terms If you wish. Order today. Julius Shore Mail Order House, 8th floor Beklns Building. Vancouver, ttf) FOR RENT FOR RENT--10 room house, concrete basement, hot water heating, electric fireplace, centrally located, suitable for boarding house. Collart & McCaffery Ltd. opposite Third Street. (36) FOR RENT Seven room house, 2129 Graham Avenue with large garden. Will be vacant end of February. Apply Pullen, Dally News. AGENTS WANTED TEE DAILY KSWB PAGE TriRKii A JJresses Af Rotary Lunch Just arflvedl A shipment of new -- spring skirts, $1.95. Annette's. (37) I C. F. P. Faulkner Explains Work (tf) AGENTS and travellers wanted for made to measure clothing, wholesale $12.75' arid $14.75. Samples free ori reaiiestV New Arlington Clothes, 204 Queen Street W., ' Toronto; Ontario; (36) PERSONAL GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies, highest grade 15 for $L Pacini Supply, 751 Granville, Vancouver TRUTHFUL ClairVoyant readings. Write Madam Francis, 2531 Woodland, Vancouver, B.C. Four rjuesridns answered. Send birth montri. Donation. (tf) MEN Get vigor at once. New Oh trex" Tbriic Tablets, contain raw oyster lnvlgoratbrs and other stimulants. One' dose pens up organs, glands, if not delighted, alfer refunds few cents paid wall' or write;, Ormes Limited, tf Of Federal Public works" Depalfment' iif B.C. The public works department of the Dominion government has to dd chiefly with duties under the Navigable Waters; Protection Act such as the provision and upkeep of wharves both on the. coast and In the' interior according to C. F. P'. Faulkner, assistant to the chief engineer, J. P. Forde, Dominion government engineer, who gave an interesting address at the Rotary Club yesterday afternoon on the work of his department. Mr. Faulkner explained that the British Columbia district included the whole of British Columbia and the Yukon. One large work of his department was keeping open a navigable channel for shipping on the Fraser River. There was also dredging done on the waterways of the Interior, particularly oeorge Mitchell, one or tne newer FINE RECORD members1 of the club. It seems that CHARLOTTETO WN Feb lGeorge was the chief reason for his 12:. (CP)Cnly one and 'a hair"mlly leav5n8 Leith- Scotland, round trips were missed from the: where tne doctors advlsed that hls schedule of the- dally air service I healtn required a change of cll-betweeh C'harlottetown arid Monc-1 mate- Amon6 hls early occupa-ton, N.B.. during 1936'. Officials said ! ttns was sellinS the Daily News, the record wavdiie to freedom" frorri0 he ha a prominent potitlort fog and bad storms In this area. wim a. imcortant business a!- I' CLASSIFlEO : inougn ne nia not mention mat in , tils' addrsss; Brummel Moves To Norselarids World's- Best DrCssed Men Longer' in- England) Says-Expert ' AERIAL LINEMAN LETHBRIDGE; Feb. 12': (CP) K6 I HELSINKI, Finland, Feb. 12: i (CP) Englishmen can no longer lay claim to the reputation of being the world's best dressed men, according to the largest Importer of British textiles in Finland. He says "the adoption of so-called Oxford bags, 111-flttlng tweed Jackets, unpressed trousers and thej wearing of pullovers of the most, variegated and appalling colors, have combined to deteriorate the male population's style of dress. Having travelled in practically all the countries of Europe and Am erica I am forced to the conclusion the best dressed men are to.be found In Scandinavia." When the telephone line of the Canadian Western Natural Gas, Light, Heat and Power Co. Ltd., broke down1, east of here, Lineman L. Lundy hopped aboard a Gypsy Moth pl?ne piloted by Charles Tweed to Investigate. The break was found and repaired and the Uheman returned here 50 minutes after leaving the city. Announcements Nordkap Basket Social, 12'. University extension lectures, February 17, 18 and 19, Presbyterian" church Dean Clement. i Evelyn Bagshaw Hewsori Recital, February 18. Baptist Supper February 18. Anglican Chancel Guild tea, Mrs. Rdrle's, Friday, 19. Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. P. Lakle, February 25. High School play, Presbyterian Church, February 25 and 26. Junior Chamber Dance, Friday, April 2. Twenty -Five Years Ago February 12, 1911 Thi 1500 ton dredre Coroza".- built In England for tlie Uhlfcjd States government, has crossed thV Atlanta Ocean to be used In con nexion with the digging of the Panama CanaL Crossing of the Atf-anttc by su3h a craft Is quite unusual. J. R.. Waite, of Toronto, Suprenv Delegate of the Sons of England Lodge, has installed officers of the local lodge as fallows: President, F. A. Ellis; first vlce-presl-denti E. A. Woods; second vlce,-presldent, A. E. Clarke; chaplain, T. W. Sllver3ides; 'secretary, F. V. Clarke; treasurer, J. E- Unwln; Elghtten new members were in-iniatei at the installation meet ing. Employees of the Canadian Fish on the'& Storage Co. at Seal Cove short river Joining the upper and have organize d an athletic club lower Arrow Lakes and also on the Shushwap Lake. The speaker gave an Interesting account of some of the problems connected with the raising or low- with J. F. Mathswson as president and Walter Cliyton as secretary. SMELT CATCH DECLINES NEWCASTLE, N.B., Feb. 12: (CP) , Smelt catches In eastern NeW erlng of the water of Okanagan Brunswlck waters are reported . Lake where various Interests were !smaller than they were a year ago. I affected such as navigation, lrri-jSome 600C) ncenses were Issued fori gatlon, power, flood prevention, , tne prese'nt season ending February I etc., It was a difficult . matter to)15 ! please, everybody. Freaks of weather conditions often upset all their plans. A brief address in connection j with his own life wis also given by S5 Mussallem's Economy Sore Specials For Friday and Saturday ' Tomatoes Royal City, 2'2's, 2 tins 27c Pumpkin Royal li'&t City, 2V'2's, per tin - - - - - Mblasses Aunt Dinah M-Al' 4 9p Vi's, per tlil Kltlmaat Cheese-per lb. 2Sc Tomato Juice Llbby's 0f large 26 oz., 2 tins Pickles Sweet Mustard, Happy vale, 32 oz. 9Q per jar mm v v Clarke's Store Cut Flowers Fancy Work PALMISTRY Phone" Blue 995 530'3rd Ave; TSotxkwS ST. CHARLES MILK Pbrk & Beans Royal OfTp City, 16 oz., 3 tins Jam Apple St Strawberry, 4's, per tin .'evaporated few hours after milking time. Borden safeguards its quality and purity by tlie strictest That's vhy St. Charles Milk U better for Whies and lietter fat cKking and table use. Get St. Charles from your grocer today. .! liritith : Columbia Product look for tht li.C. l.M. The Bet ter Irradiated Evaporated Milk 48c Apples Mcintosh Reds, firm large5 size 9 per dcz. 7 lbs. mm W 25Cf prunes Medium, 91 p JL Fresh k Moist. 2 lbs. Sardiries Brunswick 4 tins- 21e Free Delivery on Orders of $1 PHone 18 P.O. Box 575 Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PnONE 657 tKf H "f-T ANT IIE.LT11T BABT H F H l I- in t9,t. r.tinrlpi Milk. It's (to 1 IK t. mHIH i easier to 0 digest digest an and it's irradiatnl ly WRP I BiS ihft thft finest finest melliod melliod known known to to science science for frir on on H j &F A extra' extra' supply supply of of Sunsliihe Sunsltihfe Vitamin vitamin D. D. M m. jp in-ffn ;i St. Bt. Charles friaries u afrth jrrsn . . . . , eyaiwruiru just just a u immi t me?,','. ,4r,,, I standards standards in in the the dairy dairy industry. industry. H sT.CHABljs " ; T 1 ELIO'S Beds In' all sizes Atlas Couches Willi pads Axminster Carpets Gx9, 4lix7'j, 3Gx63', 27x54 Printed Linoleum By the yard LINOLEUM RUGS CONGOLEUMf RUGS Rcxlium and Fcltol FURNITURE Chesterfield Suite ELiO TRADE - IN IS FOR Your Benefit THE SAME AS OURS We suggest you look arouiid the house or in the basement. You may have had some article for years which' may be old fashioned or for which you' have no use. Trade it in for something new which we have' in stock. We Buy1 Used Goods or Exchange D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Phone Greeri 421 Prince Rupert, B.C. i V v