APPARENT rown Princess Marie Jose Of Italy Gives Birth to son ai Naples Today NAPLES, Italy, Feb. 12: CP)- rown Princess Marie Jose gave irth to a boy today, providing a c- heir-apparent to the Italian h.rone The baby was born at nia m. and first announcement was :ade an hour later when, accord- 2 to Italian custom, a white rib- ion with a bow attached was hung in the door of the royal palace. The new baby, grandson of ;ing Victor Emmanuel, takes presence in line of succession over Is two year old sister. Maria Pla, ho was also born In Naples. Crown Princess Maria Jose Is the Ester of King Leopold of Belgium. Duke of Windsor Visit is Unlikely Expect Former King HIGH RIVER, Alta., Feb. 12: of the Duke of Windsor's "EP" J - . . I. 1 ! . IL. fn c. n. I . . I Edward vui wm visn wan- 'There is always a possibility , l don't think so," tne rancner . tJ I- !! ...1.1 t n tin l v wa-B v l riir 1111 ri. Prof. Carlyle said .he recently n nrpn in mnrn uiiii i iif ijimr mall and cable. The noted ranch manager oe- .irpi otfttir rr ma "vm ranrn urn Weather Forecast 'Pun; u'd Uiroujj the courteaj o ixjir.iniQii Mou'oroiogicai Bureau ictorla and Prince Rupert. ThU for- Synopsis- -Pressure remains low 't the coast of Alaska. Weather ... .. . , ,u cn-ar aiier tne gaies ana mua the most of British Columbia Prince Rupert and Queen Char West Coast of Vancouver Island lAI &UUI1K Wt'Sfc una oUU Wl" CAL Wllino M nM I Wis i n v hit ia nange in temperature. 'ROIT.IIT PltOMOTES BUTTER SASKATOON, Fob. 12: (CP- aa'j drought area last year ln-rcascd 22 percent, figures., submitted to the Saskatchewan evcaied. The reason. Calves milk- d the cows when the crops were Lxt. year farmers attended wis chore. 4 4 1 ITU, DKIT.NCE DEBATE IN BKITIS1I HOUSE TO HE IIEAUI) NEXT WEEK LONDON, Feb. 12: (CP) A financial resolution empower- "i? the government to borrow P to 400,000.000 to build up the country's defensive arma- went win be discussed In the House of Commons next Wed- ncsday The occasion will per- nt a full dress debate as gcd by Labor yesterday after Qr Nevlllo rhoK-ii j. Chancellor nf thn vi a. announced that the gov- "nment planned a huge de, 'fnce loan. r .' in-- CODE WAS OBSERVED Adultery Punished by Death In Early Days on the Plains CALGARY, Feb. 12: (CP) Adultery was a crime severely dealt with by the Blackfeet Indiahs of the western plains who enforced a strict code of commandments long before the coming oi missionaries. The tribe had five major commandments. Canon S. H. Mlddleton of Cardston related In an address Ihere. They provided punishment for murder, which was death; theft, adultery, cowardice and treachery. Adultery, for the first offence, was punished by the loss of an ear or a nose. For the second offence the guilty brave faced the loss of both ears and death, If ruled. Treachery was punished by death; cowardice by dressing the offender In women's clothing. He was then forced to do menial tasks around the camp. The Blackfeet had secret soci eties, the highest of which was' known as the hortf society, included In the group of 12 such societies was a police society appointed to guard the camp and keep order in tepees during sun dances, mese codes were evolved centuries before the coming of the white man, canon Mlddleton said. Annette Stone Is Confident About Local Pulp Mill Annette Stone has renewed con- riHn. in the ultimate success of the focal pulp mill undertak- lng. she says, after having met Oiler Besner and others im.erew In the enterprise while In Vancouver, recently. Mr. Besner said that the pro-rvc vaw Westminster pulp mill v.,j rtthinir to do with the local .project, negotiations for wrucn were still going niong nicei. Mrs. Stone, while in vancouwi met Raymond Whalen. one of th? backers of 4he New Westminster pulp mill. Mr. Whalen, one of. the faintly which operated the old Swanson Bay pu3p mill, Intimated that some of the equipment iru' 'thUt old' plant mlht be taken to V.V ' nrhool Bchool. peov mllt there. Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides (8 AM.) High 2:30 a.m. 21.4 ft. Prince Rupert Cloudy, south-west 14:35 p.m. 21.6 ft. wind, 8 miles per hourj barometer, Low 8:43 a.m. 45 ft. 29.62; sea rough. 21:00 p.m. 2.8 ft NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER LxXVI, No." 36. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1937 rRICE: S CENTS v P. TWO miLWAYMEN BELIEVED LOST - v NEW HEIR King George's Indian Orderly King George VI as Emperor of India will have four Indian ord :rly officers at state and semi-state affairs. The Sikh officers are shown above as they arrived ,n London. Left to right, Rlsal-dar Major and Honorary Lieut. Narain Singh Sardar Bahadur, I. J.S.M. 6th D.C.O. Lancers; Subadar Major and Honorary Lieut. Bhagat Singh Sardar Bahad k. I.D.S.M. 1st Battn. Royal Fusiliers; Subadar Ishar Singh, V.C., 4th Battn. 15th Punjab Regiment; Subadar Major and Honorary Lieut. Haxditt Singh Bahadar. 2nd Battn. 11th Sikh Re jiment. - ?!.' .1 irECLIPSE Conference Un Hours of Work, Minimum Wage I 'i .:."." - - --'-- r OTTAWA, Feb. 12: (CP) An interprovlnclal conference may be held with a view to preparing uniform legislation on hours of work and mini- mum wages, Hon. Norman Ro- gers, minister of labor, an- nounced In the House of Com- mons last night. The Privy Council recently held the fe- deral social and labor legls- latlon of 1935 to be ultra vires. Yukon M.P. Tells Of Active Life Mrs. George Black Details Progress From Chllkoot Pass to Ottawa TORONTO, Feb. 12: (CP)- VVhen George Black, veteran mem- b?r of parliament for the Yukon and then Speaker of the House was taken 111 before the 1935 election, his wife stepped In to hold the constituency for the Conservatives. The story of her campaign Jour-, motorboat . u and T7 dogteam ZT Is uTk. the cul ! - i mlnatlon of her autobiography, "My. Seventy Years." But Mrs. Black regards her election as merely one incident in a life remarkably full. The story, written In collaboration with Mrs. Elizabeth Bailey Price of Vancouver, takes her from girlhood up the Chllkoot Pass and through pioneer days to Ottawa. There she dropped the role of back-stage observer to become the second Canadian woman to win election to the House of Commons. Her book will be published later this year. HEAL INDIAN THUU.LEK LETHBRIDGE, Feb. 12: ICP)- A "real Indian" thrilled children during the "story hour" at the lethbrldge library recently. Story 'of the Blood Indian tribe was told by Mike Mountain Horse, Indian fluthor and war veteran, He was bom in a tepee on the banks of. the Old Man River here and edu- wi WBctniinster for use in thcicated at; an Indian mission Officers I IW iIIWh I Will be of Seven .Minutes Duration But Few Will See It j v. - j LICK. OBSERVATORY. Cal., Feb 1 12: (CP) The longest total eclipse J oi tne sun in more uian a century will occur June 8, but to astronomers it is likely to be a total loss, The sun will be hidden completely for seven minutes and four seconds, nearly an all-time record Yet, scientists who Hast year scurried to points all the way from Greece to Japan to study a mere 2V2 minute eclipse expect to pass this one up. The reason is that it will follow a nearly landless course hrough the South Pacific, misslniri 'slands as effectively as if guided by a master mariner. The ecliprs will start In the El- -e and Phcenix arnhlps'agoe? ear .Samoa, where the sun will ise entirely obscured. A rare slgh o the layman, this means little o the astronomer because he cannot effectively photograph an eclipse close to the horizon. As th? sun climbs into the sky the path of totality will cross he South Seas until it reaches Deni. There, near Cuzco, the ancient Inca capital, there will be a totally-eclipsed sunset. Hawaii and Mexico will see a partial eclips and a very slight dent in thi ,sun's dlsc wil1 be vlslDle th .... . . southwestern United States, From New Zealand to lonel little Canton Island will go one expedition under C. B. Mlchle to await the eclipse In Its foux-mln ute stage. Los Angeles Griffith observatory considered a trip to Christinas Island but doubt that the island actually lies In the nath 0( totality has. about caused Dlr- sctor Dlnsmore Alter to give up the idea. The Isle most favorably located in the path of totality Is Ender- bury, an unlnhabltated atoll In the Phoenix group, but. there is no anchorage and landing is dan - gerous. IMflMPKIt IMllll Idll'ir r"TiK NORTH BATTLEFORD, Feb. 12 (CP) One of uid oldest news- papormen In the west, Major R. C. Laurie, editor of the Saskatche- wan Herald, celebrated his 79th; roads. So hard are the drifts that pecded In extracting a very palat- birthday at his desk, actively en- 'horses gb easily "over the top" arid able syrup from sugar beets, a big gaged in the publication of his! It is said the public works snow! crop of which was produced here pioneer weekly. He Is a veteran of ! plough has been doing the same as 'last season. It is excellent for pre- the South African and World I Amelia Will ' " I Circle World NEW YORK, Feb. 12: (CP) Mrs. Amelia Earhart Put- nam, famous American avla- trix, last night announced plans for a 27,000-mile east- west globe-enclrcllng flight "as close to the equator as I 1 can make It," She said, the take-off would be from Oak- land, Calif., some, time In March with Capt.. Harry Man- I nln? eolns; part of the way as ! navlgator.' I B C C.F. WILL CRITIUZE Important Debate on Canadian Defence Coming up in House Next Week j OTTAWA, Feb. 12: (CP) AH parties in the House of Commons a,c prepared for the debate on defense policies which is expec- ted to begin on Monday. It is expected that the attack on the government policy wllFbe led by Grant MacNeil, C. C F. member for Vancouver North, who plans a move that will be' tantamount to a non-confidence motion when the House is moved into supply.. It is expected that C. C. F. members as a body will vote against the government's defence program and that some Conservatives may join the government in support of It. Suggest Sheep For Dry Area Might Be Salvation for Saskatchewan Drought Lands MOOSE JAW, Feb. 12: (CP) Sheep breeders should consider extending the sheep country to the drled-out farming area of Saskatchewan, President A. Richardson suggested to a meeting of the Saskatchewan Sheep Breeding Association here. Referring to conditions In the dry districts, the president saldr "The rather dry conditions might .prove perfect, land debt being cancelled, and a use lease being given for certain purposes only. "Here we might have the finest sheep country in the world, mng-1ng only on land values and use." MUCH SNOW AT TERRACE Change From Cold Weather Trav elllng on the Crust JTERRACE, Feb. 12: The wea jther during the past week has i shown a diminution of the relent- ! less northeaster and has brought i instead a plentiful supply of snow. The depth of it in and near the i I ..tit . I HAt Mll.t, ntu.i. lOt j Village 13 uub iiiucii auvuk to jinches-but a mile or so out It Is; i "P to the knees. The hard, cold i wind seems to have hardened thet snow as It piled up the deep drifts which are blocking many of the It sought to clear the road out to Wars. Kalum Lake. cakes. if Part oi 5n0" Train K Swent Intn Illecillewaet Canyon Rescue Workers Are Searching For Conductor John McDonald and Fireman William Christophcrson Of Revelstoke Traffic Tied up Half a Day REVELSTOKE, Feb. 12: (CP) Rescue crews today nought two railwaymen Conductor John McDonald and Fireman William C. Christopherson, both of Revelstoke who have been missing since yesterday afternoon when snowslide swept five units of a Canadian Pacific Rail-v-av snowploueh train into the fifty foot erorge at Illecil-lpvaet. twenty-five miles east of here on the main line. Service over the line was not resumed until early this morn in?, all trains bing held up in the meantime. TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy S. D. Jobuton Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .31. Big 'Missouri, .61. Bralorne, 8.65. B. R. Cnos., .062. B. R. X.. .12. Cariboo Quartz, 1.65, Dentonia, .19. ' DunwelL .05. Golconda, .122. Minto. .25. '? Morning Star, .03V$!; Noble Five, .13. " Pehd Oreille, f .00. ' " pioneer, 8.40. Porter Idaho, .12. Premier. 3.90. Reeves McDonald, 1.21. Reno. 1.18. Reward, ,18. Salmon Gold, .10. Taylor Bridget .13. Wayside, .06. Hcdley Ama'igamatcd, .82, Premier Border, .03'4. SUbak Premier, 3.10. Congress, .lHi. Stiver Crest, .14. Home Gold. .03., " Oils A. P. Con.,, .90. C. & E., 4.80. Freehold. .29. McDougal Scgur, 25. Mercury. .62. Okalta. 2.80. Pacalta, .36. RneKmens, 1.00. United, .52. Toronto . Beattle. 1.51, Central Patricia, 4.75. Gods Lake, .87. Inter. Nickel. 6450. lee Gold, .06. little Long Lac, 7.50. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.82. Pickle Crow, 8.45. Red Lake Gold Shore, 1.41 Sn Antonio, 2.12. Sherrltt Gordon, 3.15. SHcoe, 6.00. Smelter Gokl, .08. Mcleod Cockshutt, 2.80.' Mother, .45. OUbec, .06. Madsen Red Lake, 1.35. May Spiers, .29. Sullivan, 1.95. 'idacona. 1.59, , Frontier Red lake, .17. Franroeur, IJ2&. Manitoba it Faem, ' .14 JJ, Monofa Porcupine, 1.79. Rube;, .08. Bailor, .06. Bankfleld, 1.45. East Malartic. 1.80. Preston East Dome, 1.38. SYIIUP FROM SUGAK Bf.ETS BIRCH HII.IS, Sask., Feb. (CP) Farm wives in this district. WCBt Qf prjnce Albert, have suc- serving fruits and to garnish hot- Pl(Ugh Former Interior Man is Arrested Lester Prosser Taken at Tacoma For New York Authorities On Grand Larceny Charge Divisional headquarters of the provincial police here have been advised that Lester Prosser, well known throughout the central interior, has been arrested in Tacoma on a grandlarceny, charge, and escorted to Albany, New York. Prosser is alleged to have obtained money fraudulently by telling Investors that he owned five airplanes and several valuable mining properties. Today's Weather (Government TWegrstjh), Terrace Cloudy, calm, 26 above. Aiyansh Snowing, calm, 26 above. Alice Arm Cloudy, calm, 26 above. Anyox Light snow, calm, 24 above. Stewart Cloudy, outsh wind, 23 above. Hazclton Cloudy, calm, 23 above. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, mild. Burns Lake Bright, calm, 12 above. Triple Island Overcast, visibility 10 miles; sea rough. Victoria Clear, southwest wind, 42 miles per hour; barometer, 29.86. Prince George Clear, southerly wind, 10 miles per hour; barometer, 29.50. Estevan Clear, northwest wind, 20 miles per hour; barometer, 29.90. Langara Island Snowing, overcast; barometer, 29.46; poor visibility, heavy swell. . Dead Tree Point Snowing, fresh to strong" southeast wind; barometer, 29.52; temperature, 32; sea choppy. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, Feb. 12: (CP) ;heat was quoted at $1.31 Vi on the ancouver Exchange today. V VPOKCHEIl ISLAM) MINE IS SOLI) TO REWARD COMPANY ' t It Is officially announced today that the Surf Point t Mine which has been operated steadily for the last several years by the Timmlns Inter- ests has been sold to the Re- ward Mining Company which holds the adjacent property. The transfer of the property takes place February 15. '-