PAQX TWO Slippers Slippers ? I I Now is the Time to Select YOUR SLIPPERS while Stock is complete A Small Deposit Will Hold Them Family shoe store ltD, The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RDPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H- P PULLEN - - . Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATLS Cltj dellTery. by carrier, yearly period, paid to advawe Paid In advance, per week . Paid In advance, per month BJ VI o!1 01 BnUsh Cola, the" BniT'EtapirTInd United States, yearly period, paid In advance By mall to all other countries, per year ... ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion .. Local readers, per line, per Insertion " Advertising and Circulation Telephone Newi Department Telephone ' ' ' Member of Audit Bureau ot :iraiUtiont DAILY EDITION 98 $5.00 .12 .50 3.00 y.oti J02 .25 Monday, December 13, 1937. MUCH TOO TALL . A tall story comes from Egypt It seems that there and C!f T Wh nine feet eiSht inches tall ?are B?tt?ng-? w and. unable co care for tor hlf himself. His fami v is tw.i- n on i Confident of Canada's himself and his fellow general manager. G. W. Sninnev. The state ment showed substantial increases in commercial loans, In deposits, and in total assets, which latter stood at $829,600,000, the highest count TOT D AILT JTEWB Monday, Dp lit ' Capacity for Recovery BANK OF MONTREAL'S 120th ANNUAL MEETING $ i Sir Charles Gordon, Sees Continuance of Better Tiroes If If iuiuuiiuii ioi unauiy Aiieciea liy international 3? i Disturbances 1 .lackson Dodds, General Manager, Presents Strong Fin- .? i ancial Statement, Showing Substantial Increases in fs Loans, Deposits and Assets f Declaring that Canada had,' been demonstrating in the af past year a.remarkable resiliency in productive enterprise, ! & Sir Charles Gordon, in his presidential address to share-K nomers at me recent annual meeting of the Bank of Alon-treal, expressed confident belief in Canada's ability to (ft carry on with success the recovery that had been iri pro- gress for the last twelve ' ' 'fi The meeting also received the fl-'anced budget at the end of the a nanclal report of the bank, presen-fiscal year In March next -that in due,tlme the improvement's? will be reflected in a decrease in f taxation; it certainly will be re(fi$ fleeted In the strengthening of lh. , fctf whole credit ' structure of this fti 'Tr:,rl- . m concluding his remarks, Sir jji reviewing uusuiess cuiiniLicm.s i . ... n& . . . ; Jinanes, wnue not attempting u 'r .v 1 over the wide territory in which nro4 c, tbe i. , 00 Canadian bUSineSS ? .hP (,,nV nrv.ra. Sir Phnr1 ,,1-.,'" "T;'"" ,',ru iriTnHr,ut,ot' c1 his confidence. that h ( these had much improved and ',n Canadas remarkable ca g were a happy contrast with the M . f imf . i. a. icvufctjr , wnicn. li not un conaiuons 01 Dut two years ago. dulv a h The one really serious handicap ,nrh JTw T V , ? ... ., . , luroances, would, he felt, mean a r - ' ' was in those nortlons of the Pral-t . . . tkt r conunuance or the better times rie Provinces where drought caus- g? nich Canadians had exrienced Q ed total or partial loss of the crop. dur, the g Canada, he said, had been de- commercial Loan Show Increase monstrating in the past year a re- ... r!2f ne tbe most Important fea-iW markable resiliency in productive! enterprise tures of th 1 statement a inctec nf tho ir,ttr ho presented by Mr. Dodds was the ft ferred to the remarkable growth of Jnerease hown In current loans' g pnlrf nrnrtiirtlnn nnrf of thp nntnnt " '"we man WWT A of I. .Ij...., industrial metals, remarking to 1182J0O.O0O. For For th the twr year end-! onrt. W f that with the exception of iron September 30, the current loans M a11 banks hai Increased bv'iai Canada was now the world's lar-iof .... 'S75 wn ncn whiu ih. tn...n. gesi exporter oi oase meiajs. ne ' ' 1 i r u .u 4u was weicome. he said. It was nntl FEATURING Arolustrene's Jn blue, white panel striD3s, checks and deep tones. '".l&t&ia,&itfiZ.2-4r . MALtBOxll - h If you're Thinking of Giving Red Flannels Celluloid Collars or Mustache Cups We Can't Do Much to Help You BUT IF, you are anxioui to ive what men really want and be ure of their satisfaction and appreciation might we surest a Smart Arrow Shirt and Tie Ensemble and cream. Fancies in BUT if you are in a quandary give him a white broadcloth or silk, no man has too many white shirts TOP THIS OFF WITH A NEAT PATTFliN TIE Then You Have a Practical Inexpensive ift VISIT l WILLIAM F. STONE'S The Store With The Christmas Spirit ojv& au ui uic giunui Ul uic f . a- - i COmmenXlimtj aHth ho I.-. ! k..b. nu. .. i 1 CXUUriS OI lUUlDcr. aSDcSlOS anu - in uuimo u uiuiiu, ui urn lr J fVio i i . ..!.... evnsum. of newsnrint and of Wlc vujume oi ousiness and the bleached sulphite pulp, saying it imProvement in commodity prices. was this resiliency in industrial '"S oui mai me ratio of enterprise which endowed Canada tne Baak's mvestments to deposits nv a Was fiT IVr rent tr TVn,l. U wuh so great a capacity ior recu- miu. peration. i"Thls is muclf hlglier than we jwouia juce it to be; we would pre-Canada's .Manufactures Worth .fef'to'have a larger proportion of Three Billions (our funds out in loans for produc- He further pointed out that tlve and business Durnoses Bui whereas Canada wait until nnltf- it is bpvnnH th nmror r.r n - - -" .w V . Aft IVlll". recently regarded as a country de- tnercial bank to increase at will voted almost entirely to agricul- its total of safe loans: the lnitia- ture, today agriculture provided , tiye cent .of the dividend. Deposits Higher ; Among Mher highlights, thtj statement presented by the general' managers showed that deposits by the public had Increased by $28,- , 0CD.000 to $681,000,000. Comment- I ling on this item, Mr. Dodds said, j "Despite all that is written and said nowadays on the subject oi I 'loans creating deposits', 'fountain! pen money' and 'monetizing' asset 1 lies with thA hmr j .""u.6 a. oi-scnoea as 35 cent of the 0UrU"ura nerlta.Be.' It Is safe to per exports and commercial bank cannot afford to lother forms of industry th ba'. have idle monPv n tt. h,, llxai not one or r customers madefnrWmtnooi7i.::fir; dlTfdl Aas lance. Canada now emnlov, C30, bevend to r " Z, ?o bonces make up our total erly cared for -puan nospuai anu be prop-looo people m zowo workshops, met ordinary ithd awaL and , S, by the pfnKC anj If f . lmllls and factoriM and annua: cash reserve purposes." whfr as to how his oi If the young giant manages to get through his veakalue cf manufactured products Many Factors In Loans SHuatlon. " dePSU CamC lnt beinB" i neSS fie might come to this rnntinpnt nA ,!, ..:i ..iamounts to more than s3.000.000.. . . money in the moMes or on the P lAH. ' , not rea i7f whpf an occof utc i. .7.. ",WV-J anaaas loreign iraae. ne sair. ....... .b wlc w.wus iau- . . S S L! 4. i? " , S1f? ht he. All he knows .bad grown by leaps and bounds r.s which had contributed to th, is inai ne cannot live Comfortably in the home of his par-,and for the calendar year would reduced demand for banking ac-entS because the house is not large enough to acrnmmn attaln a total approaching two commodatlon..JHr. Dodds said that date him and the beds are too short " """"JbHUon dollars, of which some 11 ut be recognized that manj ORIENTALS IN B.C. $320,000,000 wouia represent a t .jw a jj-mg na- favourable balance Biggest Trade With II. S. ture. "On the other hand," he pointed out, "thanks'. to Invention and - I " -. .v. HtlU i Hp nnlntpH nut (Vint fnnr. firths c(ontiri m-Anv. n j - v itotuiui, new muusiriCt bome of the farmers of British r.nlnmnio t, ulof this total trade was with Orea are always coming Into being, re- ' I- 8 gn Britain Britaln and 1116 the United umtcd States, states, add- add- suiting suiting in m BIT institutes, institutes, " have have nptitinnwl netitionwl the tV,n the nJftoU nrh,u r r.i..Li.- ne. new sources of business their Prnmpnf tn f ot' ""T. Pn,tlsh Columbia gOV-jing that due to the fact that Can- Xor the banks fin-pntof LTu- . CUFD tlle activities Of the ada bouSht .norc largely from th- "During the past 120 years thf wrinutis in inis province, particularly in connection vith'Unlted states than 0reat Br,taln Bank OI Montreal has kept abreast tneir competition in the raising of potatoes nnd vm the trade uith United statc-of the changing .times, tables. vete";for the 12 months ended Septem- taking its full part In aiding basic ' The netitinn n rnmr nf f ,..V.:!, u u . , . ;ber 30 last was around $395,000,- producUve pursuits, .old and new whlch has thp Vo,:! i ? been received from 000 greater than the trade with Industries, ,trade ahd commerce me Vancouver Island farmers, sets out that Orientals 0reat Britaln- Banking is an essential part of the grow 7o per cent of the potatoes raised in the nrnvin At the same time he noted wlih ntrlcate machinery of industry for the early market and 50 per cent of all nnHtnlc w aatUfacon 0131 the oov- and business-m addition to sup- that they have trained a monnnX f h! l,lf aiPeS' ernment por the business men ne- plementing .capital employed, com-lanH rlpnlS opportunities to furthei mercial banks provide many other Jdnu, uepiete tne tertlllty of the BOll and then move on rade wlth other countries. In the necessary facilities and services nave become large growers of fruits: have secured a larrrp' past two years ormal trade asrec at a cost 10 c,ients whlch "pre- Share of the hothouse industry.' Darticinate PvtPncVoW mentihad,been concluded wim no fents relatively their smaUest item in thp prrrr nnA nn,,nS j l W extensively ,less than 15 countries, and today n operating expense inn f gg P"ltry.ndustry J they cultivate 300 OUt of Canada was one of the tew coun- i 4UU aciea of tomatoes in the Okanagan and under sell the trles in lhe V0TlA wnlch employed n Banks Assets ,9-58 uul White grower of spring and summer flowers. no 9uotas- no exchange res- 'rhe assets of the bank, standing It further trlctlons and at$829,600,000 were the highest points OUt that onp oWpnth nf oil f u no embargoes othei lationof thenrovin tnan aociated with the Of this amount $599 hirr L PrOMnce IS Oriental and this IS an alarmingly traffic In arms. WO-OOO represented quickly avail- nign proportion when it is realized that this is part of the tne remedy world-wide able resources. equai;to 79.58 of lOUndatlon Stock for British Columbia's futm-P luiuie nnnnln civ11 and international strife." he labilities to the public, amount tion. popUla- saJdi -,,es ,n jnten,,,,,, Kvn, Ing to $752,73,000. This Oripntnl nnncf!n v i ,. . . ,. ,omlc co-operation, as I believe it "T"13 extremely strong position,' s?nn fi HI ? n haS been a llVe t0Pic of disC"S- does- then Canada, I think it can " Mr. Dodds. "Is 'beyond ordi- Moniortne past thirty years and several British Colum- sald' ls do,ng its full share nafy need3 reflects the fad oia legislatures have passed legislation to cive effect tn alons that ,lne" that the demand of our customers have vfTeS(0,Wllite been fa,;mm and others- A" these laws i t . N.ntl Ir STc C"X"W Sg&ZFZ nor found to be contrary to the constitution of the! JWJK, " v..v hjiiw aim privileges oi Cltl- : : "cuc io unpro- at $3,403,328, as compared with saw uic jjgiit vu voie, ueniai oi wnich is 1 nart of thp e r ", c somf; $3.181501 m Constitution. n the general under- of $2M 827. I - v p u f . It has already been decided that all the government can uu is to see inai ine unentais obey the laws in regard tn to hniiva hours nf Of urnvlr Work, minimum minimum sanitavv nnnUnu.. nnrl l 1936 an Increase ! standing of the railway problem as in cotnmenUne nn nrnfiu. Mr ( onngmg nearer the inevitable re- Dodds pointed out that Dominion medial measures, and reearrilnir -o-,., t".. T.TJ Wanes, hnnc,,1!Axatlonsa,dthe national finances without, takln. inn ,.nniH,tinn conditions. rSurv0nmHS 1 sury officials now hoped for a bal-ounted to over 27 per cent, of the Nobody Knocks The KNOX The Food Is Good The Rooms Are Clean The House Is Warm The Service Friendly The Rates Are Reasonable KNOX HOTEL R. Brasel N. M. Brasel Hyde Transfe Phone 580 Furniture Moving and Storage Transfer and Delivery Quick Service Jasper Coal ljulkley Valley. Coal Lump, Egg, 'Nut, Slack Cedar, Birph, Jackplnc WOOD Card Tables and Chairs For Rent 35 SECOND AVE. a More PEP More POWER Better Motor Performance THE "KING" TESTER That ls what you will have after we have gone over your car with our "KING" Tester, which ls the last u-ord in Muinment for dias- nosing motor trouble. Very often the difference between a slow motor and a PEPPY one Is only a matter of minor and inexpensive adjustment". If does-nt take much to put a high speed motor "out of line, but it does take special equipment to locate the trouble so that it can be remedied. We have the finest equipment obtainable and 1 eliminate! all GUESS WORK. Bring your car in and get PEP for the Ret-away and POWER for the hills. RUPERT MOTORS PRINCE ItUI'tUt, n.c. IF WINTER COMES !ooao&ofrooooooooooo CfOoooooooooooooesW Snow Shovels Ve can supply you with strong Snow Shovels at; each , .Christmas Pudding Dowls 0-r Kpaslmjr .Pans From C -From,. 1.00 25c OOOOflOOOOOOOOO0OOOrjOOOOOOOKi OO OOOpnSW0KO 0009 Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. 255 Third Avenue. Photos Different poses t choose Irom Lowest prices See our pin-dw and be jour own Judge. SUNOERWOOD'S Phone 101 'J 3 COAL TO PLEASE F.VERVnODV BatlAftctkia QunrtMfi liunoui lUikon Albrt Col llulklry Vtllry Cul Vanroum .Wand Cotl Prince Rupert Feed Companj PHONE: 58 and tU If you lose anything advertise for It. i