v. PAGE FOUR I HICKOK GIFT SUGGESTIONS For Men and Boys Let "Hickok" take care of your gifts for the casual friend with pleasing, useful and inexcensive Jewelry and furnishings, all attractively and suitably boxed. The various articles vary in price from 25c to S2.00. If you are wondering what else to give him use these suggestions. Collar Bars, Novelty and Initial Tie Bars, Collar and Tie Bar Sets, Initial Belt Buckles, Belt Straps, Tongue Belts, Cuff Link Sets, Formal Wear Cuff Link and Stud Sets. Presented By Bryant Company Limited Phone 297 Established 1911 - 217.-219 Sixth Street Get Ready for Christmas Festivities Children's Party Dresses Ladies' Evening Dresses Beautiful Silk Lingerie Be Sure You See These Before Purchasing Your Outfits, Drygoods and Novelty Shop UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. SS Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. g:oo p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Sun. Midnight SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SAILING CARDENA Leaves Prince Rupert Friday. DeremW 5:00 p.m. (Instead of 9.00 p.m.) Arrives Vancouver SUNDAY, 2:00 p.m. (Approximate). If convenient please purchase tickets at office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 British Columbia has produced minerals of an arererate value of $1,515,728,149.00. 1 The gross value oj.the Industry for the first six months of 1937 is estimated to be $36,383,510: over the value for the corresponding period In 1936. Indications are that this year's production will exceed that of any previous year in value, which is a splendid commentary upon the stability of the mining industry in this province. New prop, erties are being brought into production, and with the reopening of old properties, mill capacity will be considerably increased over last year. For Authoritative Information Regarding the Mining Industry Apply to The Department of Mines, Victoria, B.C. OUR OANO Fitch Ourvich Ingram Jlandlcan In Second Place I Rangers maintained their mar- tfjj'gin of supremacy In the Ladles J. Bowling League standing yesterdaj oy aeieating Big sisters two gam to one. The second place Blut Birds downed Merchantettes two to one. Annette's won over Knox j Hotel two to one while Telephone uins took the measure of Ou: pang by a similar margin. High average scorer was Mrs. Harbkt Bayoone of Rangers with 242 Individual scoring was as lows ANNETTES 1 Owen 193 Johnson 140 Basso Bert 178 Dickens 153 Skattebol 170 Handicap 23 852 KNOX HOTEL 1 Peterson 127 Brasell irr Scharff 135 Selig 162 Larson 73 Handicap ..;'........125 788 RANGERS l Raybone 216 Yager 158 Hallberg 122 Ballinger 169 Berg 125 Handicap 7 797 BIG SISTERS 1 Mrs. Rothwell 134 M.-BdrV ...146 B. Dickens 160 B. Dickens 136 V. Alexander 97 Mrs. Dickens, sr Handicap 152 825 BLUE BIBDS 1 Pierce .105 Turgeon 14a Boulter 114 Croxford 140. Keron " .145 - Hartwig Handicap g 817 1 142 : 171 82 Smith 212 Low Score ... 92 Handicap 49 748 817 TELEPHONES 1 Nelson 92 McLeod 150 Eastman 96 Peachy '..-1 93 Anderson j-. 164 211 2 143 178 142 .08 98 125 759 2 263 199 135 133 144 7 96 121 196 156 152 812 2 111 187 82 163 170 20 658 738 MERCHANTETTES 1 2 COlussi 202 138 Madin 142 107 Hallway 121 133 La Blle 159 95 Viereck .. i52 127 Handicap 41 41 2 311 152 180 133 116 23 915 fol- 806 771 821 1 The first half standing to date u 3 106 181 11s 17 23 896 3 192 243 24e 23S 174 fiTSi DAILY NHTwa RANGERS TAXI TAKES i WINNERS OVER LEAD Hold Their Lead In Ladies Bowling League With Bine -Birds Still 881 1005 Taylor .J. III140 J Assemissen 159 91 81 Gunriprsnn inn 641 2 162 151 140 190 96 49 788 641 2 142 98 121 121 103 211 115' ' lZ 141 Total 701 124 The City League bowling, standing to date Is now as follows: OC 152 Three Five , 20 13 I Royal Hotel 19 14 701; Grotto ;.; 14 ig 3 i Moose 13 20 203 124 191 199 3. 182 131 -I" .... r .23 10 23 -t-ioneer Laundry 18 15 ig -.uyrouiuo 13 20 13 ?; Old Empress 12 21 12 is as follows: W JJ8 Rangers ; .' 27 Blue Birds 23 145 Annette's , 22 41 j Our Gang 49 765 3 138 123 121 214 8 43 734 765 3 148 ml 87, ' 87 147, 211! Merchantettes 17 Big Sisters 15 Knox Hotel Z. 14 Telephone Girls 7 673 745 13 14 17 19 21 22 29 Pts 20 19 14 13 Bowling Standings FIVE PIN LEAGUE L Pts 9 27 ATTENTION! Customers of Hollywood Studio, formerly of 220 6th Street, may secure re-orders at any time by sending same to P.O. Box 25, Vancou-ver, B. C. The Central-Hotel ROOMS and CAFE . Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK DEMERS Closing Out Sale Christmas Gift Suggestions Hankies Compacts, Coats, Knitted ,year, Skirts , Scarves, Ski I'ants and 'Scta, Cloves, Dresses, Shocs( 1 Slippers, Slacks, Mouses, Lingerie, Hosiery, Hath-robes, Cards and Calendars'. The above at real bargain prices, comc.and look and compare. SPORT CHAT in tne ieaa c: Bren.uora stayea Royal Hotel Loses Supremacy n City Bowliiif Leajuc As Result . " f'15" f v.,..j..u.wi.v WfNttOQtball as a result of a one all the basement,, one game below the Grotto. High average scorer last night was Nels Gunderson with 172. Individual Scoring: GROTTO .1 2 Joy 143 127 uomaaina 140 163 Arney 159 i52 Morin 153 158 Bury 156 166 Total?. ROYAL Donald 3i Todd I., 162; MOOSE 7 Grav Stiles .751 1 .154 .133 761 l' 113 119 766 2 177 arelli 172 103 Shriaber 135 101 Smith ... 179 is . . n 'rat'T 4 w vj ".J. Comadina 126 " ' . . . 82 125 35 TAXI jGurvich . 9MjCeccona. , 3 IKinxlnr fTencrt,.. Paul tmj. W.- ' 766 1 .167 .174 141 124 .155 733 2 151 179 134 193 :i35 790 2 103 127 117 153 173 3 143 172 201 145 170 '828 3 135 132 170 163 134 73 i 3 122 158 174 169 150 773 3 13S 161 121 155 172 ay scoring a three game to nil clean sweep victory over Moos last night, Three Five Taxi movedf out on top in the City Ten Plri Bowling League standing with one game margin over Royal Hotel wmcn was losing one game to twri to Grotto. The Moose are now in draw with Leeds United Saturday, Arsenal, beating Preston North End' two to one is In second place. In the Scottish League, First Division,. Hearts of Midlothian defeated Arbroath 4 to 1 to Increase their margin of Elderly people attracted to sports by the enthusiasm of skiing youngsters turn to snow-shoes quite often after finding the ski pace a bit strenuous. At least, that Is the experience of one sales man In Boston who notes with sur prise that sales of snowshoes have tripled the past two years. "Where we used to sell perhaps 30 pairs of snowshoes several winters back," he says, "we sold nearly 300 last season even though the weather was so bad." "Kid" Chocolate, flashy negro battler, retained his featherweight title at New York five years ago Thursday night with a close 15-round verdict over Fidel Barba. He relinquished his crown two years later to compete as light weight and now is staging a come back. The Morning After-Taking Carters Little Liver Pills Sterling Silver Toilet Sets We have six beautiful designs in ladies sterling sets this year. Some, are all over engraved, some are engine turned and some are nearly plain. All can be engraved with suitable initials. JOHNgULGER-r cJEWELLErS THE STORE WITH THE CUCI 25 Off All Fur Coats and All Furs If you buy from Goldbloom you buy nothing but the best. This offer Usts till Xmas. Take advantate 0f it. GOLDBLOOM THE OLD RELIABLE Christmas Cards 4 For The Old Country Sco our large assortment of local view photo Cristmas cards and calendars. They are appreciated by relatives and friends. WRATHALL'S T1IOTO FINISHING lias The Dominion Department of Agrioultt lssiircl a re ire Port 1cribiBf WHAT EVERY CANADIAN SHOULD KN0 about The British Market 4 for Canadian Farm Products It deals with tfeef and Store Cattle Dairy Cattle, Dressed Beef, Hofiti' Bacon and Ham, Cheese, Butter,' Condensed Milk Dresied Poultry Eggs, Canned Fruits and Vtge' tables, Fresh Fruit, Honey, Map!e Products, Tobacco, Hay, Alfalfa Meal, Orass and Clover Seeds, Pua You may have a copy free Write to Dirrrlof, '.Mrfrkrtinf Smlr, Department of Airiruliurf, (, i auer dirrrlion of Huh. Jam,, G. C m I Smart New Patterns in B English Dinnerwai S P P and China As Christmas Gifts, They Will Re Prized M Cups and Saucers We have a very le selection of fine English BoneCt: u queers in Deautlful patterns at $1.00, 80c, Wd Teascts Royal Albert Petit Point. Blossom Time, as well as nw terns. Teasets make a worth-while gift that Is fare l l jjreciaiea. Dinncrware Our smart dlnnerware patterns m.ikp n oitt thai onvontl be proud to give or receive. Striking patterns in openstd oemi rorceiain, moderately priced. "The Home of Practical Gifts" GORDON'S HARDWARE Phone 311 jjcBridt iiimianmininiinqBwpariaa.tXxi r m y-nJTr? Coo - we' EASu you A The month or December You all must rememtw It the time for rejolcinf and cheer . Just ask for the best-"' do the rest Phone Philpott & EvW ' COAL. . UC Stck the Bsi Coals 1" Town Y LLLINGTON FOOTHILLS BULKM'.Y PHONE VAL1 PHILPOTT EViTT & CO. IT Phones' 651 C52 Canadian BR Pad TO Trans-Atlantic Tranarnntlnpntnl Trans-PfltlJ Tn 7 . anMoB Bnaw .-..couver .-..v,cr via v,, ocean uCcan Falls rails and and Way vy i roru PrlnCetS AfntnM m.tj.n n ntn vii)?.eJ,.Ac!e,a,dfl every Friday, 10 p.m. VANCOUVER DIRECT-PRINCESS NOKAH "ec Dec. Sth. ?!h' 20t". 20th. Jan. 3rd, 3rd, 17th, 17th, 31t Slit . .. VTER EXPITItSISllf tAt;U"SION rrn Itivinmrr'n C?9 AA iv.k t , . TO VANCOUVER $320 Tickets on Sale Nn. l. tnti t r.K 9th 1931 nt,lL Keturn "H March 3tt'. 1938 ai Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Tickets and Reservation from . ! miMM8' 0eneral Aent rrlnce ItuPJ S- .