Novelty sandals and evening slippers in silver, gold, black, silver and green, silver and blue, gold and red, etc. Flat-tics, cilbans and high heels. All sizes, reg. values to $5.95. TOYS TOYS and More Toys Christmas Is the Time for Toys and We Have an Exceptional Vw'kIv Prices Are Way Down to Clear at Christmas. Conic In M4Stc Our LarKe Display All Plainly .Marked at Lowest Prices. Including Hornby Lionel and American Flyer Clockwork at :0c, SUM. $2.23, $2.50 and up to SG.50. Electric $8.50 csmplctc with transformer. riAMES-Including Mickey Mouse and ,r.lXS and gllOOTINU Kra,y KaU at ,Jt an.J Ji Mian Machine OunS . ...... ..... ' ' iscSc'indc hf i h December 13, 1937. sssss LOCAL NEWS GOATS Annettes HOLIDAY SPECIALS litre is your opportunity to get the pair of evening slippers for the holiday season at a ridiculous low price. Or maybe it is a coat or dress you wanted. Come into Annette's tomorrow and sec for yourself just what value our specials are. Sandals and Evening Slippers nilLDINO IU.OCKS and A II C IlLOCKS-30c. 50c, GOc and HOLIDAY SPECIAL $3.45 7 Only Women's Coats From 40 to 46. Fur trimmed, Chamois lined. Keg. value to $45.00. CM Q Eft H,.l?i1iiv SnPfii.1 ...... VAwv J -A great variety at 25c, "5c DISHES. -Colorful sets In glass, china, tin or aluminum, at 25c. 13c, 00c, 65r, 83c and up to whole family. Drldgc Keno, Fan Tel, Pkk-up (lAMI'S Kor the Par checs , B nakes Quoits SUcka. Tabic Tennis. Lotto. Dingo, Mosaics. Jig Saws and others and Luldcrs, Chess, Ten Pins, from WOODEN ad M-USH ANIMAL TOYMECI SI.H N MAUIINLb TELEPHONES - TK I'M PETS DUl'MS - RATTLES - bOLDILR bLli 11KOOMS - TOPS - KUIIIIEU TOYS, Etc. KIT.BEU HALLS-At special low prices. in and see our DOLLS-Comc A Doif RFirTlFl!l aloZenJ COLLECTION ? We have them OE to meet every wish and gift requirement. McuMvs-Md Headquarters For All Kinds of Toys and Christmas Gifts Regal Shop I ill Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY rilONL G57 DRESSES 12 Only Outsize Dresses From 40 to 52. All new shades, metallic or velvet trim. Regular value to Cft 19r, Wnlifljiv Riwial PVtW Annette Ladies Wear Co. Third Avenue and Fifth Street u,,ai',.i"vi-i.i-'4ni 'i Third Avenue and Fifth Street REX BOWLING ALLEY Hascmcnt of Exchange Block PHONE 658 If you lose anything, advertise for it. 0 m m JfAll SILVER NEW YORK: (CP) Car sil ver v'as unchanged at 4154c pe fine ounce on the New York mc. ' al market today. 27. Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. i S.O.N. Christmas Tree December THE DAHiT NZWf PAOI THltn Cash for Old Gold. Bulger's. M Mrs. II. Schcrk returned, to the fmm m Vancouver. k jfS .Something ncwl Two pairs of $& fancy panties nicely boxed for $l'6c W'at tHe Dollar Store. " tf Canadian Legion, BESL. Christ S3 mas Tree. Members will please m leave names of children. .at, club mj: rooms at unto. . the Coronation. Oakland. Tt ( 'IM. DIDN'T MOVE i..n act tf Union steamer Catala. CaDt. Johr Mulr, bringing In a fair-sized list of passengers, arrived in. port, at iu:4U last nignt irom ine souu and sailed at midnight for Stew art. An vox and other northern points whence she will return here tomorrow southbound. II. A. Hughes Is relieving as purser of the Catala now while A. II. Robinson Is on holidays. Bernice Palmer says . . . Mrs. Kineery f (Aida Davidson) was in England f6r the.fivent. There CHEERIO 1 Nollce of Intuition to AlI'l to twt Tn Prince Rupert land RccordlnR District of Brttlsli Columbia, and ttti-aie an Zayae kland ou the N. W., point oil west side of ZAjtm cm 4 reef of' Anunzazu rolnt. Take notice thatiPrank Wa.termn. ot Prince Prince Rupert, Rupert, B. B. q., q., occupatiorj occupation mhht Miner C.Y. Holiday Dance Dec. 28tn, ,, ; lirtends to apply for . lease erf tie lol- Oddfcllows' Hall. L'.ifr8 01 m Norkap Christmas Tree December u W 6 29. Northreist: theaK 1800 fret Northwest Oddfellows' Old Time Hogmanay Dance, December 31. thence 1800 Xeet Southwest: . theh.-e 1500 feet Southeast and oonUinlnJ 33 acres, more or less FRANK WATERJ1AN , , . Come in and see the new TIP TOP styles ! Do it now come la and sec the wide variety of styles Tip Top offers you. Every one guaranteed new, correct and "right". Every man will find here an authentic, up-to-the-minute style to suit him a British fabric that will please. We repeat: come in and have your suit or coat made for you and only you hand-cut and'tail-ored to your measurements by Tip Top's union craftsmen. $25.95 TIP.TOP TAILORS LIMITED P-CRAVETTO Fourth Street TTO-l rrittor. Dallv News: 1 read tn a recent edition of your excellent paper an editorial calling on the people of Prince Rupert to bautirv their city. I crmroF. nnt Dpo. 13: (CP) I IS Roland Gilbert didn't even have to leave his motor 'car after It som ersaulted following a .collision. He remained In the vehicle until it" was tiDued back on its wheels. Neither driver was Injured. . "Build B.C. Payrolls" Vacuum Packing Important Ii The Letter Box j T, FIRST AVENUE I am a visitor to this city and on getting off a boat Inquired my way to a eood hotel and was tola mere were, several on First Avenue. I, u-pnded mv wav to First Avenue and rame in what I took to be a broad roadway In a deplorable state ofj disrepair witn Dare swmn a.uu iov.u all oyer the road, hills ana noiiows tn hurt one's ankle sand blister one's feet; I found four first class hotels and one fine apartment house and many substantial looking dwellings but not the semblance of a sidewalk and this was first Av enue. Ood knows what the other avpnucs are- like. v,iir cltv desires tourists? Yes? And vou leave First Avenue to the hotels without a sidewalk. Does! this encourage visitors to come here? Beautify your city by all means. It may be beautiful in spots but please make a start, and beautl- fv 'First Avenue with a sidewalk even a cinder one. Your city is lucky to have a val ' - .I,.'- . - ,1 .... ... nf 'lUaDie paper use yours wj uiow A favorite topic of conversation . ,.-.inn tA-wKat. Is hadlv needed. i , Cvl4V&viu WW T W - - nmnrr n vH rt f lefl ftfc linrA 4 C ci 111 I i -n-J 1 4 - uiiivtiB wa-uuvw.m,w uvv M kppti un vour Erooa worK xvix. rjuiw-u. arid HanDV Christmas. HENRY A. ukvan. she met her husband who Is in the Jamcs Morgan arrived In town Foreign Service of Standard Oil Saturday afternoon from Surf Point iiwh witj uuiv .v.. I mine lo receive treatment ior I UlkV t iUklt M - left California. nr.TOn He wlli returning to By the way, aia you Know MpjMand'onTiiursday. ia if i a v rt (u nn-vic innri rati imn - many others in this country) broad cast the speech of King Edward, now Duke of Windsor, to the pupils. Everyone brought his own hankie. HI There Is such a basic difference in construction of Vacuum Cans and ordinary ones we feel thatrfcslde from any other coif- sidcration the fact that vacuum tirts are open to cleaning and live steam sterilizing BEFORE filling is worth all our thought effort In using the process. Pacific Milk Irradiated of Course Per lb JONES Family TOT ROAST Per lb. PRIME RIB ROLL SHOULDER STEAK 2 lbs. HAMBURGER 3 lbs SHORT RIBS 3 lbs VEAL VEAL STEAK Per lb. SHOULDER VEAL 4 lbs rouK PORK CHOPS 2 lbs. AYRSHIRE BACON Per lb. Market Phone 937 AND rhone 957 Fulton Meat Market rhone 683 Phone 683 Specials BEEF lbs. SIRLOIN STEAK 2 2 lbs. ROUND STEAK .. lbs. RIB STEAK 2 35c 35c 35c 10c 15c 25c 25c 25c 20c 50c 45c 25c GIVE PHOTOS This Christinas The only gift your friends cannot buy. BENf'ON STUDIO 3rd Avenue II E Thrift Cash & Carry Quality Food Lowest Prices These Specials in Effect Until Saturday : r -t EGGS Scott's Large. 3 doz. BUTTER First Grade 3 lbs. .'. A . $1.00 SODA BISCUITS Christie's . . 0Zg Large ctn. CORNED REEF ElRancho. 7 2 tins NABOB CORN Fancy White. 2 tins i . COCOA Cow ans. Vi-H). tin 14c Tuesday and Wednesday Only OLD DUTCH CLEAN SER 9Ctf 3 tins ., CATSUP Libby's Gentle Press. Of ddC 2 bots. NUTS No. 1 . Mixed. 2 lbs. 45c TOMATO SOUP- Campbcli's. 7f Per tin Limit 6 GRAPEFRUIT Imperial Valley,. 1 Q ( for ORANGES Nice Size. Dozen . ...... ..... 3 Dozen Phone 179 Make THIS Yardley Jasmine Evening in Paris Waterman's Pens and Pencils-Complete sets from OXYDOL ' Large pkg. I US . tj OK AN AG AN ONIONS 5 lbs r 95c HACON i A " Diamond 1 a Sliced. Lb. 25c 2 Bars Calay FKEE LIFEBUOY SOAP Bar PITTED DATES 7c New stock. QQn 3 lbs. NABOB TOMATOES No. 2 tins. 1An Each CANDY Xmas OC mixed. 2 lbs. FINEST INTERIOR VEGETABLES CARROTS- iAn TURNIPS- 14n 17c 25c Swift's Premium Sliced. 'rib. Cello 21c STRAWBERRY JAM Empress fg 1 11 1 V. 'I-III. till QUAKER OATS Large ORC PEAS Royal Sieve 1. 2 tins City. 27c ASPARAGUS Calif. White Tips. O-flo lOJ-oz. tins, ea. CALIFORNIA CITRUS FRUITS M JLV SUNKIST ORANGES New Navels. jC 3 do. 13c 27c CHRISTMAS a REAL CHRISTMAS May We Help You Choose Your Gift? Zipper Key Containers 75c Assorted Plain and Fancy Pcr-. funics From . 50c to $10.00 Jasmine and Gardenia Sets From 50c to $20.00 Overnight Cases and Travelling: IIags--(Flttcd) For ladies and gentlemen. In the most popular colors and 79c We Deliver Genuine Leather Billfolds From $1.00 English Plush Toys 85c to $2.00 Cigarette Cases and Lighters At popular prices. Cigars and Cigarettes All brands. Christmas wrapped. Cut Glass Perfume Bottles From 50c Christmas Wrapped Chocolates. 1937 Gift Sets by Gardenia Woodbury AND Don't Forget Your Christmas Cards A wide range from 3 for Lenthcric Adriennc $1.95 10 $15.00 Ormes Ltd The Store of a Tho usand Gifts 5c E I I If you have something to sell, a classified advertisement in this paper will soon let you know if there is a buyer in the city, , ....... , :J