1 I S3' row UG2 &r if SI s if M if If 8 W if 5f if if if if if M if if if if if 'V ij if w if S if if Calling All Christmas Shoppers To visit the largest Gift Shop in the North, wncre'you will get good value for your money, and the largest selection of useful and beautiful gifts for every member of the family. In Our BASEMENT STORE You will find many useful gifts from 10c up. A fine assortment of China, glass and dinnenvarc at prices that are bound to please. 32-Piece Dinner Sets $2.75 OOOOOOOOOCOOOOO0O-COOOOOOOOOOOOKKOC-K Cups and Saucers 85c v v i'er uoz., from up Etched S-oz. Glasses (Cf Per dozen VJK, DRASSTAIILES BAGGAGE CINXIBAR CLOISONNE SMOKING STANDS AND COPPER MAX HE1LBRONER Diamond Specialist Used Furniture 3-rieee IVieker Set with Spring Seat Dining Room Suite Includes buffet, table and 4 chairs Kitchen Cabinet . Bed Coll sprln and spring-filled mattress. Size 4-8. Price Bed Cable spring and felt mattress Reconditioned Ran; From S18.00 S22.50 815.00 S22.50 814.50 820.00 Axminister Rug Slightly used. Size 9x12 JEWELS Genuine liiar.tond Tie rin . .. ' 1 '-Karat Watch Chain 23-JeweI Waltham Watch 825.00 825.00 815.00 820.00 New Rugs for the Home Aiminbter Carpet Size 9x10.6 Bedroom Suite Includes Dresser. Chiffonier and Bed. Special Baby Jumper jJwinrs From Baby Walker From i'.S "WflVc "5 "TO MWJS ? ! nn 839.00 865.00 TOYS 81.75 83.50 Bedroom Reversible Wo! Slats-Size 25x48 Walnut Magazine Table-Price, each . Shoofly llocker-From Automobile From 84.00 87.50 83.50 810.75 Wc Buy Used Furniture Phone GREEN 916 Hours From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. THIRD AVENUE ELIO'S PRINCE RUPERT 5 Early Advertising Copy Will be Very Much Appreciated TEX DA2LT NTT 5 WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront 1 - V Armour Salvage Co.'s big service vSjboat Algie. still under packing Jj charter to the B. C Packers. 1$ at 5i nr "sent mnninrf uiU Port Edward a Mrtth berrinsikbr the reduction t - g lani there. For?.-ome months th. Alsie. of whfcn:Capt. Henry Han tlsen is in command, had been run i ning o-.t of Namu Recently she 2 was in Vancouver The vessel was in port Friday nigtu last when the bride of he4 skipper, the formei Miss Myra Klnsior. disembarked here, Thes'ere married rccentl - at Ocean Fiam. M - i 2 SaiUns from hire on Thureda.' j T ',w,TrT", IT i T nrght of next wn. the steametj K H I I I f I VI 1 1 -riJj & Prince George will arrive in Van I v. norm an oopartu: in to Keep noth I Twenty -Five Years Asfo J A. iTecKer'ano u. larke wen awarded a eontract by the school board yesterday for the erectioti of a two-room school house al Seal Cove. The cost will be $4,635 Meeker and Clarke being the lowest of three tenderers. The steamer Prince Rupert sail ed for the south .this morning being local people going south fo the Christmas holidays. Amonjr them were J. E. Merryfield. Alfred Carss. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Perry 1L P. Wilson. Mrs. J. P. Cade. J. Y Rochester. H. ' B. Rochester Mitchell Albert. SANTA CLAUS and COMPANY ana Mrs M. T. Lee returned to the city on the Catala last night from a trip to Vancouver. Exhibits For Museum Here Interestlnj Gifts Received Dnrinj Monti of November For Local Institution During ihjp aibnth of Kovembei gifts received by the Prince Rupert Museum included a, stone anchor from Chief Walter Wright of Klt-selas. an Indian stone mirror from William Hogan of Copper Rlvei through Charles Gilbert of Terrace and collections or beetles, butterflies and mice from Mrs. Clark of Terrace. ffi cower on Christmas Day. In ordei ! "I i HTT TITTM"! A T i JuheT rn? !nm: LA 1 nCiUKAL j2 day engagement-; It is announce! i that the veel w.h arrive at Van JCno,r -M ,lf,f Trosram iH nlllTPr at 15 nmr nn that rim Sri. I Lit Night 5 stead of 2:30 in V. e afternoon, the 2 regularly schedule! time. II ft cr The seventy-foot boat Rosin e has A program of selected number; excellenUy rendered by thi popular choir of St. Andrew's Ca- 'thedral under the able direction of A. J. Lancaster on Sunday ins before a large and appreciative congregation. This was the second of the series of musical service, planned by the Cathedral choir foi this season. "Lead Kindly Light" by Pughe- arrived from Vancouver to engage Evans, beautifully sung by the full in herring fishing Tor the saltery cholr- V9S tne Pnlns number fa at Dominion cannery on the Skee- followed by two deUghtfn', & na River. The Rnsine te a hand-i?eras Brother James Air ar- l&Z'&QV'ZlZ&Zi' some vessel which was originally Iranwl by Gordon Jacob. The con- jouui at Oakland. Calrlomta, as a!61-1""' Il"LOU "iC I pleasure vacht then sang the Hmn "Hark. Hark I I My Soul". This was followed by jKlpUng's Inspiring "Recessional" Vincent me singing or wnicn re vealed the choir at Its best. Thi sok part in this anthem was taken by Len. Crlpps which brough out the high standard of his bril liant technique in tone and color The closing number selected wai the great chorus from Mozart' Twelfth Mass "Olorious Is Thj Name" the rendering of which with 120 passengers on board, many 'Characterized the choir as beinf one of the best singing choruses on the coast. Peter Lien was also heard at hb best at the Consol organ, partic ularly In his performance of th. "Bach Chorale" as an offertor number. A Dleasin? feature introduced by Mr. Lancaster at these musical ser vices Is the Interspersing of hymns selected and sung by the congra gation. A Smart, Comfortable Sweater .Makes An Ideal (lift Yor Dad or Hi Lad MEN'S SWEATERS V-Neck Tulloeni In rialn and Eancy Woolt Silk Coats Jackets with Full Zipper in Plain Colors and Tweed Effects From and Wool 82.95 10 86.95 ROYS' SWEATERS V-Xeck and Polo Xeck Pullovers In Q-i CAtoQnnc Marie Yarns and Plain Colors iJA.UU Qtit&O Jackets with Full Zipper In Heather Mixture and Plain Blue with Trim, Pleated Backs. Sizes 30, 32. 31 QQ j-n Priced at Ou.OU WATTS & NICKERSON 506 Third Ave. Men's and Boys' Clothiers Phone 313 PEACE RIVER Considerable Improvements have recently been made around the entrance of the Carlsonla Theatre here. Building operations now under, way In Dawson Creek Include a new lumber shed, for the Frontier LutnbergiGd- new "funeral parlor . or Joe Dill. new flour storehouse or Paul Descheld and new dwel lings for A. S. Chamberlain. James Bond. William Charles and Jack. McLeughlln. Mr. and Mrs. George Cummirs have arrived In Dawson Creek from LaFleche. Saskatchewan, to tak' up residence. Mr. Cummins L manager of the new power plant here. J. A. Grant and family hav? moved into a new dwelling recently built by E. J. Spinney. A successful dance was held tv 'he Dawson Creek Hockey Club in he Carlsonla Theatre last Friday evening. Dr. W. N. McKee is driving tr Jlrst new 1933 car to be observea iround Dawson Creek. George Lloyd is building a ne bouse on his horqestead In the Srinlea district. An excellent concert and danci. was recently put on by the Nor flnt Women's Institute at the Transplne school. Severe colds are affecting man? -esidents throughout the Peace River Block these days. Willis Currie of Erinlea has gonv. out to his traplines for the winter He will be Joined later by his nep hew. Robert Oroeer. Miss Skinner of Seven Mile Cor ner has taken up residence In Dawson Creek. Rev. R. Foster has arrived at Dawson Creek to become Angttou. Church rector, succeeding Rev Roy Durnford who has been transferred to Seal Cove at Prince Rupert Try a Dally rewk ciniatlfd advertisement for best results. AWSAO,Vyi C feUl SrT k UnL-S-L-r x fev$ V"5 ST J pVA 3cr5 VOIP PV 2 y; OHU LU1UJ Mfckfc JJS 1 "-tV - - rjggiE r k" K5 TK MA i3r- ws-r cakta ' R vjzznsfSivesssKti p happy NoEVEsyr.s,? .JT i itwcj j v si -. k- i -t -b--x-- nrv ;.- -. .. . TONIGHT and AM ERIC Atlast'-ThebL J of gUmorous J'.'T and flashinr Jim 1 less tiUn ho Uat t: mil At ': A td Y A Also NEWS arl lARTOOJl U.N lilt MAbL At 9 : JO: "BROCK And Hi; CAPITOLIA.XS Fratar-"! Sijmynd Hambert'i xnv jioo.y THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING! COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL BRITISH COLUMBIA .Manufacturers of Elephant Brand Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium Phosphates. Sulphate ol Ammo, i, Sipcrphm-phates. Complete Fertiliier Producers & Refiners of Tadanac Hrand Metals Gold. Silver, Electrolytic Lead. Zinc. Cadir -:r BmiI HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A andD Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestibkl palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD., Prince Rupert, B.C. Junior Chamber Members Adorn Lamp Standards ' The dovnitoan -ken on an ever. effect as a muif of energeUc membr: lor Chamber of O r day In decorating ; light sUndards vi The work vaa direc t sldent. J. C Gilkcr . Pierce as chairma: mlttee appointed :; The Junior Chanib' the erection of a lw rommunUy tree in " House square on T! - it It ,1 , c I rur?" I