lumber 13; 1M7;$4 krtslmas THE TIME FOR MORE Brighten your home, indoor and out, with colorful, Chrittmat fighting, you can afwayt depend on Edison Mazda Umpt. $27.50 Men's and Young Men's Fine igjjw - $20,95 $23.00 Men's and Striped Effect Suits , Men's and Younjr Men's Pants From, up . . Younjr Men's $18.95 65c to 75c Men's Fine Dress i(m Sox Fancy assorted shades $1.75 49c I ADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO.. MADE IN Canada iCTTl tlOHT ilTTt SIGHT (JSC DISON MAZDA U27 Limited NEWS OF THE MINES rer Values On Topjey Claims Silver King Gives Good Returns Prospector Tangled in Deep Snow rlex Chisholm has returned to Smithers from the JT - . . m 1 l 1 V . group nf mineraljnaimsrat i.opiey. in wnicn ne is in- idVlra'L.-irJienney'anu otnerff, ormging news1 01 . White Hair Goes To Deep Purple j - - Dutch Consul's Wife in Melbourn : Com Americans and English One Better CHRISTMAS LIC.IITS BELLEVILLE, . nt.. Dec. 13 t.CPi Officials of the Chee?emen's As sociation, in convention here, turned on the power lor the new multl- colored downtown lighting system, i The new lights will flicker until i Christmas. 1 Smithers a few days ago with large supply of provisions and went back to the mine with the lnteri-: tlon of making another shlpment.-Joe .F,elber, well . known Terrace prospector,. ran Into trouble recently; as he was coming out from his min eral claims on the east side of Thornhlll Mountain. He had gone In without snowshoes and was caught after a fall of five feet. On 1 the way out he got Into a 25-foot snowsllde and It was only with con ely hieh silver value in the ore encountered as a sidratie difficulty that he finally mr l. 1 1 1 IA 4- I rt1 , canyon. iur. tnisnoim nas ueen jiei-Msieju m iui-. jthe showing being worked '" l.e tunnel and the assays his properties In the Babine moun- lindlcate that he Is following tains north of Smithers. Mr. Baker kht track In opening up this has acquired much property form- mln2rallzed zone. Assay re-1 erly held by A. T. Harrer and B. F. jlust received show a silver , Messner inciuaing me 01a ouver of 1100 ounces of silver to King ground and other claims. Equipment has been se-; Since coming Into possession he has lo haul ore and an early ship-j been working hard and has taken Is planned. ' 1 out a lot of ore In the development I of the holdings. While the exact urns have recently been rc-' figures are not made public, Mr. , by R Baknr un a large ship- Baker admits that they were very he recently made from satisfactory. He stocked up at fice. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprl-toi "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rate $1,00 up 0 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Jturwrt, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box l Bis Reductions on Christmas Gifts Now is the time to buy your Christmas sifts at considerable saving, the stock is large, well assorted and prices cheap. Come and see the bargains you can get in men's, ladies' and Children's shoes, men's ties, hate .underwear, Kloves, slippers, suits, overcoats, etc. neiow are u 1 $5.50 All Wool Zipper Windbreakers Excellent fit, fancy back. Also plain. Sizes 34 to 46, 445 From $:j.!)5 Hoys' All Wool Zipper Wind-breakers Fancy back, best fit. Sizes Mtost $3.25 From 15c Men's Handkerchief's JQ'jg Now , , , t i C. Clothiers Ltd. v . Phone BLACK 321 Nov T Tn oajlt Niwa PAoa rrnt 'TOAST OF NEWJORK" Colorful Period Picture at Capitol Theatre Capltolians on Stage "The Toast of New York," featuring Frances Fanner, Cary Grant and Edward Arnold, comes to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here at the first of this week It is a throbbing drama of that colorful period tn the history of New York around 18C5 when horse cars, gas lights, iron hitching posts, wooden cigar store Indians, buggies and 'traps, hoop skirts, bustles and bon- nets were- the order of the day; I Edward Arnold plays the part of Jim Fisk who started out, as a peddler and made a fortune procuring cotton from the south and trans- i porting it to the markets of the MELBOURNE Dec. 13 (CP) Th , north during he Civil War, later fashicn in America and in London becoming .one of the most powerful of whitp-h-iirpri women dvehu men on Wall Street. His one weak 'their .locks .1 ripiicntp shnriv nf ness is his burning affection for j mauve has a devotee among well; Josle Mansfield, played by Frances knewn women in Sydney, N.S.W. . Parmer,, upon whom he .spent a I She is Mr3. Hahs,Fay; wifo of ,thV fortune to make her a theatrical j Consul for the Netherlands, lie) star, Cary Grant is Fisk's more . hair is cut very short, almost. In the handsome and successful rival. J manner of an Eton cronand orl'aj An added attraction on this pro-J recent ladies day at Randwlch gram. will be the monthly appear- was dyed a deep purple shading' to- ance of the Capltolians, under air- mauve at the sides. I ectiori of Dr. H. N. Brocklesby, fea- turing selections from "New Moon." ItJissiFlEO FOR SALE FOR SALE Piano in good condl tlon. Also household foods. Phone Black71Z (291) FOR SALE-r-6-room house 7th Av enue West. A real snap at $350 ppsK or $400 terms. Apply Col lart ti McCaffery Ltd, opposite Power CoraDany. (290) FOR SALE Long wave Spartort Radio. Splendid crtidltton. will sacrifice for $45.00 cash. Phone Red" 578. (289) FOR SALE Trolling boat, Active Fully equipped for trolling with gurdies. Apply Dybhavn & Han son. FOR SALE Full size Phone Black 322. LOST steel THE SEAL E QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon FOOTBALL 3 "t Mrs. H.B. rtocbestw Presents Junior tf, FOR SALE Sewing machine, Bed room Suite, Chesterfield, Kitch- .cn Set, Washing Machine, Library Table. Wilton Rug lOVixO. 2 Baby Cribs, Bridge Lamp, Trllight Lamp, Victor Radio 11 tubes, Kitchen stove with ,oil burner and all household effects Apply 1143 Ambrose Ave. Phone Green 185. (292) crib. (289 FOR SALE Upright piano. Apply Box 25. .Dally News. (292) LOST Rowboat 14 feet long, painted grey. Claus Peterson, Humpback Bay, Porcher Island. Reward. 280 LOST Bunch of keys In leather case. Finder please return Dally News, Reward. (290) HELP WANTED OIRL wanted for housework. Apply 3Pznd:Ave. u, WANTED BACHELOR wishes to have cook stove suitable for cabin. Apply Dally News. Packed t7 the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert League Shield' to Ilieh School Interesting and Enjoyable Affair ml-- . .1 T I T7, U 1 1 A GIFT BOXES LAM ACT BANQUET I ine annual jumiui ruuiuau na- jr. so:iation banquet held Saturday evening was one of the most .sue- 1 cessful functions of its kind. The J$ banqueting room of the Canadian Legion, kindly loaned for the oc- M cassion, looked very attractive and, fltf with the guests and fifty boyS as- t& serabeld, the event pi Teal enjoyment. - After a very satisfactory supper,! an Interesting program of short talkf followed. The feature was trre presentation of the Rochester Shield to Jack Ritchie, captain of the King Edward High School team.: The presentation was made by Mrs. Rochester whose delightful talk' was thoroughly enjoyed. Mrs. Ro chester referred to the pleasure her lats husband had derived from knawledee that the trophy had been such a help to sporting activi ties of the youth of. the city. Jack! Ritchie replied neatly. Of the finest chocolates made ,aU prices to suit every purse. Your choke will be held till Xmas with no deposit required. Come in and look It over. MUSSALLEM'S Confectionery Store Xotltf of Intention to Apply to Uase 1 .and In Prince RiwxTt Laud Rcorfllng nie.irint. nf Rrltl&h Columbia. WA tVK.' ot km, of Prince LehoO Island In Hudson Bay Paw, eouwi 01 uunaa UUuid oaneolcuoua whlt rock .8:' hlvVi YnuirtrMI An CTUlFtl. Prince Rupert, B. C oxxufxutlon Mlnet intnri la a.DDiv lor a lease pi wie splcuoua whlt rock B5 Jeet blgh and 1 shart). . . . . . Ccmunenclng at a post planted on & ct&jmv, rock 200 feet 8. E ol N. Y7 Corner on Northeast Bide thence 600 feet Southeast: thence 800 feet; fouth-west thence 800 feet .Northwest: thence 800 feet Nortbeaat and containing 16 icres. .more or Jw. FRANK WATERMAN. Dated October 4. 1937, LAM) RF.OISTKY ACT Re: Crrtlflcatc of Title Xos. 19093-1. 11 Uit Fonr Hnnrtred and Thlrty-wnr; (434), Kange Five (S), Coast District, said to contain One Hundred anil Fifty-three (153), acre, more "or less WHEREAS DTOOf Ot lQB or the above Certificate of Title .Issued In the I Dated Octofoer -4. 1937. name of Thomas U. Canroy bas been filed In lUila office, noit Is bereb? given that I shall, at the expiration ot one month Imn the date of the ftrat publication hereof. Issue a provisional Certificate ot Title in lieu cd said lost certificate, unless In the meantime val id objection t made to trie In writing dates at the Land Heguirr uiux Prince Rupert, B. thU 9th.' day p ANDREW THOMPSON, Deputy Registrar of 'Title; LAND ACT Notice nf Intention' to Apply to ' Lease Land In Prince .UTwt Land Recordlne DUUlct of British Columbia, and aitu te on White Sand Inland. Take notice hX Frank .Waterman ot Prince Rupert, occupation miner, uv tends to apply lor a lease oi ue ioj lowing . described lands; Commencing at a post .planted .on one of the high cliffs on ;Whlte Banfl. island and Demit- auu leet. irom :ine a E. corner of Whtte Band Island and cm It east side, thence 600 feet B- thence 800 .feet N. W 4 thence 600 tfeti, N. E4 thence eoo fee .8. E; .and. con; talnlng 13 acres, jriore -or teasi . . FRANK. WATERMAN Dated Augua 38. 1937. is the srritr.Mt voiat- or'HRiTiaii. roLi'sintV i moruTF. In (he -Matter ,ot. the "Administration. AM" And In the Matter of the .Estate ,of .Peter Merklev. nereased. Intestate TAKE NOTICE that by order of HI Honor, W. E. Fisher, the 17th day of November. A D. 1037. I was appointed Administrator or the estate oi reter MerKley, deceased, and all parties hav ing claims against uie saia esw are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the lam day or orcemoer, a u. 11137, ana all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of the'r Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Dated tho 19W day of -Notember. AX). 1937, Prince Rupert, B O. "OOVERNMENT LIQl'OR ACT" .Notice of Application for lleer Licence NOTICE Is heretoy given that on the Thirty-First day of December next, Ui undersigned Intends td apply for llcmce In respect of the premises, .being ipart of the building known is Port Clement Hotel, situate upon the lands described as Lots No. 7, and 9, Block 47, District Lot 7. Plan 1079, In the Prlnc Rupert Land RrglAtra tton District In the province of Brl tlsh Columbia, for Uie sale of brer by the glas jot the battle for eormunp-tlon on Uve premise or elHewhare. DaUHl this 3rd day of Dei-ember, AD. 1937. ' ADAM PYPER. Applicant. Special Sale Silk Knit Pyjamas and Gowns These Are First Grade Goods of the Famous Watson Quality Pyjama Suits In a variety of styles and colors. Values to $2.45. Special for, suit $1.45 Pyjama Suits In a wonderful, assortment of colors and de signs. Rgular values to $2.95. Special for, suit ...:...'S....,..": Z. Pyjamas-Of finest quality. Values $3.95. Special for, suit i:;.:3?.JLl-3..:' Gowns In similar .quality to pyjamas.- Assorted colors. Values to $1.95: Special for l.C Gowns Assorted colors and patterns, some lace trimmed. Values to $250 for Gowns In finest quality. Values to $2.95 for - $1.75 $2.75 $1.25 $1.45 $1.75 Pure Silk Dance Sets Some lace trimmed and other- daintily embroidered In white or tea rose. Values to, g $4.03 lUi, ci : Dance Sets In suede taffeta In white or tea rose embroidered motif trim. Very special, set Phone 9 95c 1 Any of the Above Will .Make Very Desirable Gifts Make This Your Shopping Centre. We Have a Very Pleasing .Assortment of Both Practical and Useful Articles for Every Purse and Taste CHRISTMAS CARDS, SEALS, TAGS, FANCY WRAPPINO, TINSEL TWINE. CRACKERS, ICICLES, ETC. WALLACES Third and Fulton ta- . 1 1 nr t ii Bigger Better 9f TOYS For Everyone I KAIEN HARDWARE 1 PHONE 3 MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE PHONE 775 Gifts That Last Simmons Mattresses Assure Sound, itefreshing Kest for Years to Come. They Are Huilt by Kxprrt Craftsmen. BEAUTY HEST AIATTIIESS .... OEEI SLEEI i MATTKESS ., TRAFALGAR MATTRESS ..X SLUMBER KING MATTRESS SOFT NAP MATTRESS Budget Plan Can Ik Arranged $42.50 $30.00 $39.95 $27.50 $20.00 327 THIRD AVENUE X