i i i E5 i s I . if t' .nl 9 4 1 f ft -2 15 an J I i -at 32 as id. PAGE TWO THE DaJLT NUvyB Rubber Footwear We are Headquarters for Rubbers and Rubber Footwear of all kinds. Get yours now while the stock is complete. Agents for Culta Perclia and other leading makes. Family shoe store lt The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PIUNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue II. P PULL EN - Managing-Editor ADVERTISING KATES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion Local readers, per line, per insertion Advertising and Circulation Telephone .... News Department Telephone ALY. roiTION Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations SUBSCRIPTION BATES y98 86 City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in advat.ee Paid In advance, per week ' t s. Paid in advance, per month '. By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance By mall to all other countries, per year , FORMER PREMIER BENNETT IN WEST J02 .25 $5.00 .50 3.00 9.00 Tuesday, November 2, 1937. SOVEREIGN RIGHTS Evidently the Supreme Court of Alberta is holding what is generally understood to be the constitutional right of the Dominion government. Children in the schools have been taught that the provinces are not sovereign states as in the United States. They have jurisdiction only over matters which are specifically mentioned in the British North America Act, all other matters coming under Dominion control. Premier Aberhart is taking the contrary view. Some of his laws have been turned down by the Supreme Court of the province and others are now before the Supreme Lourt oi Lanatla tor a ruling as to their constitutionality. According to Mr. Justice Ewing the province has no right to change the rate of interest on securities after guaranteeing them to the prsons who purchased them. Also it has no right to prevent a court action when suit is entered in an action to collect the full amount of interest. We have no ridit to suggest what the Supreme Court -of Canada will do about the other legislation which has been placed before it but the average citizen who is lntormed as to the constitution may make a pretty good guess. Most people will be interested in the visit of Rieht Hon. R. B. Bennett to British Columbia. He was in Prince Rupert several years ago just prior to an election and he promised us prosperity. Then came the depression and we did not hear as much from him. Today he is criticizing the treaty with the United States which gives British Columbia a pretty good market for much of its exportable product. He will have to dn :i lot of talking to tiersuade the peaple of the province that it would be a good thing to cut off this market. The difficulty about Conservatives is thev do not seem to consider what will be the effect of the legislation they propose. A tariff wall as high as Haaman's gallows may be a pretty thing to talk about but we hardly think the people of the province that it would be a good thing ially the people of Prince Rupert and district, LEGISLATIVE HOLIDAY We are inclined to agree with the Liberals at 'Ottawa that what the country needs just now more than anything else is a legislative holiday. When Parliament meets in January it is to be hoped that it will follow out the suggestion and not keep tampering with laws which vitally affect the progress of the country. We believe in Liberalism and advancement but often true progress is made when the lawmakers are content to take a holiday. PRINTERS IN LEAD tAi Last Night's Play in wmracnu. Bowling Lcaguer-CN.R. 9. i I And Biological Station .umi Win Printers are now in the lead of the Commercial Bowung league as a result of a two game to one victory over North Star. The Prin ters having rolled totals o; ito 772 and 741 previously, the North Star last night turned in scores of 790, 694 and 707. In other matches last night, Canadian National Recreation Association No 2 beat Canadiaa National Recrea tion Association No. 1 two games to one while .Biological Station beat Rupert Motors two games to one. High average scorer for the evening was Morrison of Biological Station with 176. RUPERT MOTORS 1 2 3 Taylor 127 124 134 Menzies 135 139 133 Jack 136 134 12! jHlbbard 116 124 14? Houston 153 164 153 Handicap 24 24 24 Total 691 709 708 BIO. STATION 1 Cade 100 Morrison .. .166 Stamford ..... 121 Sunderland 100 Sutton 90 Handicap 91 Total 2 111 154 159 103 119 91 3 111 20 153 ne 8f 91 668 737 770 C. N. R. A. No. 2 1 2 3 Beesley 134 134 102 Bond 140 15& 147 Glass 128 127 111 Wanamaker 138 118 13? Long 117 139 13f Handicap 124 124 12' Total 781 797 70S C. N. R. A. No. 21 2 3 Irving 192 184 13f Astoria 112 143 lt West 132 169 lOf Franklin 119 148 13 J. Paul 129 109 17 Handicap 43 43 4 Total 727 796 70f NORTH STAR 12 3 J. Armstrong 158 137 15' J. Irvine 120 100 13 Wick 140 93 10' McLeod 114 135 9' McMeekin 167 138 12f Handicap , 91 91 9: Total 790 694 70' The league standings: C N. R. No. 1 10 8 1' Printers 11 7 1 Rupert Motors 9 9 N, R. No. 2 8 7 Gyro Club 3 7 North Star 7 8 Electrical Workers 8 7 Biological Station 5 10 LAM) KF.niSTUY ACT Re: OertMloate of Tttle No. 3134 to Lou Thirteen (13) and Pourtew. (14)) Block Nine (9), Town of Stw art. M&D 818 WHEREAS proof Of loss Of tho above Certificate of Title Luued In the name of Wallace L&nvley has been tiled in this otllce. notice 14 nereDj given that I shall, at the expiration ot one month from Ihe date of the first publication hereof. Issue a provisional Certificate of Title In lieu o! said lost certificate, unlet 111 th meantime valid objection he made to me In writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, D. C, ihin 33rd. day of October. IH37. ANDREW THOMPBON, Deputy Registrar of Title! LAM) ACT Not Ire of Intention to Apply to Lraite Land In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of British Columbia, and ltu. ate on White Sand Island. Take notice that Prank Waterman ot Prince Rupert, occupation miner, it-tends bo apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on one of the high cliffs on White Band 1 Island and being 300 feet from the S. E. corner of White Band island, and on Its east side, thence COO feet S. W.l thence BOO feei N. W.; thence 600 feet N. E.; thence 800 feet S. E. and con taining 12 acres, more or less. FRANK WATERMAN Dated Aurust 28. 1937. Prince Rupert Electric Steam Massage Treatment For Rheumatism, Tuberculosis Lumbago and Dyspepsia Phone 281 K. Hayakawa New Royal Hotel Room 12 SPORT CHAT In spite of the big score of nine to nil for High School, Saturday's Jnnlnr football eame was an in teresting, one apd both teams displayed good soccer. Goals for High School were scored by bmun i, Schubert and Cameron (2 fach), Bill (1) and a Booth defender turn ed Wong's-well taken corner kick past his own goalie. Booth forward line displayed neat combination and Slmundsen was nearly through from Morgan's centre but Nelson cleared. McKeown and Gomez defended well and Zbura brought off many a good stop. Flewin was the best half back with Hougan, Simundsen and Morgan the best forwards for Booth,. For High School the fast forward line was all good. McLean was the better back Teams King Edward Hi?h School Nelson; Keays, McCrlmmon; Bussey, McLean. Pierce; Schubert, Smith, Cameron. Bill and Wong. Booth Memorial School Zbura; McKeown, Gomez; Leland, Flewin, Sunberg; Morgan. Hougan, Slmund on, Colussl, M. Holkestad; spares, 3aker Hodgson. The game was very capably ref ereed hv Bill Murray and Bill Brown and Wearmouth were, line men. The standing to date: High Both . Borden Total w D 3 o 1 o V 0 LF A Pte 0 26 3 6 2 2 11 3 5 19 Individual Play In Bowling Games low Players Made Out Sunday In Tpn Pin Bowling League Individual scores In Sunday'; Ten Pin Bowling League games vere as follows; MOOSE 12 3 3rey im ro Stiles j 160 172 167 Veitch 169 148 137 ssemissen 158 166 124 Sunderson 216 158 136 Total 858 819 783 35 TAXI 1 2 3 Ciccone 116 157 171 Xinslor ,.-127 156 157 Comad na .. 131 179 17C Al French :.. 160 138 199 I. Paul 178 180 167 .712 816 872 GROTTO ' 12 Mcintosh 1G3 132 . Comadlna 164 ICO 163 Toy : 134 , 128 Bury .................145 178 143 VoodaW 152 170 230 Worm 168 17" Total 748 828 841 ROYAL HOTEL-- 1 2 3 Donald 138 136 20? Zarelll ,172 100 104 I. Comadlna ..123' 183 141 fchriaberg 189 225 211 Smith 160 160 17? Total 738 864 831 Hie league standing to date: toyal Hotel 9 6 rhree Five Taxi 7 8 Moose 7 8 Grotto FINAL TDNKilJT. TORONTO, November 2: (CP) With the series now standing at a two all deadlock, Orlllia Juniors having won the first two games while Vancouver Blue Birds took tle second two, the final game p( the Canadian Junior Lacrosse, championships is to be played here, tonight, GVJIN REOPENS i ine provincial recreational anq physical education ceruse reopened, last night with a turn-out of fourteen boys. Other regular classes are being resumed following the recent close-down while the gymnasium was receiving repairs. " 1 ' i BOWLING lng. Before opening the banquet pro ceedings, two minutes silence was observed In respect to the memory of the late S. D. Macdonald", an ac tive and popular member of the! club who passed away during the year. The blessing was asked by II. T. Cross. After full justice had been done to an excellent banquet spread, the chairman reviewed events of the past season which he said had been very successful despite the fact that weather might not have been all that was desired. Various committees, particularly the match committee consisting of FranV Vlckers, D. A. MasPhee and W. L Coates, were thanked for thejr vork. The work of the green com mittee consisting of R. E. Benson md D. A. MacPhee was also ack-lowledged. O. P. Tinker and Jack Preece, associate members of the executive, had also given good service. During the year there had jeen entertainment on the club's reenr for visitor? from Vancouver 'pcluding the provincial grand master of the Masonic Lodge. , Making the presentation of prizes for the year. Mr. Walton comment- upon the fact Louis Arrol for the I-d econd year had won the doubles' frophy, his partner.on this occasion having been Jarvls McLeod. In winning the league, the Borland rink had gone through the season without losing a game which was 3 record for the green. Also it was the third time that William Millar had had his name on this trophy. Dave Borland had played in all thiee Individual finals this year Many Boys Are Attending Club D A AirVI TIT' for 23 Average ot Thirty-one Lads NightlyCanvass Continuing The supervisors of the Boys' Club met Jast Friday, the register i showing a. total of 710 attendances days making an averagp DxtLIiUUIjI .nightly attendance of 31 boys. Presentation of Season's Trophies Featured Enjoyable and Sue cessful Affair The dime collection for the month amounted to $20.30. The canvassing, will be continued this month to give those who have not yet been called upon an on- andiportunlty to neip inis wore. Presentation of many league individual awards for play of the last season featured the annual ban quet of the Canadian National Re creation Lawn Bowling Club which was held last night in the Commodore Cafe with some sixty members of the clubs and friends in atten dance. F. S. Walton, chairman of the bowling club, presided and conducted the proceedings which were in progress from 7 pm. until 11:30 The event was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Numerous speeches were made and there was an acceptable musical program which Included songs by J. A. Teng, William Murray I and Ansns Marrionald with A. C. best halfback and McCrlmmon the;Sman as accompanist, of the even- Expenses for the monh Included equipment, keeping same In f pair, a boys' magazine, light and heating,. Tables, chairs, games, and material are urgently needed. FOOTBALL DEADLOCK NEW YORK, Nov. 2: New York Giants and Chicago Bears played to a three-all draw in United States prefessional football Sunday. REMARKABLE (JOLF LONDON Nov. 2: CP over his own course W. It Cox Wimbledon golt cjun pro, posttd a 59 for the 18 holes, 11 under par. Henry Cotton took 61 strokes two years ago but the course has been lengthened since. and had lost them all. it r Trophy Presentations The full list of trophy presentations was as follows: Singles iMcAuley Cup) A. Mac-Donald: runner-up, D. G. Borland, Doubles (Hartt Cupl J. H. McLeod and L. Arroll. League R. E. Benson Cup) R, Gammon. W. Millar. W. H. tooey 'nd D. O. Borland Iskip). Woodland Cup W. D. Vance. 3. Klnz H. W. Birch and L. Arroll (skip). Tip-Top Cup E. O. Aves, J. S. 'rvine J. Boyd and D. A. Mac "hee 1 skip). President vs. Vice-President F. Dlbb. S. Klngr H; W. Birch; W. D; Vance and J. Preece (skip). Hat Game (prizes) R. E. James, J. S. Irvine, W. H. Wilson-Murray and J. Preece (skip). Dominion Dav R. Oammon. D. Srerar. T. McMeekin, D. A. Mac Phee and D. O, Borland (skip). Toasts of the evening Included that to the prize-winners, responded to by D. Q. Borland, who won the most prizes for the year: to the guests, resoonded to wittily by W. M. Blackstock, and to the Canadian National Recreation Association, proposed by George Hll and responded to by W. H. Tobey president of the Association. Appreciation to the press for assistance was proposed by G. P. Tink- The committee In charge of the banquet consisted of Jack Preece, Robert James and J. A. Fre.w. British Columbia has produced minerals of an aggregate value of $1,515,728,149.00. The gross value of the Industry for the first six months of 1937 is estimated to be $36,383,510.00. This Is an Increase of 53.4 over the value for the corresponding period in 1936. Indications are that this year's production will exceed that of any previous year in value, which is a splendid commentary, upon the stability of the mining industry In this province. New prop, erties arc being brought Into production, and with the reopen lng of old properties, mill capacity will be considerably Increased over last year. For Authoritative Information Regarding the mining Industry Apply to The Department of Mines, Victoria, B.C. .ft' j Trannnre nn.i n . - uiu wealed naveabisorderf kind of FURS As I have no a.nf. ... hllVP,. i . " no Send n your furs ami H be Hired you lJ they arrive, ' GOLDBL00M TUB OLD RELIABLE REX BOWLING ALLEY Basement of Ejchant Block I'HUJiE 638 Nobody Knocks The KNOX The Food h Good The Rooms Are Clean The House h Wirm The Service Friendly The Rates Are Keasonablt KNOX HOTEL R. Brasell X. M. BristD COAL TO PLEASE WMBODt Saturation CBtnaiwt Famnun F.dwn AllwtU toil Hulklff Vllrjr Cod Yanroutrr Island Coil Prince Rupert U Com DID! PHONE: M tni 5M THE SEAL n' QUALITY 1 i KHt-J GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon a P,k,d bv the only mIoob canning company wUh ja ine year ruuu Prince Rupert Hyde Transfer Phone FOR RENT Six-Room House Oiilli anil Toild 216 9th Ave. W. 315 SECOND AVE.