aiy November 2, 1937- i Jbk $100 IN GIFTS Enter Your Name Early in Our Christmas Gift Contest i'otes ... will be given with every purchase from now i m i rf-V i 1 1 until Christmas, une cent represents one vote. CONTEST OPENS NOVEMBER 3rd ENDS DECEMBER 21th at 10 p.m. See Our Windows for Gifts and Details of How to Vote Make This a Merry Christmas for Everyone William F CLOTHES OF DISTINCTION WENZIE'S FURNITURE IMPORTED BELGIUM CARPETS AND SMALL RUGS Sizes 6' 3 "x9 6". 4'x6' and 2'x4'. Artistic designs and vivid colors. Textures of superior quality. Phone 775 W W Avenue SHERIFFS SALE He W. S. Sartent vs. Vikinj Oold .Mines By virtue of a Warrant of Execution, issued in this action and 'o me directed, I have caused to be seized the goods of the defenders the following; Lakeview r.nd Lakeview No. 1 mineral claims situated oq Nine Mile Mountain, near Hazelton, B.C. Also chattels as follows: I Bout, No. C-13493, 1 Blower and 1 Anvil, some pieces drill steel, I Blower Fan, Powder House, 2 of Powder, 1 Bunk House with Heater 1 Cook House with Cook Stove and Cooking Utensils, e Steel Cots with Mattresses, Fuse and Caps, Roofing Paper, a tins Roofing Tar. All of which will be offered for sale by Wm. Grant, Sheriff's Agent, at South Hazeltori. B.C.. on Friday, November 12th, at I p m. 1 . ! T"mS Cash. S. A. KICKEKSON'. Sheriff, Prince iiupen HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamin A und D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO, LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mrs. M. T. iLee sailed this after i Just Arrived! New shipment of iiLvii uti Lite vaiaiu iui w , Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ericksen and Miss M. Erlcksen sailed this after- noon on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. Honor the Dead . . . Help thelt living comrades. Buy a poppy. Poppy Tag Day . . . November 6th. ?53) The fire denartment had a call I at 4! 45 yesterday afternoon to a grass fire on Summit Avenue. No 'damage was, done. Mrs. Madlll of the People's Store l . ... left for the south on the Catala to day on a. combined business and .holiday trip. S. J. Jabour. who has been In the city for the past week from Vancouver on business, will sail I on the Prince George tomorrow afternoon for Stewart where ne will spend the next week. Provincial Constable and Mrs. T. Mr and Mra. HarnPV Turbltt of summer. Hotel Arrivals 30. Central ; R. Holten and John Sorvlg, city. Knox ; R. Lahlff. A. Magnusson and G. ni.v. ritvf R. Barclay. Prince George. . Prince Rupert F, Colwell. Kincardine, Ont. Royal: : B. Webb,. and Mrs. J, Kflstrnan- snn. Osland: 0. Snldal, Caspaco; I. Qkamoto, Port Esslngton; Long Sen, city. Announcements All advertisements In thla column tvIU be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Baptist Tea, November 3. Hyggas Bazaar, November 4. Presbyterian Bazaar, November 4. Boys Band bazaar and dance, November 5. Catholic Tea, Mrs. Roger's, Nov ember 10. RonJa S. O. N. Bazaar, Woven ber 12. S. O. N. Play and Dance, 15. Moose Carplval, November 7. 18, IP. W. A. Canadian Legion Fall Baz aar, November 25. ' Lutheran Bazaar November 27. Cftttatol. Bazaar November SO. Orange Scotch Dance, November Mike Gurvich sailed this afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Starr sailed on the Catala this afternoon to spend the winter in Seattle and California. Tonight's train, due from the East at 11 o'clock, was reported this morning to be on time.' Mrs. Karl Dybhavn and child sailed this afternoon on the Ca: tala fpr a trip to Vancouver and Seattle. Mrs. Einar Wikan. who arrlvtd In the city at the week-end from Alaska, left on )ast evening's train (or Edmonton. W H. Toln, well known Stewart hotel proprietor and mining man and Mrs. Tolln, were passengers aboard the Catala today going thrpugh to Vancouver arid Seattle on a three weeks' trip. A. Ouieley of Anvox were passen- George M. Carter was sentenced . . . . . , If a mAniVt'n lmnrlcAmant V gers aboard tne yataia toaay goingi1-" wc uiuuva iiiifownwwn. vj .... . tr.nUUn(A Itf-Ai-tl.rvif 1m nlttr lice court this morning on a charge ithe mounted squad of the provln- of tnft byconversion. lie had been Cial police In Victoria. cuuvicteu swuuy ui, .uiuauut Pont rSerolH A Pnrrv. Victoria VMkrv. v..... - - j 1 " ii money 4fia lauing ui mm a in. I Frank Holwell of Kincardine. On UlapcULUr Ut uiuiau oviiwig( u - ? . lis in the district on one of his tario, who has been visiting at Port L.rinrftioi insnpofinn tiurs. left on Simpson with his brother, Rev. T; last evening's train for Vanarsdol. v: uoiweii, unnen wnurcn paswc, . ....I I 1 t . il .11.. 41 t V. Hp will leava Thursday nlent Dv I arrived m me env irum wie ucigu- the Prince George on his return 1 coring viuage qn ne uauua uus aouth. morning and win proceed nasi on tomorrow evening s train Alice Arm were passengers aboard I C1 Lmr P nmmtL the Catala today going through tol vUUlllj VtUUI I spending the winter. Mr. Turbittll l c I 5aUf Is taking south with him a large lUioi xo nnntttv rt cnarp trnlrt which hel UH.IV.VJ w . .vh.uv C " I took out wltn placer mining in vneiQniy Three Cases on Docket mis squaw ureeic country ui w"""" Month ana All are ncierren. Britisn uoiumDia aurinB n: uaoui . 7 With only three cases on the , docket for November, Pounty Court Nelson Brew of Haysport; George rpiar monthlv session yes- J. Dawes, Mrs. Ruth Marie Har- . . w Mnrt Jllri.e vv E- Flsher, vey and Weldon R, McAfee of ' . Prince Rupert; Mrs. Sybil Deuucy " a . 0sborne of SUdf gate; Dr. J, c. b. yunn re & fM plaln. and H. R. Frost of Massetti " . fn fonr!nnt rhanes N. ChaDman of Ooona ,u.' " 1 1 .' ' 1 nrimiirnon m nPYf. ff ill I L. Plewln of Port Simp, r-VDe River; C. B. volo pment Co. - son; R. O. MCKenzie or wueen pat. Jplm Mathers oJ P5 s HZ City; Charlotte more ii Fulton for for nlaintiff. plaintiff, Brown Brown SandsDit: R. W. Sinclair of Inver- 1 nnH1fl tn I rt ef Ciinnv. ft Harvey for defendant, adjourned j new h to next court. sine nare uccu up... . oT onH bla Gazette ..... . ' " announced In the British Coluro date to be fixed. Phone C83 vs. Axel Olsen, $83 JO, R. L. McLennan for plaintiff. Brown it Harvey for derenaani, Six applications for naturaliza tion were approved. JONES Family Market hone 957 AND Phone 95 Fulton Meat Market Specials BEEF SIRLOIN STEAK Per lb - ROUND STEAK Per lb POT ROAST OF BEEF Per lb: - SHORT RIBS OF BEEF 3 lbs HAMBURGER 3 lbs PRIME RIB STEAKS 2 lbs. PRIME RIB ROLL Per lb Phone C83 Committees Of unior Chamber Are Named by President J. Clif ford Gilker Winslow lo ue 20c 35c 10c 25c 25c 35c 15c -lb. SHOULDER OF VEAL, gyg SPRING LAMB LOIN LAMB CHOPS Per lb. SMALL SHOULDER OF T.AMH Each 25c 65c SMALL LEGS OP Aft IfiViVlfl H"Wi. PORK LOIN PORK CHOPS Per lb Speaker This Evening Standlns committees of the Junior Chamber of Commerce for Lhe ensuing year have been ap pointed as follows by the presi dent. J. Clifford Qllker; Attendance A. S. Nickerson. A. W. Newman and Richmond Mortl-. mer, Bulletln-M&rtln VanCooten. Local publicity T- I WHJlams, Tariff Rates R. O. Van . der Sluys, Ross Ingram and T. a. Marine Safety Hugo KrauPhfr. Laurie Lambly apd A. W. Newman, Entertalnmenfc-o. l. Hone, l M. Asemlssen. R. O. Van der Sluys,, Hugo Kraupper, Ross ipgram and WiUrld Hicks. Other committees yet to ba nam- ?d are those on outside publicity, radio, industrial projects and qads and highways. At the regular monthly dlnne- meeting of the Junior Chamber this evening the speaker will be R. M. Winsjow, assistant gen? eral manager of the Canadian Fsh it Cold Storage Co. : WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Union steamer Catala, Capt Jamss Findlay, arrived In port at 0;40 this morning from Stewart, Anvox and other northern points apd sailed on time at 1:30 this af ternoon for Vancouver and way oolnts. Steamship Sailings For Vancourei 25c AYRSHIRE BACON fljKn PArlh " FRESH. SPRING SALMON-OQC Per lb g lbs. FRESH HERRING 25C Tuesday Catala ItSO p.m. Thurs. s. Pr. George 11:15 pjn Friday ss. Cardena 8 p.m ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 p.m, November 8. 18 and 29, ss. Princess Norah 5;30p.m rom Vancouver Sundayr-s. Catala - pjri. Wed. ss.Pr. Qeorge .... 10:30 am Friday S3. Pr. Adelaide 4 p.m. Ss. Cardena . ' 1 " ' -I! FOR SALE FOR SALB-House and two lots. Apply 1041 10th Ave. B- (tf) FOR SALE Dining Room Table, Phone Blue 827. (254) mil SALE Baby Pram. Good cort dltlon. Child's Crib and Play pen. Phone Black. 620. 255) FOR SALE Engine and circular saw. p. Phillipson, 1730 Ave. Phone Red 624. (268) rrnufPLETE Set of Leedy Profes signal Drums. Guaranteed gooa as new, Price $7g. Terms if desired. Write R. B. Gllmour, Telk wa. B. C. for particular Block must be sold, will nrcent sealed bids, handled friMiv confidentially up to NOV 15th. Terms subject to' approval of owner. H. O. Helgerson, Ltd, tkn Tube General Electric stand ard wavp console radlQ wul colortone noise silencer auto-t matlc volume cpntrol, perfect condition, Snap for cash $50-00. Box 21. Dally News. tf. LOST LOST Small lady's wrist watch In Moose Hall Friday nignt. newara. Please leave at Dally News. (256) BIBLE on 5th Avenue Inscribed 'Radford Aves." Finder please l phone Green 103j FOR RENT (256) CLEAN, well - furnished modern)? apartments. Phone. Red i. (257)1? NURSERY STOCK niiTfni BULBS. Trees, Shrubs, nro faralnir nn reatlfiSX. Acent Wanted. Empire Garden Nurseries. R.R.3, New Westmln- ster, B.C. (258) Orange Pekoe Blend "SALAD TEA DUO-THERM OIL Hm No wicHs, easy to light. Beautiful modern cahinets. Patented burner. dual chamber Large capacity humidifier. Splash proof fuel reservoir. Sizes and models to suit every requirement. Also SILENT GLOW range burners with enamel base still the standard for service. U9 HI Smith & Mallett Limited THIRD AVENUE WEST Phone 17 L i , t r ' v See our assortment of 1937 Christmas Cards Now on Display Come in and Choose Your Cards Now We Will Hold Them for You A Vast Price Kanije from 3 for 5c Shop Early -It Pays Be Sure to Cast Your Votes in Our Prize Contest Voting is Now On One Vote With Every Cent Purchase Ormes "Jiie Pioneer rtu2pists The Rejill Store .,P,hnones: 81 " Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Canadian I The Central Ilotel ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51. For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK I COMMUNICATIONS Pacific Transatlantic Transcontinental Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean- Falls and Way Ports Princess Adelaide every. Friday. 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT PRINCESS NORAH Oct. 29th, Nov. 8th. 18th. 29th WINTER EXCURSION TO VANCOUVER $32.00 Tickets on Sale Nov. 1st, 1937 to Feb, 28th. 1938 Final Return Limit March 31st, 1938 Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Thkets and Reservations from ... . " ..t rnnce uup, - - -' . . m 1 advertise for it. anything, If you lose 9 1