J!! 1 in. PAOI TWO TEX, DAILT KEWS Your Slippers are Here If You Have Not Seen Our Slipper Display You Are Missing Something A Few Of Our Specials Children's and Misses FetU From, up , Women" Leatherette Slippers Fran, up ... Boys Leather Chrome Soled Slippers Prom, op - Men's Leather Chrome Soled Slippers From, op I Womne's D'Orsay Slippers Various colors. Froa. op Jlen's Brown KM Pullman" Flexible Leather Soles From up w juij jicrjoc. pain in acrtnee . By mall to all other countries, per year . ADVERTISING RATES ttasaed advertising, per vcrd, per insertion Local readers, per toe. per Insertion NEED OF ASSAY OFFICE 75c 75c S1.25 S1.45 S1.45 S2.45 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE BCTEBT - BRITISH COLUMBIA PctJitbed Erery Aftemoca. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally New. IinUed. Third ATiiiue H. F PULLEJj ... Jiaraglng-Edltci SUBSCRIPTION KATLS Ctty ddrrery. ty carrier, j tarry perlofi. paid in adnrxe Paid n ad ranee, per veek Paid la adTance. per mania By man to aH parts c! British Colnmma, Uie British Empire and Advertiring and CarctiUUea Telephone , it News Department Telepboss u Member of Audit Eur tan t rirtoUikms DAILY EDITION 15jC0 J2 SO 3jP0 9XX Tuesday. December 14. 1937 as iov as $1. are frequently mounted on rood for use ac papei broomsticks in disgust and cows will . ' give more milk than ever next year." These prophesies are sol-1 I! Elsewhere is told the record of th first tven mnntiTr cHps shaped like a tiny aneel's i candlesticks complete with Unj tapers. The cerise pink ssuBj associated with caps oes, a craefc "y Tiff I O r1 T TTT1 "-Ucted a whole new cJoth H AIYLA.IJ till 1 erie5 Iron CT"ifeiS gown u si- g ing woottic and- as wuuw tf Trade in London Gargoyles Tak Spurt With Busy Season Gypsies Predict Lofty Year Utile gfts are as much in de- ? mand. as alway&r'The Xawnte new novel ties dispiaj-ed at bazaars and e in shops dealings in sack trifle j ' LONDON'. Dec 14 CP Christ- are brocade-covered maicr. boxes ? mas shopping m London shopior bedroom use. Bote Queea and markets promises to eahSsfc:Sizabeta and Queen Mary hare y a record. Yet aH the buying of pre- jbocsht a number of jhese 1 seno seats is not confined to the shops. as JtL-a-BtjJinore-tfean-a-ani Down in a sheltered corner injgjlts. .Westminster busy trade goes on Upholstery brocade is mueh . ? every day Carred gargoyies. stone 1. not only for eremr.g wra S Tudor roses, weather-worn head and bouse coats of romantic de-of stone saints and kings are b-4w bet also for short jackets of bought as Christmas tMU ; tiie tunic blouse order. The refer- They are bits of the sandstone nishing of the palaces has neces-stonework being removed from the siUted the rearing of laxinatinfc 2f 'parliament baikiinK as unsafe- '! designs in the" finest of siks. f land not quite a eeaturr oJd. Tht Though the use of these designs department of works started the elsewhere is discouraged by cas- f renovations six years ago. Sale o' torn, small pieces do become a Tail-fthe stonework has gone on since'able and one Weist End actreri .then bat always increases around appeared recently it a party in a 2? Chxistajas time. -gorgeous crimson damask tunic ij? The larger pieces, priced about ja friends it was just ftp S23. are bought to gire as garoenjthe same as the sofas in Mar'- amamenU. the smaller ones, sock (borough House. 7 . . M Aecordmc to one arrival in Lon don lately, there is to be a great Americans outnumber the otheibnode. Marcus. HeDitzer. Those f : riationantie as purchasers but the father Introduced the btouse to ss isourenirs of the home of the Mo- America, has been visiting Loo-( (ther of Parliaments have been de- idon and. though his factories tun. $S snatched to Canada. Australia out 230j600 blodses a year at pres- iSxeden. South Africa and Ceylon tent, he nrediets a still greater de- S the ugfiest gargoyle of the lot. which he said were originally de- Gypsies predict a tarty year veiqped from men's shirts. ahead for England. They bare been : ame to gainer nnsuetoe unseason ably early in Dorset and "PliWrinnf V K l 7 Steamship Sailings ; iiiw unjca uatc . . stowed flTe weeks in advance, so' witches are flinging away theh Tor Vancoum Tuesday Catala .1:0 pjn. i Thurs ss. Pr. George 11:15 pjn Friday ss. Cardena emnly quoted by London newspa-; ss. Prin. Adelaide pers- i Dec. 9 and 20 Hear Early Carols cess Norah Signs the holiday is not far off fom Vancouver are the trees with twinkling lights' . .- . outside shops on Oxford Street and . 7 t? v-aulli!- tbe ebanse in the nmmitu of tb ' . uruiBc ! street singers who now render car-! 1 Aceuwe a pjn. e 5:30 pjn 'ols In nrefprenre to the htMt uwp 1 varaena , pjn. a at toe new samnimo- nlanf at Pn'nnn P. : ...l.m wings In colors of Christmas tree I"or Naas River mri Pnrt vim, ? k .. .... In the MALE BOX Style Clues from William F. Stones "ROBES GALLERY" TiscMgX. the ages, the robe has expressed -uthority luxury ar,d splendor No ;ess lux-nous, nbw not at aU extravagant . it s modern coue-terpart has ever retained, the time honored, matchless appropriate GIFT for a MAN on CHRISTMAS DAY. Modern interpretations of this traditionally splendid gtft are here at WILLIAM F. STONE'S in a glamorous galaxy of styles, fabrtea and hon. Featuring Fine boURy flannel robes in striking combinations of cheeks, tartans S9.50 S20.00 Terry Cloth in brifht military stripes at MS1T S7.50 Soft Lustrous silks In various Jaequereo patterns, toud colors with chalk ufcu.cu.. S10.50 w S15.00 Soft Wooly Bathrobes In authentic patterns for both Dad and Son at S3.95 WILLIAM F. STONE'S The Store With The Christmas Spirit , From Naas Hiver and Port Simpson 10:30 ajn. w i 4 pa. Thun. .Pr. George 1115 pm Friday sr. Prin Adelaide 10 pjn.lSf ;hlts.! j Dec 1. 16. and 30 sPrin, Norah "fom fean Tallw SchfaparelH borrowed consider-1 f"1" 'An j ox and Stewart VH. as Pr. Gerte' ityin am ably before Christmas for nov-i Sunday ss. Catala . 8 pjn. 1 roay s. Pr Adelaide l p.ra AjydLJB ''mmmfcV MILD" K- JVJ TINS OF 50 . 50c HmnW J I IN SPEQAL " VJ CHRISTMAS WRAPPERS OF ?jjirr 50 and 100 Cistrettei lHHlr 7 PLAIN OR CORK TIP M IT'S THE TOBACCO THAT COUNTS i -J WiXi :m i KvkM i ii mti rdJ -U 1 J 1 A v f V 5? 5 ideas that appeared at her mid-1 Wed. stPr. George 4 4 pjn. Djn. 85 00 Carden -iaa pjn pjn I bf season showing in London. Nev from Stewart and Anyoi lor Queen Charlotte Islands itjl I . -. . . ... u umu -'wv. sun ji j'1- uvsxuj . .. nu un. . .v rrinceiftT Thurs. ss. Pr George . B pjn. Jn 10:30 pja lbtf cntwn Mn.-immf r i i . . . . . tinseL Buttons were made Kke flat Sundav m CataH nr r . ill ..vw.. viKiSJ,,.,clue ux ure nave Deen sarriDied and naid- :" ' . pnnct lor and where preparations are being made for the first shipment to the smelter. So far the plant has served its purpose very well, the purpose being to encourage the; prospector m developing his claim and, by means of pav-' rnents made for the ore, enabling him to cam on his work5 It is capable of great extension if the prospectors of the district make full use of its facilities. i In order to bring the plant up to date and make it ful-i L tfJPilrP?f it is very desirable that an assay plant shoaW be added to the sampler. The establishment of this ooi enawe much quicker service to be given than is rx; prceiu conaiuons ana also it would encourage a very considerable extension of its operation. It is a necessary part of the present plant if it is to fulfil all its functions properly. It is to be hoped that the Provincial government may see its way clear to equip the plant so that it may be fully modern. P5nce RuPer is the Pint tha serves the whole north coast best. It is where rail and water meet, the pivotal s1rves a territory on the coast both north and south u and also the interior to the eastern boundary of the province. The Queen Charlotte Islands also can ship ore or send samples to the plant. It is too far away from the southern centres to make it possible to use the facilities offered there to advantage. FEARS NAZI INFLUENCE Recently the Consolidated Paper Company gave an! option to purchase the Island of Anticosti to a syndicate? composed mainly of Dutch and German citizens for the; purpose pf erecting and operating a sulphite pulp mill that will employ from 1500 to 2000 men. Objection is taken to this on the ground that there is a possibility the island may be used as a military base by anv foreign country ; which may be at war with the British Empire. It is pointed out in one of these papers that at the time of the last war against Germany cement foundations were discover-' ed in the same district which, while ostensibly for indus- uiui pauses, mignt nave Deen used for mounting guns. Aijutufsu i an isiana in tne uuil of bt. Lawrence containing 3,000 acres and it is so situated as to command the entrance of the St. Lawrence River, the front door en-; trance to Canada, The Quebec Chronicle demands that the government prevent the island getting into any hands which might be favorable to Nazi, Communist or Fascist movements. It objects to the setUement of thousands of Dutch and German settlers which might prove to be a centre for Nazi propaganda from which the whole province of Quebec might be poisoned. It suggests that the government should act immediately and stop at all costs the sale of Anticosti to interests under Adolph Hitler's thumb. ! - - ' i 1 Bigger and Better Than Ever J you WAnt oust etas we' serve 'EASE) you TOYS For Everyone KAIEN HARDWARE PHONE 3 The month of December You all must remember It the time for rejoicing and cheer Just ask for the best we do the rest Phone Philpott F.vltt for COAL. , 1 I i 1 We Stock the Best Coah In Town WELLINGTON FOOTHILLS Bt'LKl-EV V4UXV PHONE PHILPOTT EV1TT & CO. LTD. Phones 631 633