PAGE FOUR HICM GIFT SUGGESTIONS For Men and Boys Let "Hickok" take care of your gifts for the casual friend with pleasing, useful and Inexpensive Jewelry and furnishings, all attractively and suitably boxed. The various articles vary In price from 25c to $2.00. If you are wondering what else to give him use these suggestions. . i '. Collar Bars. Novelty and Initial Tie Bars, Collar and Tie Bar Sets, Initial Belt Buckles, Belt Straps, Tongue Belts, Cuff Link Sets, Formal Wear Cuff Link and Stud Sets. Presented By Bryant Company Limited Phone 297 Established 1911 - 217-219 Sixth Street 9 Get Ready for g Christmas Festivities I Children's Party Dresses Ladies' Evening Dresses Beautiful Silk Lingerie Be Sure You See These Before Purchasing Your Outfits j Drygoods and Novelty Shop i YTiT7 it nrtin i iiniimi INI IN Nl KAnflNHlKN FROM POUT SIMPSON $32.00 $35.00 RETURN. RETURN. 5:00 p.m. (Instead of 9.00 p.m.') : Arriyes .Vancouver SUNDAY, 2:00 p.m. (Approximate). All meals and Berth Included. Reduced Rates to Vancouver also apply from" Intermediate points. Special Tickets on Sale Between November 1st, 1937 and February 28th, 1938, inclusive Good to Return up to March 31, 1938. Children Half Fare. Steamers: Leave Prince Rupert: Ar. Vancouver S.S. CATALA Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Thursday, a.m. S.S. CARDENA Friday, 9:00 p.m. Sun., Midnight ss. SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SAILING- CARDENA Leaves Prince Rupert Friday, December 17th at 'Tickets and Reservations from Prince Rupert Agent A. w7 NE WlflX "TT?IrvXt etTnliKrsStl ; If Convenient Please Purchase TickeU at Office More PER More PQWER Better Motor Performance THE "KING" TESTER That is what you will have after we have gone over your car with our "KING" Tester, which Is the last word ln equipment for diagnosing motor trouble. Very often the difference between a slow motor and a PEPPY one is only a matter of minor and Inexpensive adjustments. It doesn't take much to put a high speed motor "out of line," but It does take special equipment to locate the trouble to that it can be remedied. We have the finest equipment obtainable and It eliminates all GUESS WORK. Bring your car in and get PEP for the getaway and POWER for the hills. RUPERT MOTORS PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. It 1 : SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATES TO VANCOUVER FROM PRINCE RUPERT Tf you have something to sell, a classified advertisement in this paper will soon let you know if there is a buyer in (the city. VANCOUVER, Dec. 14: the week-end trials here: Men's swimming team Bob Pi- rie, Toronto, free style; Bobby Duke Is No Whirlwind Windsor Is But Tops - VSi DAtLT hTfwS Tuay t 17 SPORT CHAT Vancouver f ATHLETES VERY FINE SELECTED, PUCK SHOW Canadians Chosen at Vancouvet New York' dangers Defeat Maple To Go "Down Under" for British Empire Games (CP) Leafs with Dazzling; Offensive ; TORONTO, Dec. 14: (CP) . Building up their three point mar gin as a result of a dazzling ex- !:.. "H"IUIMY . a hibition. of effective passing play British w Empire Games in Australia ln thfi fit npHnH Npw VnrV n have been selected as follows after gers .downed the Toronto Mapls Leafs by a score of 6 to 3 ln thj National Hockey League game at Maple Leaf Gardens Saturday minutes fifty-one seconds Watson scored the third on Joe Pratt's as-slst. One minute and twenty-two sec xne uuKe is a strong player and The eame., marked the rotnm tn his lithe build enables him to hit the ice following his recent Injury me uau nara. Aiier Dringmg ni of Charlie Conacher. The Maple Club back in good form for the Leafs captain, however, was used drive, he becomes so Intent on sparingly. ilttlng the ball that he sometime Art Coulter. Dave err and Cecil looks up too soon. And he tops the Dillon, all of the Rangers, were bal1, . 1 the stars of the gamev On one occasion here he came up The Rangers scored their second to a beautiful follow-through but straight week-end victory by go-what was his dismay to see the ing to' Detroit and beatinir thP nPrt ball still balanced on the little red Wings oeg. This misfortune brought forth , to 2. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J.'ZarelH, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM nOME" Kate $1.00 ay 60 Rooms Hot it Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone .281 P.O. Box 196 decisively Sunday night 5 simply the exclamation, "Mais Je The Montreal Canadiens too's ne sals vralment pas Jouer an-1 over the leadership of the Inter-Jourd 'hull" ("Well. I simply can't! national division from Toronto play at air today!") Man) Leafs by winning a close But he doesn't miss them very ' overtime contest from the New onen. Tne former monarch eoesvm-v a morion, a 1 c.t. . - - ...... . . ..1 .w o uavuiuujr around the longer 18-hole course nlcht. mnvinir tn ,Nra vir s,in. 8 ui (spjB e99'9) pnoro 10 lBlninht for the return eame which compared to the 75 par. - ended in a 4 all draw. He Is accurate ln his approaches I At Chicaeo Sundav nieht. Black to the green and seems to be lesv Hawks defeated Montreal Maroon handicapped by over-lntentness on 3, to 2: these shorter shots. On the srreen i ' . . ' , ; lUelf he is at his best and it 1 Tn ague. standings to date are 1 ne uuKe is a patient player and International Division has never. been known to be,come . W D L F A A Ptq angry at bad luck. If he misses a. ; Toronto 5 4 3 35 43 14 shot, however, he upbraids himself canadiens 6 5 2 38 30 r ' .... Americans 6 2 4 aiw mi uc jcik uiuiic anu u Maroons 5 1 considered as Just another player.; The Duke sometimes nlavs the " American Division shorter course at St. Cloud, despite Boston 6 2 3 21 21 14 his preference for the longfT Chicago 4 course, merely to remain less con- Rangers 6 spicupus. His most constant companion on the fairways Is Percy Boomer, 50-yearrold English professional al St. Cloud, Just outside Paris. He does not play with the Duchess. She has never accompanied him to St. Cloud. She used to walk around the course with him at the Chateau de Cande before their marriage but has not actually played for nearly a year. Detroit 3 Jim Hall Wins In Billiards 41 23 14 8 23 32 11 7 23 34 10' 5 31 21 n 9 21 40 Defeated Jack Dougherty in First of Legion Competitions The first or the season's billiard handicaps at the! Canadian Legion club rooms ended onSaturday with' Jim Hall winning from Jack Dough-! erty. In the seml-flnala Hall had beaten M. M. Lamb and Dougherty had won from C, L Youngnian. , -Another Christmas handicap is now underway and lt Is planned to have the final of this played on ! December 24. d There are; "twenty six entrants-and good games are promised. CLEAN SWEEP BOWLS WINS Canadian National No. 1 and Bio logical Station Winners Last Night Clean sweep victories were the feature of last night's play ln the Commercial Bowling League. Canadian National Recreation Association No. 1 won three games to nil over Electrical Workers while Biological Station won by a slml- nuuper, Vancouver, iree siyie. niBht. Pnp fipst fiv ,!,,., lar measure over North fitnr whnm Gordon Devlin, Toronto, nrfcrA llto tho ,r-ir,l Toofj'thpv hnl hen nrpvtnnslv ttH fnr style; George Burleigh, Toronto. mlgnt be out tQ wIn Tney pth place. High average honors 611 , . I the play in the Rangers' end prac- fr the evening went to Maurice Women swimmers-Dorothy .Ly- tlcaUy an tne tlme but found Dave!irving of Canadian National with on. Toronto, free style; Phyllis Kerr. th tw vnrir n M94 ' " ' " - " rVln.o. IT .,: t,"..wv.w,. 7? L' ,tt'"' Impenetrable. Then the Rangers Oxenbury. Vancouver, backstroke. Unn), rnntpnl n, n wlHo nnan nma . -.u "tu""va'' "l'"f ,and scored three goals. Cecil DIN style i Dorthy Hobson. Toronto lon opened tne ,n free style, can go If she raises half tPS nnrt thlpi PnH. ... Individual lows: scoring was as fol- ELEC. WORKERS 1 onds Nell Colvllle. on Matt Col- C. N. R. A. No. 1 1 vllle's assist, gave the Rangers Irving 104 their fourth on a beautiful pass. Rutter 1S6 Ing play. The Maple Leafs played Astorl us every man up and considerable Franklyn 137 feeling developed with the gamj Paul 154 roughening up. Penalties were .plenUful. At the thirteen minutes land fourteen second mark Syl Anps converted a pass of Red Hor. ner and Gordon DriUon for the first Toronto goal, j After four 'minutes and thirty- seven ' seconds of the third period Nick Metz suddenly got hold of th( !.?".. GoJ'P,ayer nuck and sc6red unassisted nan ijihc uiner Folk Handicap 50 Total 789 BIO. STATION 1 , cade 132 Nichol . 65 Pugsley H7 Stamford 127 dint Sunderland 126 Smith made "the sixth for New Handicap 125 York on a slow passing play from - . DriUon and Patrick two minutes, Total (592 ' and ten seconds before the entf j .rn, PARIS, 14 (CP) As a golfer Within the last fifteen the Duke of Windsor has a fauH Drillon drove in the third for Tor. lcMeekln no common with many players. Hj ronto on an assist bv Anns anrtMcNuy 143 can't keep his eye on the ball. Harvev Jackson jMcLeod 12a Voung ji3 Low Score 65 Handicap $7 Total 684 The league standings: c 2 her own Ten others Little ' , 136 142 expenses maj: by Lynn Patrlc)r sec'ScRae !i go If they pay all expenses. j . MCKae 02 2 H Boxing team-Billy Brade. Win- .iZ luner -151 nloetr. bantamweight- TTarrv TTnrsf " . .: ' ""iv" orman 105 credit for the assists. In rleen St Catherine's, Red ed 1. ..A..i" V? McAulcy 114 Carey, Victoria, middleweight Tommy Osborne, Montreal, heavy. weight. Three others can go at their own expense. Wrestling Terry Evans, Toron to, middleweight; Jack Whalen Vancouver, heavyweight. Five others can go at their own expense. Handicap 90 109 90 118 90 Total 698 690 780 2 181 126 103 117 138 50 2 110 124 124 128 162 125 3 184 117 14' 156 90 ftt 3 206 124 136 140 141 50 715 797 3 129 133 141 142 15C 121 773 820 2 154 126 131 148 110 67 152 118 110 164 129 e: 736 74C C. N. R, A. No. 2 26 10 2C! Rupert Motors 23 13 2! inters 21 15 3- C. N. R. A. No. 1 19 17 1S Oro Club 15 i8 lt North Star n 22 1: Biological Station 14 22 14 Electrical Workers 9 21 s ATTENTION! customers or Hollywood Studio, lormeriy u zzd 6th Street, may it cure re-orders at any time by sending same to P.O. Box 25, Vancou- ver, B. c. All Fur Coats and AH Furs If you buy from Goldbloom you buy nothing but the best. This offer lasts till Xmas. Take advantage 0f it. GOLDBLOOM THE OLD RELIABLE Christmas Cards For The Old Country See our large, assortment of Weal view photo Crlstmas cards and calendars. They are appreciated by relatives and friends. WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Toronto a 4-3 O.R.F.1 tour years ago Friday for Do.- auts gives the east twelve champ lonshlps while the West can look back on only one In 1935 when the Blue Bombers defeated Hamilton Tigers. Constable Terry Stewart of th city police will sail Thursday night op the Prince Charles for a vacation trip to Vancouver. 8 WHITE 1.173711 ,IT m V ilk , j W 262 oz. .S3.25 Canadia m ... n 1 In Lead Aga ronw Argonauts Argonauts squeezed squeezea OUL nfA WI,h s. , I .victory over rnimp .U. champions at Toronto , ptirJ umuuii ruKoy uue, nruos naa Dre-i t... r-r -.i i . . . . . . w r viousiy wnippea Winnipeg, West- Vancouver t7"" Hockeyugueu Washlneton Red Skins rifnd Vncr n x f o ... Chicago Bears 28 to 21 at Chlen Sunday to capture the United last night. States football championship., , . j , The. league standing Winnipeg uiue Bombers went ""-r 9 j 4 down fighting In a game which was P0111 3 4 up and down all the way at Toronto sPkane 3 2 i Saturdav when thev were henten " ,tnca ncomn to pick .m . 1 OVil by Toronto Argonauts in the final . , infllan DepattaJ for the Canadian senior rugby J"6"4 wlu tori . - --j vivos . -r UUI.M that the verdict was in doubt . JT' olusn who ui throughout. The win of the Argon- night on the Ca(ai, ,A REX BOWLING At Basement of Exchinp PHONE C5I HORS SCOTCI 2V Ami CHRISTMA5 THE true, old iuhioicJ X Christmas sentimtntiil beautifully expressed by f'rajl or receiving this fine old Wish; I You may trust WhittHcw-l smooth, soft and me"o tiA ageto convey yourdrisfisitl message or to grace jew ml table. Dtttllttd&i.Hi.dhiM t4l inis aaverusement Is not pubJlAhed or dlsnlaved bttheLl control Board or by the Government of British ColuxtJ Smart New Patterns in English Dinnerwam and China As Christmas Gifts They Will Re Prized for Til Cups and Saucers We have a very large selection of fine Enellsh Bone Chlfli ' and saucers ln beautiful patterns' at , $1.00, 80c, 60 fiil Tcasets :- w. v wai Aioeri rent Point. Blossom Time, as well as inWT " l terns. Teasets make a woMh.hiin rm hnt is sure to be predated. yjV Dinnerwarc , Our smart dinnerware patterns make a gift that anyone f be proud to give or receive. Striking patterns in open stocl w.. .ltl rujteiain, moaerately priced. "The Home of Practical Gifts" GORDON'S HARDWARE Phone 311 McBrid; mm. Am fir irans-Atlantic Transcontinental Trans To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way VotU m vSs Aceialdo every Friday, 10 pm. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT PRINCESS NORA'' Dec. 9th, 20th. Jan. 3rd, 17th, 311 WINTER EXCURSION TO VANCOUVER $32 Tickets on Sale Nov. 1st, 1937 to Feb. 28th, M .Pad Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Serff W. L..cnATp0 ?!? nd Reservation, from R rl ww. .... ) viw as ABCIlft 1 41v.-- "