Thf may. , ;z:,M ' Just a Few Pithy Reasons South has consistently. The Liberal Partv rannnt .in- Premier. Sustain hi. Wttjwr unrf! Vote for him! Evitt would cut down our rep- .1 ..v lfl.. station; ineremre uur nmu-il. let him I Vote Pat. (,f(, 110 tallol s.fVfr pwaji horses while,, cross- , stream! Let the Premiei jnish hi job! psttullo secured two more seats , the north, increasing your iu hence. Evitt would reduce them fight for the North 1 Sustain Premier! pur let progress toward recovery eed. not recede. Sustain youi Premier1 Evitt says a private member in do more for us than a Cabi-,rt Minl-tter Please do not laugh ! Fsh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY in the Province. Sustain the Conservatives! Uemember a vote for Kvitt at this tima amounts to a vote for the C. C. F. Sustain your Premier! All representation is necessai-lly absentee representation. Vote for Pattullo who can give it 12 (months instead of months pet jannum. I The Premier appeals to the in: dependent voter and asks to be sustained so that he can finish his job. I Vote for your Premier who has .more influence than a dozen 'private members. Vote for brains, courage and integrity. Vote for your Premier. SPECIAL Introductory Offer Pint Tin "61" Quick Drying Enamel (your choice of color), reg. price 35c One Extra Fine Brush (bristles set in rubber), reg. price .25c Total value (50c f or IO While They Last Only One Can and Brush to a Family Watch for ,the valuable coupon that .will be delivered at your home We carry everything needed for your painting requirements, whether it's a whole house or just a small chair. We shall be pleased to give information & suggestions on any painting problem Kaien Hardware Company Telephone 3 Prince Rupert Vancouver-Jasper From any point 37 65 on tht TrlintU Thi,rarinakelta"Trinii!!le"Tonr"-uaVaiicourer! MO mile through lite sheltered watert of the "InaMeFaMaiie" and I3(K) mllrn of some of Canada a moM majcHtlc mountain!. It'a a grand holiday adventure. Vancouver U the aatrna, to the ait Pacific North-rt playground. There I a wealth of entertainment awaiting you . ... wores of plnrea t6ee . ... many nrw thing to do. Plau ,um for this fine vacatoh. Scenery! Outdoor "Prince" ahlp! Cay, metro-pulllan ports! A cruiM-. on a Vanromrr! There are few other trips that offer kin h a tariety of holiday attractions. For tnclu,i$ meati ond l,erth ' t,a. yoitr pfMt agtnt v-se 3i. The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. TA stcamer8 Prlnce Rupert for Vancouyer: CATALA EVERT TUESDAY, 1:30 TM w Vancouver, Thursday p.m. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 ML uu Vacsouver, Monday ajn. conrtnlent please purchase tickets at otnee. information regarding reservations and tickets from ,yV. NEWMAN. Prlnr Uunert Atent. Third Ave. rhone 56! 14 PAGE'THREB"' LOCAL NEWS NOTES Stagger the "Majestic Slair" Vote for Evitt. (125) cuy on Saturday night's train from a brief trip to Usk.' Harry Frawley is appearing in city police court this afternoon before Magistrate McCIymont oh a charge of room prowling at the inlander Uooms. Peware of the Grits, bearing gifts! Don't be misled by pre election patronage and promises. Vote for Kvitt. U25) Harry Lincoln of the Canadian National Railways general of fices returned to the cilv on the Catala last evening from a vaca-i Evitt, BEST "Build B.C. Payrolls" MILK AT ITS Hi Qxtvy mm All there Is in milk is in Pacific, concentrated and condensed. The water is taken out. Pacific has one outstanding advantage, the vacuum seal. It . , . . i Lutheran sale, June 5. (ISO; Do you want roads in the Yukon or a road to Terrace? Vote for Evitt. (125) Lorraine Olsen, charged with drunkenness, appeared in city police court this morning and was remanded until this afternoon. Miss Jape Potts K. N. arrived in the city on I he Catala last evening from Alert Ray to join tht nursing staff of the Prince Rupert General Hospital. Miss Potts graduated from the local training school a year or so ago. A Highway Commission or Highway Robbery! Vote foi June 8. Prince Rupert (125) tion trip to Vancouver and Van- couver Island. , Miss Juanita Falconer, who U attending University of British E. W. Guernsey arrived in the Columbia in Vancouver, was a city on the Catala last evening passenger aboard the Catala last from Vancouver, being on his way eveninsr going through to Alice to the Ecstall River to visit the Arm to spend the summer vaca-copper -sulphur property .whicji.jtion with her parents, Mr. and lie is naving developed. . Mrs. T. W. Falconer. While playing the street on' Are vou in favor of a romnre Fifth Avenue East yesterday, hensive form of debt increase, bessie Anne Johnsen, three-year progressively applied? If so, vote oiu ciaughtetr of Dr. and 'Mrs. H. for Pattullo. (125) O. Johnsen, was struck by a carl .1.: t... 41 r i it i I r . .... "nven uy m r rencn. uue 10 inoi .Mrs. uowa and lami v were alertness of the driver, the car passengers aboard the Catala last was stopped in time and the child evening bound from England to suffered no injury. Stewart to join Mr. Dowd. Mrs, Dowd is a sister'-of Dr. William One good thing about the el- Sager, several years ago mediccl ection campaign Mr Pattullo superintendent of the Port Simp-learned Prince Rupert had a radio son General Hospital and now lo-station. (125) cated at Port Coquitlam. C. W. Dawson, federal architect,! Inspector John A. Fraser. nrov- is expected in the city this week incial police, returned to the city from Victoria on business in eon- on Saturday night's train after nection with the new federal spending a couple of weeks at building undertaking here as well Prince Ceorge on official duties as will the completion of the in-. in connection with; the Supreme tenor of the Royal Canadian Vol-. Court Assizes, unteer Reserve building on the' waterfront. The Conservatives will form .the next Government. Follow Mr W. H. Tobey, F. A. MacCallum McCaffer.v's advice and elect a D. G. Borland, J. A. Frew. Wil- man on the Government side, Ham Cruickshank, G. E. Phillip- Vote for Evitt. (125) son, A. R. Nichols and S. A. Bird ,,. returned lo the city on Saturday', M' tltht, Ll0 9ueeIn n Char- evening's way freight train from oite jf,ands wilh two, Japanese Terrace where Mr. Tobey paid from Tok' and one .from nn an official visit Friday night in cn"v7' who. w,re Pa5',ng a v,"t his capacity as district deputy I'Mand n,,n CaP'; E- hl" here at grand master of the Masonic arr,ved. Lodge 8 o clock Saturday evening with I his Air Travel and Transport sea- Dr. George E. Darby, medical l,,ane; hfWn off yesterday superintendent of the Bella Bella morning for ancouver via Powell Hospital, returned to Bella Bella JJ'W wth his passengers Pilot bck here late this aboard the Catala yesterday aftei.D"bb'" ls fu.e 0 G. McGecr a trip to England. He was ac .ft longing C. M.Pn who is to address an companied by his daughter. Miss Margaret Darby, who has been '- lf'",,,s1" in Vancouver. Mrs. Darby, who fr Premior Pattullo. wa ?lso n EnRland' -at Jresei,tj nOTEL ARRIVALS S '7 STT13 am W. Bremner. Vancouver; C. wil be returning to the coast1 , , t. 7, , ,Emandson John E. Rievert, A. MILT. . . .. t 1 r. r r. i i uyuer nno o. toiiway, cuy. ! Iloval and go bankrupt, for tomorrow we J- Arsenau and D. Mansfield, may die; and our children can!lt'S I - 1-enly, ancouver; u pay our debts. ( 125) ! McMillan, Vancouver; .Mrs. E. i Mould and mother, Rose liaise; Mrs. H. Piche, Decker Lake, R Yoshimota, Porcher Island; G Is. Snidal, Cassrar Cannery. , M. Tatsumo and S. Yosimoto, Tokyo, Japan; J. Tokumaga, E. C. W. Dobbin. C. R. Dobbin, W. P Barrett, F. W. Guernsey, R. M. porter, George Roberts, D. C, Malcolm, G, F. Bates and E. E; Mason, Vancouver; R. Carswell. Winnipeg; J. Milne, Edmonton: P. Leckie-Ewing, Victoria. r I Announcements gives the highest protection Mrs. D. C. McRae's, June 2. and keeps this good milk perfectly pure. This is the only milk packed in Canada in this way. Pacific Milk IRRADIATED OF COURSE COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL nULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 551 Presbyterian Missionary Tea, Queen Mary tea, Mrs. Brass's, Frank Blfttchford, examiner, violin recital, June 10, Presby terian Church. Parent Teachers' Tea, Oddfel lows' Hall, June 18. LAND ACT Form No. IS FORM OP NOTICt Cnat rami UUIrlrt IHtrtft of Atltn TAKE NOTICE tbat Fred Aeklt and bherln Obrrluxlrf of Atlln, B. 0H oc-cupntlon Minrni, Inbmd to iJpiy tof panntRKlon tA purclutae the following dencrtbfd lwids: Oooimenointf at a post located two tolln aouUi of Qolden OaU. on Tigl'h lak. North West Corner Port. Orauod runa 30 ohalna Xrom Uvla pot In a aouUkarn direction tbantO cbalna eaat Vhta 20 chains north, than 30 ebatn Wf6t, to lgal poat of bMltmlag FRED N. ACKLE3 CHARLES OBEflLANDER. Datd ArU eth. 1937. Kitimaat Twins On Victoria Day One of Infant Sans of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson Passed Away KITIMAAT, May 31: Twins were born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Wilson of Kitimaat on Victoria Day. Both were boys, one weighing two pounds and the other one pound and a half. The following day one of the Infants died but the other is still alive. Souvenir bottles were presented to the babies by the May Queen at the Victoria Day celebration in Kitimaat. LEMON MERINGUE PIE Here's a recipe for Lemon Pie F ordeliciousness it can't be beaten. Better still, it's easy and economical to prepare. .'Three Quarters' cup evaporated milk, cup hot water, V2 cup sug.1r, 4''2 tablesjwons cornstarch, ji teaspoon salt, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon butter, grated rind of 1 lemon, 4 tablespoons lemon juice Mix sugar, cornstarch, salt water and evaporated milk. Cook in a double boiler (stirring until the mixture Ihickens) for fifteen minutes or more. Beat the egg yolks slightly, add the hot mix ture. Return this to the double boiler and cook five minutes long ill THINK THIS OVER THINK THIS OVER before yon cast your ballot on Tuesday. If you elect a C. C. F. government in this province, credit will immediately be cut off, the flow of capital Into the province will be stopped, within a year the people of this province will be on the verge of starvation. There will be no money for relief, social services or even to carry on the functions of government. Face these things squarely as they are as inevitable as the setting sun, for the government of this province has no power to create money. If you re-elect the Liberal government with its admitted inability to get along without borrowed money, its extravagance, its apparent incapability, the result wlU take a little longer but the ultimate result will be the same. The province will end In bankruptcy with the same cutting off of credit. The alternative to these two Is to vote for the Conservative Party, a party pledged to economy, to cessation of excessive borrowing, to the good government of the province for the benefit of the people of the province. You don't want your children to starve. Vote for Evitt. J Timely Recipes mmmmma0ajUaHmmjik er. Add the butter, lemon juice and rind. Pour into a pie crust which has been previously baked and cover wilh a meringue made from the beaten whites of the eggs to which four tablespoons of sugar have been added. Borwn in a slow oven. Serves five or six persons. Election Dance And Frolic NEW SWING BAND' Streamers! Spot Numbers! Favors! Featuring Terry Shan Vancouver Vocalist MOOSE HALL Tuesday, June 1, 9 Admission 50c Overwaitea Ltd. Cash or C.O.D. Phone 843 Butter First grade . 3 lbs 89c Eggs Grade A, large 7f per doz Swift's Premium Hams OQn per lb Matured Ontario Cheese O yc iu. 1 Glass Tumbler Free with the purchase of 2 pkts. Pep Bran Flakes for Honey Graham Wafers per pkg. Christie's Rltz Biscuits per pkg Quaker Corn Flakes 3 pkts Lettuce per head Tiirnlps Firm, sound per lb. Oranges Sweet, Juicy per doz Sunkist 19c 18c 25c Chipso Soap Flakes Qn LK' per pkg. Royal Crown Soap 6 bars ilappyvale Pickles 32-oz. Jar King Kong ToHee per lb 23c 29c 19c Ayimer Red Plums 2's JQq per tin Mac's Best Pumpkin 2's per tin Green Grant Golden Wax Beans, 2 tins Ayimer White Corn 2 tins 10c 25c 23c 5c 3c 23c 5c Free Delivery on Orders $2.00 And Over D. Elio Furniture Exchange MOOSE BUILDING, THHtD AVE. Phone Green 916 7 DAYS PRICE REDUCTION on all Floor Covering and Chesterfield Suites ; i BkaBMBBaaHaaaaaBBMaaBBaaBHBHBHaB USED GOODS Beds, Dining Room Suite, Chairs, Table, Refrigerators, Kitchen Ranges, 50 Feet Fire Hose, 30 Gallon Water Boiler, English Prams, Organ (good make), Gramaphones, Records, Violin, Tenor Banjo, Books, Singer Sewing Machine. Good Set of Books the National Encyclopedia, Teacher's Encyclopedia and Book of Knowledge. TO THE HOUSEWIFE: Have you started spring cleaning? You may have furniture, crockery, utensils, luggage, blankets, suits, clothes, etc. you wish to get rid of. ELIO'S Trade-in Call Green 916 We Buy Everything We Sell Everything CALL GREEN 91G D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Moose Building, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Hours: Daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C.