March 24, 1637 ilia n Is Still Heavy gfx Jieaths Result From Golden State ANCISCO, March v heavy rainfall 24: cofi- Californra, ?n the nor- streams threaten serious pi- r.wn u iva ui iitavv lain .ntnn n r Art II rtt AA --ft - t whicn in some cases aa nseasonable Vcalher. If en nours across lanaaa . , ;j . i . ..( maul 1 1 A n VaptilAA Now lieinc riaiiuea WA, March 24: Under the r I- - t t ns-uauuau uu service, ic to provide for which was ed in the House of Com esterday, It Is planned to slxteen-hour service across from Montreal to Van- Th'e service will be cut into leral sections, qne eastward e a, Tariffs Advised 1 1 ! 1 - 1 mrnn iiiim in t iiivrrn . 1 Ujr Tariff Board . . . . M - Avy Af Marcn it: ine lanji yesterday recorrimended to ' ivr i iiiTiriii iiiwFiririi7 in i nn on auiomoo ues. I r . period tndinz 5 p.m. tomorrow ).' l a ; vi i uciui ojimijnin i rcanurv ilua on north coast and shower. occurred over the province mr.n.: I I . 1 I il . unit tjj tuiULI ncuvuvi nee cunprt i Ktripi i.iirtu herly winds, part cloudy and uecn Charloltc Islands lllch herly winds, part cloudy and 'est Coast of Vancouver Isl -Moaerate to fresh north to winds, .part eloudv and coM iRht. Todaya Weather (OovenuiMint TrleerMha I'Tace -Cloudy, calm, iU. oansh- Cloudy, cairn, .15. 14IUI1I rniii- 'ewart-ltaining, calm, 35. law ton-Cloudy, calm, 30. f "uncrs i'art cloudy, calm, urns Lake Snowing, calm, 21 - . iear. nonneast IQ- 8 miles ncr hour: Imrn tr. vi do :tevan-Clear, north wind, 4 ler hour; barometer; 29,82, "ce i.eorge- Fair, calni ymcier, 29 9', UIK'nilvr... . ead Tree Point Vnri nt,,u, lemneratui-K. in. ui Sen unia Jnra Island-Part cloudy , "2m PC" hour; bar i' . ' v" "''""Mil. . ' T '"'and Part c nnHv , . ",u. i miles per hour, iTea POUND im $400 '"Shu,nd sterling closed "W market yesterday. Mail Schedule lh East-"" Wednesday, and m "e East-SS and Urdav .5 p.m; Van, 'Oliver 10:20 p.m. "ursday 12:30 pjo. rlday ..9:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m, tl and 22 .4:30 p.m, "ftLJfSl. sln heated dock ' ' neai" the Btew- (tf) HOOP TEAM IS IN CITY Ocean Falls Sound Arrlvevi iw Series of (James for District t nanipionship This Week played here on Thursday and this morning aboard the steamer Prince (leorge from the paper town. They will leave Fridav night by the Princess Louise on their return home. The paper town team is a real uphill-fighting bunch of melon tosflers. Some of the boys here were with Ihe Ocean Falls team that visited' liella liella at the end of last week and gave a hard battle to the aggregation there which Is said to be one of the smartest on the coast. SPORT CHAT It was stated at the annual meeting of the Knglish Baseball Association National Council thai 450 teams will be in action ir 90 In orkshire, criokel strnntr England this summer including hold. Negotiations have been opened by the Southern Transvaal Football Association fpr a tour of South Africa by Aberdeen, crack Scottish soccer team, during Ihe coming season. S.. E. i'arkes is said to have spent $125,000 trying to popularize pro rugby in London, an effort which ended when the Streat ham and Milch&m club withdrew from the Pugby League with 12 games un played. S. Cope, a member of the South Australian Cricket team lhat opposed Dr. W. . Grace's English eleven which toured Australia in 1874, is dead at 81. Sir Abe Bailey's Lovely Rosa, winner of Ihe uaKs last year, has" been mated with Tiberius., winner of the Ascot Gold Cup ai.d the Goodwood Cup for the same owner in 1935. All clubs have replied to the English Football League que tionaire regarding the proposed two-referee system bill the management committee 'has not dl closed its attitude toward the dan. Badminton playing reduces tennis efficiency according to an official of the Southern Transvaal Tennis Association, but his views are opposed by other Soul h Afri can tennis experts. After playing 30 matches in South Africa. Alf Padgham's Pri tish professional golfing team is home. In three international matches, each country won one the third was halved. Playing in intense cold, two St Austell (England) players collapsed in a match against Moorswatcr with the score 3-0 and seven others on the team left keeper and a back defied the other 11 for five minutes and (hen left. A. W. F. Somerset, 82, pre.-N dent of Sussex County Cricket f!fnti nitd rnntflin of two M. C. O. Lost TENNIS IS . A likely looking bunch of boy r 1 n l who, fforr, all advance accounts, I anKeeS-LarUS may be expected to give the locals t-i , a run for their money In the Nor-1 rJlVOVPn IPH1T1Q lttVUlcu 1 Cdlllfc them Ilrllfoh Columbia basket- NEW YORK, March 24: A Friday evenings, the Ocean Falls Pu of sPorts writers, results select senior hoop team arrived of whlch were announced yes- ' i 1 1. t. -- t iciuuy, went overwneimjngiy In favor of New York Yankees and St. Louis Cardinals to win the American and National League pennants this year. 4 4 HABITANTS DEFEATED to Ited Wings in I'lay-Off Opener Hangers And Maroons Win l)i:Ti;01T, .March 2t: (CD-Detroit Itetl WiiiRs blanked the Montreal Canadiens 4 to nil here last night in the opener of the National Hockey League playoffs. Maroons upheld the honors of Montreal by defeating Huston llrnins 4 16 1 at Montreal. New York Rangers shut-out Toronto Maple Leafs Uiree to nil at Toronto. The series play will be resumed tomorrow night. ORGANIZED Qtto Young Name President QC Prince Rupert 'Club 'This Year The annual meeting of the Prince, It u pert Tennis Club was held last night. The following officers for the year were elected. President, Otto Young. Vico-President, Geoffrey Wil-lett. Secretary - Treasurer, Jnnics Farquhar. Executive Mrs. F. E, .Robertson, Mrs. W N. Currie, T. W Brown and F. M. Davis. Various-activities pertaining Ic the coming season were discussed. From all present indications tennis should enjoy its usual popularity this year. The courts are n good shape after the winter and some of the players have al ready been out. CLYDF. HEATS 1 1 MKTS GLASGOW, March 24:-Clydes defeated Hearts 2 to 1 in a post poned Scottish League, First Divl slon, football game yesterday. dies, died at Castle Goring, near here. Kensington Borough Council of London wants playing fields and is considering a proposal to b:iy 5(5 acres on the Ealing Road from the London Passenger Transport Board for $255,000. The South American Fool ball Federation has prohibited thr: competition of any kind of Its members in Europe, a Sequel to the disqualification of Peru at the Berlin Olympiad. VANCOUVKK KELT PKICES VANCOUVER, March 24: Vancouver beef prices are still firm-steers at 7.35c, heifers at G.75c and teams that visited the West In- pows at 4.5c. "TIME THE TOILER" THE' DAILY ' NEWS PACE FIVE- PORT THREE WAY BOWLS TIE Power Corporation CaU'hes Up I Willi Printers and Moose In Ten Pin league Power Corporation defeafed 'Six Five Taxi two games to one last night and moved into a three-way tie with Printers and Moose for leadership of the Ten Pin Howling League. In the other fixture of the evening Grotto won over Armour Salvage Co. thre'o games to nil. High average score) for the evening was Max Asemis sen of Armour Salvage with 197 POWEU COUP. lpt 2nd 3rd Little 177 119 Donald '.7. 127 171 Foreman ....... . Ap fl:'. Kinslor .......... .f-12 197 Smijh ,...181 179 HAndicap 5.1" " V, Total G5 Scott . . , . . Todd French . . . . Schrpiber , Handicap . . ...lift ...'.15:1 ....177 91 Total 770 ARMOUR SAL. 1st Lacerte 127 F. Comadina ..... .134 Armour .., 142 I. Comadina 129 lAsemlssen ........ 1 90 Handicap 48 Total ..... GROTTO Mcintosh .. A. Comadina Barrie .... Afhey Total The fourth ing to dale: Power Corporation Six Fixe Taxi Grotto Armour Salvage . . 895 2nd'' ii r 137 149' 154 109 22 805 2nd 102 y,8. 142 147 189 . 48 'W.' . .5 . .5 ..5li ..4 ..4 . .1 L. " 1 4 1 5 5 8 150 187 15?. ui Ui'1. r.:; 818 3rd 1 '-! 171 170 170 22i 852 3rd 12rt 122 1BC 15K 207 ,48 ..770 IW.l"! ..iit2pit 3rd , ICS ,. , .18o jl;18, ......118 .;97 .i.itir.r' rri Moran ...181 .Handicap ........ 17 192 ; 17 185 TOURNEYS COMPLETED 1UI) 1 173" 203 17; . .790 858' block l&lgifS ''sfhrid-;' Printers ..... Moose P .) 5 4', 4' 1 I use a Fine Cut firand! Blackstock and Bruce Simundson nt6 skilful players,' while. al, th.o winning from Gunvor Skaland others had the benefit of practice and John Wilson, while Jessie and ah increased knowledge of Gjbson and Dick Cameron had the gAmes 7nd the- rules of sport won from Amy Armstrong and Al- generally. Ian MacMillan. The final Fragrant, mellow Ogden's that corrals full smoking enjoyment for roll-your-owners. Whether you're already an old roll hand or are "fixuV to start in now" try Ogden's with "Chantecler" or "Vofeu'e" papers. That combination will teach you al) there is to know about pleasure iri rolling your'ownV PS. Your Pipe Knows Ogden's Cut Plug OGDENS FINE CUT was a very keenly fought match with The finals of ihe badminton long rallies and some spectacular and ping pong tournaments at shots but, after losing the first the 1'ooth Memorial School to set, Jessie (Jibson and Dick Cam-iwind up the indoor games that oron won the next two from have been in progress through Sheila P.lackstock and liriiee Sim- the fall and winter were played undson. off yesterday afternoon an.d re- Other leani activities that had lilted in -keenly contested gaffiaa. been earned on during the pa,st The badminton; was vVon by months were goodminton and vol-ffruce Simundson and Teddy Cnp- Icy ball, as well as basketball tlek from Doreen . Croxford and Now with the coming of spring, iVaiter Colussi. in the sepii- softbull and football will begin 'Ilials S'niiind-son and Catsick on an organized basis, had beaten Jessie Gibson and In the competition games, part-Jack Wait while Doreen Crox- riers were assigned at random, ford aiid Waltgf ColussI had won arid the results are very gratjfy-from Margaret Smilh and Jack ing, particular for the first year, McLean. in . spite of some limitations of ' The semi-finals of the ping space. Many of the girls and pong had resulted In Sheila hoys ga,ve promise of developing Northern H. G. Championship BASKETBALL MOOSE HALL March 25 & 2G, at 7:15 Ocean Falls vs. Prince Rupert All Stars Adrn. Adults 5Qc, Children 25c X AGE AND PURITY GUARANTEED BY $10,000 BOND COAST BREWERIES LIMITED VANCOUVER . NEW WESTMINSTER . VICTORIA This advertisement 'is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. An Embarrassing Momemt For Mac i. . -By Westover THE BOSS S$t THCT'S SVJELL OF VOU I 3USTA MIMUTE, ZiT" I 1 77 c3ftBT SCOTT.' (lO VMONOETt OU OlDN'T COMB WANTS TO (APV ASK BOTtUJE. .QvDPme '... : -ZT-VNTO MV C3PPiCg TO SSe ABooT Jrt To STAB.T w rf7 HiS SHOES AND MOmSh FfeJ VUv ogwAUKEiz) A 4 r''n" TJ '