PAGE FOUIl Orange Pekoe Blend "SALAM TEA TRAPPERS Will guarantee top market prices for Beaver and Muskrat. Other furs at value. FRANK LOCKWOOD I'hone Blue 729 P.O. Box 200 w.m:it notice DhrrMon and 1m TAKE NOTICE THAT Polarls-Taku Mining Company, Limited whose addrw-Is Tulsefjuah, B. C. will apply for a l!cnce to take and use 9 cM. lor power and 100 gals, per minute for mining ol water out cf Whitewater Crrc'ic. which flaws south easterly and drains Into Br-avor Slcugli about 300 feet cast of -"tero ibourjiry of claim Silver Kin? No. 1.. Lot 5489. The water will be diverted at a point nbout, 3300 feet northeasterly, from the confluence cf Whitiwter Creek and Bcover Slough and will be uted for pawer purpose upon the mine described as Silver King No. 1 Lot 5489, Ca&siar District, Atlln. Mining Division. This notloe was prt-d oi the ground cn the 4th day of May. 1937. A ccpy of (Oils notice and an application purpuicit thereto an-J to in "Water Act" will !be filed In the office it the Water Recorder at Atllu. B.C.. nnd Prince Rupert. B. C. Objections to the application may bej ft!cd with the slid Water Recorder or' with the Cempiroller of Water Rights. Parliament Bu'ldlnss. Victoria. B.C. within thirty days after the first appear- nw of thU ucjtlce in a local newspaper. POLARIS-TAKU MININO COMPANY. LTD, Applicant. By P. J. Bai-.tholcmcw. Agent. The date of the first publication ol this notice is May 11, 1937. WATKIl NOTICE Dlirrtlon and IV TAKE NOTICE THAT Polarls-Taku Mlnln? Ccurpenv Limited whose adores U Tulsequah. B.C. will apply for a 1!-rtoce to itake and ue 300 gallons per minute of water out of Whitewater Creek, which Xlcws ecuthcsfltcrly and drains into Beaver Slough about 300 fet ear of eastern Bcunday of Claim Silver King No. 1. Lot 5489. The water will be diverted at a point 700 feet above its connueoce with Besv-rr Slough tmd will be used for dometl imrposcs (50 gals.i and Mining (250 ru) purpw unon ins mine described a Silver King No. 1 W 5489. Oasslar District, Atlin Mining Division. This notice was petted on the ground on the 5th day cf May. 1937. A copy of this notice and an Application mirarant Mwma - , "Water Act" will bs filed in the office 1-. uv niur recorder at AUln, B C rd Prince Rupert. B. C. r??3ec??n 10 th "PPcatlon may be " " mc water Kecorder or Jrtth tlie Csmrtroller of Water Right. Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B C within thirty days after the first' on'-prerance of this notice In a local news-pa pw. POLARIS-TAKU MININO COMPANV LTD.. Applicant . . S Thomson. Agent. f'rrt publiatlcn of tht notice la May 11. 1937. WATKIl NOT U K Dltrr-loii and 1P iTKE,JLrnCE THAT Pc4arla-Taku Miiilne Company. LlmUed whose address U TuLwjuah. B. C. will apply for a i"yce to Uke and use 100 gal nor -K.te r out f Camp Creoc, .T,fhu.?W8foutWtTl'r drain-t-Jto Whitewater Crock about 1800 feet EuZtfi confluonoe with Beaver The water will be diverted at a poll ff ts cexfiuce SJfmr? Creek Silver Kln Cj No. 2. Lot 5490. and will be rf wtatog and domestic purposes pon the mine dweribed as SUver Km- CUT t 5490 and on Gold Bar Mlrnl Don. DUtrlrt' AU" JZ7in& zr ground A oqpy of thl notice and an appllea. M'n pur-uant thereto and to the "f the Water Recorder at Atlln. B r and Prince Rupert. B, C Objections (to the application mav be JZJ" Wter eco?der or rjth the Comptroller of Water RighU within thirty days after the first n-rarance of this notice in alocne POLARIS-TAKU MINING COMPANY LTD.. Applicant. , . W . Ougg Thonifcon. Agent. .JtJ,U,e.Ilr"t ""cation of 'Ms notice In May 11, 1937. WATKIl NOTK'K r.urJ1 T,IAT Polarls-Taku Mining Company. Limited who addrcw ,ii Tuluah. B. C. will ivpply for a Itoewje o tke and use 1001 Ions per wfnute cf water otlt of A J Creek which flows southeasterly ind Into Beaver Rloiw ,i . . drains . . ' rZ,. cS11 01 Whitewater and The water will be diverted at point "mB Sbw- l nnuSc7 SIe!u?h 6nd " Silver Kin-No. I Claim. inaa , . ' 4 domestic and mlnUig purcow - I lBlm' 889 and Slher K nl No. IV. . in 2 Claim. T,. won T M-ntag claim" " oow u" cm the 6th doy of May, 1937 8unr A copy of this notice and an appllca-un poinruanit itheroto mid to the Tf A ftled -thTotttoJ 'r1 Water Recorder. at Atlln n. C and Prince Rupert, B. C. fM.bJ,1?nJto .h mppllcaUon may b. ri ed with the aald Waiter Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rlflvts Prlhinvmit Buildings. Victoria B c' within thirty days alter the first' B.r. rearance of ithla notice in a local nrwi. paper. POLARIS-TAKU MINING COMPANY LTD.. Applicant W- ugt Thomson. Aijen' Hm? date of the Xlrat publication Of UU notice ki May 11, 1937. Bll Magnus Brown Of Kitzegukla Dies Well Known Sportsman of Interior Village Passes Away KITZEGUKLA, May 18: Magnus llrown, a well beloved citizen of Kitzegukla, passed away or. Sunday morning last about 11:15. He died peacefully after having been ill for over a year. Magnus Brown was an athlete and a friend of all sportsmen. He leaves to mourn his loss two brothers and a sister. Funeral services were held Tuesday at 11 for deceased, who was a son of the late Isaac and Eliza Brown. Services were helfl in the home, in the United Church and at the graveside. An old friend of the family, Joshua Ilidley. drove I he wagon and greys which bore the casket to the church. Many beautiful flowers, gifts of many friend?,' decorated the casket. The local band preceded the mourners, playing suitable marches. At the graveside the vounir people sang a beautiful hymn from the Salvation Army Song Book. Uev. B. Black, assisted bv Al- fred McUames. Peter Mark an Captain J. H. Johnson, conducted the services. Pallbearers were Ar thur McDames, Peter Markt Captain Johnson and Bert Itussell. After the ceremony the people all gathered in the McDame? Hall and the usual dinner with eulogistic speeches was entered into by (he friends and relatives. continuing an age long custom Deceased is survived liv tu.n brothers, Ed. Brown and Peter lirown, also one sister, Mrs. .1. II . Johnson. SUCCESSFUL COXCEKT The concert held hv thp Kuimtia Band in the Exhibition Hall last inursoay night drew a large and appreciative audience. An PTrvllpnt program was rendered by the native bandsmen. W M Rmum man of the Coronation Celebration commiuee, acted as chairman and there was a brief snppph . . hv v . a , -1- V. j A 1 1 MacCallum. SERVICE FECIALS Ranee and Hardy Wed. 19th to Tucs. 25th CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS QAn per lb. t BACON Good quality per lb "Uv ORANGES, family size-s- 51.00 3 doz NABOD COFFEE per lb. 1Ui BAKING POWDER n Malkln's Bst. 12 m tin EMPRESS VINEGAR Malt O00 or white. 26 nz hnt. KRAFT CREAM CHEESE 4Qp SPREADS, per Jar XuU WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE Laz-enby's 12 oz. IQn per bot "wt PEAS-Royal City No. 4 M n per tin XtIC FANCY ASSORTED O C o COOKIES, per lb 501 CLARK'S SOUPS Vegetable Op or Tomato, per tin "V fORK & BEANS Royal CCn City, 3 tins GINGER SNAPS-Ormonds rp 14 oz., per pkg.. J. 31 QUAKER FLOUR nr. per 6-lb. sack BUTTER Sunnybrook 95c 3 lbs. QUAKER CORN FLAKES Qr per pke CORN BEEF El Rancho 25c 2 tins 55 Phones 56 PROVINCIAL NOMINATIONS (Complete) Albtmi-Nanalmo Conscrratlve, Nicholas Wright. Liberal, Hon. Qecrge S. Pearson. C. C. F A. M. Stephen. Constructive, F. H. Giles. Atlin Conservative, Ernest Love. Liberal, W. J. Assclstine. C. C. F.j C. H. Lake. ' Burnaby Conservative, Howard Clcgg. Liberal, William Oricve. C. C, F E. E. Winch. Constructive, R. C. MacDonald. Social Credit, Herbert Hailing. Independent Liberal, Ella W. Johnson. Independent, L. E. Walker. Cariboo Liberal, Louis Lebourdals. Independent, Jennie E. Clark. Chilliwark Conservative, Aid. Leslie Eyres. Liberal, E. D. Barrow. C. C. F., Thomas Luxton. Columbia Conservative, Leonard Oaddes. Liberal, Thomas King. C. C. F. W. H. Tallis Comox Conservative, G. Nv Money. Liberal, L. A. Hanna. C. C. F Colin Cameron. Cowichan-N'eucastle Conseryative. Clement Pcmbcr-ion Deykin. Liberal. Arnold C. Flett. C. C. F Sam Guthrie. Independent, Hugh SaVage. Cranbrook Liberal, Hon. F. M. McPherson. C. C. F., Samuel Shearer. Delta Conservative, R. M, Grauer. Liberal, Arthur Lalng. C. C. F., Leonard Sheppard. Social Constructive, R. B. Swalles. Dewdney Conservative, Dr. Frank Patter son. Liberal, D. W. Strachan. C. C. F., James Cameron. Esquimau Conservative E. V. Finland. Liberal. C E. Whitney-Griffiths. CC..F, Don Smith. Social Credit, Mrs. E. Boydell. Independent, J. W. Archer. Fertile ; Liberal, Harry Colgan. Labor, Tom Uphill. Fort Georffe Conservative, Frederick Burden. Liberal. H. G. perry. C. C. F, John Mclnnls. Grand Forks-Grrnwood Conservative, T. A. Lov6. Liberal, E. C. Hcnniger. C. C. F.i W. R. Bralth-alle. Social Reconstructive, Anthony Whitehead. Independent, Frank Moore. The Islands Conservative, Captain Macgregor Mackintosh, Liberal, Alexander McDonald. C. C. F.. Mrs. Grace Martin. Social Credit, O. H. Brown. Kami oops Conservative. Dri A. H. Baync. Liberal, R. II. Carson. C. C. F., G. F. Stirling. KaMo-Slucan Conservative, Capt. James Fitz-slmmons. Liberal, C. S. Lcary. C. C. F.. H. W. Hcrrldgc Social Credit, Amos Craven. Lillooet Conservative, Edward Carson. Liberal, G M. Murray. C. C. F, Robert Armstrong. Mackenzie Conservative, Battleman Milton Mclntyre. Liberal, J M, Bryan. C. C. F., Herbert Gargrave. Constructive, G. M. Robinson. Social Credit, A. D. Creer. Ntlson-Creston 'Conservative, A. T. Horswill. Liberal, Frank Putnam. C C. F, R. F. Bayllss. Social Credit, Herbert Howe. Independent, J. W. Mulholland. New Westminster Conservative, T. R. Selkirk. Liberal, Hon. A. Wells Gray. C C, F Stanley Blake. Communist, Rev, Edwin Baker. Labor, Edward S. Mills. North Okanag-an Conservative, Gordon Lindsay. Liberal, Hon. K. C. MacDonald. C. C. F Stephen Freeman. PROVINCIAL NOMINATIONS Oml 11 era Conservative, O. S. Belsham. Liberal, M. M. Connelly. C. C. F.. Sidney Godwin. r . - Peace River Conservative, Thos. Hargrcaves. Liberal, Glen E. Braden. C. aFj, C. W. Bumstead. IndepcAdefat, Cllve Plahta. THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert Conservative, C. V. Evltt. Liberal, Hon. T. D. Pattullo. C. C. F., George Weaver. Social Credit, J. C. Bowen-Col-Jiurst. RevcUtoke Conservative. W. A. Sturdy. Liberal, Harry Johnston. C. C. F., Andrew Alman. Kossland-Trail Conservative. C. Elliott Crowe. Liberal, R. R. Burns. C. C. F.. L. Z. Nlmslck. Saanich Conservative, Leslie F. Osborne. Liberal, Norman W. Whlttaker. C. C. F., T. O. Sheppard. Constructive, W. E. Pierce. Social Credit, Major A. H. Jukes O.B.E. Independent, F B. Shearme Salmon Arm Liberal, H. W. Birch. C. C. F., Robert Wood. Independent, R. W. Bruhn. Similkameen Conservative, H. H, Boyle. Liberal, C. H. P. Tupper. C. C. F F. II. Brown. Skeena Liberal, E. T. Kenney. C. C. F., J. Doney. South Okanacan Conservative, T. G. Norris, K.C. Liberal, Captain C. R. Bull. C. C. F., Rev. N. H. Dixon. Vanrouver-Burrard Conservatives, Alderman Halford Wilson and C. J. White. Liberals, Mrs. Paul Smith and J. Howard Forrester. C. C. F A. S. Trotter and Don Maxwell. Constructive, Mrs. Catherine Button and George Pollock. Social Credit, Peer V. Paynter and Mrs. E. M. Brooks. Independent, G. H. Broughton. Vancouver-Centre Conservatives, Adam Johnston Montague Caple. Liberals, Gordon S. Wlsmer and Alderman Fred Crone. C. C. F., Matthew Gleiiday and Frank Roberts. Constructive. J. T. Burnett and A. M. Lester. Social Credit, Paul McD. Kerr. Socialist, John King. Vancouver-East Conservatives, W. J. Corran and Thomas Irvine Liberals, Mrs. James Barclay and Charles A. Donovan. C. C. F., Harold Winch and Dr. Lyle Telford. Social Credit, O. V. Towlc and C. D. Powell. Constructive. Jack Prir-P w A. Prlf.hnrrt Socialist, J. H. Burrough. Vancouver North Conservative. Jack Loutet. Liberal, Mrs.'E. M. Turner. C. C. F., Mrs. D. G. Steeves. Independent. J. B. Leyland. Independent. James Whltham Vancouver-Point Grev Conservatives. R. L. Maitland, Cyril G. Bceston and A. J. Paton. Liberal Hon. G. M. Weir, S. 8. McKeen, Robert Wilkinson. C. C. F., William Offer, J. Evans ind E. Westmoreland. Social Credit, William Savage. Victoria Conservatives, Herbert Anscomb. Bruce A. McKelvie, Aid. (DrJ J. D. Hunter and Fred A. Willis. Liberals, Hon. John Hart, Byron Johnson. W. T. Straith and Mrs. Nancy Hodges, C. C. F W. B. Calrd, James Walker. Nigel Morgan and Mrs. K. A. Bell. Social Constructive, Rev. Robert Connell and Mrs. Madge Hall. Social Credit, Mrs. O. H. Knuds-vlg. C. B. Messlter. Frank Saxton-Whlte and P. E. George. Yale Conservative. J. W. North. Liberal. Dr J. J. Giiiis C C. F., J. w. Langley. KITSEGUKLA S. Maltinson of the liabiiic Indian Agency was in Kitzegukla this week attending to business connected with his department. Hert Russell Ihis week purchased Jn Smithers a brand new-car. Most" local natives spent Coronation Day celebrating in Hazel-ton. However, two of the moro ambitious, Ed. Wesley and David) v . JUHton, went to Prince Rupert. Mr. Wesley hopes to join his wife and family there. Union steamer Catala, Capt. James Findlay, relumed to port at 9:30 this morning from her1 regular voyage to Stewart, Anyox1 and other northern points and, sailed at 1 :S0 p.m. for Vancouver and waypoints, USK ' A very enjoyable program It nrnniirn .. n L'ramanhonp for the 'VVU.V. o- ( tfrhnnl xi-qu hnlil rrrintlv in Lee S Hall. Community singing was led hv Mr Hewson of lerrace and several dramatic recitations were iriven by Mrs. Ifewson. Colored lantern slides, depicting scenes from Halifax to victoria, were shown by Rev. Adam Crisp A Mother's Dav sirvict was conducted by Ilev, Adam Crisp In Marsh Memorial Church. Ih building was beautifully decor ated with flowers for the occa sion. A baptismal service was held and eight candidates were received. In snile of rain a cheering truckload of school children left hern to narticinatp In thp Terrace program on .Coronation Day. Rem iniscent of covered wagon days, the truck was covered with can vas and ihp occunants had 1 merrv and jubilant time thouirh in somewhat limited and cramped quarters I TV, .. ..:.. .. r ... 1,1.. softball games between thp lorn! girls' team and the school team "Uskids" was held last Saturday. The game was won by the school team". The Skeena Hiirhwav road camti some two miles east of here, has re-opened. It is honed th work will continue during-the summer. The first Liberal mectihtr of the present election will be held tonight. The nrincinal sncakei will be Cieorire N'ickersnn of Prince Rupert. Douglas Lay and Dr. Josenh T. Mandy, district mining engineers, havp been here durint the past week. A special patriotic program was held Jn the school on tho dav preceding Coronation Day. The children were presented with Coronation badges and souvenir booklets. Messages from Lord Twcedsmuir. Lieutenant-Governor h. . Hamber. Premier Pattul'o and Hon. Dr. G. M. Weir werr read. A sports program was held in the school playground. Songs interspersed Wfrn "Tho M.inlr - ,nese ll,fn &hall Be," ; l,ou "'e the King." The usual fortnightly church service on Friday was conducted by Rev. C. A. Hinchliffo on, May 14. An Inspiring and thoughtful address on "P.e vc doers' of the Word and not hearers only' was (given. Autobiographical talks by two new membcr.1, J. H. McClinton and J. O. Williamson, will be given at the renular weekH- inh. cheon of the Prince Ruix-rt Gyro 1. iuii tomorrow. Mr. Williamson wil also be Initiated. Harvey Davles, Smithers hotel proprietor, and his daughter. Mrs. M. C. McDonald, who Wcrp hiri as witnesses at the session of the supreme Court Aslszes last week, left by last evening's train on Iheir return 4o tho interior. Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE. ZIEGFELD DEPICTED Great Musical and Dramatic Spectacle Here at First or Week At Capitol Theatre ' Replete with melodious music. specialty features and a heart- gripping double romance, a colorful musical comedy spectacle. "The Oreat Zicgfeld," based on the life of the noted entertainment producer, opened at the Capitol Theatre before a large and appreciative audience last night and will be presented again tonlghi and tomorrow. The story opens In Zlegfeld's youth in the dazzling Chicago World's Fair of 1893. It progresses with the career of Ziegfeld, showing how he masses fortunes to lose them and build others. Always in the background are his spectacular musical comedy productions. William Powell plays the part of Ziegfeld and turns In a fine performance. The' role oi Anne Held, the great producer's first wife. Is taken by Lulse Rainer while Myrna Loy plays the lovely Blllie Burke, Ziegfeld's second wife. Such other luminaries as Fannie Brlce, Harriet Hoctor, Frank Morgan. Virginia Bruce. Nat Pendleton and Reginald Owen are also included in a distinguished cast. Not only does the picture unfold the life of Ziegfeld but It presents a cross-section of the American theatrical world for the last quarter of a centurv. The SptHncrc ant most spectacular, rivalling any-1 imng which has been offered in previous pictures along this line. The Ketchikan motnrship Heloilj was In port attain this mornin;' with another carload of frr-vn halibut for transshipment East over Canadian National HnM-i ways. TONIGHT . " OneShovfNighti; (Door open 7 p Ll'lSK lUIXER "THE GREAT ZIEGFELD" Also World News Event, Coming Thurs..Fri..s1itl. IRKNE DUXX I"' "Theodora Goes Wild" rnunc IB p n n ' MSSALLEff fcvJONOMY STORE Wnality Groceries Lbw Prices Courteous Service , Prompt Delivery Boat and out. of town orders rectht I carerui attention COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODi Satisfaction Ouiranteea FAMOUS EDSO.N ALBERT! COAL IIULKLF.Y VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COU PK1NCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE 38 and iit Money Saving Specials ' Odd Lines and Remnants Priced to Sell Out GENUINE SWEET GRASS RASKETS Regular to $&f0. Now, each 25c & 50c BEGINNERS' SLATE With PENC1L-30c value. Now lfc; 2 for 25c Dennison's Embossed LINEN Weave NAPKINS-, Luncheon size, white only. Regular 2oc per dozen Now, per dozen 5c per 100 25c WHITE CLOVER TOILET ROLLS-Regular G for 25c. Now, per dozen 25c BOYS' SPIN TOPS, each 5c Dennison's Jointed Doll Cutouts, 2 for 5c Flax-a-tone, Musical Clapper, reg. $1.00. Now . 25c TABLE AND CHAIR SETS Regular $3.50 and .$5.25. Reduced to $2.75 & $1.00 Buy Now and Save See Our Bargain Tables vs.Jdd HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and " Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C.