en 8 8 NE lL SS ee ee a i, ee, ee ee a pn i ns a Pe ge ee ee ee ee et ee ea RS POS OUR OUVP COUP ots eter seVsgeterow = cee N THE WEATHER twenty-f hours ending 5 a.m., y mM rhme RAR. tN. RAIN wae 10,0 80.174 .12 ee Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist —————— i 1 NO. 284 vOL. II PRINCE Rupert, B.C., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1911. NEXT MAILS For souTH Prince Rupert...... Friday 8 a.m. a —— PRICE FIVE CENTS THE HOSPITAL PROPOSAL MADE TO GIVE $1,300 TO (ITY ENGINEER DOES NOT THINK MEN IN MINE CONTRACTORS SHOULD BE PENALISED ARE ALL DEAD | Later Despatches from Tennes- see Says that Dead Bodies are Col. Davis Says He Has Seldom, if Ever, Seen Clauses of This Kind Enforced— Bein Brought Out of the Striking Admission Made During Evidence in the Contractors’ | Sele Coal Mine. Suit for Damages Again t the City ‘ang ‘ Ipess asnate “| do not think the contractors {It dors ‘ 6 fair tol track had béen.iaid-and salen os] Canadian a v0 ¥ a ‘ rast cult tik oo aie eeaiahod should be harged the penalty. the contractors | 1 to ask/t t the city on Second avenue, Knoxville, ec, te Aghteen Wand fvlaw, #hieh wepedned Xo jhave seldom, if ever, in my exe! for their extras before submitting d he desired to include the cost | Uodies were recovered in the mine ee perience seen clauses of this kind | your prepared final estimate. It| of doing this work in his estimate| explosion up to noon today and divide the city into three wards enforced.’ would m | © oe r practice; of allowance to contractor. little hope is left for the remain- instead of the present two, went vs. City case for y » prey rst I line hundred and fifty men. The down to defeat in council. The . Say , j i : h { rescue experts working two miles; return to the board of Ald. New- n these words ib ‘ ‘ th 7 The problem of selecting small away in the shafts, say the place| ton, and the unexpected somer- er were eagerly | +) wht } ‘ Xmas gifts for sending by mail] js like a voleano. Scores of fam-|sault performed by Ald. Clayton dience—prinei sed aw to the < tre a lite Aa solved at Wark’s Re-| ilies will be left destitute as a re-| upset the applecart. The mayor, bl Pe tek aft I t i as ist p tunity | sult of the explosion. The ma-| Ald. Kirkpatrick, and ‘Ald. Hii- nterested in the! wassed under the other pla I tiling gifts home is Thurs-| jority of the men only averaged] ditch supported the consider- of tne Oage b th Ut ‘ rsued i tf $35 a month wages ation of the bylaw; Ald. Newton, City Engineer's Evidence. Se ~ TO ESTABLISH A BIG FISH PLANT garding the g, etc. the preparation ; : ‘ j for Watsor ; | asked thee a note of his - B. C. Fisheries Ltd. Has Been Floated With Capital of $1,500,000 the co to Exploit the Fisheries of Northern B. C. wan ras ie a ste PLANTS AT PORCHER ISLAND AND SKIDEGATE Sir George Doughty of Grimsby Fulfils His Promise Made Two Years Ago to Es-| tablish a Big Fishing Company—Two Big Steam Trawlers to Come Out at Once Will Have a Fleet of Twenty or More Vessels Victoria, Dec. 12.—A new concern, to be known as the B. C. Fisheries, Limited, has been floated, with Sir George Doughty of the Great Grimsby herring industry at the head. .The capi- tal is $1,500,000. Two steam trawlers, the first of a large fleet, which will include twenty or more, are to be brought out at once and two large plants, to cost $250,000, will be erected, one on Porcher Island Arrangements have been made with the Grand Trunk Pacific (IL BORERS HAVE STRUCK OIL GAS AND BLACK SHALE BORING IS ONLY DOWN FOR A DISTANCE OF SIX HUNDRED FEET, BUT THE INDICATIONS POINT TO THE LO- CATION OF OIL IN LARGE QUANTITIES. and the other af Skidecate Iniet. Railway to provide trackage at Prince Rupert. pondenee hij fa h juant — - The new fishing enterprise is the result of a visit paid to Northern B. C. two years ago by oy es \ ! ‘I s who ha Sir George Doughty, when, at the instance of Earl Grey, he investigated the fishegies of the vest « st of ‘ : led ob Oe. ; province. i suc diy) . . hi mest ‘ i i rating uch ga | E ! il ; best indica f th ‘ ip 8 i iW | i 1 { miter l \ pany, and ree d at Wa s Ca y ts for the | Sho Watch the window t CONTRACTOR DID MAY LEAD T0 ALLHE COULD BAD TROUBLE Important Statement by Gol.|French Leader Kilis German Davis to Mr. Justice Clements Soldier in Alsace-Lorraine, af- This Morning ter Political Quarrel—Troops are Sent There. brief dialogue ( I l Db ) Mr. Justice va Me Db i \ 1 i City Engineer ; sith er atte J \ jua l atter’s cross a A snidier ( the stree hot a ih As a u f the iid, Col, Davis,| he and six ‘ t i ictors proceeded] French pa Alsa I nei s gh despatch the |were art | | i. ! ight not to be |against the Gerinats Phe t ps opinion that}declare they Ww pre case showed rea-|any disorders i For changing this kind of scenery into streets the contractors now ask payment vues OWEN SOUND IS did He put on oe oe or og = LIBERALS GAIN ere rt a Then your opin FIRE-STRICKEN Suspicion That Young Engineer Is is ire one Kumeric ae to ime limit was too Superseded Arouses Alderman. IN ONTARIO eturn to Port or Repairs. leon: “Yes. that| Two Big Elevators Were Com- Qs ‘bjection was raised in | (Canadian Press pene) pletel yDestroyed, With Million ret night by Alderman ~ Victoria, Dee. 12. ireless Bushels of Grain — Loss Exe to a recommendation | They Captured Eleven Seats to the | reports from the steamer Ku- " ceeds $1,000,000. wo! 4 that Mr. Mason, the Conservative Six—Sir J. P.) meric state that the Weir liner 0 is ‘ . ‘ ’ RUPERT's BEST DANCERS. ny a ntly appointed to the Whitney’s Majority in the Leg~| is returning to port for repairs, | (Canadian Pre Despatch.) ‘ ‘ yy. would be employed as | islature Reduced. j after having disabied her steam . city stau, OX ’ As 2 : iclice is necessary Owen Sound, Deo. 92 rhis vt engineer on the water-| teering gear during a heavy gale dancing. Don't mest 1 the worst fire oF ay " lary of $225 per] Canadian Press Despatch, 600 miles out while bound to} isional special, but |°'lY Was visited by * ean [ee ak man Morrissey saw Poronto, Dec, 12.—Full returns | Hongkong, P ’ ts history last elt Whit nth \lderma | et your friends at}!!! niant, inelud il 1 slight on’ Mr. Lucas,/ yf the Ontario Provincial elec- iall on ‘Thursday | the entire eleva pra i 1 ‘ raise to #200 ; aa on ante | Gentlemen, - § ) ing iwo elevators and 41,000,0( hose cause for a Pr ; tions give Conservatives 83 st a ‘| Time vou got “that Chrsitmas | 8:50 to midnight, . af grain belonging to the|.. month Alderman Morrissey], j,epals 22 and Laborites 4. The| Sats her winmea eee ae | s s BR i » s Ss ‘ ome mIKS ¢€ tle dances held bu 16 : was destroyed Phe| jad previously championed, He]y ijepals gain eleven to the Con- wondering vine Datitakeenieien ( hursday to inusic | © Pp, ik a hee a and Keewatin| »peued that by appointing a Many) oorvatives six. All the ministers ile hen and ras AAA HIA Mind lira are growing apemers Saag ilso, as wel &) 4, $25 more the Couneil actually t we re pecelected, and Mr. N, W. a iD RO PO OP re ee ‘tL you are sure to} Wert ; eae buildings in the yviein perseded Mr Lucas. his Rowell, the new Liberal leader | Bring youd -troukielte lei aMAMe cquaintances there | number o ig $1,000,000 » was not taken by the other had a majority of 500 in North | ~ ke seas eae oO » par : forjity. The loss excecus ' VAs sys 12 Alderman hundreds o ings 1a nake rite partner fo Cx lors, except é Oxford eitahio: afte for IAdiab. aa vame slap, Q otion to ap ' a i Soott, Froud & ¢ have a big} Douglas and th eh oo | easily solve the problem for you, Personal ! 7 of men's working boots, |p Mr, Mason . : Christmas Candy. Wallaces. tf M 3 ‘ ‘ange Oo : $4 up , Keeley’s especial shipment for ~ rr re { Lockhart : 3( 5 stvie you want, from 4 : out flowers Wednesday. Keeley’s es] al § } by th ~e sone ye 4 t that are made the Presa, 0v if this year cannot be surpassed, tf! Tom and Jerry at the Savoy, ’ © neXt G, - i eh C8 i ‘ tf Wark's. money, | iiaiieerisr ia « enee a the | | | Douglas supported Ald. give the Morrissey, and Clayton Morrissey’s mo- tion to measure a six month’s hoist. One and all the bylaw support- ers, from the mayor to Ald. Hil- ditch professed their disinterest- ed motives in supporting the by- law. It was only to comply with the Municipal Clauses Act that they had dealt with it at all. They didn’t want the ward system any- way. Ald. Clayton stated that his grounds of objeetion were sev- ‘ral, the principal being that the hotels would all be in one ward det the new plan, that the sys- tem proposed would give’ too uch control to the electors liv- ng down town, but most of all tired of declar- getting which he cause he was the yoke under ed many citizens with himself groaned—that of having to con- sult some powerful and_ select few before they could even effect BY-LAW TO CREATE THREE WARDS IS GIVEN A SIX MONTHS’ HOIST After Re-consideration, Ald. Clayton Who Had Supported the By-law Comes Out and Opposes It—Says He ‘‘Is Getting Tired of the Yoke’’— Newton’s Return Sealed the By-Law’s Doom Alderman a fire insurance, Ald. Clayton rather haltingly, but still with evident determination, declared that he was about to liberate himself from the thraldom and if was time they all did. Ald. Newton pointed out that the triple ward system was not desired by the people from the days of the drafting of the city’s charter. He thought a plebescite should have been taken at the time the Hay’s Creek sewer by- law was voted on, and now that it should be taken at the muni- cipal election. The mayor went into a lengthy statement in which he stated that he was aware that the citizens had not desired the ward system at the time the charter was draft- ed, but the legislature demanded it to render the system of muni- cipal government in the province against the ward system. orders now for Xmas Wark's. tf Leave flowers. ALD. MORRISSEY HAS PLAN TO RAISE $1,300 FOR HOSPITAL SAYS THAT HE WILL GIVE Oo ONE-FOURTH CF HIS CIVIC IN- DEMNITY ON CONDITION THE MAYOR AND OTHER ALDERMEN GIVE ONE-FOURTH OF THEIRS. his time city on leave has been less than that consumed by the Mayor that from the Claiming sence on political trips, and} of his brother by absences from the city, Morrissey, following | | | by some Alder- | man }iman Kirkpatrick’s amendment to jmake deductions from aldermen for absences, makes the follow- ing proposition: I will donate to the Prince Ru- pert General Hospital as an Xmas gift one-fourth of my indemnity of ab- aldermen|s | allowance, providing Mayor Man- |}son and every alderman will do- }nate one-fourth of their indem- |nity allowance for a joint fund to present to the hospital on aturday evening, next, before ; Xmas.” Alder-| calcu- means a sub- present of the Alderman lates that by these Morrissey stantial Christmas $1,300 can be presented to funds of the Genera! Hospital. ——_—__t-_—_— Best room in town at the Savoy. COL. DAVIS TO City Engineer Plans a Visit to Consult Consulting Engineer Thompson, Who Cannot Come to Prince Rupert. | City Engineer Davis has } for permission to visit Seattie in with the -eompletion plans and specifications of | the water pipe line between |} Shawatlans Lake and the city, as | Engineer rhompson of Seattle, j}afler being wired to come here jin fulfillment of the terms of his | appointment as consulting en- }gineer, has wired that he cannot | fix a date for a visit, Leave was city lo pay expenses. connection }of the | granted, SAYS DARROW ~ KNEW OF BRIBE Juror Lockwood Says the Lawyer | Was Present When a Bribe Was Offered to Him to Hang Up the McNamara Trial. Canadian Press Despatch.) | Los Angeles, Dec. 14.—Clar- Darrow’s name was brought bribery trial here today Lockwood deseribed Darrow as the second man at the conference when a bribe was of- fered him, Fredericks declared ne would not take any notice, as was evidently only hearsay, a the prosecution was working on facts. when juror A Lengthy Advantage. The long wearing shoe for the VISIT SEATTLE: ; | asked MORE POPULAR BYLAW THIS Indemnity Bylaw Skanes Third Reading Last Night Without Amendment, Which Caused Anxiety to Certain Aldermen. defeat of the Ward bylaw, which he “fathered” in Council, Alderman Kirkpatrick, with a twinkle, produced a second bylaw which he “guessed would prove more popular.” Tt was the Indemnity bylaw, up for its con- sideration in committee of the whole, It was proposed that the amount of indemnity should be reduced by $35.for every month an alderman had been absent from the boara. Alderman Mor- said that in common jus- tice that principle should apply also to the Mayor, and Alderman Douglas could not be prevailed upon to second the motion, He took the business very seriously. The bylaw passed without amend- ment, After the rissey E08 KELLY LOSES SUIT Cannot Stop G. T. P. From Carry- ing Out Sale of South Hazelton, Vancouver, Dec, 12.—Mr. Jus- tice Morrison yesterday afternoon dismissed the application on be- half of Mr, Robert Kelly and his associates to retrain the G, T, P, Development Company from car- rying oul their proposed auction lots in South Hazelton, dolis, sales of Toys, games- —Wallace’ 8 Fine line of work baskets filled with candy. If you want a good one you had better have it laid aside, Christmas stockings. long headed man is the Walk- Over. Call and see Scott, Froud & Go. today, if Ward's Gandy Store. tf 30 Pp. lay sarl zor: in viat tf for nits a que ‘ of was the » be- for que itel, en- »ct- ro- the vas in- ritt in the