Today's Weather Tom orrow s Tides (8 AJtt.) mm 8 High 9:18 a.m. 16.4 ft. kuirert-FreMi north- 21:40 p.m. 18.6 ft. ,i 8 rtilPs perjKour; baro Low . .......... 3;07 a.m. 7.6 ft. '0. 10 sc moderate. Bill 15:08 p.m. 7.4 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER IXXVI. No. 115; PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, MAY 18, 1937 PRICE: 5 CENTS kTTULLO MESSAGE 1 hers Greetings to Liberal Can- lidates in Election Contest Knowing is the text of a tele- has been sent by Pre-T D. Pattullo to each Liberal Ethat idate in the provincial elec ta extending cordial congratu-Ins to my colleagues In the irnment and all other represen- fces of the Liberal party who' Candidates in this election, may ly that we must all remember the Liberal party Is only a ns to an ena, mat ena Deing tu-plfare of the neoDle. I firmly believe that the Liberal ly Is the only equipped and ef- ive political organization push which our people can be led governmentally at the pre- tlme. In support of this belief, wve a record of achievement, lave definite progressive plans the future and we have the pledge, experience and deter- iation to put tnese plans into appreciate deeply the honor ading the Liberal party 1 shall 1 myself right with you all ugh the campaign, confident you will give of your best to fieve victory. We have hosts of Id and true campaigners and fey recruits .actively and enthu-itically in support. En avant." ffOCK MART IS NERVOUS nd of Security Prices Is Con tinuing Steadily Downward 'TOlttt 'May'18? tcrr-Waii let trading was nervous yester- owlng to rumors of a possible feral curb on trading. Industrial pge at closing was off 1.76; off 77. and utilities, off .43 last-mentioned reaching a new for th? year. Due to continued or troubles In this country and unsettled international sltua- the trend has been steadily sharply downward of late In i New York and Toronto as well Pother markets. it by Train In Railway Yards unit Deaf Mute. Reccnlly Ar- iud from Port Arthur. Not I bully Hurl frauds (J. Woycik. a 19-year (loaf mule from Tort Arthur, Btario, who had only recently fivcd In the city, was struck 1 the outgoing passenger train f evening in the railway yard F?en the station and the elevn "nd sustained Injuries which Imitated his 'being removed ft m the evening to the Prince Iwrt General Hospital. He was i'te severely bruised but it yva- ;ed that his condition was not nous uooa Reception jessed Mccliinr :il Stewart And Port Simpson While In North ( Tmier Pattullo at Stewart on 1dy night addressed an enthu- ISllc mcetlncr. W T AesnlsMno. .bfral candidate for re-election In Itlln, also addressed the meeting. i McLean Was chnlrmnn Dn ar lu at prince Rupert after vlsit- ?8 Stewart. Premier Pnf.fnlln snlrl N Mr Asselstine's rc-elcc.tion in seemerl ncni-n,i Premier Pattullo paused at Port mPm at noon Friday and dur- pole Hall. Returning Officer W. D.;t0 strong south and wtAt winds, hls stay, addressed e-!!t3.a-mee"n.!,ii, a meeting Vance has his arrangements forjpart cloudy and cool. ' that DOlnt. L TWr nhnnt.the i,nHi, holding nf the noil well in West Coast of Vancouver Isl- worn Fy present and Dr. A. E. Perry r"P'ea the chair. A cordial re- wrnm lot Defence Survey Here Organized I Two planes and a number of men are now assembled at Dlgby Island In connection with the Department of Na- tlonal Defence survey actlvi- tics which are being carried out along the coast. Some of the men have been moved here from Bella Bella. A seaplane arrived from down the coast Sunday afternoon while a large flying boat arrived at noon today, both alighting at Digby Island. TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy S. D. Jonnston Co.) Vancouver II. C. Nickel. .20. Dig Missouri, .45. ISralorne, 6.40. H. R. Con., .01. Aztec, .08. ' Cariboo Quartz, 1.C2. Dentonia, .W-,, Golconda, .08. Minto, .18. Meridian, . 02 V- . Fairview Amalg., ,0'J. Noble Five, .00', 2. Pioneer, 4.00. Porter Idaho, .05. Premier, 2.50. Reeves McDonald, .82. Reno, .87. Salmon Gold, .08. Taylor Bridge, .07. Hedley Amalgamated, .00'. Premier Rorder, . 02 i . Silbak Premier, 2.50. Congress, .03 V..., Silver Crest, .07, . Home Cold, .02,. Gnindview, ,12'-. "Indian 02r.-"i---r4w Quatsino Copper, ,U'. ' uesncl Quartz, .OSlfc. Oils A. P, Corr.. .:!4. O. & E 2.25. Freehold, .OS',-., Hargal, J8. McDougal Segur, .18. Mercury, .2fi. Merlandi .11 Okalta, l.:;o. Pacalta, .12'-. . Home Oil. 1.55. United. .21. Wcymarn, .IS. Toronto P.enttie, 1.20. Central Patricia, 2.90. God's Lake, .47. Lee Gold, .0:5':.. Little Iong Lac. 5.25. McKcnzie Red Lake, 1.10. Pickle Crow. 5.95. Red Lake Gold Shore, ..19. San Antonio. 1.50. Sherritt Gordon. 2.15. Smelter Gold. .Ol'i. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.07. Oklend. .20. Mosher, .18. Gilbec, .02-Vi. Madsen Red Lake, .75. Stadacona, 1.41. Frontier Red Lake, .14. Francoeur, .75. Manitoba & Eastern, .OS. Moneta Porcupine, 1,27. Rouseadillac, .40., Rubec, .04. Thompson Cadillac, ,72. P.ailor, .02''.. Rankfield. .86. East Malartic, 1.02. Preston East Dome, 1.01. Hutchison Lake, .10. Dawson While, .14. McQuaig Red Lake, .15. Rajah Red Lake, .21. Aldermac, .9G. Kerr Addison, 2.40. lchi Gold, .74. Martin Bird, .78. Metropole Hall ex 15 T UUIIg 1 yevallH In the interior of Urillsh j Columbia. Thn nrnvlnrlal election In Prince, Prince Rupert District and niinrrt will he held in the Metro- hand Appointment of the various denudes and poll clerks 1 about completed. RED REVOLT IS CRUSHED Albanian Government Has Little Opposition in Putting Down Movement TIRANA, May 18; (CP) Government troops, meeting with little opposition, are reported to have marched into Argyrokastro and Tepebenl In Southern Albania, crushing a sudden Communist revolt which flared near the Greek frontier Saturday. The revolutionary movement Is said to have failed completely after troops routed rebels on Progl Mountain. King Zog 'announced last night that the revolt had been completely smashed, Mother of Quads Unaware of Her Babes Being Dead MONTREAL, May 18: (CP) The quadruplet babies of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Martel, it was thought at first by attending physicians, had a good chance of living but within nine hours after birth on Sunday the girl and one of the boys had died and yesterday the third child died, leaving but one boy. Lying In a hospital bed, the thirty-year old mother slept, not knowing that her children were dead. She bore the three boys and girl in the front bedroom of her home in suburban Malsonneuve. BILL IS IT. S. Senate Comittce Reports Adversely on Court Reorganization . WASHINGTON, D.C., May 18: ) (CP) The United States Senate judiciary committee voted ten 1 to eight today to report President Roosevelt's Supreme Court reorganization bill adversely to the Senate. A compromise measure is expected to be enacted. i Meantime Associate Justice Willis van de Vanter informed I President Roosevelt today that he would retire from active service ! on the Supreme Court bench ; 011 June 2. I I Mother of Local ; Man Passes Away , J. A. Ilallinger Ralllnger of of This This City City V Wns Son of Eighty-two Year Old Quebec Woman .1. A. IJallinger has received ;word of the death last week at her home in Ste. Sylvestre, (Quebec, of his mother, Mrs. K. il'.allinger,. at the age of eighty- 'two years. Mrs. Dallinger had been a widow for forty-four years caused by an attack from a Ger-when she was left with a family man submarine. It Is still officially of small children. She is survived, believed that the explosion occur-by two sons and four daughters,; red through the Hunter striking a Mr. Ilallinger being the only floating mine laid during the civil child in the west. Weather Forecast (Furnished throuii, the courtesy o. Hit Dominion Meteorological Bureau 11 Victoria and Prince Rupert. This fore onst la compiled from observation t ken t 8 a.m. today and cover the 31 hour period ending S p.m. tomorrow). General Synopsis Pressure ii .rising on the coast and rnin has been general in the Prince Rupert district and also on the West Pi!iur. nf Vnnrniivi lul.'iml wlitlm ' fine moderately warm weather Queen Charlotte Islands Fresh and Moderate to fresh north and west winds, part cloudy wilh little' 111 lUIUlJCllUUIU. jbllUllge MODERATE IS CALLED Feverlsh Efforts Rcsui n Form- Inp Spanish Government Caballero Refuses Rebels Advance Insurgents Are Encircling Bilbao-Hunter Investigation Continues VALENCIA, May 18l (CP) Dr, Juan Ncgrln, who has succeeded In forming a new Spanish government, is a member of the moder-i ate section of the Socialist party :! wnicn is under tne leaaersnip 01 . Indaleclo Prieto, formerjminlster of air and navy. President Manuel' Azana conferred through the night with the party leader In the hope of being able to designate a new Premier and thus cut short the governmental crisis precipitated Saturday by the resignation of Caballero. Last night success was announced. The new ministry includes three Socialists,, two Communists, one leftist Republican and one Basque Nationalist. Catalan anarchists, whose activities precipitated the latest 48-iiour crisis are not represented. No mention was made in the cabinet, list of tha powerful trade union organizations the anarcho-syndicalist national labor confederation or tlra Socialist general workers union. Today Dr. Negrln disclosed plans for the abolishment of the superior war council, the cabinet to -assume tM council's functions. The centra! general staff will be reorganized and the scope Increased. It Is the sixth new cabinet for Spain since the civil war commenced. Spain's insurgent northern ar mies trrereported 'to trefcrcepingat a snail's pace toward Bilbao, their goal for a month and a half. Lines were straightened on a long and curving front some ten miles from the Basque capital yesterday. General Franco's insurgent com-imand announced today that Its armies had "completely dominated" tne important Basque town of Amorebleta and tltat columns were pushing on toward Bilbao, nine miles to the northwest. Insurgents reported Amorebleta in flames and apparently, empty of defenders. UneonflrmpH rPiv.rfe ih w Insurgent help frqm the sea is im- minent to enable General Franco's forces to completely encircle Bil-i bao. A fleet of Insurgent transports, j guarded by warships, was reported . to have been sighted off the Span-' lsh BIscayan coast but these ad- vices could not be verified. Ship Probe Continues LONDON. May 17: (CP) With a view to definitely fixing respon- slblllty, the British Admiralty Is contlnung Its nvestlgatlon In con nectlon with the Incident last week off the government held city of Al- merla. Spain, when the destroyer Hunter was rocked by an explosion and eight men killed, Despite insistence of Spanish government sources at Valencia and Almeria that the blast was war. There is talk of a stern protest being made. The destroyer was on duty on the southern Spanish coast as a unit of the International "Hands Off Spain" patrol when she struck the floating mine. In addition to the eight killed, fourteen other members of the crew were Injured. Canada's Trade 1 Takes Big Jump I OTTAWA. May 18: (CP) Canada's external trade soar- ed nearly $25,000,000 in April compared with April last year; the National Revenue Depart- ment announces. . if.. it ; . GAS CELL TROUBLE No Evidence of Bombing: or Sabotage of German Dirigible Hindenburg LAKEHURST, NJ., May 18: Testifying at the federal inquiry into the recent explosion which de stroyed the great German dirigible Hindenburg, one of those on board the ship yesterday expressed the belief that the blast came from above. The opinion now veers to the belief that it might have "originated in one of the gas cells. No definite evidence whatever has been adduced to indicate bomb- mg or sabotage of any kind in con- nectlon with the destruction of he great ship Anti-Jewish Movement In Poland Is On WARSAW. Poland. May 18: (CP) -Poland's Jews are f till expressing Tave fears of a national wave of -ntl-Semitic violence after a night it rioting late last week at the own of Brzesc. Some Jewish shops vere demolished and others were 'lined. Je"'h rp'dents were bar-! ricaded In their homes. The Brzesr riot.e beean after a nol'ceman. stpbbed in a fight with 1 Jewish butcher, died. MR RACE IS BANNED I1 United states' Department f State- Will Not Pcrnflt Sprint Over Atlantic to Paris Fair WASHINGTON. D.C., May 18: Thj Department of State has no-ified the French ambassador that 't cannot permit the proposed L'ndbergh memorial air race across 'he Atlantic Ocean from New York to the Paris Exposition this year. The undertaking is held to be a hazardous one which would Involve nnedlrsi risk nf life Ylllrntl Jinn Hark In Speedy Time Aircraft Used to Get Election meter, 29.94; temperature, 40; Machinery Into Motion 8ea smooth. -Hull Harbor Showery, north-In the course of a speedy week- West wind, 6 miles per hour; tem- end flight north with election do- cumcnts, Pilot Charles Elliott and P. Walker, deputy provincial secre- tary, hopped off from Vancouver on Saturday morning and, after making a stop at Stewart, spent that night at Juneau. On Sunday they went into Atlin, McDames and Telegraph Creek with the do- cuments and arrived at Prince Ru- pert after 10 o'clock Sunday night. Yesterday afternoon they flew back to Vancouver from here, reaching there last night after a five and a half hour flight with stop at Alert Bay for refuelling. Pilot Elliott expects to return to Prince Rupert on Thursday en-route to Stewart and Intends to spend the rest of the summer engaged In mining transportation work In the north. The ship is a new Waco customs biplane of which delivery was re cen cue, CI liott having flown It out' to the coast. t It u has a oon 280 u h.p. Jacobs t u en - : t B ' j i TOOK HALIIIUT (1EAR I Tom Hanson, being held by the city police on a charge of drunken- ness, has admitted removing two( skates of gear from Oscar Hanson's halibut boat Bobby at Cow Bay on Sunday and selling It for $6 but the owner of the boat and gear Is not pressing any prosecution. The authorities had not decided up to noon what charge, If any, would be . proceeded with against Hanson. I Gerry McGeer To Speak Here Premier T. D. Pattullo has made arrangements with Ex- Mayor G. G. McGeer K.C., M.P. of Vancouver to fly here on May 31 to address a political rally that night 4n the Capitol Theatre for him on the eve of the provincial election. Mr. McGeer is well known as one of the most Independent and fiery speakers in the west and undoubtedly, his visit here will attract a great deal of Inter- est. At times he has been a severe critic of the Premier but, In this campaign, Is solid- ly behind him. 4 4 Halibut Sales Summary American 68,000 pounds, 8.5c and 6c to 8.7c and 6c. Canadian 31,500 pounds, 7.3c ind 5c to 7.8c and 5c. American Al, 35,000, 8.7c and 0c, Cold Storage. Atlas, 33,000, 8.5c and 6c, Pacific. Canadian J. R.. 5,500, 7.3c and 5c, Atlin. Mother, 11,000, 7.7c and 5c, Cold Storage; Teeny Mllly, 10,000, 7.8c and 5c, Booth. Gulvlk, 5,000, 7.7c and 5c, Atlln. Today's Weather (Government Telegraph t Terrace Part cloudy, south wind, temperature 42 Alyansh Cloudy, calm. 1G, Alice Arm CIoTfdyT'sSathwe'st wind, 41. Anyox Cloudy, .southwest wind, 47. Slewart Cloudy, strong south west wind, 44. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 4.1. ' Smithers Cloudy, calm. mild. 'Rums Lake Clear, calm. 35. Victoria Fair, southwest wind, "0 miles per hour; barometer. 29.90. Kstevan Clear, northwest wind, G miles per hour; barometer, 29.98. Prince George Cloudy, south wind, 0 milea per hour; baro meter, 29.70. Vancouver Fair, west wind, 3 miles per hour; barometer, 29.90 Alert Bay Cloudy, calm, baro- Peraturc, 45; light swell. inpJe Island Part cloudy, southwest wind, 10 miles per hour; light chop. Langara Island Cloudy, show- er': barometer, 29.88; tempera- lu 42; sea choppy. Dead Tree Point Overcast, nlm; barometer, 29.91; tempera- ture. 41 ' sea smooth. " r LrOWninP" rllmS y A vex Nsrtn vU..m nic UUUWlliConvincedv that Prince Rupert ' .should be the coast market for our Peace River products, being Pictures, of Last Week's Coronation 500 mi,C8 ncarer thall Vancouver In America 18 Hours After ! inprHln. rtri..ntnl mnr. Event r NEW vtilt YuiiK, May n m: to tu .n, ) . v r. VT onr Oncrn Fit lY; V iTiTT, zabcth in , London i last Wednesday ,,. mKlfo, . ,u0,.0 . J VYVl V bAIUUIWU ail VI York and other American cities late last week in less than forty-eight hours after the event as a result of 'the return trans-Atlantic flight of Pilots Dick Merrill and Jack Lamble. Merrill and Lamble found a hole In the clouds after spanning the ocean and made their first landing on the return flight from London at the naval air base at Squantum near Boston. After getting their bearings, they took off soon for New York where they arrived Frl- day afternoon. SANCTION MARRIAGE Opinions Differ as to Royal Family's Stand Announced Date Today MONTS, France, May 18: (CP) The Duke of Windsor and Mrs Walils Warfield will be married quietly at Chateau de Cande June 3 with no members of the Royal Family present, it was announced today. LONDON, May 18: (CP) While the Sunday Referee reports the Klngf ready to extend the Royal Family's sanction to the match of the Duke of Windsor and Mrs. Wal-lis Warfield by .announcing the betrothal of his brother In a court circular, the Express says such a move Is impossible because of "ecclesiastical objections" to Mrs. Warfield as a twice-divorced person. Meanwhile Herman Rogers, spokesman for the Duke of Windsor and Mrs. Warfield, promises to announce at Monts, France, this afternoon the date of the marriage of the Duke to Mrs. Warfield. It Is doubtful If any of the Royal Family will attend should it be a civil marriage. In the event of a church wedding, the Duke and Duchess of Kent might be present. STRIKE IS COLLAPSING Technical Craftworkcrs at Ifolly- wood Returning to Jobs Without Opposition HOLLYWOOD, May 18; Although technical craft unions of ttemoylng picture industry urepre-.enting 25,000 wVrkers"voled .E5re-.nain out on strike, rejecting the .jcace proposals of the producers because they contained no closed hop proylslon, there is a tendency -owards breaking up of the strike. Many of the employees are volun-,arlly returning to work and at east two of the unions have vir-ually decided to give up the strike. Picketing continues but is rather listless. HELP FOR HIGHWAY Text of Communication Asking Support of Chamber of Commerce for Monkman Pass Road - The following Is the text of 11 h'ltpr whii-h Vijis lippn wepivpd hv the Prince Rupert Chamber or Commerce from the Monkman Pass Highway Association seek- jntr support of the project for the building of a highway from the jeace jver 0 the Canadian Na- tional Railway line at Hansard east of Prince George: I "Since my recent visit to your city and Victoria in the interests ,of the association and after sce- ifna your magnificent harbor. ' Ini-irt. Inrminnl ' """'II 1 . MVIl v. ... t nr. . , fl l'V flrirl.' and shipping facilities, we are 'kets with a freight haul of only 000 miles from Reaver Lodge to Prince Rupert, against a present , .. .,,.. ,.,,m m,1(, t,v K;t. Lodge is tne most- southerly point on the Northern Alberta Railway in the Peace River District, also on the Kdmonton to Fort St John Highway with only a 100 mile gap to build to connect us with the C. N. R. system lo Prince Rupert ut,d only 110 milea to build of highway to connect us with the Cariboo highway at Hansard to Vancouver, as the highway, is now built within 8 miles of the Albertn-llritlsh Columbia boundary with' only 132 miles from, the boundary lo Hansard. "Uut in the meantime a hard (Continued on pags three)