ft PAOE TWO THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday. March 30. 1937 EASTER FOOTWEAR We have just received the largest range of Ladies' Fine Shoes in the very latest designs and styles. Priced to suit every purse. New Shipment of HARTTS and FOOT PRESERVER Shoes for men Your Inspection is.cordially invited Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. fKINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Advertising and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations ainajgainauon unuer me uniieu front. 98 86 Tuesday, March 30, 1937 Every Reason to Expect The Financial News of Vancouver is one of the critics of the present provincial government. We have no objec tion to this criticism although we do not agree with it. It I rJtt'J:r p,,... .1 e r 1 r is uune m a uur manner irom uie Vancouver point, 01. view. What interests us more than the criticism is an ad mission based on a survey of the situation. The News says in part: "Unless one is so loyal to some other political faith that he can not see the signs, it must be admitted that there Ls every reason to expect that the Liberal government will be returned to office when it goes to the country this summer. "It will probably be elected, not because it has been any paragon of political virtues, but because its opponents; are hopelessly divided and disorganized. "The best that the Conservatives can hope to do is to elect a number of good men as Conservatives and not as independents, and then to build around this nucleus of a hard-hitting and effectual opposition a party which has 'found itself once more. "The C.C.F. divided into the Telfordites and the Connel-lites or the continuing C.C.F., as distinct from the Itecon-structionists, has divided again by expelling a number of its leaders with influential followings. The Communists, cause of all the dissension, are still an entity " crying for 1 1 1- II TT i 1 I-K ,1. The Criticism The criticism of the Financial News, as we understand it, is that too much money has been expended in the outlying districts and not enough on the paving of main highways in the south. That, of course, is something to which we take exception. In the south they have passable roads, in the north the roads are often not passable. Also new roads are required such as the hiirhwav east from Prince Rupert, and highways leading north from Stewart, and connecting-Smithers with Babine. Every community has its road problem and there will be very strong opposition to the whole of the appropriation or anything like all of it being spent in the neighborhood of the big cities in the south. W xlo not care whether the highways are handled by a commission which would have to take its orders from the government or by the government direct under its own engineers. It makes very little difference, as we see it, except that the commission members would draw down big salaries which would, mean less money to 01cwu uji me uMiin. rrnav wc uxu ih ruaus, not commis sions. HOES YOUR FLOOR COVKKIN'fi LOOK DRAB? Have it Renewed With DOMINION LINOLEUM It's easy to keep clean. Wehave' it in most attractive patterns. 45c $1.40 square yard . to MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE Prince Rupert Won Badminton Local Team Took Premier's Mea surf Seven Game to 1'ive The Prince Rupert badminton, team, which visited Premier at the end of the week, won the tournament there seven games to five. 1 The local team, which left here last! Thursday evening, got back Bun-1 hospitality. The Premier ski tournament on Saturday and dance in the evening were much enjoyed. Considering Calling New Pastor Here There was a meeting of the con- gregatlon of First United Church on Sunday to consider the extending of a call In view of the depar ture this summer of Rev. C. D. Clarke who Is seeking a move. Nothing definite has yet been arrived at In the matter of a new pastor. PRINTE IN VANCOUVER (Conttnuea uoin Pazc Chlchibu issued a pressing the wish that traditionally friendly relations between Canada and Japan would continue and be-J come more friendly. During the Coronation cere-' monies at London, Prince Chichibu wlir bestow on King George the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthe mum, at present held only by the Emperor of Japan and Prince Ka-nln, elder field marshal of Japan. On Queen Elizabeth will be be stowed the- First Class Order of the Sacred Crown, held by only a few Imperial Japanese Princesses. If you wish to swap a classified Overwaitea Ltd. Cash or C.O.D. Phone 843 Peas Mac's Best Size 2, 2 tins Peas Mac's Best Size 4, 2 Uns t'eanut Butter McColl's 2-lb. tin herrlff's Fancy Free Dessert, 3 pkgs Empress' Baking Powder 12-oz. tin Chocolate Eclairs per lb Licorice Allsorts per lb Mixed Candy per lb.' !. Fig Bars per lb: Texas Grapefruit 7 for Bunch Carrots per bunch Oranges Sweet, per doz. Parsnips ' 0 lbs. Oxydihi-; per large pkg. Canned MJJk-All brands 2 tins Overwaitea Tea per lb. Overwaitea Coffee per lb. Juicy 29c 25c 23 c 23c 15c Dutch Maid Mayonnaise Op quart Jar OOK, Overwaitea Butter First grade, 3 lbs Swift's Premium Hamper lb. Lynn Vailey Peaches per tin 19c 19 c 15c 18c 25c 5c 19c 25c 19c $1.15 45c, 50c, 55c 25c, 30c, 35c Free Delivery on Orders $2.00 and over 1 'SPORT' i . 1 ' day night aboard the power cruiser I , ..,,, ... . r , t..i Defeated -Mc.Meekin in ( omme r- vih, ,T, ,m,, n,JL LJ. c,al Itowl!nK-yro '1, uf ,,i a u.. Sweep's Butchers UMtUM WUitUVk vwvt-v lJ piiww Rupert Motors Improve Lead Total .."...8ns BUTCHERS 1st ;Joe Jack 178 ,Ross lfiO statement ex-1 McLean 112 Hotel, steam heated rooms. Hvrtpr RP' nnir tVi cto, art dock. (tf) 95c 26c 15c Astoria - 127 A. Astoria 157 Handicap ........ 21 Total ...77.1 BUP. MOTORS 1st Taylor 134 I). Houston 184 Saunders 158 Houston 149 Robertson ,115 Handicap 28 Total 7f.O McMF.EKIN'S lpt Menzles 141 McMeekin ...100 W. Smith ...101 Armstrong lfii McLeid ..Ml Handicap 53 Club Rupert Motors improved iu margin of leadership in the Commercial Ten Vin Howlinjr laptie last night by- dffrating IfeMwk m's two tames to nil, In the jfiyro Cluh moyed out of the eel lar as a result of a three game to 781 2nd 170 134 154 02 143 21 714 2nd 173 15G 134 141 120 28 704 2nd 155 142 112 132 110 53 3rd'. Lit 110 101 141 21 000 Total 792 7J3 7po The league standing: W. L. Rupert Motors 13 8 Ballinger in, 11 Rupert ButcJiers 10 11 McJIeekin's 10 8 Gyro Cluh ' 9 0 Biolifrical Station .... 8 10 FRED PERRY British Nh Straight WINS AGAINi' CHICAf.O, n i Star Over i f rry rn ria wi a victory over William PREMIER'S SKI MEET !ig Winter Kvent at Week-End Coincided with Visit of I'rince Jtuperl iJaaminton Team An event of much interest '.n which the whole mining eommuni ily of Premier participated either as competitor in the varied lit of event or as spwtntors was second fixture' of 'e evening ithe WMal ski tournament of the Premier Mine Community C luh which was held last Saturday af- nil victorj' over Tlupert llutchers jternoon at Premier. The tourna-David Houston of Rupert Motors imtnt ciwMeil wi, the 'itt and Joe Jack of Rupert Butchers jlriere f th Prince Kupeit Hod shared high average honors the evening, each with 17ft Individual scoring: C.YRO CLUH 1st Ralagno lfiO Bulger 101 Large HO Brocklsehy If.fi Morris 130 Handicap 39 2nd litf 180 12.', 130 lit 30 fnr)muiuill null wjiuse jnniiiFfjH were piiests of honor. At a high ;Jy enjoyahle dance in the Com-.Ipj.rounity Hall in the evening the .W, winners of the various events ICC were pivwiited with their prlziu. jrs The prir.e-winner were: I r,2 Downhill Race, open 1. Iilar jofj Wilson; 2, Anw Stenwt. jjfj Cross Country Race,- open L (Harold P.erg. J. Skletnif. .InmpiiiK. under 1-t Harry Swiggum, Harry C.riffin. 1 (iLi I'qj,) AliAn IM'S. -Max- '-.fi:.. r I ' VT Ol ..A r-'ine uniuii, .him i. i. nu-wmi. Cross Country Race, under It-Harry Criffiii, Dennis Heinekey. Jumping. Senior A Arne Sten-set, Jtlar Wilson. Jumping, Senior B Tom Hon drum, Andy Strand. Cross CourArv Race, novice? - "rtl'Jack Fisher, V. II. While. 1,,(i Slalom Rate, open Jack Fish-cr, Frank Tulavin, Mike Keka ,cn lainen. Andv Stirling. Snowshoe Race, 1 Jnlia open Archie 2 Relay Race, open Mar Wilson, Harold lierg and J. Skletnis. Novelty Race, men's Archie 148 1C0 130 120 lf4 .53 .lol Novelty Race, ladies' Airs, C. A. I)iif)me. Over Niagara Falls in a Barrel ' S. Kmhleton, Walter Cross Prince Rupert Program Prize- Mrs. It. Mackenzie. Harry Ward 'Prince Rupert). 1 P. 13 MWH 10 CV'SfH 10 Bi -tItM 0 IHIBrfkfeiJHHi n Basketball Dance Drew Large Crowd Three Hundred Perxona fini M Arrair I ollowin (James I-nt Thursday Kveninjc In honor of the visitintr Ocean Falls Baskethall team 2. very enjoyable dance waR staged by the Prince Rupert Basketball Association in the Moose Hall following the games last Thursday evening, Some three hundred persons were present at the affair which was in progress from 11 p.m. until 2 a.m. Music was by Charlie BI-agno's Orchestra and Walter Smith was master of ceremonien. HUDSON'S RAY SCOTCH WH This advertisement ls not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. ix tiik si I'Ki:mk roi RT or iiiiitisii comim m.t IN I'UOIIATH n tlii Matlrr or I hp Khtalp or IMpiyp Olali.l.i, Dpfpakcd Nollpp to Crpilltor ami l)ptor Take notice that bl LtfUm Proba M.iL.a l T..,,dot,d th 4th ot JuaT. 1937 I .liiHes 11 wo ma npilnU-cl ole executor or the ea- Bill Tilden tat 01 plre OIlzola, deoeawxi. lat ol . - 'fnnce Rupert, British Columbia am aU parties having claiina against i .March 30: Fred ta.te are h-rby miulretl to fur- second sirairrh nl8" lnc "peny vnrvi to nw . Tilden iaii partus iitnbuxi to tiw ma etuii In inhibition tennis here, winiiinir' I?,u."l 10 "4y u t1" t l-t, U-4, f,-4, ll-!. Horton Smith Title Winnei Veteran Golfer Takes North South Tournament At Pinehurst And PINEHURST, N.C., March 30: The veteran Horton Smith won the North and South golf tournament here. Paul Runyan was second and Byron Nelson third. Stop at the Frazer Hotel when visiting Stewart or Hyder. The only steam ;heated hotel in Portland Canal district. (tf) IrvdzrUliMh.: Vi me Xorthwlith. IJ;ktl tlx lllii Oajr of Mwoll, 1037 HfEO COU.ART, I'riiw Iliipcrt, n. C. WMJr ilTnitsm'vmtrm 5 1 M I B "Mind the time tvhen". . . There was a shadow of a log deep down in the ambf-o!oured waler. Do you remember? And he took it! the Big One under there! Gee! What a strain (or a light rodl . . , And at last you GOT him! Do you remember how pleased you were and how you pulled out your pipe and filled it with fresh, fragrant Old Chum if 1. 1 .1 I 6 TOBACCO I jypsum. Lime and Alubdstine. Canada. Jjmhtd Head Office 1 PARIS, Ontario, Canada oerore you aia another thing? Boy, oh boy I The satisfaction of that smoke the mellowness of that mild, flake-cut Virginia tobacco . , . the cool, clean flavour of it! After all "There is no other tobacco ust lili Old Chum!" W There is no ofherW I tobacco just I Like Od ChumM ONLY ONE COAT NEEDED Anyone can tppijr ALABASTINE with ease. One coat makes beautifully-timed walls. Goes on smoothly. Will not rub off or show brush-marks. Many attrac tive rims to choose from. Sold by dealers everywhere. W AB2J7 For Your Garden Wc carry a complete stock of gardeninfr supplies Seeds - Garden Tools - Garden Hose - Lawn Mowers Watering Cans - Fertilizers - Garden Fencing Feed Everytliing You Grow with this complete, balanced diet aaLOw 1 TaTTjTCS I Fertilizers Vi;oro, per lb Hone Meal, per lb. 3c (Cheaper in large quantities) GARDICN UMK 75c per 50-1 b. sack GORDON'S HARDWARE Phone 311 Mcllride SI. nmm mimm zmrm iTummmia mmsmmxmtmmm t nz gjgjPNPBOTTUDBON UNDER CANADIAN OOVERr!M3frsUPERvis This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Oovern- ment of British Columbia.