ay, March 30. 1M7 m l" mm MM ' - f n A r jrv ALADA TEA SI c it Y 0 F PR I NCE RUPERT HOMES ARE NEEDED In order to stimulate building, lots will be sold at i ! mluiiplvj trnltii unfit. AAntr 1 ff Vi 1 0-r7 ))CnUJl LJlu asuu vuiul uiitvii mlujt a.ij i 'roperty values are advancing in other cities. Apply City Hall. W. .Ii ALDER, Commissioner. irst id upplies We have on order complete line of First Aid Kits manufactured to comply directly with the new regulations of the Workman's Compensation Hoard. Ask us for details. We would be pleased to quote prices on any replacements for First Aid Kits. Ormes Ltd. "Jiie. Pioneer Drurzgists The llfxall Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. Fresh Local Raw And 1'asteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY r-IIONK 57 The Central Hotel ItOOMS and CAFK riione 51 For licst Household Coal IUKS. C. Ii. HI-ACK SOUTH TO VANCOUVER Calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT every Thursday, 10:30 p.m. Canadian National Steamships V-12-37 ftefisi which made Prince Rupert Famous Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Ccld Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. pay a vixjt at Simpson. The f ir tlenartmunt had a call at S o'clock last evening to tho corner of Sixth Avenue and Basl. Street, It was a false alarm. Don Passmoro arrived in th city Sunday niirht f mm Port Simpson whern h h. heen in the employ of the Hudson Hay "o, tor nome time. He is taking h position in town. Cfm T if rrim4A t.rt,. ineial police, will he the sneaker at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Oyro Clul. tomorrow. His subject will h Cns Examination." Mr. and Mrs. George Bryant sailed thi afternoon on the Cat ala for Vancouver whence Ihey will proceed for a trip to low;; to visit with Mr. Hryant's rela tives. They expect to be away fui a couple of months. James Calvin, well known pioneer Alice Arm prospector and minlinr man. arrived in the citv on the Catala this morning from the north to receive further treat ment for a broken wrist which he recently sustained. Mr and Mrs. H. V. Moore- house will sail from Namu for Vancouver on the present voyage of the steamer Latala. Mr. Moore house is superintendent of !" Pi, C. Packers fish processing op erations in the .Namu area. The County Court caso. of La Sallo' Extension University vs. R r. J Hughes has been stood ovei until the April court. The claim is for $150. Patmore & Fulton have the case for the plaintiff and Hrown & Harvey for the le femlanl. 22. Announcements Cathedral Spring Sale, April 1. Junior Chamber Dance, Friday. April 2. Dancing display, Hall, April 2. Oddfellows' Recreation Centre final display, Exhibition Building, April 3. Eastern Star Coronation Bridge, April 6, Oddfellows Hall. Baptist tea. sale of aprons, April Presbyterian Choir Cnncrt, Ap ril 7. University extension lectures, April 7, 8 and 9, City Hall Dean Flnlayson. United Church tea, Annette Fa shion Show, April 8. Circus First United Church, Ap ril 9-10. April 10, A. Y. P. A. Tea, Cathe dral Hall. H. M. S. Pinafore, April 14, Ap rll 15, Capitol Theatre. C. N. R. A. annual dance, Moose Hall, April 16. Presbyterian Spring Sale, April St. Peter's Sale, May 6. Gyro Club Coronation Danes. Moose Hall, May 12. Recital, Miss Way and Miss Olafson's students, May 18. TRAPPERS! Attention! Rrinff Your Beaver to Frank Lockwood Phone nine 729 P.O. nox 200 THE DAILY NEWS PAOE THRC1 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Frazer Hotel, the only steami Miss N Wenerstrom. of Alin heated hotel In Portland Canal, Arm was a tassenj?er aboard the situated at Hyder, B.C. . - i . . .i i (to Mrs. Jamen Corner arrived at 1011 Ktmnttrin frnm fifaw'trfr n n Uie Catala this morning. She will Catala today going through for a trip to Vancouver. Inane.ctor John A. Fraser, provincial police, hrft on last eve- iiimr's train for A trip to bml- thers on official business. Mickev Sullivan of Jan Inlet Porcher Island, was .operated on yesterday at the Prince Iluperl General Hospital ana was report ed today to be doing nicely. Miss Doris Simpson, sister cf Mrs. Foster Willan. sailed by the Catala this afternoon on her return to Vancouver after having spent I he past couple of weeks in the city. CATCHING COLD? f L I At the first warning sneeze quick a few drops up each nostril. Its timely use helps prevent many colds. VlCKS VATRO NOL Don't forget when vlsitlnp Port land Canal that the Frazer Hotel Is the best place to stop. (tf) Tonight'i train, due from the 'ast at 10:20. was reported this morning to be on time. An extra fish train will be leaving here this evening for the East with two carloads of fish. One of these carloads is coming in from Ktech- kan this afternoon, Charles (Chuck) Hickey ar jived in the city on the Calnh this morning from Stewart and will proceed by tomorrow eve n inn's train to St. Paul, Minno sota. where he has been called on account of the serious illness nf hi mother. Mrs. W. C Hickey formerly of this city and now of Stewart. Mrs. Hickey had been called recently to St. Paul on account of her mother having suf fered a stroke and jiow she is critically ill herself. Mfss Viviar, Hickey has also been called from Croat Falls. Montana, to her mother's bedside. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert R. R. Winifield, Vancouver, Central J. Finlnnten. Smilhers: J Daffodil Tea By I, Frank, Terrace; O. Hunt and V .1 Rolls, C.N.R.; 1). Culbranson C. Richardson, J. Pedersen, J. Jacobson, S. Thrandaen, O. " Anstad and S, Gardner, city; V )tolertson, Porcher Island; J. JoHges, Tyee; J. Jlogan, Salvus; Clarence A. RlejJer, Leslie Thor-tik. S. Febervung. Andrew As- Jaston, J. Havejock and Tom. Rat- ich, Edmonton; Arthur Ihomas Port Essington. Knox A. Sinclair, Prince George; G Weicks, G. Eireckson and R. W. MacLeod. Citv: E Jenkins and R C. M. Cebryk, Edmonton; M. !- rlnt-L- C.Bnrtrainwn II II f!rlf. fin, Smilhers; J. Jenyic, Tyee; Cnpt, and Jlrs. w, urysjaorough, l Jflhansen and G, E. Reatty, Van pouyer; Royal J. Arsenau and A. Woie, city. MOTHER HELPED BY KELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN "I have suffered from terrible constipation since the birth of my first child. I tried everything. Very reluctantly. I tried your All-Bran !. 1- til LI. I- IL 4 -II Willi no mini in it an. "Much to my surprise, I have not had to take any medicine since starting to use All-Rran." Mrs. Doris Eyre King (address on request). Common constipation is usually due to meals low in "bulk." Kellogg's All-Bran supplies this needed "bulk." Within the body, this cereal absorbs twice its weight in water, forms a soft mass, gently sponges out the system. All-Rran also furnishes vitamin B to tone up the intestines, and iroa for the blood. Enjoy this food instead of taking weakening pills and drugs. Serve as a cereal, with milk or fruits, or cook into recipes. All-Rran is sold by your grocer. Made and guarantttd by Ktllogg in London. I.O.D.E. Chapter Delightful Affair yesterday After noon at Home of Mrs. A. ' T. Parkin I Yesterday afternoon the home of Mrs. A. T. Parkin on Borden Street was the scene of a delightful daf-: fodil tea under the auspices ot Queen Mary Chapter, Imperial Or-' der, Daughters of the Empire. The tea table and room were tastefully ( decorated with daffodils. The large ; crowd of guests was received by, Mrs. A. T. Parkin. Mrs. J. E. Boddie and Mrs. A. L. Holtby presided atj the tea table while Mrs. M. M." Lamb, Mrs. W. C. Asplnall and! Mrs. J. A. Teng acted as servlteurs. I Mrs. S. V. Cox was the general i convener and Mrs. Wm. Brass was cashier. The raffle of five dollars j which was Jn charge of Mrs. D. C. Stuart was won by Joe Landry' wjth ticket number 153. The musical program consisted! of a piano solo by Mrs. E. J. Smith, j a vocal solo by Mrs. Wm. Millar, i who was accompanied by Mrs. C, E. Ciillin, and a piano duet by Mrs. I T. A- McWatters and Mrs. Wm-I Watts. DRAMATIC RECITAL ENJOYED A dramatic recital given by Mrs. Hewson of Vanarsdol n First Uni ted Church last week drew a good- sized crowd and was much appreciated. Mrs. Hewson was assisted by Dr. R. O. Large and Miss Barbara Daniels, vocalists, and Dr. W. A. Riddell, pianist. Junior Chamber of Commerce Dance MOOSE HALL Friday, April 2 9:30 P.M. IULAGNO'S OKCHESTRA Refreshments Admission Ladies, 50c; Gents, 75c THRIFT SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK ROMAN MEAL ner nkg CAKE FLOUR Swansdown per pkg. SEEDLESS RAISINS 2 lbs. COOKING CHOCOLATE Rowntrees. Vi-lb. cake MAGIC BAKINO POWDER 12 oz ICING SUGAR 3 lbs 29c 31c 24c 17c 23c 22c POTATOES Uprlver QAp 1 uvw Good cookers, 10 lbs. per sack $2.85 STRAWBERRY JAM Emnress, 4-lb. tin ORANGE MARMALADE Empress, 4-lb. tin PORK & BEANS Royal . City, 16 oz., 2 tins PEAS Sieve 5 3 tins TUNA FJSH-Solld pack V?-lb. Un 59c 40c 15c 29c 18c SUNLIGHT SOAP 21C Large bars, 4 for GRAHAM WAFERS Red 21C Arrow. 1-lb. cello SODAS Red Arrow 20 C ner nkir RIPE OLIVES-Llbby's 8C u-oz. un MALTED MILK-Borden's 4A OVV 1-lb. tin FLOOR WAX Old English g2C I'lO, UII Fresh Asnaraeus. per 11) lie Texas Grapefruit, 5 for 23c Julcv Lemonr. per doz. 35c Unrlver Carrots. 5 lbs. 15c r - - - - r PHONE 179 We Deliver Porlcaiiii Beans , Tempting Beyond Words Ready to serve cooked to a . turn rich tomato sauce spiced to taste and you have a dish that appeals and a flavor that satisfies. BAPC0 FLOOR ENAMEL FOR WOOD FLOORS, LINOLEUM OR CEMENT Why tolerate unsightly, worn floors when It is so easy to keep them sparkling bright with Bapco Floor Enamel? Use It on wood floors, linoleum or cement. Give your floor the added finish of a "Dapl-Art" pattern and footmarks won't show. 2 Pints Pints Quarts V2 Gallons Gallons 50c 85c 81.50 2.55 $4.85 THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. D. Elio Furniture Exchange Moves to Moose Building. Third Avenue April 1 and Sale Continued to April 10 Moving Sale Now On 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Another good value on BLANKETS All Wool Silver drey, Size 64x84 Sale Trice $6.50 Silver King A splendid blanket Sale Price $7.50 pair Silver Tip 100 Percent Wool Blankets Sale Price $9.00 pair Point Blankets Color Scarlet and Green 4 Point, Size 72x90 Sale Trice $15.75 Folding Metal Bridge Sets Sale Price $14.50 Exceptional Values Chesterfield Suite Sale Price $74.50 and $83.50 Spring Filled MATTRESS Sale Price $16.75 and $19.75 Steamer Trunks Sale Price $7.75 Printed LINOLEUM 80c Hall Runners Axminstcr Sale Price $2.25 y(l Congoleum Rugs and Linoleum Bugs D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Prince Rupert, B.C.