IH. mund off cape ureion, n is re Meanwhile at Madrid It 'was -t hf.4 ihs t-ono nf onfra-1 Monster .Daeeant narade. full Following the serious reverses stained recentlv In the Guada- Tvr unit pva t nni navp nppn .rrpi i nn onn i lnsnropni iiHiri i Anton M in view of the unrest ana Publicity D American anermun 15,000, Cold Storage, i ana 5c Canadian Dundas. 2,500, Cold Storage, 7.3c na 5c J R 7.000, Atlin. 7.4c and 5c. A'eve 7,000, Atlin. 7.3c and 5c. Taurur, 500. Atlin, 7.1c and 5c. BAR S1LVEU j i N'EW YORK, March 30: (CP) I silver was unchanged at 45V4C cr ounce on the New York metal "let. today. Weather Forecast MjL f ill coiirtosy o irturt. .! . MioroIoglci1 nurcnu . .lll 1'rllVB Till. f..f - -npiicd irom obwrvatloiia t " 'l Km iiwi.. ...j .t. ni . . . . ria nun lu in m Liir 'fnernl i . i .kjiiimh inn oanv ,,, nun nil lMin L'PnPml nil. m, , -l - l u nn .... ; i . l,c i oil iif ,.nii. ... it mbia, i'it f fit .u . v jM l. ..i 10 on the northern ! nCUL I r I'll II 1 II1UHK 'nlerior of British Col .,- l "ph south winds, un v,ru an.) ,.,,,.1 ,... . ... Ktro; harlottt Islands Fresh -""k wuih vvind, Hhiftinir to cloudy and cbol "with ' Vancouver Island- ind nl , " " "uin anu west ana cool with oc G. Borland, Gyro &fci3 Club. Are Not Liable Parade C. V. Evltt, Rotary Club. OTTAWA, March 30: It was Sports S. D. Macdonald, Trades ans reported to be held with a pert Football Association. mber of Americans In France af- j Refreshments Mrs. D. Orchard r hovlriff Aitnnnt n r I Tnl furrier riaittrhtrfi "1 gc into Spain are not liable Halibut Sales Summary American- 15,000 pounds. :id 5c Canadian 17.000 nounds. r'J 5c to 7.4r and 5c. Delegates Present The delegates at last night's meeting were: Canadian Legion W. M. Brown, Jack Preece and J. J. Judge. Women's Auxiliary to Canadian Legion Mrs. Jack Preece. Ladies' Orange Benevolent Asso Empire Mrs. D. Orchard MCLeoa, jMrs. H. L. Landry and Mrs. A, T. I Parkin. 1 Prince Rupert Chamber of Com- : merce, F. A. MacCallum. ! ! Junior Section of Prince Rupert; Chamber of Commerce. Sam Joy. Sons of Norway, E. Evenson. Toe II. P. C. Miller. Women's Canadian Club Mrs. F. N. Oood. I prince Rupert Football Association O. J. Dawes. Prince Rupert Japanese Associa tion S. Suga. Prince Rupert Trades and Labor Council, S. D, Macdonald. Pattullo Back In Victoria Kepnriri Cheerful i ftunK FollowInK prince r Visit i.iwnnil .Mnrch 30 '.After north. . wppk for a visit un absence , , pen, i reiuici . u turned to Victoria ye. erda y. In the fi-eHi.g reported a clu-erful and salaries were paid to the end of the year. The city carried on throughout the year on a cash ba- ' .u.-.t - ,nrtA Uiviru nrrwmm tun dances In the wimoui any loan euner irom . oe i pvenlnir and. nosslb v. a barbecue "lc ua "r "um "lc Buveumreiiw mpnappd insurcent d vl-.WM teature rrince Kupervs ceie- - "- - onal headquarters at Avlla. Na- bratlon of Coronation Day on May purposes. ,'peral is the peak of the salient 12, It was decided at a meeting h" . nncd by the swift government ! last night of delegates from var- the "Prince Rupert Enabling Act," 4n,. cnrt it fall u,m mpan . ious organizations which will as- ws assented to. This act provided the Canadian Legion in stag- r the consolidation of the arrears! 3 to the insurgents of their nor-'slst em concentrations point to the lng the celebration. A souvenir of oi vaxes ana me extension oi ume ostof Madrid. I the day win be presemea M) eacn vj"" u" school child in the city. 1 yea- ini act wa5 OI ereai Deneuti W. M. Brown, who was In the to manV Property holders and will ara sector, there have been a 'chair at last night's meeting, was "c u "lu"4 a,uc " "lc aber of uprisings in Insurgent named chairman of the general w, " hnth fn Snlri nnH Mnnvrn rplphratlnn committee Of Which' UIC gCHCiai WJl revj 1UI moo " rnrir J 11 . . 1 A it reported Principal cause of George ,J. .Dawes Is secretary, pro., ano, vac current uix e It is said, has been the tern. It was ieit to wr. urown mi :n of authority of Italian of-1 appoint the general committee over Snaniard fighting which, ne named uway as iouows: Finance Jack Preece, Canadian rate was fifty mills on one hundred percent of the assessed value of land and twenty-five percent of the assessed value of Improvements. The general taies collected for the current year amounted to $116,-259.16, being seventy percent of the levy. The collection of arrears of taxes amounted to $20,438.58. The city Is efficiently policed by the provincial police department. There was no major crime during the year. The fire department responded to 68 calls, mostly from grass fires, chimney fires and false alarms. The total loss from fire and water on buildings and contents amounted to $2,291.00. The telephone department carried on efficiently during the year, again showing a substantial profit. At the close of the year 1.328 tele- 8.5cL,,,,onMrs. E- A. Evans and Mrs. phones were connected j ous Krause. The water department, during 'lcl Rotary Club S. C. Thomson. 'the year, suffered a break In the ! Gyro Club C. C. Mills and D. G. submarine main and a break of 81 Borland. I feet in the 45-lnch main above . . ..... ...j. Moose Lodge-B. J. Bacon. I Lake tsnawauans, cue 10 suae. Rebckah, Lodge-Mrs. S. V. Coxt! However, continuous service war Tmrwrinl Order. Daughters of the. maintained tnrougnout me year. STATEMENT ON STRIKE Text of Official Joint Announcement of Hallway Companies And Employees MONTREAL. March 30: (CP) Following a conference yesterday afternoon of representatives of the two Canadian railways and of the men who had given union officials the power to call a strike If their demands for a restoration of the ten nercent wage cut were not made, the following Joint state ment 'was 'Issued: "The parties to the railway wage dispute reached an amicable settle ment today. An agreement between the eighteen labor organizations and the railways provides for removal by progressive steps of the entire ten percent wage deduction within a period of twelve months from April 1, 1937. The ten percent wage cut will, It is expected, be restored two percent at two month Intervals Until LIBRARY victoria, ac 1 Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides (8 A.M.) Ik prince Rupert l Overcast, . Un.M. north main High 3:15 a.m. 20.1 ft. ind 2 miies per uuui, uaiuuiaci, 16:03 pjn. 17.1 It. 29.76 (steady); temperature, 44; Low 10:01 a.m. 5.0 ft. Sea smooth. 21:58 p.m. 8.2 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 1937 FEARFUL OF BIGJjTRIKE British Defence Officials Keeping Close Watch on Glasgow Situation LONDON, March 30: (CD-British defence officials were reported to be anxious today lest a two thousand Scottish steel workers mushroom into a nationwide work stoppage by 120,000 persons and cripple Great Britain's vast five year rearmament program. Government observers- are keeping a close watch on a strike by workers of Barrhead Forge of the William Beardmore Co. at Glaseow to determine whether to intervene to prevent a halt in admiralty work. Late Telegraphs PIECE OF PLANE LONDON A piece of wood, be- ! licved to be part of the wreckage of the plane of the Uuchcss of Bedford, who has been missing for over a week on a solo flight, has been washed up on the Norfolk coast. TO PROROGUE SOON OTTAWA After a record brief Easter recess,, Parliament resumed sessions today. Prorogation may come next week, it is expected in some quarters. AIDING John L. Lewis Turns Mis Attention From Auto Workers For Time Being WASHINGTON, D.C.. March 30: ICft John L. Lewis, key figure in .he Chrysler Automobile Corporation strike, swung to another front yesterday In the campaign to Im pel the growth of his Committee of industrial Organization In the Jnlted States. While negotiations for a settle-nent of Detroit's three week old Oitomotive tie-up were scheduled o proceed without him, the port I. O. leader took up the cause of 100,000 soft coal miners In New York. The miners seek a fifteen ercent pay increase and a reduc-lon of the work week from thirty- j five to thirty hours. Operators j uand Tor the present wage scale and an Increase In the work week to forty hours. It is felt that Lewis, who was president of the United Mine Workers for eighteen years, will help to compose the difference. Windsor Plant Closes WINDSOR. Ont.. March 30: The Windsor plant of the Chrysler Mo tor Corporation, employing some 2000 men, closed today on account of shortage of materials supplied from the strike-tied plants of the company In Detroit. MAY CLEAR UP KIDNAP Significant Statement Made' By New Mexico Sheriff Follow- ; Inff Arrest TUCUMCARI, New Mexico,, Mar. 30: (CP) Sheriff Fred White, af ter arresting and holding Vern Chalton of Washington State here ln connection with the kldnap-slaylng of Charles Mattson at Ta-coma last December, said: "We expect this thing will clear up by tonight." White would not amplify., the statement but It was taken to mean that outside development.-were awaited. vy- Production Fails To Reach Mark Expected In Anniversary Year First Quarter of 1937 is Proving Disappointment to Gov-j eminent Backwardness in Spring Planting ' Campaign scale designed as a celebration of the first tyventy years of Soviet rule. Jyseph Stalin, Soviet dictator, in a statement last night, described capitalism. Trotskyism and conceit as the three major enemies of j Russia. 1 Today's Weather lOovrrnuient TMegrnpha t Triple Island Cloudy, east wind, G miles per hour; sea 1 smooth. I Langara Island Overcast, east wind, 8 miles per liour; baro meter, 29.04; temperature. se&i.smooth southeast wind; barometer, 29.7. , temperature, 4.1; ea choppy. Bull Harbor Cloudy, southeast wind, 10 miles per hour; baro ,ipp 20.08; temperature, 44 ijrht swell. Hnzelton Raininjr, calm, 38 Snilthers FoirKyvcn!m, cool Hums Lake SnowJnir, calm. "0 Terrace Cloudy, calm, 38. Aijansh Cloudy, calm. 38, -Alice Arm Partly cloudy aim, 38. Anyox Cloudy, calm, 37. Stewart Raining, calm, 38. Prince Georjre Cloudy, north- -ast wind. 4 miles per hour; hr ometer, 29.G0. Vancouver Cloudy, enst winrj miles per hour; barometer, 29,- Victoria Cloudy, north wind y miies per hour; barometer, Winnipeg Wheat Touches Seven-Year High Mark VANCOUVER. March 30: (CP) Wheat was quoted at $1.48'8 on the Vancouver market today. The Winnipeg price touched a new seven-year high mark yesterday but fell off towards the close, May finishing at $1.47',8. TO STAND Alberta Political Crisis Will Have To Be Settled on Floor Of House Aberhart EDMONTON, March 30: tCP) The Aberhart government will j roinced the Dead Tree Point Cloudy, Hirh' during a press interview yesterday. t "This matter will have tp be settled on the floor of the House," the Premier said. If the motion to pass the provisional estimates as presented yes terday afternoon by Hon. Solon Low. Drovlnclal treasurer, was de feated, the debate would continue. "We would go to vote on the budget," Premier Aberhart declared. The House last night refused j leave to withdraw the budget for the time being and proceed with provisional estimates Instead. This was a reverse for Premier Aberhart. The budget debate will now go ahead. Insurgent Plan Provision for a monthly "consumer's" dividend Is provided for In a proposed Provincial Income and Credt Issue Act sponsored by the insurgent group of Social Cre-dlters in the Legislature. The plan calls for a commission to admlnls- ter Sochi Credit and the establish ment of a credit house in Edmon ton with branches throughout the j province CHINAMAN DIES Wong Dong Soon, 61, Chinaman, died last night ln the Prince Rupert General Hospital. He was a laundryman and lived on Third Avenuee. He had been 40 years ln Canada, 15 of which were spent in Prince Rupert. The Is a widow ln China. Native Merchant Prince And Noted French Business Man Are Expelled From Ethiopia ROME, March 30: (CP) Gironale d'ltalia disclosed today that the Mohammed Ali, head of Ethiopia's largest merchandising organization, has been expelled from the country by the Italian Viceroy, Rodolfo Graziani, on charges of spying for the British Intelligence Service. At the same time the French merchant Cesse, director of Besse & Co., also a large commercial house with many branches, has been fined about $76,000, placed in jail and then expelled for allegedly having engaged in arms trade during the Italo-Ethiopian war. TRICE: 5 CENT? LARillNG LAG IN SOVIET RUSSIA U P WAN W . A ATTACKED I C nnn I nff f liOVCm-I ment vessel jigiuuuu Continue Land Advance Rebel Revolt Not Harmony in Hanks Insurgents Resent Italian Control Of BAYONNE, France. March 30:1 P). The 3U8U-ion opam&u guv- nment steamer Mar Casplo oi ihna was attached In French I rritorial waters by two armed ln- Refunding of City's Bonded Indebtedness Near Complete; Commissioner's Annual Report At the close of the fiscal year 1936, under the "Consolidated Refunding Act," $1,699,693.63 of the old outstanding bonds had been exchanged for the new 4 issue, thus leaving only $35,900.00 unreported, announces City Commissioner W. J. Alder in the annual report of the City of Prince Rupert for 1936 which has just been issued. The rgent sloops yesieraay ana rujStreet Paecant, Full Sport Pro- gram, Two Dances and Possibly Barbecue on May 12 - .- sinking fund has been substantially BIG DAY PLANNED increased during the year. At December 31, 1936, the debenture debt of the City of Prince Rupert amounted to $1,735,593.63, and the sinking fund to $245,460.87 at par, as against $188,675.32 at par on December 31, 1935. All Interest on refunded bonds has been paid when due and wages! PRINCE IN VANCOUVER Brother of Japanese Emperor Way to London to Attend Coronation Day on Coast Royal Visitor to be Honored Compatriots Across Canada On By MOSCOW, March 30: (CP) The Russian government! Vancouver, March so -.-Prince rliclncoc an o 1 n 5 rr ,V,rl,ie nA o ;Ho1 lo I Chlchlbu, bromer oi me tunperor faj. ? Pan, and his suite arrived In i- e irio-7 j A. uie nisi quaiiei ui mot in a piugrani uesigiieu iu lurce production even beyond the point fixed by the second five year plan. Backwardness of the spring planting campaign : has alarmed the government and raised fears that the plan will not be completed on the Vancouver at 6:30 last evening at Pier B-C aboard the Japanese liner Helan Maru which passed quarantine at William Head at 10 o'clock In the morning. The Prince is on his way to London to personally represent the Emperor at the Coro- I nation of King George VT and Queen Ehzabeth. Dr. Hugh L. nm i II N P I I III hi I Keenleyslde, first secretary 'of the Jl UKJXJyJLi 1 Department of External Affairs at Ottawa was here to extend an of- . ficlal welcome on behalf of Canada Jo the Prince and will accompany the party east, representing the Canadian government. When their Royal Highnesses Prince and Princess Chlchlbu leave Vnncnnvpr nvpp Hanadian National stand or fall by the budget now be-1 ,.vs thL, enlnB on the ,e. fore the Legislature and opposed id of Joumey to Lon. by insurgent groups of Social Cre-jdon u wm be 5lgnal or Jupan. dlt members. ' ese across Canada to meet the premier wunam ADernan an-1 ' I snpplal train r.arrvlne the emner- government's -stand i hrnth - '-- Leavlns here at 7:30 pjn. the special Is scheduled to make stops of from five to ten minutes at New Westminster, Port Mann, MatsquI and Fort Langley ln order that Japanese farmers In the lower val- jley may pay their respects to Prince and Princess Chlchlbu. Further east the Japanese residents of Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal will mass on railway platforms for similar greetings. Day in Vancouver Due to the late arrival of motor-ship Helan Maru last night, several hours behind schedule, the Itinerary of the royal party has been changed. A visit to Niagara Falls Is now cancelled thus saving a day for the extensive Japanese colony In Vancouver to carry out Its plans for celebrations which otherwise would have been cancelled. zToday Prince Yasuhlto Chlchlbu and the Princess were taken on a tour of Vancouver and received delegations of Japanese residents. In the west the special train will stop at Jasper for 30 minutes Wed-. nesday afternoon while the party drives to Jasper Park Lodge for a glimpse of the mountain resort. Arriving In Winnipeg at 6 p.m, Thursday It spends a half hour there and reaches Toronto Saturday morning at 7:15 a.m. and departs two hours later for Ottawa. After a day's stay ln Ottawa' the party will leave for New York via Montreal to embark for England. On board the train will be a royal suite of eight. Its members are Viscount Mataudalra, Grand Master of Ceremonies to the Emperor; Baron Tomll, Counsellor of the Japanese Embassy In London; Major General Masaharu Homma, M. C; Rear Admiral Masalchl Nllml; Captain Sadao Yamagucht. Equerry to Prince Chlchlbu: Baron Klk-kawa, Master of Ceremonies to the Emperor; Madame Shlsuka Yam-asa. Lady in Waiting to Princess Chlchlbu. Five Japanese newspaper correspondents are reporting the movements of the royal party, following them from Ogoka and Tokyo. A squadron of seaplanes and numerous; gaily decorated Japanese fishing boats met the Helan Maru off the mouth of the Fraser River as the vessel approached Vancouver with the royal party on board. Prince's Statement Following his arrival here Prince (Continued on Page Two)