f 1 t9 f 1 5 M y 1 ' ,?OB 'CEAVTS BEST PE0Cl"EAELE The Original rnr Saie s.- Vc-1 or f rer -i jr oytr De:rt LiojuorC-- - Ex 4" Bez tr V-- Ter BC 1 and GRANTS Better I Than Ever K aTar Sar aam- PROCURABLE miry" I 1 lu.. avi .f ir h . r aS.i.'- J r - isu aTerusement U taf pablut&a or )cu oy trr iuuor Control Board or by the Oorerrment of Eritiih Colombia. at i -Tar'T- s.aW a - . . asarssiMI ' c w. a: iv m xm m Iri-" 'I 'A1 1 4 Bigger TOYS I For Everyone kaTen hardware PHONE 3 LAMPS The Ideal Present for The Home Lover We hare the largest yariety of Udids in twn Any Ump held nntii ChrUtmas and dellrered at " czira cnarge. i TABLE WMIThe latestyles. a large Tariety o 4 i ft 1 ft ft ft ft A ft ft A ft t ft ft ro A ft A A ft : : i BED LA.MPS-Parchment. silk or the new Rest-o-lit Bed Lamns In a large Tariety of colors. GORDON'S HARDWARE Phqne 311 J'?pe of piaeticai ciiu- JlcBride St 1 i Northland To ' Get Supplies ' AlmlaitM 4r Ahl Ta (a 1 a- EDUOOTON. December S3 (Cs. .nsrtran After hiring been hefci ist? J2F sosae cart ao aceoent of uniavoranie liying evw jj,.. 'stzJX are again svrint mte Noetfa- west Territories potau ad it k ' r.cnr expected that all deihreries of Christ r?as provisions tad gifts will : he marie on time U ike oeanie of - the northrand FnJJy laden plane tzacec yesterday at Aktarik and j Coppermine Death Due To Heart Attack Antopsy Performed on Ted HealyJ Screen Actor Cathpiie Cfanrch Riles HOLLYWOOD, Dee. 21: High -ius marniug lor Ted Healj. reea Tjeidar An aatopqr shored thai i tiei;. s ceatn ns doe to a he; jf i attark and not. as at first supposed. :o -s. ; ones sostamed m a list fight vt-cn. cw.mmated a six -day oele-braticn of a. jon. Kealy irile is reported is a state of cofiaoee in horp;ta. after ha ring been advised A tee death of her hwband. Pop 6" Author Is Near Death E. C. Serar, Comic Strip Oririnator Critically III With Chest Condition SASTA MOKICA, December 23- E C. Sezar. author of the "Poo eye the SaOor" comic stria, is rr 5 ported close to death here with a g Ancient Castle 1 S1.40 i BRIDGE LAJIPS-Smart metal stands, complete with QQ ns modern parchment and cloth shades. From Ju ' O TC,"!?'m1?mPs- .raartJy W Complete and globe. From s Lollapses And Workmen Perish P.OiE, December 23 " Canadian Press (Nineteen Italian workers were kified yesterday whll enza- ged in connection with the rtno- nauon 01 the foondatkms of a rr.ediaeral castle which collapsed. Hockey Standings International Dirbion W D L F A A Pts iCanadiens . .'. S 6 4 4 29 1C Toronto J7 4 4 43 49 lb j Americans .7 2 6 44 23 1' Maroons . S 1 8 27 37 13 American Division Boston If 2 3 33 2 22 Rangers Z 2 5 33 24 18 Chicago 5 2 9 27 13 12 Detroit 3 1 12 25 50 7 Mlir-tRLB ITS TEE.? ACT rBOTtCTION K. h c. lV. Duptrr ii Tt Br.uH 09natta Packers J;.-td trrtT 3T QotStr uy i unaet Ser-Jco 7 t the Mid At drpceJ: wat C VSUiUctr of PitbUe Wpt a: Ott: jV3 trr'-tir- offiae of -yttejJD. wict KKfM if the- Lacd Retr7 Obtrice Fttsfce BupTt m Prtix Ruprt B. C. description of Use sbe piui of .vburca. (uorr aiSE ii reduobon pinl wc-enicted prStr v Jnr 1118 'on PwtU A. B ftod C oC toe tT5 ftaC 00 Lot eS53. Rai 5. oat DutrVi Porpota Bartxc. Port Edwtt. B-tuh CUutnbwt. AM Take Xalr tt ffr pr; on ooe mooUi from be' Ut ot tt flm pi!TJtm;ioo of tAU notice Ae ErtOifj ceiiimbla Packers T.arrt unrtrr SecUoa 7 of tfce tali Ac. PP7 to tbt UlzAjtsr of Public Wort t hi orne in tlx CMy of Cxtavt. xor sppraru of Uie aald tt and pUn tfce ooucnnted vbarra. catsxrr budd&gs asd r3ucUos pSaot. oiai jy or Dmntwr 1VJ7. BRJTISH COLCUBIA PACKERS LOOTED P- C UntVriiUl. Aieot. PROTtCTlOX K. C. 1SJJ Chaptrr II Ud bereby notice tbax they bt undr Section i nt .v- .m . I vTrxV CKUa. acd xn the otOer of H uirjicx ntfwm of the Laaa 1 Eltrr DUtrtct cf VicCccte at VJe- H lorta. b C a oxcrlptloci of U .ltc am recucuoa ptant eon Block A. Lot 1541. Ban? T CbaS unence in Kami Harm-. Pltj2ul And toke notice-ahat after tK. 75--' .ifrFE3ntIIEW Oje BrtUati . Ccu.nbt . . Packers -' - h vsaaiatiaaaauaiaap w w a Uqm a .Jf rrw m, The Dailv XT News , ... it.l - .7 . will Uader Etkn i .-T- .A is a mpmW nf ft, n n-M--'l' m . . ;." me vyduauian lJaily'r. "v- or i-uMic wort . w. ewspaper Association of the Canadian Press and of thei"- JZa Audit r?, Bureau "ulcau w of Circulations. wicuiauuns. It it, is is the me only only naner paper noftn north of Vancouver and west of Edmonton holding membership Dated this th day of Xnember 1J7 omiun lULVueiA PACKERS PIONEER .OF RING .. IS DEAD Jack KHraJn. Great HraTyareirht n tinier uay. rasses 31 e Smnfrin in t Essds fr Title QUiyCY.' Ya mr h nwrtU. Dec 3 CP Jate KilraizL old time beary- BeJciat boxer, died here natesda after a jsac Ulnesc at the a?e of pTeaij-egia azs. Be vas a yet- 02a of the old dsTt of aacfflsa When jeharapiocships xere stttMl jwb oare asu The ivnerzJ nil ttie pfete tomorrow KJbata eocated in at least 151 baU lo hit day aad the oost not able ns his bent for the title agahatt John L Saitrran in 1SS6 ir MKurrijapi This fight vent ser enty-eifht rounds before Kiiraic s Mccnds threv s the sponte Kil-rai had bw: knocked dom forty- cisht tfcnes and SoUiTan. tventy-sereD tiraes Kiiratn always said that, ff his seconds had not inter reaed. he vooid have von tfcfc ficht aad the vorld s heaTTwdsM tttte IAP TROOPS ARE 3I0VLVG FAE ATI ELL 'Cothwed from Page It ijeen transferred to another area. Concentration camps will be es- thBahed fa Japan it is reported " ttapjisonent of thifMand; w 1 iitu uu POTfrj.of a commnnte plot ye- Panay Pictares If Got' i Vjr Heaven 1 5 6 6 1 1 aTMT ova sr aw o a o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o a a o o o o o o o o o o o o c o o o o o o o o (SEATTLE IN LEADAGAIN Pacific Oxil lxsruf Hockey Eace .Continues Close lions OrerUken cf SEATTLE. Deel 23: 'CP' De-featinr Ptxiliad Bocksrooe by a score of tvo to one in a tioiiUy cqja-tested ftae here last night ttle Sea Hawks raoVed mto a tle'-sfth ysxtcoaver Lions for iesdership of jhe Pacific Opast Hockey Leapte. The rsee cootiSBes close rth bt two t-zaaes seprntt&g the trzdfcs men ae ptuxr cwtft&i The leaese saaitdtec to a: Vaaoower 1 2 5 3 28 Seattle J 5 M Zl Portiasd i I 31 JJ Spokane i 2 5 21 22 Montreal Police Cleaning Up On Hpckey Lottery MONTREAL, Dee 23 CP Minor Hockey League Title Series Plan 16 Hi 14' 12 twenir thoaand! hockey iottery urds were carted snS. of ace nrir.t- icg ptant here in a police raid. Lit ers tore on another aQeeed nev iottery proooUn scheze m taker. in a raid on a prirate hose NET YORK, December 23 'Ca- HONOLULU. wnvrvrrrrr Dec 23: Xews rJ . . . Araseiaenis 1 ... are BJOTtog pictares of the Panay krr chamnionshin nUrwxff SMr?111 t at spring. First, It U proposed -riniPadfic Dime vrirTt-r fm, .1 .j t: - . t -.., ' ' jwuia ur a series Detweer. c,, Shanghai and are due in Alamed the winners of the American Asso- ' wm elation and the Padfic Coos SSfS Cnfr1 10 thf righ?S meefSfe MERRY CHRISTMAS 4' WM The Worfd To you. oar friends and patrons in Prince Rupert and ad)otaing eentres. we wish to take this oppor-tantty aad this means cf expressing our appreciation of the patronage yoo hare gtyen us this year and to express also the hope that oar relations In the next year and the years to come will be every r11 "Jbey have been In the past. Let cs extend also the sincere .wish that yoa enjoy this year the "Merriest of Chrislmases and Happiest of New Years," I Bryant Contpany Limited 1 Phone 297 Established 1911 - 217-219 Sixth Street 75 ft ft ft ft ft A A ft a ft 1 A A GOOD GIFTS Lamps . SJeighs .Cutlery Waggons Roasters' .1 Boys' Tool Chests With Kit of tools ... Thorap Saws Rules Levels Hammers Wrencjies 3,254,00 son Hardware Co. Ltd. 255 Third Avenue. Phnn .. i i JKCQESTIOSS f Sit - 7 VULETIDE 7 Your food Utte and ju4-rnrrJ u assured when you specify B. C DutHerj Co, Produds . . . cH itorioudy ' rich a fUior tnd quxTitj. USE THE LIST BELCH? WHEN ORDERLNG "S HERRI FFS" 26 oz. 2-53 40 orl 3- il s .-Jl "SILK HAT" ff j nnoPredr vwuroi uoard or by the poTemment of priusa yv